Piscina ago

Yunnus is so dirty. Micro-credit loans hurt the very people they're meant to help. When borrowers can't repay the loan, the loan sharks working for Yunnus eg Abdus Sattar, 'suggest' to borrowers to sell their organs to pay off the loan. Abdus then takes a large cut and borrowers are left with no kidney and no loan paid off.

RweSure ago

You might want to familiarize yourself with the players in this drama.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheikh_Hasina#Controversies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Yunus

Yunus's supporters claim that his troubles began after he floated the idea of entering politics.

Bangladesh is one of the most corrupt countries on Earth, they were 5 time World Champions of Corruption in fact.

From 2001 until 2005, Bangladesh was ranked the most corrupt country in the world by Transparency International according to Corruption Perceptions Index

So I would keep that in mind as you consider taking the ruling family's word at face value.

Godwillwin ago

Yeh. I thought of that. I don't trust any governments, but at the same time the dealings between CGI, the state Dept, and Yunus are shady as all hell

Freemasonsrus ago

Two months before he was beheaded on camera Daniel Pearl exposed the microcredit fraud, Yunus and Grameen in an article in the WSJ. He was then lured to his death by one of the men rumored to have been on the payroll of the 9/11 co-conspirators. Coincidence? Maybe. Convenient for sure. Grameen is simply a money laundering operation. If auditors ever went in they would see what a racket it all is. Barely anyone can repay those micro loans. Most people take out new micro loans to pay off pre-existing micro loans. Eventually resorting to selling their kids, themselves into slavery/sex trafficking or selling organs to attempt to pay down the debt. Very disgusting world we live in.

2impendingdoom ago

Thank you

Freemasonsrus ago

Glad to help!

RweSure ago

Based on what?

carmencita ago

If this has legs it could be a huge thorn in her side. The Deep State is working hard to discredit and dump a lot of Trump's appointments so that the underground investigations do not take place. It is a bump in the road. Eventually the pieces to the puzzle will start coming together. We just have to find that one big clue that does not go dead. This could be it. Sometimes certain clues will fit with others. There are so many tentacles to this, remember the drawing of the OCTOPUS? We just have to tie some of those people in the picture together and with the Clintons.


Trump is part of the show. Trust me. I've been doing this a while. Nobody even becomes a senator or house rep without an Illuminati stamp of approval, let alone president. This is going to require all of us working together, not a multi billionaire from the institution that is perverted.

fogdryer ago

Trump does admit the Rothchilds bailed him out. He repaid the debt before time due They would like him to continue business with them ----obv ---- but he ain't interested

DonKeyhote ago

Explain yourself. I have arrived at the same conclusion re trump but through examining evidence objectively


I have no proofs.

blumeanie ago

Trump is part of the show. Trust me.

Absolutely this.

carmencita ago

Ugh, I hope you are wrong, but something tells me you are not. How will we accomplish this with him in power?


At some point we are going to have a revolution of thought. It will snowball as more and more people read about these things on the internet. Hell, 40% of people think 9/11 was covered up by our government, and 10% of people know our government (in conjunction with Israel) perpetrated 9/11. At some point, everyone will know our government is a joke. This is independent of the specific actors in our government. There is nothing stopping us from escaping from this hell, except for ourselves.

The halls of power are painted with the blood of our children. It is only a matter of time until we have an explosive revolt against this bullshit. It happened in Korea last year, and they didn't even need guns. We are the most heavily armed population on Earth, but we are also the Capital for this international syndicate. It is poetic that this purge will start at the heart of their operations.

Overnight, in Germany, in about 5 years (1928-1933) , the people went from being completely owned by a Satanic power, to owning their own fate. They expelled these motherfuckers from their country. We live in WeiMarica (like the Weimar Republic). Our culture is a cesspool of moral decay. We live among the "tribe of Lot," as a Muslim scholar would say.

To answer, your question. I think that the revolution is occurring as we speak. On small chat forums, in treehouses, high school classrooms, and gang cribs. America knows. The knowledge spreads like a virus. That's what National Socialism was in Germany in the 1930's. It was an understanding of how the world works.

You and I are lucky enough to live at the time when another wave of this "virus", this knowledge, will sweep over the world.




Here you go:


3141592653 ago

"The halls of power are painted with the blood of our children."

Beautiful writing and a chilling metaphor



coreylkh ago

Just curious...don't you think that the revolution may be because of Trump, not in spite of him? He's guiding the citizens to uncover the truth. Yes, I am a Trump supporter but only because I saw the writing on the wall if Hillary became President. She's the very definition of the Deep State and if you recall, Obama said that his legacy was at stake if she wasn't elected. Trump is the exact opposite of Clinton, he nor his family are taking any taxpayer money as salary, he's lowering the tax rate, increasing deductions, scrapping the Alternative Minimum Tax, etc. Could you see Hillary doing this? No. I believe he's revolting against the Illuminati influence which is why the Deep State is in such disarray. This was the biggest upset in the 70 years of the NWO.


Both Trump and Hillary are the deepstate. There is no "upset" of the NWO. They own every single senator, congressman, and governor. I think that they are "letting our country go away from their control" so that they can crush it, just like they did to the Nazi's. That's the only reason there is the allowance of discussion about these things.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Excellent find. This is most definitely the money trail FBIAnon is talking about.

There are so many agencies and companies and business' to keep up with it is no wonder they get away with this daily. And is so easy to see how the government is out of control. Trump can't oversee this many people in so many places. And regulating bodies seemed to be set up by these crooks.

It's going to be one great big infuriating mess to clean up when this house of cards falls down.

fogdryer ago

I don't have hope

They won't let the guilty fall, only a few

Godwillwin ago

If it ever falls :(

They are dismantling Fox News. They are faking Chem attacks. we aren't getting a wall, we still have Obamacare and Antifa. We have more and more sanctuary cities. Soon there will be Muslim no go zones and more terrorist attacks. Meanwhile Hillary continues to walk free while media matters cries Russia Russia Russia. I don't know if it's possible to dismantle the one world order. Too many in power are paid to be compliant or are one world order globslists themselves

Makes me wonder if Kim Jon Un or however you spell his name is just an act. He could be one world order and they have him purposefully causing all this trouble to create war, divert pizzagate, and later blame ww3 on trump

3141592653 ago

I would agree that Kim Jong In is an act. Don't get me wrong, I think he is evil,but I think north Korea's supposed threat to the US is just part of their War Theatre bullshit

Godwillwin ago

Exactly He's one of them

Forgetmenot ago

It's too soon to give up yet. I agree hold them accountable to their committments. It is our complacency that lets corruption fester and grow. Nothing will divert pizzagate. They are trying so hard and this movement keeps growing, so many people know, a lot of us are a silent majority. If the government does not start taking action there are good people who have already started taking action and doing the job of law enforcement. It is already happening they cannot keep a lid on it.

rooting4redpillers ago

Sadly sighing, I gave you an UPVOAT. We're in a world of trouble. All-the-more reason to keep up the work, and encourage others. Or, maybe this is all for nothing. Enthusiasm is a wonderful thing, but so is keeping it real.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Have you read 1984? I think to keep us in this state of self obsessed consumerist sheep they purposefully always have a common enemy. A reason to live in constant fear and worry. Pump in some daily negativity from the MSM and we are all vibrating low, tiresome energy. I believe we know so little about the world and that is because we are being purposefully surpressed.

BUT .. the light has to get out. Can you not feel it? The vibrations .. good breaking through?

Do not fear. The taunting us is only a sign or their weakness. Pizzagate isn't like any previous "conspiracy theory" we will not stop, this will not slow down - only snowball.

When losing hope, never forget ..

fogdryer ago

Shit I'm ready for vilgilanty justice like in the movies , karma moves too slowly for me !

Godwillwin ago

I read 1984 in 8th grade. It's like we were being warned. When Wikileaks leaked about spying from TVs, I was blown away. I actually laughed because some friends of mine and distant relatives called me nuts a few months prior to the leak when I told them the CIA owned the media and that 1984 is turning nonfiction

One even told me that I was just repeating a catch phrase and insisted I hadn't really read the book. That really made me mad. I was in the gifted in talented program at my school and we wrote papers on 1984, animal farm, watership down, waiting for Godot, a brave new world etc etc etc. I wasn't fond of most of those books, but now I understand why my great teacher insisted we read them. She was one of a kind!

We weren't reading about wizards and vampires, like the youth of today.

though we did read all the Shakespeare plays - at the time I enjoyed abd focused on the romance and friendships weaved through Shakespeare's plays. but now that I'm grown, I realize there were a lot of dominant political storylines in them too

Forgetmenot ago

Yes you are so right. Ugh homeschooled were the weirdos everything is upside down!

2impendingdoom ago


Godwillwin ago

Some days I'm hopeful. Some days I'm not. I wish Americans were more like South Koreans. That was a beautiful protest

garouwarrior ago

South Koreans are a very homogenous society, which makes it easier much easier for the average person to rally around common causes.

The US, on the other hand, is the exact opposite. So much diversity in races, religions, nationalities, religions, etc.

You have almost have to wonder if this one of the main reasons why there are so many accolades and praise for the virtues of "diversity" by the media and the elite.

As a liberal leftist, that really does pain to say that :(

Godwillwin ago

Divide and conquer is a sal alinsky tactic That's definitely why They take it up a notch further than diversity though. They fan the flames by convincing creating groups like antifa, blue share, media matters, black lives matter, correct the record etc

2impendingdoom ago

South Koreans have their own problems, and its very competitive and homogenous there, but they believed that the Sewel Ferry incident was an intentional sacrifice of all those children, so hence the huge protests. There had been a few other incidents in the recent past SK where students were killed, including one where a roof had collapsed, so it does all add up suspiciously.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Religious Beliefs In South Korea

Religious Beliefs In USA

Religious Beliefs In UK

The USA and UK figures all seem to be around 6 years old. I hope there are a lot more enlightened people since then hehe.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Yes me too. Logging into here and seeing the constant effort and energy from so many people .. it gives me so much hope.

Yes they showed us how it is to be done!

The revolution must be peaceful. I believe this will be a long drawn out process.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

President Trump said yesterday WE ARE GETTING the WALL!

fogdryer ago

I don't care about the wall Actually it is a waste in every way

I just want enforced immigration

3141592653 ago

I have to be honest and say I am NOT a fan of the wall idea. I think its a ridiculous supposed plan/solution. Great way to create more enemies and hatred and division. The wall won't help anything when our own alphabet agencies seem to be complicit or even key players in human trafficking. And drug and weapon trafficking

carmencita ago

Don't worry, somehow Hillary will try to crawl over it.

rooting4redpillers ago

or slither under it.

Godwillwin ago

If he can't get it passed now, I'm afraid it won't pass in August