SwampAintDrained ago

You started such a great discourse here, keep it real my brother(or sister).

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Alex jones just did everyone a favor by driving this back into the spotlight.

Pay attention to who is most vocal about all this 'not being true' and realize that they have already internalized a world view where pizzagate is possible
Step one of many.

Alex is Alex, he will do whatever he has to to keep the sponsor/advertiser dollars rolling in. The amount of people who watch him and can't see that it is the performance of a character and not the real person is astounding. His job is to say outrageous shit, that shitlibs twist and spin into something else, so the conservatives then have conniptions about the intentionally wrong interpretation from the shitlibs.
All of which keeps everyone talking about the subject.

All of this will crystallize the factions and make it much easier to trace the flow of money being used to cover it up.
By using shills and social media manipulation the pedo cabal are making a huge mistake because it leave a trail that can be followed.
Controversy increases the signal strength and allows the observant to discover the wellspring.

samhara ago

Some people were claiming to me yesterday that "Jones" was on the subject for years.

My counter to that was : check "Ashton Kutscher" - He's been "on the case" for years, but that doesn't prove anything .

They could be shouting it out loud, to mis-direct from their own involvement [Like closet gays who are homophobics]

samhara ago

Not the part about boosting Jones' viewership.

Narcissism ago

I like the video where a caller catches Alex out about 9/11 being a Nuclear Event. He says he knows after his own research, then tries to cover over the mistake.

GeorgeT ago

It's more like - we need to keep status quo, consolidate power, get richer and create misery for the public ..... but we can't do it openly.... so we'll do it from behind the scenes. We'll select a pedophile, video tape him and he is ours to do exactly as we say .....send our agents. .... We found a pedo wrestling coach at some high school, we'll make him Speaker of The House! Good job Dennis! Tomrrow you will propose this budget plan! ..... What, did you just say no to us????!!! Look everyone, Dennis Hasterd is a pedophile. What about you Barrack, any questions? No? Good, now go enjoy the hotdogs.

DoomMantia ago

Hahahahaha, awesome.

samhara ago

Fetzer interview and overview.

rooting4redpillers ago

Agree, just some person with time on their hands and a backwards attitude. No pay for that one, unless paid in yawns.

oedipusaurus_rex ago

Has he come out and said what made him change his mind about Alefantis?

New_years_day ago

OP is a faggot

TimeForPitchForks ago

Alex Jones haz been co-intellpro the entire time... a tool planted a long time ago, in the William 'Bill' Cooper dayz right..? They couldnt flip Cooper like they did to Jones thats why they killed him on his front porch.

DarkMath ago

" may have discredited this investigation"

Not at all, I think he helped it. By dropping the Pizzagate story TPTB no longer have the defense of accusing investigators of bigotry.

The next name will be Pedogate or even MangoGate:


Comet Ping Pong is nothing in the grand picture of things. James Alefantis is a minnow in a sea of Great White Sharks.

rooting4redpillers ago

Still 49th pizzashark in the Sea of D.C.

DarkMath ago

"Still 49th pizzashark"

Lol. That's funny. I like the word "pizzashark". It's fun to say. It sounds like something you'd see down in Florida where a sub-species of Bull Shark started congregating around a high end Pizza parlor with seating on the water and diners would throw them their pizza crust and pretty soon a new species was born. The Pizza Shark is slow, heavy, greasy and never known to travel for more than a few hundred feet in search of prey. I like it.


rooting4redpillers ago

LOL, I was going to say - feel free to use it - but I just now searched pizzashark, and see that it's already quite a thing.

frankenmine ago

They got to Ben Swann. They got to David Seaman. They got to Milo. Why would Alex Jones be immune?

Don't be angry at people for having a breaking point. Consider the wealth and ruthlessness of the enemy. They can threaten and even do things nobody else can.

Just pick up the mantle and carry on. Somebody has to.

Makingspace1 ago

I am a fan of Jones and have been for a while. I can say that I think he is wrong on this one as well, and he has been wrong on other issues before too. In all fairness though, it would childish to throw the baby out with the bathwater i.e. spitting internet vitriol at him and "cutting him off" so to speak. He has arguably done more for independent media and establishing the independent media as relevant than any one else except Matt Drudge, and his success as an independent media network speaks for itself. I think that due to his clear growth trajectory and success that makes it clear that he is here to stay, he is distancing himself from the pizzagate core narrative which really does emanate from Podesta and Alefantis. He was threatend by Alefantis, and I think to keep his media business out of the legal mud that could arise, he is just making disassociating it from the pizzagate narrative. Now one could argue that he is a Judas Goat because of this move, but he is not one to shy away from the child trafficking narrative/issue, and continues to have guests on that prove his stance on it. The grey water and mud that Pizzagate via Podesta and Alefantis creates is a mess that a larger media network, or medium sized one with millions of dollars at stake would be careful to tread in. A lot of the gun-ho pizzagate zealots (including people like myself) dont have much to lose or much at stake by arguing and posting online. It is a whole other animal with a group like infowars which now requires millions of dollars of cashflow to keep it going. I would advise others to evaluate the "I hate Alex Jones" posts to follow after his apology with a grain of salt. I would venture to say a lot of the posts you could expect coming from Sharia Blue as they would clearly mark Alex's apology as a big win thereby smelling blood in the water. You can expect Sharia Blue to consider this gas in the tank to keep up their "reasonably crafted" troll posts. So just be thoughtful about things.

Vic138 ago

I think Beck got into financial trouble, the CIA or Soros bailed him out, and now they own him. How easily some people give up their morals to chase or keep their fame.

samhara ago

He at least has a small serious drug habit, FWIW.. and believes people can be bought by the powerful. He was likely compromised from the start, as "Jones."

If they only used 100% stooges, people would guess there was something wrong. So they get those who can "hit some notes" but miss on the important plays.

IPleadThe2nd ago

What a fucking loser!!!

IPleadThe2nd ago

You're confusing an average business, with a media business that specializes in exposing lies and corruption. Nothing is more corrupt than pedo rings of the rich and powerful

IPleadThe2nd ago

I'd wager that he could make MORE money and get more fame and followers by blowing this up instead of backing down.

However I can agree that if it came to threats against his family that may be a legit reason.

IPleadThe2nd ago

That's what Alex always says! Go public and you are safer! His words!

IPleadThe2nd ago

What's insteresting is that the people supposedly "fired" because of pizzagate publically deny they were fired....

IPleadThe2nd ago

I live across the country and have responsibilities, not everyone here can run to D.C. For protests. That doesn't make us wrong

featheredmasks ago


NO SHIT. Alex CHOSE that life when he decided to report on the type of shit he is reporting on.

Are you 12? That's like saying you'd take a bullet for someone but you honestly have no idea what you'd do in a real life or death situation, or when a woman says she totally wouldn't abort when faced with an unwanted pregnancy until she faces one.

While it doesn't appear he has kids of his own (according to Wikipedia), there are probably children he is close to like nephews, nieces, etc. What if it was threatened that they would be trafficked?

Get over yourself, we are all human and as dedicated as we are to this cause, if someone threatened your loved ones (especially kids who ABSOLUTELY do not deserve any evil upon them, more so than adults), you'd probably back out too if ACTUALLY faced with the situation.

IPleadThe2nd ago

You are spot on!

IPleadThe2nd ago

@vieBLEW is a skank

VieBleu ago

That' s the best you can do?

Jem777 ago

It worked. You responded which shows exactly who you are

VieBleu ago

And exactly who is that?

JeremiahSinclair ago

Why is this proof that he's compromised? And if the big idea was to keep us talking about Jones all day, why are we all sitting here doing exactly that? No one who was going to show up to the protests is going to abandon their plans because they saw an Alex Jones apology. They're still going to go. I see it having close to zero effect on turnout.

MileHiLife ago

AJ has brought up the Clinton "Kill List" numerous times but NEVER had to retract/issue an apology due to threats -- and the Clintons are (for now anyway) as powerful as anyone in D.C. -- if not the world. This "story" isn't near over, I'm sure more will come to light soon and my bet is he was threatened in a way that would make even the strongest of men fold. Say what you will but AJ is a pretty tough dude, physically AND mentally. He HAS to know the "apology" would do tons of damage to his brand and InfoWars -- he's not an idiot. NEVER underestimate how sadistic the Deep State IS. The "apology" is unparalleled for AJ, on something based on speculation that appears protected under Free Speech.

AJ can call Michelle a man, G-Dubbya & O homo's and GHWB a murderer -- but dammit, don't dare call Alefantis or John Molesta a pedo-trafficker! Yeah...this doesn't smell right at all!

Maybe AJ's ties to Stratfor run deeper than we thought?

Sermo_Ludere ago

Never Believe Anything Until Officially Denied

Scirel ago

Alright brother, I'm taking your points. Seaman's video from yesterday even shook me up a bit (yeah - I know), and you have caught the same wave. Being one of the guys who initially rallied behind AJ, I'm just going to back off and say I don't know what the hell this is really all about. AJ VERY QUICKLY backed off saying JA had any deep involvement MONTHS ago, so this video should come as no surprise. He was always saying that JA was a target of some sort of elitist containment operation, which is clearly a bunch of crap, but I gave AJ a pass because he gets like a pit bull when he thinks something is right. But I mean, come on, a gunman shoots off one bullet which just happens to penetrate a hard drive in a computer locked behind a door at CPP? Gimme a freakin' break...

But to my point: AJ kept saying TO Steve Pieczenik that Hitlery had brain tumor per Pieczenik's initial diagnosis, even AFTER Pieczenik changed his mind and agreed that Hitlery has Parkinson's, and said this to Alex, to which Alex didn't even acknowledge to his initial source that he had changed his mind, and basically told Pieczenik, "No, Doctor, your initial information was right even though you got more information and changed your informed opinion." This was bizarre to say the least. We see the same behavior here. So here are my list of possibilities:

  1. JA got to him, either via a credible threat, or through a well-crafted lawyer's letter (which can be pretty damn convincing).
  2. AJ is playing a long game - backing off while the case is being built which will take down the whole thing. He was told to squash this distraction for now (possibly even by Trump himself?!?).
  3. AJ is developing early onset Alzheimer's. The signs are there. He is talking about himself WAY too much and he relies on old information and research way too much. He is having trouble reading on the fly - he screws up words all the time, and he seems to have trouble focusing.
  4. He is indeed controlled opposition.

As you can see, I'm just staying open at this time. Too soon to tell IMHO, but this is a great post, even if you have ruffled some feathers. But my confidence in AJ has just taken a huge hit nonetheless, and rightfully so. Thanks.

srayzie ago

What do you mean? You can hear him saying the words

equineluvr ago

She means it wasn't original material.

srayzie ago

Oh ok

JastheMace ago

or bot

JastheMace ago

Glad to see you come to your senses. Now say the same thing about David Icke and Jordan Maxwell.....and a huge list of others

Anson ago

Alex jones has been a phony, cuck jew lover for a long time


equineluvr ago

Silencio ago

regardless of whether you like AJ or not, we're the people who make up our own minds, not many here are blindly following any individuals or groups. Disinfo and controlled opposition are nothing new to folks here. If you're affected by people getting off board on something you believe you won't make it far, it's the oldest tactic to discredit something ... have a few people strategically get on board so they can get off board later at an opportune moment and have some presumed "credibility" because they were "on baord".

Make your own decisions and the rest is just noise

Sermo_Ludere ago

Welcome, Neo.

minusco2 ago

Yeah Alex planes hit the towers, good one.

NotTooLate ago


pby1000 ago

I am an even bigger Alex Jones fan now.

basedputin ago

Alex Jones obviously lied and now he is apologizing because they'll take him to jail. Remember y2k ... yea that was Alex Jones. He is a known liar and disinfo campaign. He is always shilling for Israel and the jews that pay him.

I don't know if the pizzagate thing is real BUT clinton mafia DOES traffic children to harvest their organs. That much I know is true. (they are mainly using the syrian war to do it; but haiti too)

equineluvr ago

AJ = incredible/fantastic claims, hysteria, fearmongering, teasers, and hype/promotion. I was onto AJ in 2010. I admit that I listened to him briefly, but it didn't take long to cut through the crap.

It's strange how an otherwise intelligent or skeptical listener can be swept up by what they want to believe and abandon critical thinking.

NotTooLate ago

Purpose of not taking on a lawsuit? How about not setting a precedent to now get continually sued and under the complete control over who is behind all this. Jones passed the libel line months ago on this.

Jem777 ago

Does anyone know what Secret Grand Jury means? Do you realize you would have no idea if it were occurring even right now?

IPleadThe2nd ago

No what's a "frand" jury?

Jem777 ago

Sorry edited. Secret Grand Jury

equineluvr ago

True, but that won't lead me to conclude -- or even speculate -- that it IS happening.

SaveTheChildren ago

Alex Jones is a female to male tranny

JeremiahSinclair ago

I really don't think he's disinfo. Alefantis probably made it clear that Jones is not just in legal danger, but will be destroyed, and everyone close to him threatened. It's really easy to sit back from your chair on the internet and call him a disinfo agent/wimp/etc, but how would you react if your entire livelihood, employees who work for you faithfully, and children were at risk from these people? You would back down so you could at least continue reporting and doing your job and contributing. This would have destroyed Jones' ability to do that.

Maybe AJ is disinfo, but this certainly doesn't provide evidence of if IMO as you claim is so clear here. Also, saying he should "hang from a tree" is extreme regardless; why don't you take it easy and breathe deep? WTF would you do if this cabal made it clear they would destroy your life and the lives of everyone close to you? You would do the same damn thing. I suggest you re-post your opinions in a less incendiary, rage-fueled way. That gets us nowhere. Rage blinds and drives people to irrational thoughts and actions.

Just my two cents.

dFrog ago

I kind of think that if Jones doesn't come back around and use this retraction to advantage with the movement, like a "4D chess" move, he's done. Pizzagate/pedogate is only going to get bigger and as it does, Jones will look less and less credible.

If he does something like bring JA on, let him say his piece, then flip it around on him somehow, "tricking" JA into contradicting himself or something like that, this retraction can work in his favor, but if not, he and his operation are at least going to take a massive hit if they don't drown altogether.

hardrock ago

There seem to be a lot of people upset by Alex Jones' recent "recanting" of his position and/or beliefs about pizzagate. I think most of them are overlooking significant aspects of the situation.

There are several extremely important conclusions and lessons to be learned from the Alex Jones recorded legal retraction. And you're unlikely to learn or benefit from any of them by getting your knickers in a twist. First and foremost : the only thing solidly "proven" by any of it so far is that AJ has a good lawyer who can weasel-word with the best of 'em. No good retraction actually "retracts" anything, and this gets an A+ in that regard. Secondly (and almost as important) is that the very fact of doing it at all, AT THIS VERY LATE DATE, is nicely timed confirmation that James Alefantis and co-offenders are STILL so worried about the progress of the pizzagate investigation that they are leaning on Jones with heavy and significant legal threats. That is NOT normal and accepted practice for down-playing a scandal that has run its course. The only explanation (that makes any sense) for re-igniting the issue so publicly (with a news worthy "event" which gives the press a reason and excuse for giving it fresh coverage) is that they actually DO fear the prospect of going to jail as a very REAL possibility. WHICH LEADS ME TO THE FINAL POINT : Alefantis , by threatening Jones with legal action, has handed pizzagate investigators/supporters a fantastic opportunity on a silver platter. They have handed us, for free!, A NEWSWORTHY CONTROVERSEY that can now be used as the foundation for tons of coverage. USE IT! Manna from heaven! It breathes new life into a campaign that has been sorely lacking in HARD, NEWSWORTHY, EVENTS. You do get the picture here, right? If you absolutely have to attack Alex Jones (for personal psychological reasons) then AT LEAST do so in a manner that 1) carries the pizzagate message 2) exposes the terror of guilt-ridden perps in high places, and 3) BOOSTS the viewership of Jones' web site... because the controversey itself is a great way to CARRY the story you need to disseminate. It us like a "wave" that you then surf. The bigger the wave the better. For example , instead of ripping him up with personal insults SYMPATHIZE with how this lonely standard bearer has been forced to buckle under by powerful and corrupted GUILTY pedophiles. It's okay to criticize his capitulation, but the emphasis is on pedogate and pedophiles and Alefantis , not on Jones. Milk the story, team, these kinds of opportunity don't drop into your lap from a benevolent heaven all that often. Don't waste it.

90829034234 ago

dont you fucking get it yet. his statement wasnt about kid touching. it was about shit journalism and being associated with it through proxy. and also shit youtubers making insane videos

jones is strictly against kid touchers


this is what he does not wanna be associated with, i dont blame him.

Vanscribe1 ago

that is exactly what it is and once again the majority of people are to fucking stupid to realize it. Soon there control will only get more powerful and we will be enslaved on such a level that there will be no undoing it.

DarkMath ago

"There has been NO NEW EVIDENCE exculpating James Alefantis"

That doesn't matter. You're innocent until proven guilty. There is an assumption of innocence here in America. I think there's more to the story at Comet Ping Pong than we're seeing. But it would be unfair to accuse JA of anything at this point.

I personally think Comet Ping Pong and James Alefantis were/are red herrings to be dragged across the trail to slow down an investigation by making it look like investigators are bigots.

It's brilliant. You've got to tip your hat to the CIA. Comet Ping Pong was some of the best "spy craft" I've ever seen in this whole story.

GeorgeT ago

There is no defamation suit. Alex is a seasoned journalist, he never made accusations of any kind. Exposing connections is protected by the first ammendment.

Tanngrisnir ago

I'm no fan of AJ but FBIAnon said in 2016 that he was a useful idiot who genuinely believed the things he said. I don't think he is planted disinfo. He just folded under death threats.

samhara ago

Another case where "FBIAnon" is feeding false information.

PieInTheEye ago

Calm down. He's just being sued, knows he can't ACTUALLY PROVE anything about Alefantis or Comet, so is in damage control. You can still investigate ... what does Alex Jones' opinion have to do with your opinions?

Circumstantial evidence ... even a mountain of solid looking circumstantial evidence ... is useless against the Brock-Alefantis-Clinton-Soros-Rothschild network of reprobates.

Solid evidence is needed, and Jones knows he CANNOT produce it, thus why would he turn his entire organization into a martyr simply so he could be destroyed in court by Brock and Alefantis. What would anyone gain from InfoWars being destroyed?

newworldahead ago

People, I know most of us are angry at AJ, but remember the following: No Alex Jones = No Donald Trump = Hillary Clinton is president = John Podesta is secretary of state = at least 4 years of pizza parties = war with Russia = the completion of the globalism/nwo plan

Am I dissapointed in AJ, YES. Do i believe he is controlled opposition? NO. This is complete nonsense. I hate the phrase "conspiracy theory" to the core of my being but I'll make an exception here. AJ being controlled opposition is a damn stupid conspiracy theory!

Twenty two years of red pilling people non-stop, hello? Do you seriously think that the deep state / evil cabal / illuminati / satanists would be stupid enough to create a puppet who distribute red pills like a mad man for 22 years straight? Think about it. Several of these red-pilled individuals are here on v/pizzagate today helping us with this investigation. Do you seriously think that this is exactly what the evil losers wanted and planned? People have to calm down with this 5D chess thing and get real. The evil piece of shit are obvious in their tactics, it is always easy to see their signature.

Now, I'm not saying that AJ doesn't have an agenda of his own. But please, people, stop with this "It was all part of the plan!" thing. It was not.

GeorgeT ago

Pen is mightier than a sword, 21century - keyboard is mightier than M-16

ArthurEdens ago

Shills usually write fifty paragraphs in their posts

33degree ago

He got legally attacked. He had to back off because they are coming hard now and he doesn't have undeniable proof. I understand why he did this.

GeorgeT ago

Kpeen I am so glad that people are waking up to this. I followed the guy since 2002. He has sold out. Notice how all of a sudden false flag terror attacks stopped. Where was the dissection of London 322 Skull&Bone ritual, carried out by a guy named .....Masood or was it Mossad? (mockery in our face) I may have let him off the hook but bowing down to child torturers is where I draw the line.

micha_ ago

Attacking AJ instead of Alefantis? Congratulations! Moron or shill?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Where's the lawsuit?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

What is amazing is that you are blowing up at voaters instead of AJ. You'd think the righteous thing to do would be to blow up AJ's phone lines/email/mail/etc whatever letting him know that Alex may be able to pretend PG is about JA/CPP but the majority cannot be silenced.

Nope, you just direct all your hate and anger toward voaters...

Fatsack ago

PIZZAGATE is a 'limited hangout' full of circumstantial evidence to draw you people to it, but full of plausible deniability to prevent it getting to court. THE REAL CONSPIRACY IS PEDOGATE. Focus on the politicians, the actual traffickers, and the deep state's involvement, instead of a single pizza shop and it's owner, however well connected he is.

2b1ask1 ago

I keep seeing this b.s. - do not focus on pizzagate.

Oh please...

That pizza shop owner is so deep into creepy, sick, outrageous crap - he should be hung at the public square by now. Skip the corrupt courts... hung by the angry mob. The circumstantial evidence is OVERWHELMING.

Fatsack ago

Yes, and it is CIRCUMSTANTIAL. You're not going to get a criminal prosecution without a victim and direct evidence of a crime being commited. Focusing on the pizza shop is letting the ACTUAL power mongers, the politicians and intelligence communities, get away with it. You're buying them time to bury this.

Forgetmenot ago

He carries liability insurance no one would sue him into oblivion. A law suit is not such a big deal ask any doctor. It might cut into his profits but you can survive it. He would rather apologize to a satanist pedofile than fight to defend our constitution. Let that sick in for a minute. This was a loss not only for the children but more so for freedom of speech.

peacebringer ago

This is true. There is great evil at work.

GeorgeT ago

There is no law suit, it's intimidation. Elites are panicking.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Yes, except this holocaust is real.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Anybody who's been here longer than a week or two has already "blown up at Alefantis". Alefantis dindu anything new lately; AJ did.

patriot_saints ago

I stopped watching AJ when he went from conspiracy guy to a slightly better fox news

srayzie ago

Your first paragraph I agree with completely. I watched him for years too and always defended him and excused a lot of things. I am so pissed off. I feel like he's a coward. I always respected that, even tho so many people hated him and he was always in danger, he (like Trump) didn't back down and take crap from nobody. Fearless. He would come out with bombshells that he knew could get him killed. So, it boggles my mind that he let James Alefantis get to him.

This is what I think happened. Several months ago when that Comet Ping Pong shooting happened and that lawyer appeared on his show, he got freaked out and deleted videos about Pizzagate. We were pissed. The other anchors there had this explaination, telling us that they need to be really careful about how they word things from now on. They needed to always use the word "alleged".

Not long after, Alex Jones got a wild hair up his ass and went all in again reporting on Pizzagate. He talked about it on Joe Rogan. You could tell by the many mistakes he made, and the many things he did NOT say, that he was not very informed about it. It bothered me that he didn't study and research it before going on there and being a huge voice for this cause. But, it still was very much appreciated.

A couple of weeks ago, he said he had a lawsuit against him. At the same time, that thing happened (the new law or google) that made it to where he would make 3 and a half million dollars less. He had already lost Google Adsense. On top of that, our government is trying its best to get rid of Alternative News, or what they term Fake News. They mention Infowars specifically, and often. So, Alex Jones was getting concerned that they would take him off air. They started removing his videos recently and he would tell us to spread the videos to get them out. Basically, everything was falling apart for him. I do not believe he's paid opposition. He's been around for 20 years. I've watched him for close to 10 years. He's always talked about these kids being raped and murdered.

All that being said, I think James Alefantis, just like he did with Ryan from @pizzagategear started making his threats. I don't know if he threatened Alex Jones life, his families life or he and his elite friends threatened to end Infowars. But, I think somehow, James Alefantis told him that if he stopped supporting Pizzagate, and apologized for bringing his name into all of this, that he wouldn't sue him. So, he caved. So, with everything else falling apart, a lawsuit he knows he would lose, he did that lame speech yesterday to save his butt.

I have never talked bad about him. But I told him off yesterday and told him I'm done. Depending on what caused him to do this matters to me tho. If his life and family was threatened, which we know James Alefantis uses that tactic because of what Ryan showed us, then I can understand why he did what he did. His family comes before anything. Since we don't know exactly what happened, I'm holding out a tiny bit of hope that this is some 4d chess move, especially since he's friends with Trump. Or, Alex Jones may tell us later why he did this.

Regardless of Pizzagate, he whole heartedly believes in the satanic child trafficking. He's talked about it for years. He's talked about The Clinton's being involved, and all of the people who have died suspiciously who were connected to them. What he denied yesterday specifically was, James Alefantis or Comet Ping Pong being involved. I do believe he has a good heart and is sincere, but his head has gotten huge because I've been getting so sick of him saying how big they've gotten and how he's not bragging but they are bigger than Mainstream media and yelling "We're bigger than you!"

Bottom line is that I've lost a lot respect for him and am no longer going to support him or watch him daily. But, he still does red pill many people about how corrupt our government is and he stands up for Trump. That's my 2 cents. I didn't expect to write a long message so you better read it lol. Just kidding.

P.S. I've saved 2 links to share with you folks. I didn't want to make a new submission and have it deleted.

If this hasn't been shared already, you will be shocked! This is Obama in the past talking racist and about pussy! 😮😮😮😮😮 I wish this was released when Trump was being attacked for his "locker room talk"! https://youtu.be/11egn3VBIHI

This video is about a popular pretty girl acting like she is under the control of MKUltra. It's a trip and I'm sure it's so entertaining to young people. This is how they groom them! Poppy MK Ultra Illuminati Youtuber Puppet Exposed. https://youtu.be/bhXqnz21SvY

IPleadThe2nd ago

100% agree with what you wrote!

srayzie ago


MicksElplix ago

Theory: Is it possible Alex Jones is making the appearance of backing off pizzagate, to take the, down the throat, pressure off the justice department to investigate?

Nobody likes to be forced into anything. It may be more likely this gets investigated since there's not so much pressure to do so.

Just a theory.

rooting4redpillers ago

This keeps reminding me of Glenn Beck's 2013 one document that would take down the whole power structure - that never happened. It's been mentioned here before:

[Archived] Glenn Beck/ possible threat changed him after stating he would reveal info in 2011 that could potentially take down the US goverment same timeframe of A. Brietbart death following similar accusations. (pizzagate) | submitted 3 months ago by Jem777

24 Hours later on Friday Glenn Beck did not say a word again about this massive D.C. scandal. After the broadcast a source says Glenn received a terrifying and credible in-person threat. The following week Glenn stated during his adio broadcast that "Some things simply aren't worth the lives of your wife, children, and family."

...also linked (in comment by wisdomtooth in that sub) to this by David Zublick: PizzaGate Truth Unsealed - Glenn Beck Cover-Up Exposed?

I'm hoping I don't start another war here, over the credibility of Glenn Beck or Alex Jones, as that's not my point. I know we're pretty much all aware of this, but I'll say it anyway... it seems horribly easy for tptb to zero in on certain, very particular people (threats?), and shut them up on certain topics. Popular media giants should already understand the real possibility that certain topics will bring on threats to their personal safety - and if they really wanted to get bombshells out there, they would find an alternate, third-party way to release the information to the public (and sacrifice the credit and ratings). We see all kinds of pizzagate ALL OVER the entire media spectrum, without the obvious check that was put on those two, and there's also the Megyn Kelly debacle that many of us had high hopes for. The ones who hit the mark are either suicided/heart-attacked, compromised, bribed, effectively gagged... so, is this the way it's to always be, and who's going to be next?

NotOneGETpost ago

Alex Jones is synonymous with cointelpro imho.

NotOneGETpost ago

I think many of us free thinking goyim understand he has his place in the status quo...

A quick google turned up these flippin' (((gems))) ;)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk%3ADynCorp http://www.realjewnews.com/?p=387

e-traiu ago

AJ is treathened by someone he is afraid of. Dats the most likely reason. His tone and the downright reading from a card is a indicator of that he does not like to have to what he just did.

Forgetmenot ago

It's not a lawsuit....understand he has liability insurance to cover the entire cost of defending and paying out a settlement. This movement hit some sort of nerve, it's becoming a tidal wave and we are seeing the pedos and their protectors come out into the light. Clearly Alex jones prefers to have pedofiles in charge of our government than go to court and defend our free speech. There are names for his type, 1776 again? absolutely, and Alex jones will be remembered as a Benedict Arnold.

looking4truth ago

Are you shitting me? Instead of calling out alfantis who obviously threatened him with a lawsuit or maybe something more we are gonna call out Alex Jones? You're acting as if he has a choice .

equineluvr ago

AJ is a SHILL and always has been!! Some of us were onto him YEARS ago!

You need a new moniker because if you're too blind to see what AJ really is then you're not "Looking for Truth."

Clinker ago

Um guys Alex was clearly not himself. Compare that video to just about any other. He's not condemning pizzagate with gusto. This video is a message to all his fans that he is under threat.

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

This. If you listen to AJ regularly, you can see that he is out of character during this "apology."

Flat_Truth ago

He did the same thing with Sandy Hook. And here he is promoting all the latest false flag terror attacks. He stays far away from that aspect of the news being completely fabricated using actors....and its key. He also says "that flat earth stuff has been debunked".....yet admits all the footage and photos from the moon missions were fake, but says he talked to someone involved and the real footage got burned up on re-entry, so they had to use fake footage and images. Uh huh. Either Alex is duped himself and out in left field...or yeah, he's a paid shill. One or the other.

VeritaZ ago

Alex Jones has been exposing global elite pedophilia for 20 years, OK. What have you been doing? This is about a specific person and business. Yes, Alex Jones did help Trumps victory. There is a reason why the masses have been waking up, and he is a big part of it. You are either a fool or a shill and I will not reply to you anymore.

pakitochocolatero ago

Well I guess Infowars officially became one MSM more

VeritaZ ago

Anyone making inflammatory comments outing Alex Jones or other high profile investigators as shills are most likely shills themselves, or acting like one (without even getting paid) which makes you a fool.

You cannot run a huge media operation and make unsubstantiated claims about a specific person and business. How fucking hard is that to understand? This is obviously a statement written by lawyers. So stop being fucking morons and bash the guy whose lone fight has made this movement and Trump possible in the first place.

Where were you 20 years ago when Alex Jones was running around bullhorning and exposing these people? In your diapers suckling on mommies titties? Maybe you still are? Anyone bashing Alex Jones is a paid shill or a fucking moron acting like a shill trying to create division and confusion. Time to grow the fuck up!

stellarcorpse ago

month old, months old, whatever. I will give you link. the Joe Rogan interview was a month old but AJ was always saying that JA was innocent way b4 that podcast. Reason I stopped following him. I will post a video of his kiss the crisis actors CPP shooting 'witness' ass months ago. An Arabic guy.. I bailed on him then and there.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

That lawyer interview should have ended anybody's support for AJ.

stellarcorpse ago

Which one? THe Arab witness at the CPP shooting? Crisis actor if I eve saw one.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Yes, Mr. "Silmi" (Shill=me? or Silly Me? take your pick) the laughable "witness" to the absurd "shooting".

FreeRebel ago

Well, I don't agree. That video was just like one of those hostage videos. He had to do it because of being sued. He's just a commentator. He is not a prosecutor or law enforcement official or legislator. And while the things we have been seeing here on this forum are very persuasive and almost certainly signify guilt "big-league" ... we are not involved in the legal end of it. And no prosecutor wants to indict a defendant unless and until a foolproof case has been nailed down, bringing sworn statements and hard forensic evidence to bear, to ensure a conviction. Alex is under the advice of attorneys. I've had attorneys before who told me if I didn't do what they said they would no longer represent me. The person who does what his attorneys say, is not doing what is within their most earnest heart. They are doing what they have to do, to get through an ordeal with high stakes. There is nothing about this incident with Alex apologizing to CPP that will prevent investigation and indictment and sentencing by the justice system. That is the goal of one & all. Alex will live free another day to do his reportage. Just see what he comes up with that is of value, and if his personality gets under your skin, try to just get over it, because he is doing a very difficult job. Take the best & leave the rest.

samhara ago

"That video was just like one of those hostage videos. "

Right, Like one of those faked and staged beheadings.

fremar ago

don't let anyone speak for you , ever . speak for yourself & standup to defend your word.

EricKaliberhall ago

I believe that AJ have been threatened by some powerful people. This is such a crucial time in the pedogate investigation, that is on the verge of being fully exposed. AJ knows a lot more then he is telling, so he distance himself and Infowars from the centre of the investigation. I don't believe that AJ thinks Alefantis is innocent in all this. I do believe AJ underestimated the power that this sick fuck James Alefantis obviously got.

stellarcorpse ago

He specifically sates JA is innocent. Listen to it again. I know this as I posted a sub about it here and people got pissed off at me.

r3dtr1x ago

Look, AJ has found his niche. I believe he was forced to make this statement, probably by his attorneys. He could get slapped with a really big defamation suit, and it could have ended his career and ended infowars. Some times, the only choices available are bad ones. I don't blame him for doing what it appears his attorneys told him he must do.... Now, as far as Alex Jones being paid disinfo/shill/controlled op/whatever, then that means, without a doubt, that Trump is the 'false hope' candidate. Do you believe that? Do you believe we, as a society, have truly lost the war and there is no hope? Because if Alex Jones is on the take, then Trump is too... and I, for one, refuse to believe that.

the_magic_man ago

He disabled comments on the video too

ThePedoHunter ago

Noticed that....fcking coward

stellarcorpse ago

you are incorrect. I heard that podcaset and he was saying even then that JA was kust an innocent pizza guy. I heard it and was livid. Stopped listening to him there and then,

FakeNewzIsFake ago

Ok, this is a shill post.

I've watched what Alex said about this. He never said ANYTHING that was damning because the lack of evidence.

He was constantly saying we should not of involved because there was not enough info. I don't get why this is blowing up so big

stillinit ago

I had to scroll down this far to finally see someone make this comment??

FakeNewzIsFake ago

They are on a mission right now, AJ being brought to his knees.

I've watched most of his pizza gate stuff though, the only people posting like this is actually happening are people who haven't and shills. We need to start flagging this.

stellarcorpse ago

THIS IS NOT ABOUT A BLOODY FREAKING LAW SUIT!!! ALEX JONES IS LIKELY BEING THREATENED PHYSICALLY AND LIKELY HIS CHILDREN TOO!! Why is it so hard for people to understand this? James Alefantis already threatened the pizzagear youtuber guy and his family once and also allegedly threatened the former employee he drugged and raped. Jesus people! Like JA would really bring his dirty laundry to court. Think!!!

ArchibaldRothschild ago


ehpiwhepwhpw* b* epw93820348

silentwindchime ago

AND let's not forget what happened to David Brock a few days ago. Although AJ was one of the loudest voices out there, all of you on Voat are doing an incredible job and keeping us all informed. We don't need YouTube, we don't need the MSM. We all know what is going on, so be careful, stay alert, but don't give up.

WanderingMitten ago

Exactly, if Alex Jones did what he did, there is potentially a lot of scary players involved that would force him to take back what he said. People need to look and read between the lines, he can deny and say it isn't true but his viewers will interpret it differently. They will see and realize how strange it is for him to be acting this way, that if he's doing this, he wasn't threatened, everyone around him way maybe to the point where there are pictures showing him how close they could get to his family, and saying shit like "One more move and they would of been dead." or not even suggesting death, just showing pictures.

Think about how creepy this could be. Say there was a picture, night time, bedroom, a man in a room, a familiar room, wait, that's your kid's room, silent, a gun pulled out, pointed at the kid head, another picture taken, show that to them, and how would you react. You see something like that and it's saying "Boom, fuck with us one more time and next time it won't be a photos hoot."

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

I am mad at Alex Jones for apologizing to Alefantis, but this is exactly what came to mind when I listened to the "apology," and looking at AJ's face (red, looked like he was either crying/screaming before filming). I imagined Alefantis or one of his creepy cohorts contacting Alex Jones and showing him pictures of his family and doing the old Mafia "it'd sure be a shame if anything happened to this lovely family of yours."

And remember who these people are we're dealing with. Satanic Pedophiles. Meaning that when they threaten you, they're not empty threats, and they are threatening to do much more than just kill you. If THESE people threaten your family/kids, that means they are saying they will rape and sacrifice them, possibly even keep them as sex slaves. Fates worse than death will be leveled at your loved ones if you dig too deep and strike oil.

stellarcorpse ago

I am sure this is what is happening here,

peacebringer ago

This is possible as well.

pmichel ago

and if he is really a Rothchild he can make whatever he wants happen to you and your family

stellarcorpse ago

scariest fucking people in the world are those that have nothing to lose.

GeorgeT ago

You know something guys, come to think of it, he may, just may be a Rothchild, and in fact he may even be part of the invisible deep state.

samhara ago

who is the 'he" you refer to?

GeorgeT ago

James Alifantis.

SaneGoatiSwear6 ago

what do you think they did to puttitout and atko 8 months ago?



voat is pro-censorship, megalist


voat is run by shills!

kevdude, head of v/protectvoat where voat's record is corrected, confirmed shill - https://voat.co/v/reportshills/1683401

puttitout, takeover shill ceo of voat, confirmed pro-censorship shill - https://voat.co/v/reportshills/1741278

fuzzywords, main coding dev of voat, an openly transvestite SJW confirmed shill - https://voat.co/v/survivor/1538446

pakitochocolatero ago

That's certainly a loser position in the war we are fighting. The Rotschilds are one of the main members of the Cabal, the end goal of pizzagate should be to remove the whole Cabal itself and become, you know, free humans

nnfx ago

Stop defending him! He was controlled opposition ALL THE TIME and quite some people knew this all the time. He blatantly created false evidence himself and was caught doing so several times.

The last thing I watched from him was him, showing of an aledgedly pg related cp picture, which he of course had to blurr out, because it was explicit, disturbing cp, while he was crying from his heart about what was shown on this picture.

When anons did a reverse image search of the picture it turned out it was a freaking online add for a freaking piano class/ course or school, showing a happy and fully dressed girl playing a fucking piano. HE CRIED ABOUT IT AND TOLD HIS FANS THIS IS PG RELATED CP PROVIDED FROM HIS ANONYMOUS SOURCES. How fucking obvious has it to get before you people realise he is a fraud?

And this was only two months ago, but I saw obvious shit like this 8 years ago already. No doubt he is a disinformnation agent and now he droped a fucking nuke on us, enabled by gullible people and YOU STILL FUCKING DEFEND HIM!?

newworldahead ago

No Alex Jones = No Donald Trump = Hillary Clinton is president = John Podesta is secretary of state = at least 4 years of pizza parties = war with Russia = the completion of the globalism/nwo plan

Am I dissapointed in AJ, YES. Do i believe he is controlled opposition? NO. This is complete nonsense. I hate the phrase "conspiracy theory" to the core of my being but I'll make an exception here. AJ being controlled opposition is a damn stupid conspiracy theory!

Twenty two years of red pilling people non-stop, hello? Do you seriously think that the deep state / evil cabal / illuminati / satanists would be stupid enough to create a puppet who distribute red pills like a mad man for 22 years straight? Think about it. Several of these red-pilled individuals are here on v/pizzagate today helping us with this investigation. Do you seriously think that this is exactly what the evil losers wanted and planned? People have to calm down with this 5D chess thing and get real. The evil piece of shit are obvious in their tactics, it is always easy to see their signature.

Now, I'm not saying that AJ doesn't have an agenda of his own, he has his bias. But please stop with this "It was all part of the plan!" thing. It was not.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Agreed. Like, come on. All of us behind our computer screens saying "he's a shill, he's disinfo, he sold us out, he sold out humanity!" Let's see how you react when your entire family, life, and livelihood are threatened by an ancient cabal with the power of Satan behind them. It's the Web equivalent of the douchebags who claim that if they were in an active shooter situation that they would "take the guy down," "kick his ass," etc. Gimme a break.

equineluvr ago

So, according to you, AJ is full of TRUTH. That would mean that he's been exposing the "ancient cabal with the power of Satan behind them" for YEARS.

And they are JUST NOW "threatening" him? What took them so long?!

JeremiahSinclair ago

Also worth mentioning that Alefantis doing this shows that they're still running scared. It proves that we're winning, man, and that the crews behind this are very worried. That's a beautiful thing. Maybe I'm just a "silver lining" type of guy, though.

JeremiahSinclair ago

What took them so long is that, as I replied to someone else, he's too theatrical/over the top to be taken seriously by most people. He's easy to discredit with stuff like talking about humanoid frog people in glass cases, so he really wasn't seen as an immediate threat. He's the poster boy for "conspiracy wacko," which to the majority, makes him not worth giving a second glance. Pizzagate brought a lot of new people to him and his programs, though. I absolutely don't think he's "FULL OF TRUTH," I've been a critic of his for a long time, and he spits out things that turn out to be false, based on bad sources, etc, and are BS. But he's brought and exposed more of this info to more people than any other single individual on the planet. That's a NET GAIN. He's not full of truth, and he's easy to discredit, but he's still brought more people into our fold than any other broadcaster, writer, or anyone at all.

Pokes ago

Exactly, the guy is a con-man. He's the Pat Robertson of conspiracy theories. He "debunked" global warming by listening to established industry shills and representing them as conscientious insiders. He exploits the conspiracy culture, and is a limited hangout imo.

TheSeer ago

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves" Vladimir Lenin


Ever heard of an Overton Window, OP? "also known as the window of discourse, it is the range of ideas the public will accept"

It originated in politics, which 'conspiracy research' is of course an extension of.

"According to Overton's description, his window includes a range of policies considered politically acceptable in the current climate of public opinion, which a politician can recommend without being considered too extreme to gain or keep public office".


Or in conspiracy research, the range of conspiracy theories considered acceptable, which one can discuss without being considered 'too extreme'.

JastheMace ago

Alex got his start with John StadtMiller at Republic Broadcasting Network, he used to live in his house, as John has said repeatedly, "Alex is all about Alex" He even tried to destroy John's station RBN on his way out the door.

wecanhelp ago

Could you pass us a link to the piano girl story? I'm really interested to see this.

nnfx ago

I tried to find it again earlyer already with no luck, but I found an old comment of mine which lead me to an infowars link containing this pic and had then to do the reverse image search again. What still is missing is said video of Jones crying about it as if it was the worst thing he had ever seen. Now I only got Hagman showing off same picture to Jones, claiming this came from Anthony Weiners laptop.

I found two chan threads were they link to the same side, claiming this is where the pic came from, but it's not displayed there anymore.

So this is nothing definite now, but i saw it back then. Also the girl is not what I usually would consider fully dressed, like I said before, but it's no cp at all for sure. :D




So the really funny part were Jones holds this blurred pic while losing his shit about it claiming it's hardcore cp is missing and also the direct proof it came from a piano teaching website, but the chan posts kinda show it was there. Also we have the uncensored pic...

wecanhelp ago

Thanks a lot, even without the original video this is still ridiculous, as in both upsetting and amusing. If you ever find the original video while Alex Jones is still relevant, I think that would be worth a post.

stellarcorpse ago

also please find, I made 3 subs about AJ and this subject here tonight.

stellarcorpse ago

I am not defending him! I am just as pissed off as you are, in fact I cannot sleep over it! I am just trying to find another possible motive for this . And I had never heard about the stories you just mentioned That is bad.. I stopped following him months ago when he first suggested James Alefantis was an innocent pizza gay. I posted about it here and was down voated into oblivion.

Intheknow ago


GeorgeT ago

Innocent pizza guy who gets to visit White House

stellarcorpse ago

And go to Cuba with the Obama's. (as per instagram)

GeorgeT ago

Not to mention Denmark - catering pizzas to the Royals?

stellarcorpse ago


nnfx ago

If he ever got threatened, it happened 8-9 years ago. Since then his only purpose is to spread disinfo and to make his followers and everyone with similar opinions look very stupid and he did an awesome job.

Everything that happened now was planned in advance. MSM now can go like "Major pizzagate supporter Alex Jones just admitted pizzagate is fake." And those people following him made this possible.

Those people following him were like the rats in "The Pied Piper of Hamelin" Only problem is that even people who never followed him are smeared now too and the whole investigation just recieved a huge backlash.

So can we all please agree now, that Alex Jones just nuked the shit out of us, not because he was threatened, is a victim, got sued etc, but because he was one of them ALL THE TIME!? The evidence is there. In barrels.

Forgetmenot ago

Wow.you are dead on. What a traitor.

druhill007 ago

I would certainly hope he's getting paid. Otherwise that'd be a rough life

stellarcorpse ago

damage control.

stellarcorpse ago

I wouldn't put much credence in that particular shill. I really think he is mentally disturbed.

Gorillion ago

I think that's Alefantiasis himself. That's someone taking PG very personally, complete with the personality profile of a emotionally stunted sociopathic teenager who tortures small animals because it makes him feel less like a micro-dick bed wetter.

stellarcorpse ago

oh that guy? No I think he is to stupid to be Alefantis.

stellarcorpse ago

who is?

Amino69 ago

He never was legit, get over it, move on and continue to fight the GOOD fight!

stellarcorpse ago

I feel your pain. 11 year follower here. But let's play the Devils advocate here and imagine for one moment that maybe they are threatening his children and family. Because this is what I suspect is may be happening. After all, JA already threatened that pizzagate gear guy and his family once too. If not, then yes, Alex Jones has let us all down and is a complete despicable pussy fraud. And I don't want to here any more BS about law suits. This is not about law suits. This never stopped AJ ever before and JA would not dare go to court with all the skeletons in his closet.

r3dtr1x ago

We don't KNOW that Alefantis is a pedo. He could just legitimately be a weird-as-fuck "artsy" fag. The human species is filled with all kinds of people, all across the spectrum. I'm not defending anybody or anything, he could be a total pedo... or not be a pedo at all. None of us KNOW for sure that he is anything except for 'weird' (by societal standards)

studio24investigator ago

Haha, ok dude.

stellarcorpse ago

We do know you're a paid shill.

Harpua33 ago

Maybe he is not a shill. JA may not get High off is own supply is what I think he means.

r3dtr1x ago

Lol. Oh really? Where's my check?

DietCokehead1 ago

It will only let you ping/tag 5 users per post/comment. So only the first 5 users on that list will receive notification

Truewarrior ago

Ya. This doesn't mean anything. This is a classic legal retraction of statements made by Alex Jones and infowars because they were slapped with a lawsuit. The fact the he is reading word for word off a piece of paper that his lawyer wrote him is proof for me, this is not his style. It seems so forced. I understand he needs to protect his company, staff and family from being destroyed by the immense power of Alefantis and the Rothschild family. It's hard to go up against that.

What I do have a problem with however is that he is reducing Pizzagate to one pizza place, CPP. And as we know it goes far far deeper than that. CPP and the HRC emails was the first crumb in the long and sordid trail of evidence. I think real pizzagaters and pedogators know this. The portion of his audience that don't will not change the magnitude efforts put forth in investigating.

What we need to reckon with is that The Alefantis/Rothschild child sex operation can ONLY be brought down by the federal government. It is on Sessions to move forward with this. Not the media, fringe, MSM or otherwise.

dougG ago

And what ifbhe is right? Definitely not close to enough evidence to summon a grand jury dude.

pby1000 ago

Skippy? Is that you?

nnfx ago

This comes a little late, the damage is done. It was so obvious all the time, that he is a fraud, but people kept following him. Maybe people will finally understand that now, but like said, it comes a little late. The bomb has been droped on us now and people realising this in hindsight doesn't change anything. It's like a japanese saying after Hiroshima: "Maybe the americans aren't our friends." YOU DON'T SAY!?

I'm not even mad about Alex anymore. I was, years ago when I figured out that he is a disinfo agent/ controlled opposition, but since then I'm rather mad at people not looking through his lies. It seriously wasn't hard at all to notice his obvious disinformation. He was caught several times, not only sharing false information, but blatantly creating false evidence himself. It doesn't get more obvious then this.

equineluvr ago

You are spot on.

He wouldn't have stayed on the air for years, reaching millions, if he were disseminating TRUTH.

See Bill Cooper.

gamepwn ago

Amen to that. I was a fan for years fuck that fat peice of human shit.

KanyeMKULTRA ago

Lots of us were. We were fooled by a great actor, just like Obama and the rest of them putting on a facade. Trump is just as much of a puppet as the rest of them. They don't care about us or the kids. They've had tons of time to nab the big pedos, but we only see small insignificant arrests. We are waking up people up now. They cannot stop us. We are much more powerful than the government that poisons our air, water, and food. The government that overthrows countries for our benefit, leading to destruction around the world. We are better than a government that takes liberties away, and spies on YOU the people. It it time to realize the world is a stage and you are the superheroes to save and clean up this mess of a world. What will you do?

PizzagateBot ago

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