Truthseeker3000 ago

Remember the kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart when she was young. She was taken to the mountains with the crazy couple and the guy had multiple young wives. Not sure if he was a Satanist or what have you but these people are crazy.

LolturdFerguson ago

I always thought the screams sounded too real. I don't sounded as if adrenaline and stress were in the voice of the victim.

carmencita ago

Don't worry I can't either. This is worrisome. Even if he went away for the wkend. I am sure he has a cell phone. It's been 3 days for me. I will try to figure out the PM if not we will have to keep it up on this post.

SoldierofLight ago

Recent post that I think connects to this post: Clusters of disappearances in National Parks around the US.

PrincessCinderella ago

Okay, I live in Virginia. I believe this. But I don't think they have tunnels connecting to D.C. The mountain/park areas of Virginia and West Virginia are too far away from D.C. to have tunnels.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

You don't kniw tunnels if you think this is too far...

PrincessCinderella ago

I admit, I don't know anything about tunnels. I just assumed it was too far.

carmencita ago

PM me. I can tell you what he wanted me to post about. Also someone just sent me some info about this missing children post. Take a look at it. It is from PizzaGateDiscovery.

VieBleu ago

This is far out testimony sponsored by Angela Greenig ministries who wrote that a lot of stuff was going to happen in 2013, which either didn't or isn't quantifiable.

This may be testimony, but it is far from evidence.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Droop Mountain Museum W. Virginia

SayWhatNOWAY ago

These sick rich batards hunt kids like deer.

badastrid ago

Reminds me of Becki Percy's story.

carmencita ago

The description sounds right, but I cannot remember the name. It was so frustrating. I was leaving on a short trip and could not correspond. So Sad. By the way have you had any PMs from Wolftrail? I have Messaged him but no answer for 3 days. He asked me a question and now I cannot get an answer. I worry about all the Investigators on here.

DonaldWashington ago


carmencita ago

I wish I could have helped her. For some reason I keep thinking it was a woman. I often think of it on and off. There must have been a posting by her, but can't find it in my comments. I have tried, for I did correspond with her. So very sad. I remembered that the CIA has an underground tunnel that is very very large and extensive. This may have been connected.

carmencita ago

I remember a person from another country asking for help. They were on vacation and would be leaving shortly to go home, but said while they were in this park or National Park, they heard screaming from underneath. Like children asking for help. They were somewhat frantic and wanted to know what they could do to help them. I also remember I believe it was in VA. Does anyone remember this? It might have been a couple months ago at least.

SoldierofLight ago

Droops Mountain. Greenbrier Hotel. Tunnels linking beneath the hotel into possibly the park where Droops Mtn is located, and where there is an existing tunnel system. Nearby military base that may or may not connect via tunnels.

carmencita ago

Have to go out now. Will get back to this later, but I can tell you that she was looking to find out who she could call that would come and rescue these kids. Don't know if there would be anyone that could be trusted.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

Went looking for missing kids in Virginia, stumbled across the FBI, NCMEM, NISMART-3, but mostly the missingkids facts in Virginia! (pizzagate)

Tunnels under Greenbrier Airport - related to Droop Mountain missing children? (pizzagate)

carmencita ago

Will get back to you later about this.

Pizzagatebelieveit ago

There is a park in West Virginia where it was suggested people were being held. Anyone remember the name?

twistedmac11 ago

Droop Mountain?? It's in West Virginia...there's a bunker underneath the Greenbrier Hotel/Droop Mountain that was built originally for members of Congress should shit in DC go south. When it was being reserved for that purpose, it was referred to as Operation Greek Island (note the Greek reference; Greek and Roman references are all over Pizzagate). There are also tunnels underneath the mountain, I believe.

jstayz44 ago

Droop Mountain.

birthdaysuit11 ago

This reminds me of Majestic Ape page, which said that the children come to them in the woods and they disappear forever. Anyone have a link to this, it was a pretty disturbing paragraph that basically said they abduct kids.

pmichel ago

it was very disturbing. The way I remember it was they were inciting kids to run away to the cool place in the woods.

spez_dispenser ago

Keep reading the next paragraphs. It says the kids are ritually slaughtered in forested areas, whereas adult victims are taken care of at establishments and businesses owned by the cult leaders or members. This fits with the pizzagate narrative.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

CPP kill room

spez_dispenser ago

From page 182:

"Sources report these rituals often take place in forest reserves...."

PizzaAccount ago

You ever see that Alex Jones video of the ritual stuff that goes on at Bohemian Grove? Pre-PG it just seemed like a party for eccentric elites, but now it's striking me as being more sinister than it seemed initially.

equineluvr ago

You mean the WHITEWASH video.