BigFatDaddy ago

Go into the ghetto and use "niggardly" in a sentence. You'll quickly come to realize that there is such a thing as "colloquial" usage of a word. The dictionary defines "faggot" as a bundle of sticks. Its more derogatory meaning of "homosexual" is a fairly recent development.

Same rules apply to the word "racist" or "racism." You see, ALL of your definitions are TECHNICALLY correct, but for one problem: ALL of those definitions have only ever been applied to white people. Even before the power+prejudice bullshit and modern SJWs, "racism" was a standard to which ONLY whites were held.

"Racist" has only EVER been used to mean "bad white person. The very idea singles out white people for a pattern of behavior (in-group/out-group bias) that is perfectly natural and normal of EVERY group of people. It's just that it's bad when white guys do it. Everything else is semantics.

MrPim ago

Racism is just racism, and that would be #2 in you list. The idea that there can be a reverse is bullshit. If I accept a 'reverse' it implies that the normal state of racism is white against whichever(usually black) race. There is only racism.