stellarcorpse ago

I wrote the AJ protecting JA submission that you are alluding to but have so cowardly blocked me from down voating.

If you morons can't see the forest through the trees and want to stay in your blissful ignorance of idolatry to flawed individuals I could give 2 shits. I am not trying to influence or manipulate anyone. I could give a turds ass. I am a misanthrope. Fall off that steep cliff yourselves. I could give a rats ass. I am here to give my opinion, try and get to the truth, take it or leave it. I don't care what you paranoid nut bags think of me and my submission. This is strictly a venting vehicle for me. I called on DS bs months ago. People are still clinging to his con man ass even after all the recent scamming revelations. People are always looking for someone to save them. Their personal Jesus. Let me get through through your pretty little heads. They are not going to save you.

ArthurEdens ago

Almost every time

chelseaclinton ago sheds light on why all of a suddent people publicly speaking about PG are being attacked and "discredited". tldr; Mike Adams the Health Ranger and webmaster of many health, Trump, and general news sites bribed then threatened to badmouth Alex Jones or he'll be destroyed. Timing coincides with attacks on Milo and David Seaman. Coordinated effort.

V____Z ago

Alex Jones hired ex-Stratfor employee; Jones states "probably innocent" Comet Pizza may have been set up by the government

This is a place to share hardcore facts - especially those that are usually hidden. If people are aware of these facts, submissions exposing them are a good thing.

I disagree with conflating David Seaman and Alex Jones.

Yes, people need to be sharing information, and if information is coming from someone affiliated with Stratfor, that's something that needs to be explored.

Truth is found in nuance, not in "either or" arguments. It just isn't simple. That's by design.

NotHereForPizza ago

I completely agree. My only intention was to hint at the Streisand effect, any coverage is good coverage for this kind of situation.

I disagree with conflating David Seaman and Alex Jones.

So do I. Those were examples. I could give more if you want.

I'm perfectly fine with agreeing with your point about truth. But, I'm not sure where I introduced the dichotomy. Highlight that for me. When I said I wanted to be simple about it, I didn't mean to insist that truth should be simple, as it would be difficult to make a case for that being accurate.

Touchdown50 ago

Not enough. Besides no one cares enough to manipulate me. Im considered a wild card.