madhatter67 ago

I've seen the shedding clothes thing explained as a side effect of extreme hypothermia...don't know how true that is

There is also the phenomenon of being fairy led or "panic" which again can sometimes result in disrobing!

charmeuse ago

Plus, there is the phenomena of infrasound. Sasquatch is known to use this to 'zap' humans and probably prey. Tigers use it to stun prey, as well.

Infrasound can make you feel really hot, or make you hear water, or feel like an electrical charge, it can have many manifestations. Of course, our government has already weaponized it...For an indepth look at this topic check out video on Bigfoot Crossroads channel:

Sasquatch researcher, and former NASA employee Tim 'Coonbo' Baker studied it in his lab while working for the government. (re: sasquatch - they call them 'boogers' in the South).

madhatter67 ago

Interesting....woodland panic is often accompanied by something called "hummadruz" which is a kind of powerful buzzing drone more felt than heard.....infrasound can cause strange effects in humans as you say

Completely off topic, but always been interested in these strange tales!

charmeuse ago

Thank you for that info. I am fascinated by this stuff. I just watched a video that Sheilaaliens posted, it cam up under the NEW category, and in it the character mentions that they are using infrasound!! Also, just listened to interview with Paul Eno on Martin WIllis podcast, and he brought up infrasound, and how faulty appliances can create it!

MattHelm ago

It's because National Parks are Federal Land and the states they are in don't have any legal authority inside the parks. This way local law enforcement really can't patrol or investigate unless they are granted permission to enter by the Feds. Very clever that way. Keeps local yokels out they have no jurisdiction even though the park is in their state.

equineluvr ago

Keep in mind the MILLIONS OF ACRES in set-asides for national parks during the last several administrations, all in the name of "conservation."

Infopractical ago

Bigfoot is bullshit. It is possible that some of the missing persons cases represent something related to pedogate, and it's interesting if there are real clusters or if information about these missing persons has been withheld. This guy may have put together some case files and not had the information to put together a more plausible story. Perhaps this is a topic...above his pay grade.

surgeson ago

Yeah that's possible. I know about his bigfoot past but I've not really looked into it as I'm not that interested in the subject matter. He may speculate on these things but he keeps it out of his books at least.

Mannix ago

Hard to imagine how they were able to get approval for such a large search effort. Here is a case study.

memnochdainfowarrior ago

So I found this quite interesting, so when people typically think of ET's, first thing to come to mind for me is Military. I found this link of underground bases in the US and around the world. And when you click on the link for the MAP, it looks quite similar to the maps presented, especially on the West coast. What is your take on it and its authenticity?

fook-fook ago

One of these 3 things

  1. Elite satan worshipers are abducting children from national parks to use in their rituals. (How would they even plan this or pick victims while going completely unnoticed?) They also are using weather manipulation to cover their tracks by making it rain for a week after they abduct children....ummmmm

  2. Big foot or aliens are abducting children in forests (again how do they go completely unnoticed? Invisibility cloaks? One of the stories involved a girl going missing in broad daylight while multiple people were supposedly "watching her" yeah right) Again Big foot or aliens also have access to weather manipulation tech and cover their tracks by making it rain for 7 days.

  3. National forests are dangerous places where people get lost, hurt, or die commonly. Sometimes bodies can't be found or recovered due to water destroying tracks and the ability to track the missing person. Lots of the disappearances involve water and children which everybody knows kids often drown when unsupervised around water.

Personal story here.

6 of my closest friends went on a camping trip out into the woods of south west colorado. They decided to camp on some land that a friend owned. The group planned on shooting guns at some old junk TVs and computers they brought along. Day 1 they all went out to a near by field and shot at the TVs and had a good time. They decided to go hiking and exploring and later that day they found a river with a small waterfall (they described the waterfall to me as being 50ft high and the river was shallow with rocks showing out of the water.) They all decided to call it a day and headed back to camp. They all got drunk that night and stayed up late around the camp fire. The next morning one guy named James was GONE, vanished no sign of him anywhere. My friends panicked and spent a few hours searching for him. They hiked back up to the waterfall thinking maybe he went exploring and drown.....One of my friends found his shoes and socks at the top of the waterfall but no sign of James at all. If he had jumped off the waterfall his body would easily be visible in the shallow water below. No body no sign of him anywhere. My friends reported it to the police and a full blown search went on for weeks with no trace of James and no body was ever found. My friends were all really shook up by it. My friends had a theory that another guy with them "Eric" didn't like james and Eric must have killed him and hid the body. Problem with that theory is Eric and James were roomates, best friends and I never once saw them fight.

equineluvr ago

Your #2 is just retarded woo-woo crap, have NOTHING to do with PizzaGate/Pedogate, and do not serve the victims of the pedoGate crimes.

"Aliens" and "bigfoot" do not have weather control technology, but the U.S. government sure as hell does!

hels ago

The link you posted to another comment doesn't even come close to what you wrote. You bring up Big Foot and Aliens. Sex trafficing and child rape are real, maybe big foot and aliens are too. I just know one of those three needs to be taken seriously today.

fook-fook ago

My story is what my friends told me. The cops report says the kids shoes were at camp well that's because my friends took the shoes back to camp after finding them near the waterfall. The report that he was swept away by some current is absurd because the river was low this was early summer when snow melt hasn't risen water levels. The circumstances of his disappearance are strange because if you look for more info on it there isn't any! The cops searched for 2 weeks and called it off and all that was reported was that tiny blurb in the paper. in 2010 the cops reportedly re-opened the search but the news just copy pasted the same story from 2005. Something strange happened

HashTagFU ago

News link to this event?

fook-fook ago

Kramer, 19 at the time, disappeared in May 2005, from a camping party on the lower Blanco River near the Blanco River Campground, off of Blanco River Road.

Kramer went missing overnight, but his tent, shoes and other items were left at the site.

After weeks of searching and investigating immediately following the report of Kramer’s disappearance, it was suggested that Kramer may have rolled off a 30-foot embankment while sleeping and was swept away by the high water and swift current.

HashTagFU ago

Thanks for the link.

memnochdainfowarrior ago

Nice post, and you do bring up good points, however going off the video I initially posted, around the 48:45 mark, David mentions every investigation they've performed, they excluded water as the cause. I understand how you mentioned water in regards of covering up tracks, but judging from the research he's done, they've seemed to rule out water being a factor at all, at least to my understanding.

SynapticRevolt ago This is interesting stuff from a ranger

Yates ago

Cartels? Hidden drug operations campers and hikers walk near? Rangers being paid off/threatened to keep quiet? The cartels problem in the US is being ignored by msm. Here is a 7 year old vid about this and now imagine how much worse it is.

The Pike County Massacre happened last year when many member of the Rhoden family were murdered execution style. They had a big new legal pot farm and it was most likely cartels that did it. That area is a major stop on the cartels northerly route into the US. They tried to pin it on "rednecks" or "hillbillies" because they can use trigger words like that so smug elitists can write it off as a "white trash" incident. It clearly was not. There was so much corruption in that area with gov and LEO that was already documented. Lots on YT about it.

It's much more fun and interesting to speculate on Bigfoot or aliens and it also sells more books. As an ex-LEO I think Paulides should be more honest. Look him up, many have called him out for exactly this.

Mooncutter ago

Cartels would have no reason to snatch up individuals not connected to their trade. It's human trafficking, can you not see that?

memnochdainfowarrior ago

Wow, I do see the resemblances, except the two maps differ in the Midwest regions, particularly Texas and north of. Again, I had no intentions in forcing connections, I really wanted your opinions on the matter. Because I feel while some may be linked to cartels, and others to strange activities, there may be something in here that can link our investigations in regards to the disappearing children.

Yates ago

There are a lot of maps and most cannot show the extent of the cartel ops. Many are not even above ground but are only visible because of the above ground air vents. If someone came across one of these of course they'd be curious and check it out. Paulides doesn't claim that most of these missing people are children.

I really wish it was Bigfoot. That would be so cool and such a relief. If it were I suspect the only motive he had was his own protection and that of his family. But we have to look at what dangerous groups are already taking over our remote areas and these groups are documented vicious killers.

"They're businessmen, and if you get in their way they kill you" quote from the linked doc.

Yates ago

Infowars has reported on the possibility of rival marijuana grows being the motive

ArthurEdens ago

So putting the criminals in charge is an old act, all the examples are forty years ago and older

SluggishJ ago

It's interesting you brought this up because I have been thinking of missing 411 and its relation (if any) to Pizzagate/Pedogate. Disappearances in National Parks, in my eyes, may be convenient in the sense that people are more willing to theorize that victims accidentally fell of a cliffside or were attacked by bears and wolves or something. Would be a good place to have operations given the size of the territory, too.

equineluvr ago

Lots of good hiding places too.

Mooncutter ago

Yes, you're right. Did you see how he was told NOT TO QUESTION the people that had been missing and recovered by missing people associations???

SluggishJ ago

Whoa, I'll have to revisit it. I missed that

Caratacus ago This link is a rundown of Paulides and some bullet points about his work A second look at some mysterious disappearances

23eulogy23 ago

There are many stories of children and even adults being snatched up and taken to the top of mountains where humans without gear (and certainly small children) would have no way of making it up to those places by themselves. Paulides, after all his research, suggests that it is Bigfoot. And I believe him. (At least in cases like those)

PizzaGate711 ago

Button Hill Farm - Germantown Maryland. Are there any/many who have drowned there? I ask because the photos of a coffin rock/bend section of a river appeared in a google 'pizza' mapper's photo album but have since been scrubbed. Also do you know of cluster disappearances around Turkey Run Parks - McLean (next to CIA HQ's)?

Gothamgirl ago

Interesting, Media Matters donates to a school in Germantown.

PizzaGate711 ago

Do you know the name of the school?

Gothamgirl ago

Pretty sure it was Germantown friends school. However its been weeks and I can not remember how I made the connection.

surgeson ago

I do like Paulides a lot, very fascinating stuff. I love the fact that he doesn't theorize on what's going on but just gives you the data. There's an upcoming documentary based on his Missing 411 books as well.

Wolftrail7272 ago

The drownings in Castlewood State Park are for organ harvesting. Many children have died there. Many. Look into it.

SluggishJ ago

I'm looking into this now, starting with this link: EDIT wrong link hahahha

Any angle I should look at specifically? This is interesting.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Notice the landfill is positioned where the bend on the river is, where all the kids have drowned. This is by design. All landfills create what is known as leachate. It must drain somewhere. There is a utility shed that burns off and vents the methane on the southern part of the landfill, near that bend in the river. There is an illegal drain that creates the undertow that causes a lack of boyancy (spelling?) and that is why kids drown there. The schools that take inner city kids there do this by design and the organs are harvested when they are recovered. If you are familiar with George Webb's videos on organ harvesting and disaster creation this should make some sense. There is a lot here if you dig on it...

JastheMace ago

You can't harvest from dead people. That is why the created a new medical term 'brain dead'...that way they can kill the brain with the apnea test that builds up Co2, then harvest the organs from the still living, but legally 'dead' body. They have to give them paralyzation drugs or the 'dead' person fights by lashing out, no pain meds though.

Wolftrail7272 ago

You can harvest from a dead body, but only bone marrow and a few other components.

Grifter42 ago

I don't believe in Bigfoot. I believe in skinwalkers though. Them fuckers are real, and they're fucking evil, and dangerous as hell. I saw one once. Kept up with my car. When I outran it, I saw that it was like the entire side of my car had been keyed, scratched up as shit.

Touchdown50 ago

Wasnt blair witch project about skinwalkers?


Whats a skin walker

Gbuggers ago

Skin walker ranch in Utah is a good place to start if you Want to know about skin walkers.



Gbuggers ago

Your welcome I found these veryb interesting interview of local people and people who investigated the rabch movie was good and filmed by investigators while staying on ranch.

hwong ago

I've followed this story for years. not sure what to make of it. I lived in the city and now have moved out to the outskirts of civilization and live on a mountain top in the deep woods of the pacific northwest. Closest neighbor is 10 miles away. I can tell you unequivocally, THERE IS SOMETHING IN THE WOODS.... Not sure what. Was thinking it was lions, but am not so sure anymore... I see the lions, they see me and it's all good. We get along now.... but it's something ....else.... It's sinister for sure..... You can "feel" it out there, watching.... stalking.... Hunting up the local wildlife and occasional dog.... Comes by once or twice a month for a day or two and the whole vibe of the valley changes. Everything is twitchy, the wildlife, the air, the night sounds. Everything is on alert...

Chronicallycurious ago

You need to buy a night vision scope

goodguy1367 ago

You just gave me the chills! The animals can always sense when something is not right.

hwong ago

ya, it gives me the chills too... Here's another from just a week ago. Same thing going on. Weird, spooky energy in the woods for a couple of days. Have a small heard of deer (3-6) that comes by every few days, heard shows up and DOES NOT LEAVE more then 40 yards from the house during the time (highly unusual) ...... gfriend comes by at about 10:pm. Drives up the half mile long driveway to the house that is cut through the deep woods and old growth forest. from the main road. Parks the car about 20 yards from the house and walks up and enters the door, Closes the door. I go to meet her in the entrance room. She has the heebies.... Hugs and kisses and such... About one minute later, something slightly slams/brushes the side of the house (slightly shakes the house) on the porch where she just walked in. Can't see out into the darkness.. (shefreeksout.jpg) ... me too. Could not find any animal tracks the next day by the porch in the snow..... She asks for a gun. Go out and buy her a .357 revolver and a couple game cameras to put up, the next day....

goodguy1367 ago

Fuck your house just sounds creepy by itself, I can picture it perfect now! Get back to me if anything else out of the ordinary happens or the cameras pick up something, I find this sort of thing interesting as! When the skinwalkers were mentioned it reminded me of what my cousin said, we had an uncle who was a renowned aboriginal healer and he said there were places in the outback you just don't go because of these things that sound like skinwalkers, apparently a lot of the people who vanished without a trace out there were taken by these things, he was adamant their out there and he was a highly spiritual man. A lot of creepy shot goes on we don't know about which makes it's so damn interesting.

hwong ago

Hey there. Sure thing. strange things happen here (and all around the world. FTM..). but since you are interested and seem to have a bent that way. I can tell you a bit about this area.

So where I am at is sandwiched between two native indian rezes up near the Candian border in the pacific northwest of the USA. On one side of the mountain range we have the Sahalsih tribe. and the other of the mountain range side is the Flathead and Blackfoot tribes, with Sioux all around. I have made friends with some of the old chiefs and they tell me the area I live in, is famous for "black indian majic" Like, known throughout ALL the american tribes and nations AS THE PLACE to go for doing war majic. It's been this way 10's of thousands of years and now we have some archeological evidence that even the Mezo tribes (south America/mexican) and were coming here as well for some reason. The area I live in is/was a "no-go" zone and the tribes never lived here and it was "guarded" by the Wa-wapi who were some form of shamman/wairrors that would escort vising folk and Sheppard them along in their majics throughout the area.. It's all really interesting to hear these stories from the old timers as this knowledge is now only held by a few old 80+ Indians and they are quickly dieing out and the young indians seem to care less about this old knowledge. so this info will eventually get lost to time. And while they do tell me some stories of the past.... there are may times the old folks will not tell me a story of old dark magic as they always say..."this story is not for you , white man.. but is only for Indians to know.." Anyway, the small community I live by never seems to thrive, for no real reason... and you can see it in the faces of the folk who live here . they seemed...drained... I've never seen anything really like it before. i think the area just drained the life force away and I think the 'earth enrgy ' around here does it. also, theres just creepy stuff that happens on regular occurrences..... Anyway, cheers mate!

Touchdown50 ago

Ya its native Americans or a native American ie. Skinwalkers

memnochdainfowarrior ago

Man, I don't doubt the amount, and type of evil that exist in this world. I thought about things like that too; however I felt maybe we can use his research to our investigation advantage being that he's done tons of leg work in regards to missing people, many of which are children.

Grifter42 ago

I think that there's definitely a link to the Bohemian grove.

But I think that there's also skinwalkers that are unrelated evil.

Even the satanist elites aren't crazy enough to try and work with skinwalkers, I'd think.

memnochdainfowarrior ago

Yea, I did hear about them in the past, and thought about a recent video I watched in regards to testimonies and the reason why I posted this post, was due to most testimonies stating the "things" always left a bloody trail, and obvious signs of carnage. David mentions there was no trace, or even scent of a trace, and clothes sometimes left behind folded, which in my opinion doesn't sound like an act of a savage person, or creature. I, again do not doubt, there are some unexplained things in the woods, which is why I stay away from them at all costs, ha. But here, is that link i mentioned about the testimonies, which there are tons of similar videos not related to this post to rule out the differences of descriptions from the two.

Hug-a-Root ago

What is a skinwalker?

Grifter42 ago

Once-human shapeshifting cannibal demon.

NamelessCrewmember ago

Um, whut? The actual fuck... 8-0