ibepokey ago

he screams too much for me. i could only make it all the way through a small handful of his vids. i'm like, take a valium, dude.

Anson ago

lol, that's funny.

fuckfacemcgee ago

Just listened to him on Joe Rogan for the 9/11 episode with Eddie Bravo. I can usually only take him in small doses if at all but Joe reeled him in a bit and got him drunk and high. His personality came out a little and he surprised me with his recall ability and intellect, when usually he sounds like a raving lunatic. Check it out when it gets posted on YouTube, it was just live but Jaime will have it up soon.

Anson ago

He has a microphone in his ear reminding him to say certain things in order to rotate info and balance his speech. His staff are sitting behind the scenes with timers on all of it making sure to plug a certain thing every now and then, and not just ads.