Pizzainmyass ago

Seems to me like she's just not even interested in the occult part cause it's technically not even illegal... it's just more interesting from a psychological standpoint.

SChalice ago

This explains why the Clinton's are always dealing with despicable people.

Avoid_The_Noid ago

I wish I had a Voat left for this. I have been following Sibel Edmonds for a long time now and what she exposed a decade ago is absolutely relevant to pizzagate (It is also aligns more with the type of investigation FBIanon was hinting at: less about Satanic Ritual Abuse and more about illegal weapons, drug trafficking, human trafficking, nuclear proliferation, bribery, and blackmail at the highest levels of government)

She has intimate knowledge of congresswoman Jan Shakorsky being blackmailed by foreign governments and selling secrets to Israel, as well as her pedophile husband Robert Creamer, a powerful Dem lobbyist.

She also lists powerful former Bush administration officials like Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Eric Edelman, Marc Grossman etc. as being blackmailed by foreign governments and/or deep state operatives.

I would not be surprised to see the tentacles of this Octopus overlap with the Clinton Foundation and all the connected players.

You can see in the video she's damn tired of talking about it, especially since she risked everything to tell us for years.

If anyone even reads this there's great articles about her story here: backup:

and here: backup: