Angellite ago See attached document. Physician I actually know is listed- M. Ryan. I have no investigative skills, and hesitant to even put this here. But now that it is seen by others.... I have zero evidence. Zero.

littlemrsMAGA ago

I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you're saying really. Can you spell it out for me?

Angellite ago

The doctor (M Ryan) listed on the document above, which I provided, indicates treatment w the abused children by these hideous people, I suppose to keep them well for further abuse. See his name on the document. I know him personally. I have no evidence that this is true, but was absolutely shocked to come upon his name and his address (which is true) here when reading about Pizzagate. It doesn't provide any evidence, but he is a real person, at this address, I've know him years. The only comment I can provide is he appears rather exponentially more wealthy than one would expect- even for a physician, does a lot of travel for the salary and has a very large family he provides for essentially alone just from conversations than one would expect, even as a physician. Several of us actually wondered about that before my seeing his name on this list. The other one thing we have discussed, is why he keeps his grandchildren essentially full time and his own different children do not 😳

listenandsee ago

He was also CIA? Wow...

archons ago

I can already tell from the immediate downvote this is a good lead.

derram ago :

WikiLeaks on Twitter: "678.4 MB of new "DNC documents" from @Guccifer_2 use 7zip to unpack password: GuCCif3r_2.0" :

Pediatrician in Anacostia: One of a Handful Works to Keep Children Healthy - The Washington Post

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