Kwijibo ago

This is a link to a twitter post that is a link to a facebook post that is a guy saying that he head some guy saying it.

Kwijibo ago

And anyone who knows about this tunnel could have just made up a bullshit story.

I heard Elvis and bigfoot are living there as bride and groom.

dogeminho ago

That's true.

dogeminho ago

It has tunnels I guess. And it is on facebook.

Kwijibo ago

Well that's proof enough for me. /s

FartOnYou ago

Solid theory. I believe it without question.

dogeminho ago

As you should. Not really. I figured it was interesting, however

Pizzagatebelieveit ago

Quick helicopter ride from D.C. I'd believe this.

derram ago :

B Lloyd on Twitter: "@Jibre3l I saw this on a facebook Pizzagate group about children trapped at Droop Mountain. Here is the link to the facebook group"

This has been an automated message.