Progressivelymean ago

Many of our politicians that come up fast from nowhere with little political background and are quickly elevated (Obama anyone?) are CIA kids. Btw his mom was Indonesian CIA asset and his dad is likely an agent.

Progressivelymean ago

Newport News is like 10 minute drive from Williamsburg. I once lived there when we were stationed at Ft Eustis. This all near the naval shipyard, and Norfolk Navy base as well as Langley Afb (not to be confused with CIA Langley).

peanutz ago

ten minutes is a bit of a stretch. I'd say more like 20-25 minutes

pizzagater99 ago

"The Farm" probably refers to a baby farm, not an actual livestock farm

Laskar ago

Thanks for re-posting this.

new4now ago

YingYangMom's post made me think of the list of Alefantis's addresses, past and present.

From July to August in "96", It has it he lived at 1117 Randolph Rd, McLean VA 22101.

Also in March of "98", He lived at 749 Chainbridge Rd in McLean.

The map tells me it's very close to the CIA.

What's really strange, is that he kept P.O. Box 7703, McLean VA 22106 from August "96" through October 2002.

The zip code for McLean is 22101, his P.O.Box is 22106. A zip code within a zip code. Boxes at this zip are business not individual.

Had to laugh, when I looked at second address.

April "97", 145 E 48th St #29F NY 10017

looked up CIA in NY and I saw CIA, Culinary Institute of America. The address not far from Institute.

This is the work of someone else finding the link

YingYangMom ago

What do you mean my post? You mean the archive link I posted as a comment in this thread? Or are you referring to an old post? I never posted anything on CIA and Alefantis... just so we're clear.

new4now ago

The archive link, didn't realize I needed to articulate that, my apologizes, Was reading through comments and it reminded me of the link I had. Don't think we would ever know if Alefantis is CIA, but he lived down there. No reasons to jump and yes, I'm very clear how you stand

Altmight ago

Vindicator is a POS always deleting important stuff. Covering for pedos, podesta and jews. Who choses the moderators John Podesta? Its weird.

TheHolyMoly ago

OK Adam Weishaupt founded your country.

TheHolyMoly ago

Yeah perverts founded your country.

TheHolyMoly ago

Yeah well, he can be controlled remotely. Just like we controlled celine haggard on reddit.

TheHolyMoly ago

It was part of the RFID agenda.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

And this is why Trump is SOOO hated - with all of their spying, they were unable to find anything to blackmail him with.

GeorgeT ago

Trump is into 6ft Amazons - Deep State must hate his guts!

TheHolyMoly ago

Oh please. Why do you think Paul Joseph Watson was making Ice Cream jokes about Trump?

TheHolyMoly ago

She's the daughter of MI5 agents though.

TheHolyMoly ago

Like Madeleine McCann you mean? Or Amanda Kleinman... Or even James Alefantis ;)

TheHolyMoly ago

@rwb I can tell you why he backed out of pizza gate. So that the masonic judges and court would screw over his wife and give him full custody of the kids.

TheHolyMoly ago

Yes I have and NSA. They are perverts.

palmitespo910 ago

I understand they broke it up when one of the graduates nailed a (CIA) Deputy Director’s son at a summer camp.

Oh my goodness, I can't believe they would even shut it down for that. Why isn't the DD's son good enough to get nailed?

carlinco ago

If even 1% of that is true, it's really sad that people work there who'd think nothing of organising such things, and would only think about the consequences when it hits themselves...

we_kill_creativity ago

You should read anything by James Elroy, but in particular you should read American Tabloid. Here's a link to a show James Corbet did about it:

It's not about pedophilia, but is about the disgusting underbelly of the CIA/FBI/etc. The book really addresses your comment better than anything else I've read.

Vindicator ago

There were two moderators removed for censorship by either Crensch or Kevdude the week I became a mod. Can't remember their names, though.

YingYangMom ago

I don't see @l4l1lul3l0, what happened? They got kicked out too?

Vindicator ago

No, 4|1 left because he wanted to focus on research involving Asia. He has a standing offer to rejoin the mod team at any time. :-)

YingYangMom ago


Vindicator ago

Numbchuck was an actual sleeper shill who suddenly went rogue and started deleting posts that were on target. He was not one of the two I was thinking of.

YingYangMom ago

Ok, thanks for the reply.

Vindicator ago

Highly unlikely. It was a well-sourced post that satisfied the submission guidelines. If we were removing such posts, we would be demodded for censorship by the folks who run v/ProtectVoat in a heartbeat.


See old submission and comments re: Review of 'The Farm' at, CIA HQ's .... 'Pedophile Farm'

Review of 'The Farm' at, CIA HQ's .... 'Pedophile Farm' - Has Been Deleted.


rwb ago

I've elaborated on my conjecture before. Will post links momentarily.

Can't put my hands on it at this moment and I cannot recapitulate in short right now. Sleep calls.

TheHolyMoly ago

I appreciate the eloquence with which you speak.

2impendingdoom ago

The comments on the original post also deserve visibility for their contributions also.

rwb ago

Apparently you're out of the loop. V____Z is head of the anti-Jones group at Voat, and I am in charge of setting the record straight. While it shouldn't be necessary, due to previous entanglements, I am forced to point out just how prolific Alex Jones is with respect to shining light on the worst things going on in our world and in our Governments whenever the occasion presents itself. When someone is cited as an important voice for truth or justice (Edmonds, De Camp, Gunderson, Passio, Marrs, Marrs, Shaefer, Tucker, Wakefield, McKinny, etc. ad nauseum) I am obligated to point out Jones was there long before any of us.

awakenaware ago

Infowars is TimeWarner and works for them.. and TimeWarner is a CIA company. AJ is Hicks.. no mistaking it. Hes a character. An actor but also human. He doesnt like a lot of stuff going on.. his hands are tied. He has to do what hes told and work within certain conditions of contract. He was created right at the beginning of the new post 911 truth movement.. to spearhead the movement right at the beginning.. And hes played his role very well.. For example.. how many of my normal friends say "oh.. you believe 911 was a covert cia operation or something.. like that raving loon Alex Jones.. haha , your just another crazy ranting conspiracy loon.." etc thats what he has created this social meme that is useful to the Tavistock Institute's management of the publics perception. If you observe him closely as i have over the years youll see he camps it up.. he exaggerates his character and rants on purpose.. because its all part of the act.. the persona he was asked to play.. yes it is that organised.. yes the cia seeks to control all social movements by putting its agents right in the limelight.. Its taken me a long time to fully accept that he is a fake.. a character.. but its just become obvious to me in the last several months.. Too much evidence now, his teeth match, his employees work for timewarner, has the same friends as Hicks did, same manager, same habits, has been caught out of character sounding like Hicks, his friends have been caught "joking" that he is Hicks numerous times on camera and in print. The evidence is clear for anyone who takes enough time to look, just like with PG, once you've seen enough pieces of the puzzle it will be obvious.. AJ is Hicks and is an agent of the deep state.

MileHiLife ago

And...AJ NEVER talks about the true Deep State "elephants in the room"...jew know what I mean?

awakenaware ago

teehee yep

rwb ago

The internet is a double edged sword. On one hand, it has opened up the world to information and truths that would remain hidden from the masses otherwise. On the other hand, it has spawned evils and deception of every kind, and of particular relevance to the topic at hand, it has put tools of video editing into the hands of people with too much time and not enough common sense or introspection.

I have to confess, I didn't make it to the end of your video. I did however last to the 5 minute mark, at which point I could have recited the contents of the remaining twelve. You see, I've seen perhaps thirty or more such videos just like it that purportedly prove this or that about Alex Jones. On a point by point basis, the analysis is at times so ill conceived and unsupported by hard evidence, it should only convince the very foolish. Mind you, there are a lot of you out there, but thankfully you're not all that relevant to world events.

From an objective viewpoint (not that you're going to be able to wear this hat) when you put yourself in front of a microphone and camera three hours a day for twenty-two years, you create an incredible body of work, not just for the benefit of those you wish to help, but also for your enemies to selectively edit from and manipulate, in order to tell a completely different story, one born in pure deception.

I am just one person who has made it a bit of a mission to defend Jones's incredible legacy of reporting on child sex crimes, which in my estimation excels all of his other work. But I have limits on how much time I can commit to dismantling the presentations of Jones's adversaries every time I spy them. Having said that, you should know that my efforts are still ongoing on yet other fronts. I am waiting for a response from a Voat member who contributed a particularly egregious whole cloth fabrication of evidence about Jones, of which I dismantled with the precision of a Swiss watch maker, and this is day twelve without him logging into Voat so that I can know he read my last post and thus allow him the opportunity to respond before I resume.

Jones bashers are very fond of producing videos, so I'll produce one of my choosing for the mindless hell of it. It's Jones, the actor, pretending he cares about children being destroyed by autism from being administered with outrageous early un-staggered vaccine schedules including the notorious MMR, and partial birth abortion. At ten minutes, it's long for the modern attention span, which now rests at around 8 seconds or about the same as a goldfish. For those inclined to actually apply their best faculties into interpreting what another person is really thinking, there's only two possible conclusions one can arrive at.

I've watched this video frame by frame. If this is an act, the Academy should cancel the category of Best Actor in a Leading Role and name Jones winner in perpetuity or at least until the Good Lord eventually closes the show.

awakenaware ago

Also im not saying hes a total liar or spook.. im saying hes controlled and yes I do believe he is Hicks 100%.. I do believe he hates child porn and trafficking and does do his best to inform the public within his contractual obligations.. its not all black and white, this or that.. he has a heart.. i feel that and i know that. I could even say hes a good man in many ways. But his hands are tied and I do feel he was put in place as controlled opposition. I stick to that until proven otherwise. All my opinions are a work in progress. I am certain he is Hicks.. but that doesn't mean he is.. im curious about all your refutations.. but he does have the same friends as Hicks yes? How did Hicks die so young exactly? I dont think you can prove 100% your right any more than I can prove 100% that I am.. and I dont have to. I agree with you about his large body of work.. but honestly.. i know actors and hes an actor.. a persona.. and he gets really worked up and he cries and really feels it.. thats what actors do, they really feel it and mean it.. and I do feel he is a good guy.. hes not a pedo.. hes not a bad person... but that doesnt mean hes working for us.. Ive watched him for years also.. they way he behaves.. yes he had some hard times with vaccines etc.. me too.. Ive lived my whole life recovering from vaccine damage, mercury damage.. Anyway I reserve my right to hold onto this current set of beliefs about AJ/Hicks.. and I respect you and your opinions totally. Im not one of these nutters who wastes time trying to prove this or that to those who think otherwise. I just present my thoughts, info, intuitions and knowledge when I have it. Cheers!

awakenaware ago

And I leave you with this thought from Terrance McKenna.. "People will believe what they want to believe." so im asking how important is it to you to need to believe that Jones is 100% non spook working for us and put himself there and isnt been used by the elites to make us look like loons. How does he get TV spots.. why are some of his staff holding TimeWarner IDs? Most of my heros of old have turned out to be not what I thought they were... and thats ok with me. I accept that.

rwb ago

Loons? Really? If everyone behaved the way Jones behaved when they saw injustice, the demons would already be vanquished. Jones is the Godfather of the truth movement. Everyone remotely involved in bringing truth to the masses about how the world really works owes Jones a debt of gratitude for paving the way. And to be really blunt, I could care less if Jones was Hicks, because if so, it's obvious he had a spiritual conversion at the same time as any physical one. This conversion continues to this day.

It's vitally important to me that anyone claiming Jones hasn't had his hands all over the effort to reveal the apocalypse of child sex trafficking and slavery is set straight. No one has ever remotely uttered the grotesque truths that he has bullhorned on terrestrial radio. Jones record in this very specific regard is f****** astonishing.

If the PTB do indeed have him working to reveal their demonic activity, it's the most catastrophic error they've ever made.

awakenaware ago

I look at it this way.. CIA has 10,000s of employees or operatives worldwide.. many are journalists, scientists, politicians, etc etc.. and some are certainly high profile truthers.. They seek to control both sides of any situation, and also to manipulate social structures, breakup movements and control all kinds of anti-govt groups etc.. Their modus operandi is to spearhead movements and infiltrate.. their agents dont hide in the background, they are in the limelight, the ones that are promoted, larger than life.. and in order tio do that they have to be convincing, so of course they would have to wake up many people in the process.. You could also say that 911 was a spectacular back fire of a plan to create more control and usher in new laws like the patriot act etc.. its debatable whether or not 911 sparked a rising up and awakening of people .. As far as Jones goes I would say that those people that were waking up were always going to wake up one way or another.. from the CIAs standpoint it is better to have people waking up under one of their agents voice than the voice of someone they don't control. The way I see it, they did this because they could see the potential for a mass awakening via the emergence of the internet, and were concerned that citizens waking up would start to gradually wake up more and more people until it caused a wave, a exponential curve or awareness.. so they wanted to control that by creating a separation between these people waking up and those still asleep.. they wished to create a division.. and that is where i feel agents like Alex come into the picture.. they spearhead a movement.. create a personality that is loud and brash.. no probelm for thiose of us who are already waking up, but for those still asleep looks pretty crazy.. and so then he becomes the face of the Truther movement.. And a void is created between us.. we end up with an us verses them mentality.. And you see where we are today compared to say 15 years ago.. Alex Jones is the mainstream medias favorite conspiracy ranter to display and show as an example of an unstable and fanatical "truther".. and now anyone who questions consensus reality, 911, false flags etc are immediately labeled and put int he Alex Jones camp.. So instead of a huge awakening sweeping the nation, we have a containment and management and separation of us vs them social conditioning. Thats how it is in a nutshell. The CIA even admits to doing these things.. we have leaked documents and even movies made about their tactics for manipulation of society and groups. In fact I would say the CIA are more active in the USA than in any other country, and they are very active in practically every country on the planet. I have some first hand experience with their techniques, how they control media, executive committees of media networks, government ministries, chief editors of newpapers, university curriculums, institutes and think tanks and so on. They infiltrated the 1960s peace movements and killed off anyone who was a threat.. same goes for the truth movement now. Ive observed the goings on on this planet very carefully for 47 years.. how the cia was formed in 1947.. which was just the latest name for a much older control structure.. The real heros do not thrive in that environment.. Do you think Joe Rogan one of his good buddies is also a good guy working for us? And Jessie Ventura, and all the other hollywood TimeWarner "Truthers" in the limelight.. Do you really think they have the freedom to do and say what they want? Do you think they ever did? What I have seen of the CIA they plan and recruit and nothing happens by mistake.. they meet with someone they think could be useful and then they offer them a job, a career, a position, and dont really give that person much choice to say no.. but they prefer those that agree willingly, because they are the easiest to control. This guy gives a good summary of what happens when you get recruited by the cia and how they seek to control everything.. PS:im not saying this is how it is 100%.. im just giving my kind of big picture view of things.. i dont expect anyone to believe me, this is my testimony of life experience. Thats all.

rwb ago

Wow, you made a concession based on what I said and then doubled down an hour later? So be it. If inclined, I could dismantle every last point of yours until you couldn't figure out which way was up, but for the sake of economy, I'll restrict myself to a few key points.

Contradiction. Look up the meaning of the word. Your entire thesis is one steaming contradiction. Distilled to its essence, your thesis is the world would be more awake and would have a stronger truth movement today if Alex Jones was an electrician, and this just preposterous. Further, from purely objective viewpoint, one would have to ask the question, if Jones was legitimate, meaning he operates under his own free will and indeed wants to thwart the PTB, what is the likelihood that the CIA would then do everything they could to co-opt and dilute his message any way they could say by manufacturing information that would lead people to believe he's actually playing for the other side? Well, likelihood is the wrong word because it's a certainty. Not only is it a certainty, there would be no way for you to distinguish which scenario is the truth.

Too many people play fast and loose with conspiratorial terms that came right out of Langely. Controlled opposition can exist, and it also can be feigned to exist to help affect a desired outcome, i.e., help reduce his popularity and influence over the masses.

I say the CIA has done a fabulous job of convincing some people that Jones is playing for them. They're playing one whole level above you brother.

awakenaware ago

I think you missed my point.. There was an awakening happening.. It didn't have to become a truth movement.. It could have just been a movement of awareness in the general population, a shift that swept through the public, instead we now have a truth movement which is separate and distinct from the norm.. And the norm has now been manipulated and characterized by the media as been rational and true and anyone who speaks differently as fringe conspiracy.. Or as the new buzzword is conspiratards and so on. See you already see things as this and that.. Left and right.. Them and us.. That's the idea.. Divide and water down.. Separate out into distinct groups instead of allowing some truth to become common knowledge it is manipulated into a fringe group on the outskirts of society. That's what the Jones effect is. And no you can't dismantle every last point of mine.. And prove something 100%. Like you almost said.. There's no easy way for you or me or anyone to prove our take on things 100%.. Only arrogance thinks it can do that in the real world. I don't care if you think otherwise.. Good for you.. Variety is the spice of life.. You can try your darndest to tell me how to think but it won't work of course, because im not you.. We all have our own unique perspective based on experience and logic and intuition and so on.. Everything I share is a work in progress.. There are no sacred cows in my world.. It's all up for grabs.. If you love Jones great.. There are far worse people out there.. Depending on how you look at things anyway.. AJ has shown his obvious acting and playing a character from my perspective.. As I've explained before.. I'm not the only one who has noticed this by a long shot.. I'm not a total cynic either.. I've given him his fair dues.. As I've said before none of this is black and white.. I don't think he's a bad person per se.. But I call out what I see and I give my opinion on here just like everyone else.. Believe whatever you like.. And call me whatever you like.. I'll still continue to be me and say what I say.. I'll be me and you be you and don't expect me to think like you..expectations always lead to disappointment. Your very welcome :)

rwb ago

A mere movement of awareness isn't going to cut it. The rulers of today are wicked beyond elucidation and are now armed with unlimited resources of money, technology, and power, and a movement of awareness will wilt in the heat of a thousand blazing suns of nuclear war initiated by those holed up in impenetrable bunkers. But as you say, we're not going to agree on everything. Curiously, we can agree to disengage on a more harmonious note regarding that need for variety.

awakenaware ago

Ok thanks I read the link.. Yes fair enough.. I feel like we put people down too much and point the finger and probably spend way too much energy arguing and debating and taking sides and that kind of duality just feeds this whole matrix reality.. So yeah I'm gona do my best to focus more on solutions and taking out frustrations on those that truly deserve it like Podesta, Hillary and the million other psycopaths out there.

awakenaware ago

Fair enough :)

YingYangMom ago

Awesome argument. I agree.

angry_mob ago

what about Jones working for Stratfor?

rwb ago

The evidence I've seen cited is that he may have hired a former Stratfor employee. In Jones's world, it would be an asset to hire someone who may have inside information into the workings of an entity like Stratfor. If I work for company X, and have information that is useful to company Y, and leave, there is a good chance company Y will want to hire me.

Jones's business is countering the NWO, deep state, etc. Considering Stratfor's wheelhouse, if he had a chance to hire someone who used to work there, wouldn't it make sense to hire them? The problem with Jones's critics is they have no ability to evaluate facts objectively. Their prejudices destroy their critical reasoning.

Beyond this, I have never seen a shred of credible evidence that Jones works for Stratfor. If you have any, produce it, and I'd be glad to render an opinion. If you can't produce it, this should tell you something.

angry_mob ago

i wasn't referring to him hiring anyone. it was about jones himself. and by the way, i know what he talks about, i've watched him numerous times. i found a document that stated that he indeed did work for Stratfor for some time. i cannot produce the link because it was about 7 or 8 months ago and i did not bookmark it. me thinks you protest too much - are you on jones' payroll?? i do not dislike jones per se, but i have come to question his actions - didn't he renig on his position regarding pizza/pedogate? i'm just asking.

rwb ago

Do you have any idea how easy it is for someone, anyone to fake a document and post it on the web?

Brother, you have no idea how much I've protested, and it's surely not because I'm on Jones's payroll. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Jones couldn't afford to pay me what I'm worth. I do it because for all his faults, Jones is a ferocious defender of children, and it's a sin to say something that is completely opposite to this truth. And you've proved my point beyond expectations. Everyone who claims Jones works for Stratfor conveniently refers to some nebulous document that no one can actually pinpoint. Look, I'm not saying you didn't see it, I'm saying it was almost certainly a forgery, and if you were really interested in knowing the truth, you'd have it bookmarked, and would have made some small effort to corroborate the claim instead of taking it as gospel because it's "on the net."

angry_mob ago

whatever, man. why are you so invested in some guy that you don't even know? i've witnessed some things that make me question alex. so basically i am on the fence about the guy. and for the record - i'm not a "Brother." i am a female.

rwb ago

Sister, you have no idea how much I've protested.

I'm invested because Jones has actually saved lives.

You can't be on the fence. He's saved lives through countless hours of broadcast time dedicated to telling parents to stop complying with outrageous vaccine schedules which are permanently brutalizing the cognitive function of children, and you need to rally behind him so he can continue to tell others. There is no other media platform as large as Infowars that will remotely go on record the way they do day in and day out to warn parents about vaccines, fluoridated water, GMO's, and yes, even satanic pedophilia. My love of humanity and desire for justice will not allow me to stop defending Jones. I know my efforts are negligible in grand scheme of things, but sometimes you have to do the right thing even when it might not make much difference. And who knows, maybe some day someone's going to read one of my posts and finally get it, and respond with something like you know what, you're right.

angry_mob ago

who the fuck do you think you are telling me what i need to be doing??? get lost!

rwb ago

Should I take that as a no?

angry_mob ago

honestly, my gut reaction to jones is just negative. he acts like a fool on cocaine. he definitely reminds me of being back in the 1980's & having some dude yammering on and on and on and constantly interrupting me - simply because he was jacked on cocaine! jones makes me uncomfortable, & i'm all about so called conspiracy info, i just don't normally like to get my info from him cause he's obviously on something.

rwb ago

It seems your bound and determined to have the last word. I just might relinquish and let you have it at some point, but certainly not on that absolutely outrageous and baseless claim. What you've expressed is an opinion without a shred of evidence other than the fact that Jones can be extremely animated at times. Did you know that people high on cocaine have a very hard time not touching their nose and sniffing? Jones exhibits this behavior precisely never.

angry_mob ago

oh my god!!! have ever actually seen the guy???? YES, absolutely, he acts like he is on drugs and has diarrhea of the mouth - talks over people and will not let them make their point, screams into the camera, sweaty upper lip. jesus man, get a clue. he's a joke, sorry he just is. you can't take a guy like that seriously.

angry_mob ago

& he AIN"T BILL HICKS!!!!! who is he then? um yeah, he's alex jones, that's who the fuck he is you goddamn nut job.

rwb ago

You seem angry. And you have the moniker angry_mob. I'm no Sigmond Freud, but based on this I'd swear you're going to reply again with something even more irrational.

angry_mob ago

angry?? ever watched a video of ALEX JONES???? now that's angry. fucking tool.

rwb ago

Context is everything. Jones is angry that the CDC and the AMA covered up data that shows the correlation between heavy vaccine schedules and skyrocketing autism rates. Jones is angry that the water supply is still fluoridated over vast swaths of the country when it has been shown to reduce I.Q. rates. Jones is angry that scientists are monkeying around with our genetic code through genetic engineering like modern day Dr. Frankenstein's with nary a whit of concern for the havoc it's going to wreak. Jones is angry that the FDA will SWAT team an organic non-pasteurized milk CO-OP but continues to let the pharmaceutical industry medicate and zombify half the population with a host of psychotropic drugs like SSRI's. Jones is angry that the big media conglomerates continue to push degenerate TV programming that targets our youth through hyper-sexualization and mind numbing behavior. Jones is angry that the shadow government will not acknowledge the massive chemtrailing program (under the auspices of climate engineering) when same is slowly killing everyone through increased mortality rates over time from inhalation of nano-particle aluminium, barium, and strontium. Jones is angry that the deep state/military industrial complex wants to start a war with Russia and/or China to rapidly depopulate the planet while billionaires and their lackies hunker down in underground bunkers. And among a hundred other things that Jones is angry about, he's most angry that there is a cabal of demonic elite brutalizing our children at will, as if they were veritable rulers of the underworld.

And let's see, you're angry with him because he's angry about that. You my dear, have your priorities all wrong.

angry_mob ago

once again - i don't know what you're talking about. if jones is so concerned about demonic elite brutalizing our children, why did he retract his statement about Pizzagate? i know most of what Jones stands for, as i mentioned, i have seen his show & used to watch him fairly regularly. there are things about him that i question & i believe it is possible that he is controlled opposition. you are dictating to me to believe in jones carte blanch, but my instincts are telling me not to, so i'm gonna go with my instincts. plus i just can't stand how he steamrollers over his speaking guests, and yes he does come off as someone on drugs.

rwb ago

I'm incredulous as to whether you have ever watched Jones with any real regularity, because if you did, you would know that no other media personality has done more over their lifetime to broadcast the message that the rulers of this world enjoy inflicting incredible suffering on children. Jones's work in this area is unprecedented, and unrivaled. I've written extensively at Voat about this and everything else you allude to, including how and why Jones was forced to retract with respect to Alefantis. Go read my comment history if you're truly interested in learning why Jones retracted on Alefantis. Why Jones has even gone after Podesta at least half a dozen times since the retraction, but none of his attackers want to acknowledge this. Nonetheless, I'm a sporting fellow, so I'll concede that Jones does often interrupt his guests, and it annoys me too. No one's perfect. Well, except for maybe you.

angry_mob ago

yeah thx

Charlie_Prime ago

False. Jones was popular way before 9/11. I listened to him on the radio in Austin in 1997.

You are now outed as a Liar.

awakenaware ago

im outed as a liar because he was active before 911? He rose to fame on the world stage after 911 when he started making his 911 films.. thats when he popped up on my radar.. You dont have to jump to conclusions.. im just one guy.. im entitled to my opinions.. and i stick to them.. and if im proven wrong them thats fine too.. I was a jones promoter.. i presented his docos during my 3 years as hosting "open your eyes" movie nights in our capital city back then.. i watched his Bohemian Grove videos and feel for his stuff.. Also im not saying hes a total liar or spook.. im saying hes controlled and yes I do believe he is Hicks 100%.. I do believe he hates child porn and trafficking and does do his best to inform the public within his contractual obligations.. its not all black and white, this or that.. he has a heart.. i feel that and i know that.

rwb ago

Also, for a time Jones lost something like half the stations that had been carrying his show for years because he would not tow the party line that 19 highjackers - who would not know how to drive a standard - managed to pull off some of the trickiest maneuvers ever performed in 737's.

Vindicator ago

Anyone remember who the original person was who made this post? Seems strange that they deleted it.

Vindicator ago

Well done, YingYangMom. I wonder why @HopingtoHelp deleted the post? Actually, it looks like they deleted ALL their posts and comment history. That is not good. It makes me wonder if the original post was part of an organized disinfo campaign, like the stuff about the lawyer shot in Atlanta and the aliens in Antarctica.

YingYangMom ago

I highly doubt that HopingToHelp was part of a disinfo campaign. If so, they would have left all their "false leads" hanging around to blur the narrative. I also remember their posts being the most compelling, well-sourced posts on here... It's strange indeed that they would delete everything. This could only mean one thing, imho. That they've been threatened or doxxed or both. I really hope they're safe! I don't think I recall them posting on aliens in Antartica... but the lawyer shot in Atlanta hasn't been debunked, has it?

TheHolyMoly ago


sheesh. @v__z tell them you posted it originally would you.

YingYangMom ago

What I realise is the post was submitted by HopingToHelp twice. V__Z became a member 2 months ago. The resubmission was done August first.

Vindicator ago

That's how I recall HopingtoHelp, as well. I just was going back through my comment history and realized s/he was the other person besides @IsThisGameofThrones whom James Alefantis mentioned while talking with Ryan and trying to get him to remove his post about Pegasus Museum. I'll bet you are right. That user was also probably doxxed and threatened. The only other person I know of that happened to was abortionburger, who, coincidentally, published the article about the kid who worked at CPP who was allegedly raped by Alefantis.

This is starting to look like a pattern.

The lawyer in Atlanta being shot for investigating pedophiles was definitely debunked. She was shot because she filed a FOIA request on behalf of UPS, her employer, about the bridge explosion/collapse.

YingYangMom ago

Thanks. You're right, the Atlanta lawyer story seems indeed to have been debunked. Nevertheless, this could also have been an honest mistake on their part. And yes, it is definitely starting to look like a pattern... (sigh).

TheHolyMoly ago

How's the CIA these days Black N White muter?

Aliens be realin'

TheHolyMoly ago

Don't listen to this asshole. V_Z deleted the original post from months ago again. Vindicator is trying to appear on the side of justice when in reality, I am making internal leaks, putting my safety at risk and he is deleting my posts along with millennial_falcon.

YingYangMom ago

V__Z wasn't a member on August 1st, when the original thread was posted. How can they be the original poster, or how can they even delete other people's posts (if they're not a mod)?

V____Z ago

Actually it was not August 1, but January 8 (8/1 versus 1/8). Pizzagate wasnt even a thing in August ;)

I remembered the post, and found it by searching Google for the words quoted in the pastebin which were unique to the Voat post ("that baby looks haunted") - even though it was deleted it still showed up.

YingYangMom ago

You're right, it was Jan 8th, but you weren't a member then either, because your bio says that you've been a member here for 2 months (Feb. 3rd to be exact), right? And it still says HopingToHelp posted it on January 8th, not you. So then, what post are you both referring to?

V____Z ago

I was only correcting the date, not arguing anything else.

YingYangMom ago


srayzie ago

It was @Theholymoly if you mean the one that was posted here earlier today and deleted.

TheHolyMoly ago


srayzie ago

What? How could that user delete it if he's not a mod?

Vindicator ago

No, I'm talking about the original post three months ago -- that apparently someone copied into Pastebin and then posted a link to. The OP of the original post deleted it themselves.

mrPingPong ago

And on and on........

srayzie ago

Oh ok. Yeah that's weird.

TheHolyMoly ago

Yeah they deleted it v__z this person, the wanted to leak the information so it would be out of in-depth analysis and conversation quickly.
Hence why it was reposted but then deleted.

Vindicator ago

Explain? I don't understand what you are saying, here.

rwb ago

Let the record show Sibel Edmonds has been a frequent guest on Infowars.

BigFatDaddy ago

Holy shit. The fact that they were using simple federal background checks to find blackmailable stooges to put in office and into the beauracracies never occurred to me.

dickface8 ago

The fact that it's known the CIA had a "pedophile academy" and we're still expected to respect them is mind boggling.

pby1000 ago

I have been wondering that about "The Farm"...