PolybiusPizza ago

Dr. Ozkum, pigfarm owner.

Vindicator ago

Also might look up who provides abortions in the area. Abortionist tend to be the folks from the bottom of the class in their med school (stigma attached to this 'specialty'). They are the least regulated as well.

isthisreality ago

http://drfederici.com/. <<<----- this guy related to controversial Romanian orphanage mentioned in Wikileaks doc. Still practicing, I believe. He has faced a lot of criticism for his methods- physically restraining children (you can read up about his exact methods online) in a way that contribute to their death, also I remember reading something about how he used electrodes placed on the scalp of his patients a while back, but I cant remember where I read that. Probably relatively easy to find info but I have to run a couple errands real quick so I dont have time to look thru and find the exact info atm

isthisreality ago

Dr. Federici. Involved in Romanian orphanage BS - still practicing, I believe. Very controversial figure. He is a neurosurgeon if I remember correctly. Or at least a neuro-something or the other. I was researching him a bit when I was digging into the ARK/CF connection - don't know if he has any relation to Alefantis/Haiti though- also mentioned in WikiLeaks- https://wikileaks.org/wiki/Talk:Schillings_legal_threat_re_Arpad_Busson,_EIM_Group_and_ARK_Schools_to_911forum.org.uk_hoster,_16_Dec_2008

isthisreality ago

Edit: Neuropsychologist

spez_dispenser ago

There also appears to be a Mortuary Science program at UDC, which is on Connecticut Ave. The program isn't listed on their site, so it may have been closed.


**District of Columbia ** Community College of the District of Columbia Van Ness Campus - Mortuary Science Program 4200 Connecticut Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 http://www.udc.edu/

spez_dispenser ago

Mike Berman might be your guy.

On Jan 7, 2014, at 8:37 AM, Tony Podesta podesta@podesta.com wrote:

Yes Only wanna see you and mike Berman


Berman is on the board of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and the Children’s Inn at NIH and is the former cochair of the board of the Human Rights Campaign, the country’s largest gay and lesbian advocacy organization.


The Children's Inn at NIH is a “home” for children, and their families, participating in ground-breaking medical trials at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Each year, more than 1,500 children call The Inn “home” as they battle life-threatening illnesses in NIH trials that change the face of medicine for the entire world.


NerdyNoodle ago

OK found it: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1471543

Here's the video from the thread: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMGGSY0A8r8

The video is awful and has mostly been classified as useless and maybe even a parody but I think there may be something useful here.

Still capture from the video: http://sli.mg/T0VCz5

Here is the Chevy Chase Pediatrics web site: http://www.chevychasepediatrics.com/about-us/dr-bennett/

Here's Dr. Bennett's personal site (he's all about "gross" stuff for kids):

https://howardjbennett.com/ - http://archive.is/737uS

Here's an article where Dr. Bennett teaches the kids about the pagan roots of Halloween:


So, what have we learned?

  • Besta Pizza has a basement
  • There is a tunnel under Chevy Chase Pediatrics a block away from CPP
  • Dr. Bennett of Chevy Chase Pediatrics is slightly creepy

It might be worth a little bit of digging to find out what Dr. Bennett does in his spare time to see if there is any further connection.

NerdyNoodle ago

Meh, I can't really find anything on the guy. Maybe someone with some time or better search tools can.

NerdyNoodle ago

They found the doctor early on. It is geographically near Comet Ping Pong. The scariest part of it is, the doctor's office has tunnels underneath. Let me find the link and post it back here.

Infopractical ago

Please post that link if you can find it.

NerdyNoodle ago

I did. See my other comment in this thread


I would imagine that these kids would need a medical check up and shots etc after being smuggled from another country.

clear them of any home diseases, make sure they survived the trip etc

Doctors are definately involved - see Gusifer posts recently

chlrndrmz ago

Dr. Charles Peter Hackett is one of those. Suffolk County Police were running a prostitution ring led by Chief James Burke who is now in jail for assault. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZ3OxbBP2ng

Truthplease5 ago

FearlessFreep ago

A veterinarian would probably suffice. Ever see a shot criminal in a crime movie get patched up by a vet?

99luftballons ago

There's a chiro practice on Connecticut Ave NW that had a practitioner named Crites (remember Austyn Crites? Trump rally gunman[?] whose name came up in the Global Intelligence Files?). I found a few reviews for them that showed that they appear to share business practices with the others (random upcharges, impolite staff, etc). Unfortunately, my screenshots are all on my old phone.

throwitawayn0w ago

Also want to remind people that there is a daycare in michigan city listed under the name Austyn Crites and google maps seems to show him outside the rundown house/daycare.

notdivided ago

i swear there are clues in law and order SVU. lol. Not just doctors- DENTISTS.

Devious1 ago

The dentist chair in epsteins mansion


olive611 ago

there's no need to have a FULLY equipped dentists chair in a home. theres something here all right.

crystalclearme ago

Dentists keep and use considerable amounts of gold for fillings. For $$ smuggling they fill teeth with gold fillings and voila you have easily smuggled undetected

PrivateJoker ago

and also have access to laughing gas...

Devious1 ago

I'd agree in some cases - however, a billionaire who own's his own Island (Saint James, U.S. Virgin Islands) I don't think is to bothered about gold being smuggled within teeth.


wait is it illegal to carry gold? why would they need to smuggle it in teeth?

crystalclearme ago

Not illegal - but if you are carrying over a certain amount I think 5-10k you are supposed to declare it upon entering or maybe even leaving country

doubletake ago

great, great point! there might be nurses, or nurse-trained? But they can't prescribe meds. And there should be a doctor on hand available to "protect their investment" because kids are expensive. (can't believe i just wrote that, what a new reality!) To get one to talk, though, would be like getting info from one of those torture M.D.s they had as consultants at gitmo, inc. ... unless it comes with a plea deal. thanks. xlnt.