yabbadoody ago

here's the post link, if anyone is interested. Seems like a reasonable line of inquiry with some solid questions and data. Perhaps it merely needs an update, or some encouragement. Took all of 5 seconds to find it.


Le_Squish ago

It was deleted by user.

Are you concern trolling, shilling or just generally ignorant about how moderation logs work?

pizza4trump ago

New policy this week, they have a list of shills who can post, everybody else get's deleted.

Their old system of having the shills flag OP's to delete seemed to not be working.

They (MODS) are working overt-time to kill /v/pizzagate. Note voat is also working with the pedo-assholes, proof of this is they ban new users, and the mods delete posts of existing users, thus just a small amount of time and this sub will be a ghost-town.

Le-Squish is a PAID voat insider that means he(it) works for Thiel, that means he is a vampire's assistant. Think deeply about the creatures on this site.

Le_Squish ago

Post was deleted by user.

Post proof of mod wrong doing. Or keep posting bullshit and keep earning your blood money paychecks.

Pizzagate709 ago

https://sli.mg/KS3Kht blatant proof of shills telling mods what to do. this post was deleted too btw.

Le_Squish ago

There is no way to know if that screen shot is or isn't doctored. You could post link to the thread....shill aid man.

Pizzagate709 ago

The thread was deleted. I can tell you it is NOT doctored.

Le_Squish ago

Deleted threads don't disappear. Link or remain forever silent on the issue.

Pizzagate709 ago

I dont know what thread it was in, and regardless the comment was deleted when they found out they fucked up. If its not true, why was my post about it deleted? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1516159

yabbadoody ago

b/c witless clueless moderators who don't understand what they're doing?

Complicity? coverup?

Mods are in rare form today. I'm totes undecided at present, but they're acting as if complicit. And I'm REASONABLY sure one may be following me around on FB, had to ban someone there on something extremely pizzagate-basic today. Not saying I was hacked, but lurking, def - in fact, I had several FB posts yesterday that were ACTIVELY interfered with... I powered through the BS until they let them stand, including core dumps and shite. My firewall is a lot better now.

Mods: if you're lurking against us elsewhere and bringing that venom here, please go [fill in the blank] yourself. I have evidence to suggest as much. If I catch you, I will out you right here. Promise, so either go get your daddy or get lost. Capish?