Blacksmith21 ago

I've stayed at the Greenbrier. The vaults and most (from what I can tell) of the COG is open to guests. They actually hold special events in the space.

Regarding "in-house call girls": I recently stayed at a Hilton in Charlotte near the convention center. There were "do not disturb" signs on the rooms to the left and right of me. I would occasionally see strange (not staying on that floor) men coming and going on the 15s like clockwork. Not surprising. Never saw the working girls.

abcdefg222 ago

I have toured the bunkers on a field trip as a child. I think they are now open to the public. That's not to say there's not more there that is not included in the tour.

VitaminC ago

Here is an important document about the Greenbrier bunker called Hidden in Plain Sight.

The Greenbrier bunker was decommissioned in 1992 but it may still be in use - this time to hide captive children. There are tours of the bunker but they don't show the public the whole area. Also the bunker has an incinerator that can dispose of bodies:

And it also has a medical facility:

SoldierofLight ago

This really reminds me of the upscale Brown Palace Hotel in Denver with its tunnels that once led to a brothel across the street (back in the day):

If the POS interested in the children are staying at the Greenbrier, then they're likely either driving there from another city, connecting via short hop plane from Charlotte airport, or flying in on a private plane to Greenbrier airport. If it's the latter scenario, the airport has an FBO for the private aircraft and pilots. They might know all about planes coming in with children on a regular basis. But they also probably wouldn't talk about it because they'd be aware of how dangerous that would be.

I had a family member who was a prostitute for years in New York City. She said that many of the hotels have "in-house" call girls, almost like they're on staff, and who make themselves available to guests on request. My relative avoided those hotels because she was at risk for getting beat up if she tried to take business away from the in-house girls. The Greenbrier Hotel may not be located in NYC, but you can be damned sure a lot of their staff know what's going on IF there is child trafficking going on that is related in any way to the hotel. We don't know that there is, so we need to be very careful about accusing them of anything until or unless we somehow get evidence. However, that's a damned expensive bunker tour.

So maybe where the kids were heard screaming was a waypoint tunnel between where they're kept and where the customers are located. Within the tunnel somewhere may be a hidden room, or closed off spur with a door of some kind blocking it off from access and from sound. Maybe one of those rooms on the tour. Maybe they have many rooms in several places.

VitaminC ago

This map shows there is a tunnel system under Greenbrier airport. Notice that the tunnels go under buildings! So children could be brought in under the cover of darkness and then hidden away in tunnels.

These tunnels are natural but they can be easily extended

SoldierofLight ago

An ex-military friend of mine told me the other day that there is an extensive network of underground tunnels used by the military and referred to as Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS). Her theory is that a lot of the missing children are taken to the DUMBS and used as slaves-- sex slaves, cooks, cleaners, servers, etc. and that's why they never turn back up again. So when I saw your images of the tunnels and proximity to the Guard center, that got me thinking... yeah. In That direction.

EQJ ago

Archived 4 years ago

EQJ ago

$1245 for a private tour? Where is this place and WTF?

MAGABoomer ago

This is a well-known COG bug out place. An open secret as you can tell.

LA_Trump ago

Wow. How did you find this?

save_thechildren ago

Look under Vault tour.....dormitories for 1,100 people, laboratory, hospital etc. close to Droop Mt.