Misterreasonable ago

Trump will get all the pedophiles. I don't even care if he has sex with his daughter or other kids because he deserves it since he is so good at president.

ForestTygerPeach ago

Taking Down The #Pizzagate Antichrist https://vid.me/i8iI

nameof ago

If I had a clone I would live in Richmond Va, and rfid chip it so I could track it on my phone when it rides the bus.

equineluvr ago

According to the "logic" in the first linked video, if I rent a house and operate a business from home then my landlord is "in the business" with me!?


PurpleReign ago


FckPizza3 ago


PurpleReign ago

wow why so many downvotes!?!

Catchthem ago

Fuck You and Fuck David Brock also!

HollandDrive ago

Ban this shill.

Catchthem ago

Fuck You Shill

Catchthem ago

And you puppet-Shill ALSO!

PurpleReign ago

What is a puppet shill man?

Catchthem ago

Ow you dont seem to know your own role here? You are another puppet.. Fuck You Shill!