fifibrindacier ago

A fucking hoax, liars ! You filmed a parking, and furniture were trashes outside. I don't believe you at all when you say children were coming from the backdoor of comet. The kids are NOT in front of a bus stop. Shame on you. You discredit the investigation, and you look like bob and jay smoking pot the whole day.

adam_danischewski ago

This may be a shill op, who repackaged everything they saw. The children jogging is alarming on its own yet no evidence of them exiting from the backdoor of Comet Ping Pong. The guy standing there could have been a pizza chef smoking a cigarette. The ticket that was given could have been audio from a friend.

Looks like the world administrators are putting down muddle - the types of things talked about really do happen yet when they really do they will drag out garbage ops such as this to associate and discredit them.

Wage_Slave217 ago

The one interesting piece is that Besta Pizza has a basement, everything else is nonsense. Unless those kids actually did come out of CPP, but since there is no video evidence of that then we have to discount it.

Wage_Slave217 ago

It is interesting to note that Besta has a basement, that's about the only good piece of evidence in this video.

voatcaesarpizza ago

This video was garbage.

reasonedandinformed ago


Theyrekditalianfood ago

How was a connection made to Chevy Chase Pediatrics? The video jumps from Besta to the stairwell at this place but I didn't notice any explanation why.

noskerdycatusa ago

This video reveals a new and critical view of the stairway down into a sublevel of Besta Pizza just inside the backdoor.

For those that want to be abusively skeptical of the source and or their motives I would suggest NOT throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Maybe not today, but in the future this could be a pivotal clue that supports further investigation and discoveries.

Wanderlust16 ago

Why is the guy wearing different clothes in the video? Busted

LolturdFerguson ago

I thought all over the video it said they were doing LEGAL research?

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

These guys must have done Something they did -not -like! Shills are out in force on this one! It is refreshing to see how " family friendly" this place is. I wouldnt want my dog walking those streets. I noticed their trashman is Bowies, from the looks of how full the dumps were they've been doing some housekeeping.

banenya ago

The man leading the boys off was the most disturbing thing in this video. He was pretty young, they all seemed the same age and not from the same family. I went over that scene several times, stopping it nearly every frame. Here's what I noticed: The man looks nervous. He seemed oddly dressed, more like summer or for indoors. It occurred to me maybe he was so lightly dressed because he was heading out a short distance. I found it odd he wasn't herding them from behind, wasn't talking to them, telling them to look out for cars, etc. The boys looked like perhaps they just woke up, they seemed confused like they were being hustled off without explanation. They don't seem to know where they headed. The boy on the far left has no jacket. They were not dressed as though they were out getting exercise in a class. Only one had a pack back so it seems unlikely that they were coming from or going to school. Watch it closely stopping constantly. Man wt boys starts min 1:46. Here it is cued:

sheer-con ago

You didn't find shit. Stupid video. I wish I had enough points to downvote. What a waste of votes.

Ziggystrife ago

Reported this shill as spam.

Celticgirlonamission ago

Ok so this little boy in the creepy FB pic, looks so much like the boy that was so quick to say that pizzagate was bullshit, just a few years younger in the read the comments

ghost_marauder ago

Dude, let the downvotes make you strong!

dookiehowzer ago

yo drpoopoo you low key stole my name fgt

if u arnt a shill go back to the tunnels and collect multiple swabs all around that place near comet pizza and besta pizza, collect dna

antipedo ago

This video presents exactly nothing.

Did you also notice how the camera is facing down when he enters the "underground"?

gosso920 ago

These Saul Alinsky tactics go to 11.

Cantilever ago

I want my five minutes back.

noElbittowers ago

Gross. Meaning they (the people that made this video because they are shills, shills, shills) want to be open about being pedos in front of everyone because that is how their sadism operates... they want to do it right in front of our eyes and get away with it. The fact that they eat pizza in the video symbolizes their allegiance to the pedos. Not once did I advocate being silent on the matter, but making spooky videos that invade on people's privacy is enough to spark an outrage. Pizzagate is real but this video is a trap.

Sephel ago

Snapped a pic of front page of videos from this youtube channel:

You be judge whether or not it seems credible.

hanknut42 ago

fake if your doing illegal shit your not going to show your dumb ass face are you one of jimmys fuck boys?

noElbittowers ago

Hi SayNO2Censprship, just want to cut in here that you shouldn't let that be the thing that convinces you, because from an outsider's perspective, that could be seen as normal activity. I suggest sticking to more concrete facts, such as the wikileaks emails exposing the connections with Marina Abramovic or the loads of other things actual researches have laid out concretely. Nothing against these filmographers, but this is terrible proof. They did expose the pizza with the old logo though, something you might look into. I also don't trust these fools because they are eating pizza. Either they are shills, or they have stellar appetites.... I wouldn't be chomping away on pizza talking about pedos.

willnotbesilent ago

I've been looking through about 10 different articles now, and everyone say it happened Sunday afternoon.

Well I actually went to Washingtonian's website when it happened, because I saw a few people discussing the pre posted article. First I saw the many hours on google after searching, I then went to their actual website and at their front page where they list their most recent articles, it said the exact same hours since posted as on google. I then clicked the article because I thought they had (like any other normal news outlet) put the exact time at the top of the article. No time was listed, so I went back to the front page and the hours of when being published had changed right before my eyes. We're talking within few minutes it happened. I don't know if it's because they updated the article or they changed it on purpose because people were talking about it.

I haven't said anything, because it happened so fast that I didn't get to archive the page, so I've no proof to back this up. If they didn't publish this before it happened, I don't understand why it on their own site said it had been added hours before the event...maybe someone else have a good explanation.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

anyone here taking this as legit needs to re-examine their participation here.

the video cuts and there's nothing showing those tunnels are anywhere near comet pizza or chevy chase at all for that matter.

those could be in a different state for all we know.

1/10 made me reply.

quantokitty ago

Very disgusted, bummed out ... whatever ... glad you got whatever you wanted out of this.

dustygozangas ago

Agreed. They come off as spooks and if this were shown to someone who is just learning about this or who is following "fake news" they would laugh this off and call these guys fags. There is no serious evidence in this video and someone needs to livestream the tunnels and not add a bunch of shit like "that kid just got into a car. right after we talked to him. fuck that was so weird. so disgusting." that is not getting us anywhere.

fvckh1m_up ago


fvckh1m_up ago

there's so many eyes there. I'm positive there's like five henchmen and ten policemen for every investigator, all unaware of each other.

surely that's reasonable for fake news

JeremiahSinclair ago

I honestly don't see anything to this. It doesn't show the tunnels leading into the back of Besta Pizza, or anything remotely incriminating as the title implies. What did this accomplish, prove, or even provide evidence of? The kids being rushed down the street? I'm genuinely curious, as I don't see anything compelling here...

GumShoe ago

Furniture needs to be checked with luminol and black light before it disappears.

Gone20 ago

Misleading title is misleading

tamaman ago

that hit me too.

LtSilverFox ago

It's not real please take down.

newworldahead ago

The kids running part looks definitely strange but the video shows no proof that they were really inside CP before we see them on the street. That's unfortunate because it would have been huge.

daddysdarlin ago

I dont believe this is a true story, just trying to mislead people!!! Dont buy into it people!!!

jealoushe ago

nice screen name #pedofiles

daddysdarlin ago

For your info my dear dad called me darlin when I was young, its a nickname!!! Shame on you!!!

PolybiusPizza ago

Strange, but, why didn't you walk through the woods? No access? Go examine stuff.

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

doctorpoopoo is a shill. mods please take down this thread.

molehairz ago

Fucking hilarious. Shills in the thread calling people doing investigative work shills.

You guys are a fucking joke.

PolybiusPizza ago

Ha, not how voat works?? or so I have been told. It clearly establishes that underground is a thing and that kids are regularly found around CPP and in weird circumstances.

quantokitty ago

No it doesn't have anything to do with #pizzagate. It has to do with getting these shills publicity.

lawfag123 ago

Show us the full video without edits

crazyjuan ago

When they opened that door and went inside for 20 seconds, was that Besta Pizza? Because if it was then that staircase down leads to a basement, and it would be weird if comet pizza which is like 2 doors down didn't have a basement as alefantis claims.

doctorpoopoo ago


Phobos_Mothership ago

THIS. This confirms that I can make a trip to the DC underground!

curiouspizza ago

Alright there Nanook of North D.C., not sure how this video can be used as evidence of anything. Suddenly you are in a tunnel, but it doesn't show where you entered/exited. Just a random tunnel. This whole thing was very strange to me.

standalone ago

You should listen to GowdyPower, he has been around for a solid 30mn. That guy knows his shit.

KittyTigerlily ago

I've got a question and don't know where to ask it. Look at the FBI pedo symbol sheet.

Notice at the bottom of the sheet, which is page 1, it says to see PDF for rest. I'm wondering what's in the rest???? What if there is more symbols or other things we need to know.

TokyoJoe ago

Your right good call, could be other symbology everywhere we are missing.

KittyTigerlily ago

I had never noticed it before, but I was reading DCPizzagate place. Then I just happened to notice the bottom of the page 1. It may be important or may not be. Maybe it has more terms, though.

TokyoJoe ago is this a coincidence? Comet ping pong and Maryland COMET program to track pedos

KittyTigerlily ago

Well, it is strange, but I don't think it's the other. I would continue watching after the other being as what we have seen.

Blacksmith21 ago

Hard to say. I've seen a lot of .gov docs of all types. Never noticed if a one-pager gets foot numbering or not.

I'll say this. That document is almost 10 years old. I'm sure there are more we don't know about. Knowing the types of establishments we suspect they operate from (massage, pizza/restaurants, child care, NGO/humanitarian orgs), one needs to condition themselves to observe public iconography and symbology in daily life.

KittyTigerlily ago

Did you look at what I was saying? If not, look at it and see the bottom of the page, please.

trite ago

The kids were creepy as fuck, but when you claim to show there was a basement, if that really was the back door, there was no proof in that shot that it was. If you decide to go back, try and get some proof without a cut that it really was the location.

doctorpoopoo ago

How is there no proof? We show the door with Besta's logo on it.

trite ago

I couldn't see it anywhere between the cuts when you snuck in to see the basement.

micha_ ago

No evidence where they entered, where they were and you find that cool? How old are you? These kind of videos do not have the slightest value to investigators.

angry_mob ago

bullshit, this is excellent

micha_ ago

Idiots don't know they are a satire channel...

Cbradio ago

Any with water lab kits to test water run off, sewage pipes for blood, DNA, lime, hydrogen peroxide. Is lime being used to decompose as in Jersey island case or bleach or other chemicals. Who supplies, how much being bought, shipped, distributed. And there is a smoking gun, the very kids Ale posted and taped, the infant. Where are those kids, why has media and others who MUST MANDATEXreport any suspect of child abuse not, why does cps investigate parents like Justine Perrier or ones who let kids walk alone, but not kids taped, is restraint, does not ever benefit a child; and is child development psychology, well known that mixed msgs ado cause bad boundaries in child, sets them up to be crime victims, dissociates, even splits mind to schizophrenia. They want to prove its false, them simple, make cps adhere to the law, find those kids and their so called parents, demand their mental and physical well being accessed. It's that simple and is a felony for media or anyone to harass any concerned citizens on child abuse and a taped child, not his, that HE posted, is considered missing and endangered . That child safety laws Are one sided, purposely have no concern of adult, only in ensuring each child is safe. Yet, it's all boohoo poor Ale poor adult rich tranny that publicly posts himself in bloodysatanic?? Boohoo, no concern for taped child?? That .is the smoking gun..those kids...chances those kids are orphans, state ward is so high for no parent has come forward LIVID their child all over the net, connected to all this creepy stuff!

Cbradio ago

Frankly, ALOT did not even get involved due to wiki leaks and more, they got concerned as see the very pics that Ale posted of children, such as the taped one. Ale chose, is accountable, responsible to that and cps must be demanded to find those kids and see if they are OK.

draegspir ago

You guys be careful! Great job btw!

srayzie ago

Are you going to go again? Maybe look into those glasses with a hidden camera in them

doctorpoopoo ago

Unfortunately I am not DC based.

srayzie ago

The guy running away with those kids was really strange. Was it during school hours? Is there a way for you guys to sit in a car and just watch where these kids are coming and going from?

doctorpoopoo ago

It was between 3 and 4pm. Comet was closed at the time. Can't follow kids. That's not right, not legal.

doctorpoopoo ago

No, I said it was the day AFTER. Where did I say otherwise? The gunman was Sunday, we were there Monday.

popezandy ago

Everyone agrees about the quality of this video and the bogus claims but I think it does point to a need for future investigation of the area and helps us in that regard. I don't know if these kids are shills but feet on the ground is at least development. Thanks for the attempt in any case guys

standalone ago

And what claims are bogus exactly?

popezandy ago

The claim is "I went to DC and found the tunnels. I walked right into the back of Besta Pizza. It all leads to a Pediatrics center a block away."

This implies that they went into Besta Pizza, down into tunnels, which lead to a Pediatrics center. Basically, they found a basement, which we knew Besta had, then found an underground are elsewhere. Then claimed to find a hatch in the woods to tunnels that were "hundreds of years old" but didn't approach to substantiate. Lots of bogus claims in that, but still good work.

doctorpoopoo ago

It felt absolutely nuts.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

5:02, 5:11, 5:35, fresh as hell boi.

You didn't happen to bring a GPS to map it the tunnels out did you?

justiceforever ago


IF ANYONE ELSE IS BRAVE ENOUGH, WE NEED MORE STUFF LIKE THIS! Not breaking any laws, just urban exploring.

You and your friend should probably stay away from DC for a while. Let some more patriots pick up where you left off.

LadyMinx ago

someone needs to go dumpster diving!!!

justiceforever ago

That's a fucking...great idea!! Only thing is, is it legal?

Apparently there's a whole group of dumpster divers in DC. I wonder if any of them would be on our side and want to help investigate?

coincidencesmyass ago

you're reading my mind! especially right now while they seem to be in the stage of clearing things out

CuckSlap ago

They are shills. It's a comedy video, check out their YouTube channel. They're making fun of PizzaGate investigators and trying to encourage people to go to Besta to be arrested.

Hopevoats ago

That's not comedy. That's just stupid bullshit. I predict a successful career for these clowns in the MSM.

Edit: I would like to add that this is not the place to make a mockery. We are talking about the lives of thousands of innocent children in the hands of the most evil of evil. This is the kind of shit that gets the investigation discredited. Not cool!

rail606 ago

They have historically made fun of conspiracy theories but they have another video from a week ago saying #pizzagate is the only conspiracy theory they've ever believed.

CuckSlap ago

And you believe that? This video is so obviously a joke. "HOLY SHIT THOSE KIDS JUST GOT INTO A CAR". They're fucking with you guys and you're eating it up.

standalone ago

Joke or not they confirmed the presence of a basement under Besta and the presence of a network of underground tunnels where furnitures have been installed / temporarily stored / hidden. Not bad for a joke video.

Sinful_Casshern ago

Except there are hard cuts so it could literally be anywhere

CuckSlap ago

Did they really? That could have been anywhere.

noElbittowers ago

Agreed, I think they were making fun of it. But it did confirm one thing for me. notice the logo on the door is back to the original?

grlldcheese ago

Been some investigation teams around here trying to get people to go break into properties.

It's pretty funny that they think it will work. Soon they'll just false flag it.

quantokitty ago


Trust no one.

wellington33 ago


doctorpoopoo ago

Monday. Yes. Yes.

HarveyKlinger ago

This should go without saying but let me say it anyway. PLEASE... don't start calling the pediatric center and harassing them.

Don't be that guy...

fvckh1m_up ago

It's too late, there's already a rape apoloigist protest on their doorstep crying for social justice. we done fucked up agains

bleachmymind ago

wow guys, I think you broke the case open

zlomsocz ago

known mkultra contractors, two of which are within 1 mile of pizzagate row.

CuckSlap ago

Dude these guys work for a comedy podcast they're just making fun of us. Don't believe this video.

doctorpoopoo ago

My interests outside this have no bearing on what we did in DC. I have been discussing Pizzagate for a few weeks now on my show.

srayzie ago

What is your show? How do we find it?

CuckSlap ago

You're a satirist and you believe the whole idea is ridiculous.

doctorpoopoo ago

No. I'm a comedian and a skeptic who was finally shown enough evidence that I knew I had to explore it myself. I traveled a lot of miles for a "joke."

CuckSlap ago

You're not fooling me, Jesse.

doctorpoopoo ago


13asteroids ago

Thanks to them both! It makes me happy to know locals are investigating. Beautiful.

Blacksmith21 ago

Should this be shared on Twitter, WaPo, NYT, and other places with comments sections? I'm contemplating the pluses and minuses.

Blacksmith21 ago

I would say EVERYONE download and backup this fucking video NOW. Wait 24 hours to ensure there are plenty of copies backed up, and start pasting it wherever we can.

doctorpoopoo ago


fvckh1m_up ago

Dowload and mirror the video on sites that are not corrupt pedo apologists.

doctorpoopoo ago

Yes. Monday. Between 3 and 4pm. Yes.

quantokitty ago

Absolutely the police should be doing it, but they're handing out tickets to people who are doing it.

nomercyforthem ago

i want to second that. keep it up!

peacegnome ago

just an fyi, pederasty is male-on-male only.

doctorpoopoo ago

I only saw boys there.

peacegnome ago

okay, just making sure.

there was no concrete signs for the crimes or pederasty or sex trafficking

made it sound like pizzagate only deals with boys.

doctorpoopoo ago

I just wanted to be clear I was making no claims inside the video other than what is directly presented.

zlomsocz ago

from a blog which lists notable DC Sexual crimes from politicians, it says chevy chase school just north of chevy chase pediatrics was the base of a child prostitution ring barney frank was supposedly involved in

"1989 - Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) was reprimanded (a punishment less severe than censure) by the House of Representatives after he acknowledged having paid for homosexual sex in the mid-1980s. The same year, Frank admitted that he had permitted a young homosexual, Stephen Gobie, to rent the basement apartment in his townhouse. Frank was found to have fixed more than 300 of Gobie’s parking tickets, which led to Frank’s censure. After additional investigation by local newspapers, Frank admitted to having paid Gobie $80 on two separate occasions for sex. Gobie later told the press that for two years he had operated a homosexual escort service out of Frank’s apartment, and that he had also used a counselor’s office at Chevy Chase Elementary School as his base of operations (leading to a number of newspaper reports that Gobie was engaged in child prostitution). The principal later resigned. Gobie was never charged with anything. "

Blacksmith21 ago

I wondered how long it would be before anyone remembered "Old Cum Gums", Barney Frank. That's probably what got them all going on this idea.

Blacksmith21 ago

You sir, and your friend, are Patriots. Job well done.

Observation 1: If you recall, the tax plat shows Besta Pizza as a 1 story structure, yet we now know there is a basement. It is still a reasonable assumption to think, given knowledge of other structures surrounding CPP, that it too possibly has a basement, in direct contradiction (again), to Alefentis' prior statements;

Observation 2: If the kids fleeing/jogging behind the "Pied Piper", was the real deal - that is they emerged from CPP en masse and fled - that is beyond bizarre. They were all unrelated looking kids, so likely not a dad and his 5 mixed ethnicity boys all within 2 years of each other out for a three p.m. jog. Something just seems very, off about it. Again, trying to overcome confirmation bias, but something was weird about it;

Observation 3) Dowload and backup copies of this video. Everyone.

doctorpoopoo ago

thank you.

fvckh1m_up ago

Dude claim your prize!!!!

Does someone have a mirror (vimeo eg ) before it gets censored ? I

Baluga ago

Nope, we need context. All we see is a cut to a tunnel entrance, not where the tunnel is.

fvckh1m_up ago

I trust that there will be a verification real soon. I tend to trust people with solid information (seems to be rewarding as most of them turn out to be true).

What I mean to say is: It's suicide to your career if you're a youtuber who spreads verifiable lies. Because that's how your turn the internet against you. Noticed how the MSM isn't very popular around here? That's because they're proven liars and they're always exposed.

Baluga ago

I tend to believe these guys, just this video is too disjointed to actually prove anything.

fvckh1m_up ago

Dude it's actually the start of a proper investigation: there's now places people know where to go. It HAS TO HAPPEN SOON because they're GOING TO TAKE MEASURES 100%. Like guards or whatever, or actually close the whole block down by police under the guise of investigation.


doctorpoopoo ago

I submitted there and wesearchr wouldn't take it. I paid the dollar for submission and it still says "draft".

fvckh1m_up ago you're on our hall of fame

contact them anyways.

doctorpoopoo ago

Thank you so much.

fvckh1m_up ago

Congratulations of your finds. you're an inspiration.

I'm sure there's a real chance you'll forget (because you're about to get A LOT of attention and recognition for this breakthrough), but in case your video gets taken down, I appreciate you drop me a PM so that I can update the link to a working video on a non-corrupt platform. We get about 100 views a day on the page of which I'm sure most aren't bots.

The very fabric of the internet is under attack. Fear not, we will never loose.

doctorpoopoo ago

feel free to reupload as need be to anywhere.

fvckh1m_up ago

Yeah, I could, and I should. I'll search for someone else who does thought I have complete crap internet. Thanks for telling people they have permission.

I suggest putting that in the description of your video, that people are to share the video and re upload on other sitees

Stay safe

contrarianism ago

So fake ... CTR on the March!!

tobor ago

Good work men.

redberries ago

EDIT: OP is a troll. Waste of time.

standalone ago

Thank, this deserves its own separate article. Also the river system that connects Bucks with a middle school is anything but clear on the screenshots. Can you please make that point more clear?

doctorpoopoo ago

This is great work, thank you. It really explains what my video was setting out to prove. If nothing else, Alefantis and the msm are lying.

NotAnIdiot ago

I think we need to put actual boots on the ground to find out things that are worthwhile at this point.

jhenry922 ago

clickbate for a shitty video that shows nothing

dindonufin ago

Well this proves that comet pizza has a basement, right? HUGE discovery.

Hopevoats ago

Agreed! This has all the elements of a televised ghost hunt. They got into a tunnel and dude walks away from the camera and then they stop exploring? Comet Pizza was the victim of a "shooter" and these businesses are leaving their back doors unlocked? Really?

standalone ago

Comet Pizza was the victim of a "shooter" actor


dreamdigital ago

The only thing we can take away from this video is that there underground tunnels. I don't understand the guy running away with the kids. Yeah it was strange. I just don't understand because I wasn't there and the video seemed to suddenly cut right to it. I'm not trying to debunk anything because I believe pizzagate is real. The only thing I can factually confirm from this is the locations and the tunnels. Excellent work on going on the ground especially at such a high intensity moment in time.

wellington33 ago

Some archive on this possible new info, let's check it boysssss: Welcome to Chevy Chase Pediatrics Howard J. Bennett Howard J. Bennett Gross Stories DCHA (District of Columbia Housing Authority???) DCHE AWARDED $45 MILLION FOR FEDERAL COMMUNITY INVESTMENT Some 150 affordable new housing units are coming to Deanwood Hills in Ward 7. Neighbors old and new gathered at the new community building in Capitol Quarter near the Navy Yard recently for an open house. Some 5,000 elderly and disabled District of Columbia Housing Authority customers’ lives just got a little bit easier. More than 460 veterans received services and explored job opportunities at the District of Columbia Housing Authority’s Fourth Annual Veterans Appreciation Event. DCHA DISCUSSES THE BARRY FARM REDEVELOPMENT WITH WARD 8 BUSINESS OWNERS WITH VIDEO FEATURED ON A PANEL DISCUSSING THE INTERSECTION OF HEALTH AND HOUSING HAPPY HALLOWEEN HAD BY ALL AT HOPKINS APARTMENTS DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CELEBRATES BRIDGING THE DIGITAL DIVIDE RIBBONS CUT ON A NEW PLAYGROUND FOR MONTANA TERRACE FIVE GENERATIONS STAY IN SOUTHEAST - KATANYA MCCAULEY'S STORY DCHA POLICY ANALYST TO PARTICIPATE ON MILLENNIAL HOUSING PANEL DC HOUSING ENTERPRISES (DCHE) Meetings and documents BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LANDLORD COMMITTEE Scholarship

Have you seen this movie?

banenya ago

Remember in the video what was written on the wall under Besta? "DCHA" which shows up in some of the titles above. Stands for District of Columbia Housing Authority.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Ye are some ballsy bastards

doctorpoopoo ago

This was Monday.

tamaman ago

couldn't agree more! that running away with kids from the backdoors was creepy as hell

angry_mob ago

^^^THIS - something very OFF about those kids running with that guy!


Also noticed they all looked very tired, like they just woke up and were rushed out

kid on right hasn't even put his jacket on all the way

hedy ago

No... it's comments like this that make PG look moronic. You did NOT see enough of those kids to determine that anyone was tired or just awakened or rushed. If you don't have kids or don't spend a lot of time with kids, don't presume to know what a kid wearing a jacket halfway means and definitely don't automatically assume it's pedo-related. I know you mean well but please be reasonable.


just making obsevations & didn't assume anything

amCassandraAMA ago

free speech. hes just stating his interpretation of the video, you are free to disagree

hedy ago

Look, this isn't a social chatroom. It's not an attack on him(?) it's a plea to be more deliberate in his participation. This is not a game.

surgit2 ago

Screenshot of boys running:

Why don't any of those boys have a backpack? Especially at the end of a school day?

Thank you for your brave work!

fvckh1m_up ago

Should spread these pictures in case they're missing.

Caratacus ago

The kid on the left is actually wearing matching shoes

surgit2 ago

You're right, sorry about that!


boy on right doesnt have his coat on all the way - like they were rushed out

they look tired and not into this jog - very sketchy

OP when was the filmed the day after the shooting??

Fateswebb ago

It could be explained as Jacobs ladder symbolism, but seems kinda far fetched or double meaning to me.

coincidencesmyass ago

Oh, and the guy "jogging off" with those little boys - shady as hell. What health & exercise person jogs out the back door of a pizza place? Doesn't make sense.

fvckh1m_up ago

He should have drove up to them slowly next to them and open a door, see if they jump in. Probably not. But he could have followed them. This is why it's important to have a strategy with multiple people involved.

Baluga ago

OR: he saw these two adults following them and thought about all the pedo stories around lately. They scrammed to get away from these perverts with a camera.

standalone ago

True! If I had come to investigate too at the same time, the two weirdos eating cheeze pizza while looking around, hiding between the cars and taking footage of a group of kids would have shocked me as compelling evidence that this place is full of pervs ;)

Hopevoats ago

The spotlight of the world is trained upon this block and we are to believe that they are continuing "business as usual"? I'm sorry, but I'm having difficulty swallowing this.

noElbittowers ago

the force of the shills are strong in this room

Hopevoats ago

the force of the shills are strong in this room

Yes indeed. And they are trying to trap us with this bullshit video.

standalone ago

You can afford to be reckless when you are protected by the most powerful person in the world.


remember this was some time AFTER the "shooting" very strange timing. Also noticed they all looked very tired, like they just woke up or were drugged and were rushed out

kid on right hasn't even put his jacket on all the way

francisco_DANKonia ago

Interesting that Besta would be watching the coverage. Wouldn't they want to watch something else?

Baluga ago

Absolutely not. What's more important to watch than the bit about a guy with a gun up the street?

doctorpoopoo ago

The owner was watching shaking his head and muttering in another language.


Translation: "That stupid Jimmy Comet, I knew he would be the Achilles heel that brings this whole ring down, and me with it"

coincidencesmyass ago

Been reading about these places so long, it's nice to "see" them, puts things in context. You're braver than I am. Sorry you got a ticket in the process.

I read a thread yesterday about organ trafficking. I really hope that's not the connection to the pediatrics place.

ifeeltrulysick ago

you guys got some balls ! Thanks for sharing !

vhrmvhrm ago

Interesting, I missed out on how do you connect the basement of the hospital to the pizza shops? Did you walk the tunnel back to the pizza shops?

And wasnt the controversy always wether or not CPP had a basement - not besta pizza?

doctorpoopoo ago

Before heading to DC I did resaerch on the area and discovered the pediatrics center. It was only 800 ft away on the map and I realized its path to Comet would not be dificult. i'm also aware that DC, built on swampland, has many old tunnels around creekbeds that have since been bricked off. One of those creeks runs right behind Comet.

We were not able to establish a firm connection between the two, but we found the tunnel outside the hospital by following the direction that the hallway under Besta pizza pointed. One inside the tunnel from the other end we were not able to get more than about 400 ft. It just kind of stopped, and there was all that furniture.

srayzie ago

You are talking about this place right?

Chevy Chase Pediatrics 5225 Connecticut Ave NW Suite 103 approximately one mile south of Chevy Chase Circle in Northwest, DC. Our office is on the lower level of the Huntington apartment building, which is on the east side of Connecticut Ave. Parking is available in marked spaces on the south side of the building and on adjacent streets. The office entrance is off the driveway on the south side of the building under the bright blue awning.

Is this what you are talking about?

Kenneth13 ago

DC isnt built on swampland. You didn't Research shit

doctorpoopoo ago

I'm from Virginia, I know the land there. DC was once marshy, due to the many branches and creeks from the Potomac. Those were rerouted with tunnels, and blocked off many years ago. It was not a technical swamp, but the land there used to be very wet like a bog.

Kenneth13 ago

Marsh, not bog, not swamp. If you're going to try to prove something, act like you know what you're talking about instead of using a misnomer stupid people think. Doesn't shine a good light on your credibility

doctorpoopoo ago

Literally is a synonym for swamp. Thanks for playing.

Kenneth13 ago

To the feeble minded. They are different and you lost credibility. Fuck off shill, or idiot, either way, clueless.

fvckh1m_up ago

wanna fite meet me outside im literally at your house shagin yer nan

Blacksmith21 ago

You should have blacklighted the furniture.

shakethetree ago

You are some courageous-ass mother-truckers!

Hashtag_pedofiles ago

Thank you based anon. I like #pizzagate as to what we're getting to trend but also #pedofiles has a nice ring to it also. Thoughts?

doctorpoopoo ago

we are using #pizzaunderground because right now #pizzagate hashtags are being suppressed.

doctorpoopoo ago

He was waiting at the busstop with others waiting on the bus, and the car that pulled up was an "Uber".

totally_deplorable ago

Agreed... and of course the area was being watched like a hawk, everyone in the area was told a crazy right winger waltzed in CPP with a fully automatic missile launching assault pistol and that every crazy conspiracy alt right neo nazi skinhead whackjob everywhere is going to follow suit...

  1. Don't show your face
  2. Get a spycam in a button or a pen or whatever and record this better
  3. Have a plausible excuse for why you are where you are
  4. Quit with this amateur hour reactionary bullshit and get some real exploring done.

NotAnIdiot ago

5 Don't cut or edit the damn video.

totally_deplorable ago


zlomsocz ago

somebody should cross check the mkultra FOIA and see if this hospital was ever a contractor for this type of work.

Chistock ago

Please let this be a hoax. Thank you for anyone's efforts on confirmation.

willofthewarrior ago

I think it's people commenting without having first watched it.

Edit: and the fact that it's so much easier for things to be upvoated than downvoated on voat

ibepokey ago

all things in this reply string are why i downvoated it. but i watched it before i voated

hubertbutternut ago

From this we can see a basement at besta at least 100% confirmed, this is amazing guys, thank you for this - another note that after three weeks this is the first I have seen the alternate back door to comet - I believe this is behind the curtain before the 5 stairs down into comets back room.

doctorpoopoo ago

You are right.

willofthewarrior ago

If you actually did find the tunnels, good on you. But this video clip is awful. Too many hard cuts. No proof that you actually entered any tunnels via Besta. You should have shown yourself walking to the swamp because as it stands its unclear where you are. And the shit with the kids and the dumpster--you guys come off as total buffoons. Fix the editing issues and only focus on the tunnels and this will be a great video. And if you're actually doing the exploring, don't show your fucking faces / use your voices.

Edit: sorry if this came off hard, but this is like false-flag level bad currently.

tamaman ago

aight its a shill, on the radio show from the day before he s already calling out the pediatrics facility as his landing point out of the tunnels, that makes no sense

angry_mob ago


Yates ago

Reminder that wesearchr has a bounty on doing this so do it right and get paid a couple thousand There's 5 days left so get on it

CuckSlap ago

It's because it's a comedy video and they're trying to make fun of people investigating PizzaGate. Their podcast is "Pod Awful" and they're making fun of you guys.

ThePuppetShow ago

I'm not saying you're right or wrong (there's definitely many shills here) but, why would you say "they're making fun of you guys" instead of they're making fun of us?

Anonymous987654321 ago

good point.

quantokitty ago

Hey, it's okay!!! The Obamaites believed, "if you've got health insurance, you like your doctor, you like your plan — you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan." Complete schmucks to believe that.

doctorpoopoo ago

I understand and you should always be skeptical. This is what we could get with just two of us, and news and cops everywhere around us.

We made the decision to go on camera once we arrived because we realized that if we didn't people could claim this was done by anyone, or used footage from other sources.

Honestly, without having walked in on John Podesta facefucking a kindergartener, there will always be doubt. We at least exposed Besta as having a lower level, something the msm claims does not exist in these buildings.

jealoushe ago

Thanks for doing this...get a gopro if you can and wear it on your chest. What about the roof...anythingup there?

Cbradio ago

Brave as can be, thank-you. Really brave.

rjqweraasdaj ago

Can you give us further insight into the situation showing the jogger with those kids, jogging away, after they came out of Comet Ping Pong?

Because of the cut in the video, I can't see proof for this. Don't want to say that I think the video shows no evidence, but imo this is the most significant point and its unfortunately not visible.

standalone ago

To be fair it's not extremely common to see one man jogging with five boys all more or less the same age. Not their dad unless he got quintuplets. Could be some sport coach with his students but why would they be leaving Comet Ping Pong on a day where it's closed?

doctorpoopoo ago

I understand. Unfortunately my camera was in my pocket when we saw them come out the back door. I scrambled to get it, and as I did, that is when the man told the kids to run and they started jogging away. What you see is all the footage I have of them. But my partner in the video saw it as well. It honestly was so crazy to me my reaction time was probably off getting the camera out. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

willofthewarrior ago

If you actually trespassed on Besta I'm sure you think you found something big--and if you actually found tunnels, you probably did. But right now this doesn't even qualify as circumstantial evidence. Your claims are only as strong as the evidence you can provide and your reputation. And as I said, you come off as total buffoons with how you interacted around the kids and the dumpster, and your handle is "doctorpoopoo". There is literally zero evidence in that video that you found anything.

standalone ago

Dude opened a backdoor behind Besta Pizza plastered with a giant Besta Pizza sign at ground level and showed us a strairway going down from there. If you don't find that this is a convincing demonstration that Besta Pizza has a basement, I recommend that you inform yourself about basements, stairways and good faith.

doctorpoopoo ago

Bringing up usernames as evidence isn't a strong call. But all we are claiming is that we found proof that Besta has a lower level, that heads in the direction of Comet Pizza, and that there are more, unexplained underground areas within the vicinity. The point of this video is to encourage those who can to go explore more. We are not from DC, and traveled quite a ways to get there. We didn't have much time, and were there on possibly the worst day to try to do this, but we still managed to get something. I'd say someone else needs to explore more before they have more time to trash evidence.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

the video shows tunnels but in no way connects those tunnels to that area.

those tunnels could be from anywhere.

this works on reddit, and on some of these reddit transplants,

but this does not work on goats.

KingKongisCTR ago

How about you go check it out? This is a big revelation if true. Where are your contributions?

willofthewarrior ago

Shouldn't you be in class at school right now?

KingKongisCTR ago

Deflection. Nice.

wellington33 ago

Its funny that you need a password to join here:


srayzie ago

The webettiquate one won't even work for me at all now

doctorpoopoo ago

No sarcasm.

The kid we spoke to, he was waiting at a bus stop. For a bus. As soon as we walk away from him that car pulled up out of nowhere and the driver yelled for him and he got in. When I tell you this area was being watched like a hawk, I make no exaggeration.

Also the man and kids were running out of the back room of Comet, at 3pm, a time before they open, and on a day they were closed all day anyway because a GUNMAN was there the day before. Why would you bring a group of kids there?

Cbradio ago

Hey, did you get the license plate on the car??? Also, as cps in DC has been called , as they do not investigate even the child taped and infant held in kitchen; now a whole crew of kids are being walked out, told to run, get in a car. Please call cps in DC, read my two comments posted yesterday before you call, so you do it correct, safe, and firmly knowing child rt safety laws and psychology, child development facts, and cases cps has done in the past that bombard evwn good parents, as child safety laws are only for ensure child safe with never a regard to adults investigated. Yet, clearly the concern is adult alef who taped and posted a kid online, and glaringly absent; any concern, no mandated reporting by media and others in jobs that require mandate report to cps,...very easy for comet and media to prove this is false, by those kids found and fully cps accessed for well-being. That simple.

openminded ago

Admittedly I fast forwarded through this and watched with the sound off......but the guy leading the kids away looks uncomfortable. Now, maybe it's because he is truly concerned about running into a crazy right winger conspiracy loon with assault rifle, so I can rationalize his un-comfortableness. However something that stands out to me is that they are ALL LITTLE BOYS. maybe this uncomfortable guy is the neighborhood babysitter of a bunch of similar aged little boys and he regularly takes them all for a slice and a ping pong game while he's babysitting? Didn't someone say one or both was closed though???

doctorpoopoo ago

Comet was closed all day that day, but even if they were not, it was 3pm, two hours before they usually open.

Blacksmith21 ago

Is there any b-roll video of the kids emerging from CPP?

KingKongisCTR ago

I can't currently watch videos but if this is legit, this needs to be spread everywhere.

AdVict0riam ago

Archive immediately, folks.

doctorpoopoo ago


save_thechildren ago

I understand that all of the buildings down there have tunnels due to prohibition

S3m8o ago


doctorpoopoo ago

thank you

molehairz ago

The amount of downvotes on this video and submissions shows you've really struck something...

redberries ago

Wow fucking great job!

Downloaded it.

doctorpoopoo ago

thank you. good idea. I'm sure it will mysteriously vanish soon.

quantokitty ago

Why would they lock the tunnels? They were busy telling us there weren't tunnels so why would they lock anything? Besides, the tunnels aren't their property, are they? They wouldn't have the authority to lock them -- only use them.

wellington33 ago

It could be DCHA property, im looking into it.

quantokitty ago

Be sure to publish what you find. After months of pizzagaters insisting there were tunnels under and around the area, and JA and Faux news like WaPo telling us we were nuts, there they are ... leading right right to Besta and not far from Comet. And remember, these guys were being rushed, so there might be more. Like that hatch they found in the woods. Somebody should really go there. It's not anybody's property ...

Fire_Fly ago

Doctor at the pediatrics place is

rjqweraasdaj ago


You might think that I’m an odd duck because most people who like potty humor are kids. However, I’ve learned that many adults, at least once they’ve had children, enjoy humor that relates to bodily functions. This probably happens because babies and young children spend so much time peeing and pooping on their parents. And while I have definitely had the pleasure of being barfed on by my own children, the other reason I like bathroom humor is because, as a doctor, I spend so much time dealing with (and dodging) icky, gooey things that come out of children’s bodies!

Please check out the context for yourself, I am not sure if this is of signifcance.

srayzie ago

One of the pictures from that doctors website shows a babies penis. Even if it's a medical site, I don't think it's appropriate. I will look at things completely different now. This knowlege that we are uncovering has changed how I look at life. I've read so much on the satanic cults and how they love newborn babies. This world is too sick to trust people. I will always be suspicious of charities now too. With these kid charities ending up being pedophile rings to the Hillary Clinton Foundation being a total scam...How can we see things like we did before? I know I can't.

LadyMinx ago

There are many photos under his blog that make me uncomfortable, and I raised 4 children. Am I reading too much in to this? Usually images of children's genitalia in parenting books are sketches, not actual photos.

NerdyNoodle ago

He does seem to be obsessed with gross things (I mean, he actually says so himself.)

  Two of his articles include (among other topics): "Would you ever drink urine" and an article about playing with cow dung

  Here's an article on how to make a mummy:

  Also there is an interesting article for kids about the occult origins of Halloween


that last line made me sick

"children's bodies" sounds so cold

wellington33 ago

Gross Stories (for kids of all ages)

doctorpoopoo ago

We did not harass anyone and were careful not to. We actually ended up in the back of Besta on accident. The parking lot is in back, and we thought it was just another entrance for customers. We had just seen another guy walk in, but it turned out to be an employee. He had just unlocked the door and gone in. I believe he was the deliveryman.

standalone ago

I had a doubt too when watching the vid: why plaster the company sign on the backdoor if customers aren't expected to enter by that side? Sounds like it could be a valid shortcut from the parking.

doctorpoopoo ago

That's why we felt comfortable filming this moment, it was an honest mistake, but it lead to our greatest discovery.

reasonedandinformed ago

Good work and ignore this skeptic. Better to leave the computer and do some field work when law enforcement seems to be running cover.

Antonius ago

It is not is PEDOatrics.

doctorpoopoo ago

pedo theatrics

standalone ago


DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

I have seen clinics in literal ghettos that did not look this this scary bad disgusting what the hell, chevy chase has a median income of 250 grand!

quantokitty ago

Even more reason to do some internet sleuthing and check out what they're doing.

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago

Sure is! So awesome what you guys did, and glad you stayed safe! Unbelievable, a ticket? The whole town is sketched.

doctorpoopoo ago

It was filthy, awful.

dookiehowzer ago

go back and record the whole time under the tunnels

doctorpoopoo ago

We have only taken it seriously from the start. Please stop spreading misinformation.

willnotbesilent ago

As far as I remember the incident happened on a Sunday, if that's correct, then it says on Comet's website "kitchen hours Sun 11.30am-9.30pm". So they were open when it happened.

quantokitty ago


Finally, intelligent investigating. Tunnels going right up to Besta and Comet. And CP was closed BUT kids were coming out of it? WTH is that about? Did the guy jogging the kids away come out of the back door also? Wish I could upvoat this more than once!

doctorpoopoo ago

Thank you. Yes, they all came out the back door there together, the guy took one look at us and said, "Come on guys!" and they started jogging away. This was around 3pm, long before Comet opens. And that day they were closed anyway, because of the gunman incident.

standalone ago

Would you be able to recognize the guy if presented with a photo?

surgit2 ago

Those boys should have been in school or just getting dismissed at that time, did you see any of their faces?

standalone ago

What day did you shoot the video? Was it public holidays or school holidays period? It's indeed strange that five kids would all be skipping school to spend the day with some middle aged guy at a closed Pizza shop.

quantokitty ago

So they're open for kids 24/7 and there's nothing going on. I've never heard of businesses allowing kids in before they were open. Why would they? I guess the question is why JA would want them there.

doctorpoopoo ago

Unfortunately I am not DC based and we traveled quite far to do this. These follow ups will have to done by the next brave investigators.

NotAnIdiot ago

Now find the entrance to Comet.

doctorpoopoo ago

It was closed that day because of the gunman and James Alefantis was watching us closely the whole time. This will have to be the job for the next investigator.

quantokitty ago

And there's that hatch in the woods also.

If JA wasn't there and CP was closed, what were the kids doing in there?

doctorpoopoo ago

I believe Alefantis was nearby the whole time. When I walked over to the backdoor he suddenly pulled up on me out of nowhere. We saw more people coming in and out but did not get it on film, as it was before we realized that was also an entrance to Comet.

quantokitty ago

It's interesting that it was closed, but still let in children. I could see letting in adult friends. JA might have wanted to discuss what happened, but kids?

NotAnIdiot ago

You didn't see any doors in the tunnels that might have led there?

doctorpoopoo ago

From what we saw the tunnel went about 300 feet away from the pediatrics center and toward Comet. We couldn't find any further entry point, but it doesn't mean it wasn't there. We had limited time as we believed security had been called on us for filming, and there was only one entry point. We got in, got out fast.

NotAnIdiot ago

Okay. Maybe next time someone will find it.

doctorpoopoo ago


Fire_Fly ago

We need to research that Pediatrics center stat.

standalone ago

How is that relevant? Who is Howard J Bennet?

ryguyhermosa ago

a doctor at the pediatric center that they are at.

r3dtr1x ago

So? If he's a doctor and he handles these kinds of issues, it's completely normal. Not everything is as dark and sadistic as you think.

ryguyhermosa ago

you are the one is saying its dark an sadistic. project much? i just thought it was strange, not to mention he repeats topics.

srayzie ago

OMG he seems creepy. I'm still looking thru his stuff.

Chevy Chase Pediatrics is located at 5225 Connecticut Ave NW Suite 103, approximately one mile south of Chevy Chase Circle in Northwest, DC. Our office is on the lower level of the Huntington apartment building, which is on the east side of Connecticut Ave. Parking is available in marked spaces on the south side of the building and on adjacent streets. The office entrance is off the driveway on the south side of the building under the bright blue awning.

Does anyone know this location and how close it is to Comet or Besta?

quantokitty ago

Great idea! The pregnant woman checking out the facility ...

standalone ago

It's a pediatrics clinic, not a maternity.

quantokitty ago

It doesn't matter because it was a joke. I don't know why I take people at their word, but I do. Will not anymore.

As for the clinic, it's not involved in anything because this is a hoax. But the point was that pregnant women check out pediatric clinics BEFORE their children are born. But this won't happen because this is a hoax.

doctorpoopoo ago

When we recorded that front sign, a woman at the front desk seemed to call security. Its why we only have quick shots of the are in the alley before going underground. We had very limited time there. This is definitely the next place to do real TOTALLY LEGAL research. It sickens me to think they are taking advantage of sick children.

shortymcbossypants ago

Hm, do you know of any pregnant women? That way you can make an actual appointment and check out the facility on the inside? A lot of times pregnant women will go check out a Pediatricians office before making a decision on who their pediatrician is. At least that was the thing all the baby books told me to do when pregnant with my children.

shortymcbossypants ago

The location of the Peds office is in an apartment building? Something sketchy about this doctors office. One of the Pediatricians is named with a French type name but speaks fluent French and German. Possibly Belgian or Swiss, as I know both countries have a really centuries old practice of being multilingual. France, Belgium and Germany also has a child/human trafficking epidemic, as we have no doubt seen with the implication of the Dutroux affair.

reasonedandinformed ago

I think you are onto something big...thanks for doing this!

crazimal ago

Too bad this was not done by someone who thought to avoid being seen and recorded. Perhaps someone ought to more stealthily record, de-identify and upload complete video of the tunnel. Even though almost certainly it is just a storm sewer/utilities access/bum squat. Investigate. No selfies next time...

doctorpoopoo ago

I did not want to appear on camera at all while exploring the underground, but we realized when we got there that if I din't people could claim this was footage taken from someone/where else. It was important to maintain the integrity of who shot this so that controlled opposition could be eliminated as a way to write off the footage.

crazimal ago

Shooting the location and a street sign or two identifies the location. Hopefully, no one is interested in you and your friend. Sorry if my reply to the post came across as too critical. Trying to be helpful/leave advice for others who want to investigate.

doctorpoopoo ago

I understand.

YOu can google to see where the pediatrics center is, it is on the same street as Comet and Besta, a block or so away. The tunnel itself was not near a street sign, it was in back in an alleyway, and we had people walking up behind us, and reason to believe security had been called, so we didn't want the camera out while we were being watched.

Fire_Fly ago

Thanks so much for doing this! In some of the instagram photos it appears new tunnels are being built. Is there any evidence of that?

doctorpoopoo ago

Yes there is. The one area that we could not explore, because we had run out of daylight, was the hatch you see in the wooded area of the video. That hatch was a new, jerry-rigged construction. It was not there before, as we had not previously seen it during our research. There could be hundreds of tunnels/ underground networks thanks to the swampland that DC was built on. We only explored a fraction of it all. We set out to prove that there are lower level or underground areas at Besta/Comet, and I think we did.

doctorpoopoo ago

Thank you, soldier.

creep ago

This is, admittedly, pretty funny.

doctorpoopoo ago

We were unable to go deeper into Besta without trespassing. However, we did see which direction its underground are went. It heads straight toward Comet Pizza (which was closed that day due to the gunman.) and it is the same direction as the Pediatrics center where we found more underground passages.

hubertbutternut ago

You guys are something else! You pick the most heavily policed day and just stroll right in and get some of the best first hand evidence of some really weird shit going down- I commend your bravery, thank you once again, keep fighting the good fight brother!

doctorpoopoo ago

thank you very much. we wish we could have done more.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Video cuts away, unfortunately. Is there an unedited version?

doctorpoopoo ago

We recorded everything we could legally record. These cuts are what is on camera, and only edited to string them together, and add text for context.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I see. It is indeed strange that Besta would have a stairwell going into that underground area.

doctorpoopoo ago

The best part is that it proves a basement level exists in this shopping complex. So many news stories posit that Comet and Besta don't "even have a downstairs/basemen." This blows that out of the water.

Millennial_Falcon ago

When you talked about the legality of recording, are you saying it's illegal to record in a private business (even if it's open to the public?). That doesn't seem true to me.

doctorpoopoo ago

While it is illegal to record in a private business IF they tell you not to record, that is not what I meant. I meant we only recorded any activity we were 100% sure was legal. So some things went down off camera that we weren't sure about. There is also a second or two of footage from in Besta that was left out because the camera became obscured by my jacket.

Nigredo ago

What are those kids saying is "bullshit'? I can't hear them.

doctorpoopoo ago

They said that the whole Pizzagate conspiracy is bullshit. Literally moments later a car pulled up out of nowhere and the kid got in. What's stranger, is that he was waiting at a bus stop. If you are waiting for a bus, why is a car picking you up?