Chesapean ago

West Virginia has lots of natural caves. The "tunnels" under the Greenbrier Airport are part of the Organ Cave system.

Friars Hole Cave is nearby: The Friars Hole Cave is the longest cave in West Virginia, with eight entrances and 44 miles of surveyed passage. The cave is located on the western flank of Droop Mountain in Pocahontas and Greenbrier counties. The cave lies mostly in middle Greenbrier Group limestones (Mississippian Age). Saltpeter was mined in the cave near the Snedegar entrance during the Civil War. All of the entrances of this non-commercial cave are privately owned and several are on lands that are part of the Friars Hole Cave Preserve, which was started by Gordon Mothes in 1976. A photograph by Huntley Ingalls of the vertical pit entrance called the Crookshank Hole appeared in the June 1964 issue of National Geographic. Throughout the 1960s, various cavers explored and surveyed from the different entrances, and it was ascertained in 1976 that Friars Hole Cave at the southern end connected with Snedegars Cave at the northern end. With nearly 45 miles mapped, Friars Hole Cave is the sixth-longest cave in the U.S. and the 17th-longest cave in the world. Water flowing through the cave includes part of the subterranean flow of Hills Creek. The cave should be entered only with permission of the various landowners and only by experienced and properly equipped cavers.

It is interesting, but likely of no particular relevance, that Gordon Mothes, who founded the Friars Hole Cave Preserve, was a former photography specialist in the CIA.

The presence of extensive natural cave systems in West Virginia is perfectly normal.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Well crap, anyone have access to a robot :-p

save_thechildren ago

Hello- look up Greenbrier Hotel- there is a vault and many tunnels underneath......please someone go check it out!!

silentwindchime ago

Let's not forget that the Greenbrier Hotel is 15 minutes away. This hotel has always been the gathering place for the rich and well-connected for a very long time.

fogdryer ago

Where is droop mountain Where is greenbrier

SoldierofLight ago

Here's tweet of it: I have some experience with cave splelunking so if I was anywhere near there I'd check it out myself. If anyone goes in there, make sure you take notes about which tunnels you chose, or mark the wall (if it's dry) with chalk at each intersection so you can find your way out again. Also, they'll be doing the same thing probably-- a subtle mark to tell them which way to go.

FartOnYou ago

This seems extremely credible.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Does anyone in that area have access to those rca like drones with a night camera? Of course, Idk if it is legal, and if it is not then DO NOT DO IT! However, if it is legal fly one of those into an abandoned tunnel. Do not announce when you will do it, but record it. Above all stay safe!

d_o_doubleg_o ago

For sure. My only comment was that I personally doubt it and that these tunnels are well known and well documented. That's all. I understand my opinion is literal jack shit, but it's one from someone familiar with the area so I thought (i might) have a little insight or a piece of info that maybe harder for an "outsider" to pick up or find. That's really all I was saying. Investigate away. The Greenbrier is a state treasure and an amazing place, the river is oh my god so beautiful, and I'd hate to see it's reputation sullied in such a manner.. Not to mention the shock and hurt that something so great would be used for something so foul. You know?

jstayz44 ago

Folks, we must be onto something here because when I saw the original post I decided to look for tunnels, since it seems that's the key to getting these kids where they need to be in multiple locations, from D.C. to Chicago, to NYC and now Droop Mountain State Park/Museum. My previous comment was brief, and now I can't find it anywhere. My comment included these train tunnels in Greenbrier: I don't know much more but when posts go missing and they have distinct information regarding children pleading for help...there's got to be something. Are there any ways to get maps of said tunnels in this post and surrounding areas to the museum? Could GIS Mapping assist with said task?

2impendingdoom ago

did you check in deleted submissions for the post, why it was removed? if it is not in deleted theads than it would be removed by user.

d_o_doubleg_o ago

I don't either. As someone from Wv we heard a lot about it and we would take frequent field trips out th a way. I'm not saying it's not true, but it's a point to be considered from a local who (may possibly be) a little more familiar. That's all.

jstayz44 ago

You've heard about the tunnel system, or are you referring to something else? I'm wondering if you've seen any maps pertaining to those tunnel systems.

d_o_doubleg_o ago

You can actually tour some of it, if I'm not mistaken. Google "greenbrier hotel bunker and tunnels". You may have to dig but there a shit load of sites, info, and pdfs for you to see.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Droop Mountain Tunnel - Greenbrier River Trail, WV - Abandoned Train Tunnels

kplusk ago

IMHO, I say its worth some digging...there's stranger things that have happened.

abcdefg222 ago

I think it could still be possible. I didn't know there was an airstrip there but I did know about the bunkers. I've been there and they're open to the public. There could certainly be more stuff under those mountains that aren't open to the public.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Cathy O'Brien wrote in her second book 'Access Denied' about her deprogramming, there is a mountain in VA in Blacksburg. Also a base there. She said there is a mountain with a door. Its used as a programming center. She wrote again about this to remind her followers she already wrote about these matters when the V-Tech shooter did his thing while police stood down. That also was a psyop. All in this area. But tunnels under mountains for military are common too. Not necessarily for good either. All of our institutions are involved and corrupted.

d_o_doubleg_o ago

We actually have a lot of little airstrip, abandoned and otherwise. We also used to have a lot more industry so maybe that's why we have them? I'm not sure. If you are interested in vintage aviation you ought to look up area pics. It's pretty neat.

jstayz44 ago

We definitely need your local perspective on this, and while you haven't seen anything yourself, I would love to have you continue to engage in this investigation. You may read a post or stumble on something that makes you think twice. You're perspective is invaluable here. I am curious about the locations of the airstrip, the bunkers, and the tunnels. Any way to assist in mapping would be appreciated, if you or anyone else can help.

d_o_doubleg_o ago

I was going to just edit my previous comment, but I know a lot of these investigations center around politicians and their political connections so I figured this would be relevant to you.

Jim Justice, the owner of the Greenbrier resort, is our Wv governor. He was elected in 2016, took office in 2017. Not sure if that's important to you, but here is a run down:

He is a democrat, and even though I'm a conservative, I did vote for him. He's been pretty amazing for our state. He's given over personal wealth to programs in Wv and that's unheard of. Do with it what you will.

Edit// by programs I believe he's helped our coal mine ing industry a lot.

d_o_doubleg_o ago

I will do some digging tonight and either reply in a comment or pm you some info by tomorrow or the day after. I love my home, like anyone else I think there's no better, and I'd more than happy to give you some general info. If you can find something, that's great. Otherwise you'll have to read about how pretty my state is lol.

jstayz44 ago

I've been there and it's gorgeous! I've also flown over it to see mounds that used to be mountains, mined for coal. I'm confident that there's almost too much for anyone researcher to tackle here if there's anything to find. My efforts are slow going for personal reasons, but I'm happy to focus here a bit, and if we can't dig up leads or something relatively soon, we'll move on to the next opportunity to assist. It's all we can do.

d_o_doubleg_o ago

I just figured for me, myself, I'd have a little more info than someone just reading you know? I love in Wv and have been there numerous times and may have a better idea of where to start. I have some personal things going on as well, I need to start collecting a few links for you guys 😊

jstayz44 ago

Absolutely understand. I saw someone cut you down pretty quickly and I'm never down with that. We all need to work together, not cut each other down. I was looking up some info on battlefields, preserved land, abandoned rail trails, etc. I haven't mapped anything yet, but oddly James Alefantis owns two properties in Va, one in Harrisonburg and the other is possibly in Christianburg. I'm really trying to see if we can somehow link Droop Mountain to a place like Harrisonburg, where I understand a lot of trafficking takes place, and of course, has a link to James Alefantis.

I'll keep you updated on my progress or any other ideas I might have! And, thank you!!!!

d_o_doubleg_o ago

As a native of Wv and a person who has spent a lot of time camping, fishing, canoeing, and hiking in Greenbrier, I seriously doubt it. Honestly I do. There is a bunker that was for the US president in times of war, so a lot of the facilities in that area have an extensive tunnel system. As to why that man heard children crying or the man was escorted away, I don't know. Maybe a child wondered off? Maybe he seemed irrational? If there is a tunnel system for the hotel then there will absolutely be on for the airport. But I don't think it's related, if you even are talking about greenbreir Wv, that is I guess lol.

A little more Info:

jstayz44 ago

FBI ANON points to the East Coast/NYC/DC and tourist locations as child trafficking havens. Is this a heavily visited park? I'm assuming that places like Myrtle Beach, etc would fall under that definition, but not sure about this particular location.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Virginia Beach is for lovers! Fla had a politician caught on that beach with a minor. Before he went into office with a first appt. by JEB! Bush! All these records scrubbed as an arrest on a beach in his own state. He just won a congressional seat. We knew him as a gay man and he got married to run for gov and lost. This wife is the daughter of NYC costume shop owners. She made the business rich by adding burlesque costumes! Looks like a little Eyes Wide Shut! The post below asking about Disney Orlando. There was a ring called the Disney boys. This pol was sleeping with the ringleader. Disney had underground tunnels used as mind control centers for kids with the Disney themes. After claims of abuse by several kids they dismantled the 'center' and turned it into the 'casting tunnels' where you go down and tour and see where Snow White puts on her makeup etc. I went back and you can't see anything. Nothing left to see down there.

GladToBeHere ago

How about Disney/ Universal studios in Orlando? Also on the coast

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago


FartOnYou ago

Myrtle beach is a high class area

d_o_doubleg_o ago

You can't think of our tourist traps like a bigger city's for one. We have so so so much wide open space that there could be 2-3 thousand people around and you would not see a soul all day. So it makes sense to come here if it's secluded, but you can't blend in. I'm not sure if you're familiar with Appalachia, but we're nosey as all get out. If we see something, we say something. But there's a ton of places to go, you just would have to be very capable. You probably wouldn't have 24/7 cell service, depending on where you go you may not have ready access to a restaurant, you may not even be able to use a debit or credit card in certain places if you're in trouble. All these things have massive pros and cons for people undertaking something of this nature in this location.

Forgetmenot ago

I can't imagine why you would discourage an can an investigation hurt? You would rather just assume there are no trapped children? Some hero, I hope you are not a parent!

d_o_doubleg_o ago

All I did was give an honest opinion. Not only have I not discouraged an investigation, I offered to do it myself if provided with proper paperwork (in a reply thread to my original comment). I encourage an investigation to anyone who wants to do it. You want to fly out? Shit ill give you a list of area hotels and a list of cool historical monuments for your spare time. I don't care if they investigate lol. Call the cops, the fbi and cia. If something shady is going on shut it the fuck down. I just don't figure there is at this location.

Forgetmenot ago

And my opinion was honest too: and I honestly think that there is no harm in investigating but there is the risk of ignoring children asking for help. We have seen police and social workers ignore the pleas for help from children before, I pray you are not a cop, or judge, or teacher. If up to you you'd close the case because you honestly thought why bother? A witness just said there were children crying for help. Let's just say : not likely I am sure the pedofiles thank you and your pedo protecting opinion. Well you know what they say when you ASSume.....I will let you figure that one out.

FartOnYou ago

Dude. If you question ANYTHING posted on here it is a tell tale sign that you are a shill. Only shills ask questions. Idiot.

d_o_doubleg_o ago

Aww. I don't wanna be a shill.

Hopevoats ago

Please don't take offense, but your expressed qualifications to debunk this do fall short.

d_o_doubleg_o ago

None taken at all man. Just have a little more perspective as a local yokel lol.

Hopevoats ago

I hear you. What I've learned is that, even as a local yokel, I was always learning things about the historic sites that I would have never imagined. I say to keep an open mind until you've got credible evidence to rule out the hypothesis. Otherwise, you could unwittingly debunk something important in error.

If there's a mountain involved, there is (undoubtedly) some sort of underground system. Depending upon how open your mind is, that could involve caves, mines, government installations, elite hideaways or ET underground cities.

If you think all is fine and innocent, then you'd be the perfect candidate to objectively investigate. After all, you aren't afraid of MIBs, right?

d_o_doubleg_o ago

One I'm pretty sure I can't go down there legally and I don't fancy a trespass charge/getting lost/getting hurt. Two I didn't actually debunk anything bc I don't know anything. I gave an opinion as someone familiar with the area and some supporting facts: there are tunnels all though the mountain that have had legal use and are well known to the communities all over the state. Three do you know what type of condition those tunnels are in? I do not. But if I was (legally) offered a map and the time to do it, sure. Fuck it. I'd go have a look see. I love shit like that. If you could get me clearance to tour the condemned insane asylum and some of the old prisons as well that'd be great. I'd be in 7th heaven. Because I, personally, don't think there's much down there anymore except storage, delivery routes, rodents, and dust. Four what's an MIB? Lol I have no clue what that is.

I have no idea why you would want someone to go down there but fuck. Get the clearance and the fact it's still stable in writing and I would. There are still regular tours all over that mountain man. It's also a park where people wander freely for days at a time. It's a ginormous area that I, personally, have been all over fishing, camping, hiking, grilling out, touring the historical monuments.. The worse you'd find is (I'd wager) a few homeless and hippie folks doing what we do out yonder.

I'm not saying anyone is wrong, but from my totally innocuous perspective, I don't think there's legions of molested children down there. God help them if there is. We don't cotton to that shit in these parts man.

abcdefg222 ago

But why would the greenbrier have an underground tunnel outside of their property. The bunkers are one thing.. but a tunnel that leads to this mountain?

FartOnYou ago

Shill alert

d_o_doubleg_o ago

It may be a tunnel from the airport to the bunker. That shit was top super sekrit when it was being maintained for presidental/government use. When shit went down that is absolutely where they planned to go. I don't claim to k ow, but it's certainly something to consider.