carmencita ago

I need someone's help. I am sure there will be a line. I want to put a rope around this guy;s neck and need someone to pull the other end. Really Tight! WTH kind of program is this to help a child? I ended up crying for any child that is in his care. What can we do to get this guy looked at? How about a letter writing campaign by any one on here that lives there. If you live in VA you should contact your State Senator and Rep. and demand that these types of Fake Degrees must be stopped ASAP.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

Watch out... This guy's notorious for suing folks for no reason...

carmencita ago

Then he things is an Untouchable. He must be protected by TPTB. All the more to believe he is Highly Compromised. In that case he must be reported to the FBI.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

Very much so. He's done some work for Arpad Busson as well, one of the Clinton Foundations "secret donors".

He's obviously protected by someone.

carmencita ago

The Clintons. If there was a really big case built around him, they could not try to protect him like Laura Silsby. It is all out in the open now.

42times5 ago

Found a newd article where he had some inout in doagnosing a Russia adoptee with FAS. "But Dr. Ronald S. Federici, a neuropsychologist who diagnosed Roman’s illness, said the full 10-page medical record the agency produced after the adoption, at the parents’ urging, would have shown that “the boy had fetal alcohol syndrome.”"


EDIT : Another article debating his credentials as an 'attachment therapist' including a BBC interview.

The BBC Horizon documentary is from 2001 and is called, Taming the Problem Child. The video link is broken. I'll take a look for a copy now and update if I did it.

A descriptive page on the BBC. Also includes a transcript and further links.

Here is a link to stream it or buy it...only for elite though at these prices.

And finally, on an image search he is seen with two ladies who are named as Debbie Greenwald and Wendy Graham. This picture was taken at a book signing for Dracula is Dead at the Romanian Embassy.

ETA: WENDY GRAHAM who is this new demon?

42times5 ago

One video clip from Adopted The Movie

ETA : This is his movie I think.

42times5 ago

Sorry about the know who I meant!

VieBleu ago

8 adopted children? RED Flag. Who employs this sadist? Where does his income flow from.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

Fun fact: He actually facilitated both of Angelina Jolies foreign adoptions.

jangles ago

Shizzle, you are on it. Thanks for your help. I had been afraid the shills are pushing a scapegoat on just the pedos and the sick underlies would be neglected.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

I'm trying. I've noticed you've done some decent work yourself.

Hopefully it doesn't get bogged down while those folks post every heart and swirl they come across...

VieBleu ago

That heart and swirl thing was a subset of Chinese Christians that came in a group and upvoated everything they did as a group. They more or less meant well but were trained by fundamentalist preachers and had very little understanding things Western culture takes for granted - ie you can wear a death metal shirt and not be a literal Satan worshipper because you had a pentagram on your Tshirt or on your Instagram. And the shills gleefully joined in the upvoating of course to make the forum look bad. They would literally carve up areas like the suburbs of Portland and go "hunting" for evidence of demons through symbols person by person, place by place. At first they got people involved in their symbol hunts because sometimes the combination of a symbol and activities with children looked like a lead, but eventually their game ran dry as the regularly posting members took them to task again and again in frustration. There has been little activity from them lately. There might have been a connection with them and the person Yoichi Shiamatsu as well - a very aggressive "journalist" who is a Japanese living in Taiwan who I belive was active on the forum and traveled with a harem up upvoting female fans. Periodically a post would appear that would be all about "How Much Yoichi Shiamatsu Has Done For The Pizzagate Investigation" that would get quickly upvoted - lots of manic links and symbolism in these posts connecting pig farms and people, etc. There could have been some possible leads somewhere in all that but it was all so poorly executed it was lost in the squeaks and squeals at locating stars on barn doors and such.

The problem is the moderation - they would leave the stupidest "symbol" posts up just because they'd be littered with links (instead of actual research - they idea was hey I found this no you go research it all). Mods claimed they can't take anything down or exercise any minimal discernment because they are always accused of over moderating.

tl:dr - Please do not continue on the wrong impression that the forum is populated by people that post the Swirls and Stars=Satan formula over and over.

jangles ago

One of my favorite TV channels is the create channel whom has a swirl. No distraction except they have good cooking shows that catch my attention here and there.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

Glad there's at least one other person who realizes if they aren't broadcasting child porn, the swirl is probably just aesthetic.

Vindicator ago

Hey Shizzle, I'm giving you a "Potential Lead" flair. This guy stinks to high heaven.

Here are some other links from our research regarding the role of doctors in Pizzagate:

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

Some quotes from Mr. Federici:

[The girl] needed a strong male role model. That’s why she was acting out so much. … You know why she liked me? The first time she wouldn’t come in. I dragged her in my office. — “…Treating Multi-Impaired Attachment Disorders” (2004)

I like those kind of kids who are non-compliant, that are non-responsive … avoidant, depressed, traumatized, psychotic, whatever they are. Those are my favorite kids. Because you know what? They do the best … sooner or later, they break. — “…Treating Multi-Impaired Attachment Disorders” (2004)

It is to be hoped that, as the child calms down, he or she will be very insecure, crying, and in need of emotional support and nurturing. Keeping a child in a more infantile state after a hold will serve as a starting point for moving toward appropriate attachment to the parent. — Help for the Hopeless Child (2003), p. 112

Total Adults Only. Isolation from any type of activity, friend or other sibling. Early bedtime, no talking to others, no television, play or any type of recreational activity. No hiding out in their room which is often preferred. Must stay in immediate sight and close proximity of parents or responsible adult at all times. Hard labor activities occupying any and all free time. Awakening early to begin work. Writing assignments or boring, repetitive tasks. Absolutely no stimulation. If parents must leave to go places, child must accompany them but not engage in any discussion or distraction. Again, Total Adults supervision, isolation and continual hard work is [sic] of paramount importance … — Help for the Hopeless Child (2003), p. 199

More often than not, the child will resist. At this point, one parent … applies gentle but firm pressure on the shoulder in a small “pinch” manner. (Remember Mr. Spock’s famous Vulcan shoulder grip from Star Trek? Think of this.) … Next, you instruct the child to go to his or her knees and ultimately lie face down on the floor … — Help for the Hopeless Child (2003), p. 110

As soon as you announce that a holding time is mandatory, a child will often say “I’m sorry, I won’t be bad again” or attempt to run away. To back down and allow the child another chance or to abbreviate the hold sets a precedent for continuing manipulation by your child to avoid a hold. — Help for the Hopeless Child (2003), pp. 109-110

S]he was cussing at me in Russian. I said, “Listen. You think that’s bad, hear this.” And I gave her a dose of her own medicine. — “…Treating Multi-Impaired Attachment Disorders” (2004)

Things that we use a lot are Pavlovian Classical Conditioning. — “…Treating Multi-Impaired Attachment Disorders” (2004)

Keep the child guessing. You owe no explanations. — Help for the Hopeless Child (2003), p. 117

It is also important for parents to remove any type of stimulation from the child’s room for the duration of Adults Only. This includes books, television, games and toys. Strip things to the bone and start over with the child. Emphasize that “nothing in the world is free” and that everthing must be earned. — Help for the Hopeless Child (2003), p. 108

T]ell him he’s going to stay longer and you’re never going to relinquish rights. You’re just going to keep him, declare him disabled and keep him home until he’s 50. — “…Treating Multi-Impaired Attachment Disorders” (2004)

I might bring [my children] to Iceland. They’re for show and tell. You know what they’ll tell those kids there? They’ll say, “Listen, let me tell you what my dad’s going to do if you don’t stop.” They’ll, they’ll scare them. — “…Treating Multi-Impaired Attachment Disorders” (2004)

People say, “Well, aren’t your kids getting ready for college there?” I said no. They’re not going to leave home. Because why? They missed forty years of life. Why would I want to send them out when they’re not ready? That makes no sense. So knowing that they need some extra time and training. Get out the old Barney book and pictorial books and show them what things mean. — “…Treating Multi-Impaired Attachment Disorders” (2004)

Forget school. If they never read, who cares. As long as their language improves. — “…Treating Multi-Impaired Attachment Disorders” (2004)

jangles ago

TONY PODESTA was at Boh Grove and was from CAMP “five easy Pieces”

Blood and “five easy pieces” members who are Drs.

DO YOU KNOW IF Mr. Federici was a "Five Easy Pieces" Camp member?

Ralph M Richart–Richart,-MD/

J. Patterson McBaine” owns major shares in LIFEPOINT, INC. We are a medical technology company that developed… blood testing &

Gregory L. Pliska

Read, Steven M. Dr. Steven Read – Anesthesiologist in Houston, TX | HealthGrove

Daniel P. Henninger (Wall Street Journal/FOX)

Clark R Mandigo Involved in lot of Blood Banks- Special Needs Disability Services Disability Laws Assistive Dec 4, 2009 – blood can cause attention and impulsivity problems. MEDICATIONS – The …… One session was attended by Jayne and Bud Schiff. They were .. Christopher Q. Stephan- Dr. Family medicine

****Baron, Barry C.- senior administrative resident in otolaryngology -scientist with blood- his genetic research Richard J. Clark- Author for Saint Cecilia in Boston

42times5 ago

This is simply horrifying.

SoldierofLight ago

And that guy wonders why his own kids don't send him a Christmas card.