je-sui-pepe ago

exactly. which is why it is so suspicious to me... like they know what happened to her and are okay with it

unkyshaun ago

I'm not a parent but I'm not stupid either. On page 74 of her book Kate states she was horrified thinking of someone "tearing at her perfect little genitalia". What effing mother says that about their 'kidnapped' 3yo daughter?? Someone who knows that's exactly what happened and had probably happened previously. Gerry can be heard on video saying "I'm not here for a fucking holiday". ??? What was he there for. My theory was she was dead before the fateful night, raped and killed in a pay-per-view snuff film, as has been theorised about JonBenet by Abel Danger, great investigators .

Marfa-Lights ago

This invitation is basically from Richard Branson to John Podesta.

    -  Invitation: Virgin Unite Cocktail Party
       From:[email protected]
      To: [email protected]

Date: 2015-08-20 13:07 Subject: Invitation: Virgin Unite Cocktail Party Dear John, I hope your Summer has been going well. Attached is an invitation to a cocktail reception in NY on September 25th with Richard Branson and Virgin Unite, to celebrate the SDGs. We hope you will be able to attend. It should be fun – especially celebrating an SDG entirely about the ocean. Best, Karen -----


Karen Sack Managing Director e-mail: [email protected] m: + 1 202.415.5403 skype: karensack twitter: @karen_sack Some researchers have noted the close connections between these four people: JOHN PODESTA RICHARD BRANSON (Virgin Group, Necker Island etc.) JEFFREY EPSTEIN (Paedophile, close friend of Prince Andrew) and ERNIE ALLEN – Head of international missing persons organisations and friend of Gerry McCann. Source

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

Nice email. @Millennial_Falcon deleted my post because of rule 1. This place is compromised. The Mod's will let us post fluff, but if we REALLY start posting anything that matters they delete it or it just disappears.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Nonsense. If it complies with the rules, it stays. If it doesn't, it goes. Very simple. Care to actually mention what post you're talking about? I've noticed that the people who complain about how voat is "compromised" because their post got removed almost never mention what the post was about.

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

Anything that mentions a connection between Satanist and pedophiles. Any effort to try and get pizzagaters to meet for a protest.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Anything that mentions a connection between Satanist and pedophiles.

Not true. If it is directly related to pizzagate, it stays, as long at is satisfies other rules. If it's just a documentary on Satanism, that doesn't satisfy Rule 1, unless the post explicitly links the content to child trafficking or child abuse.

Any effort to try and get pizzagaters to meet for a protest.

Also not true. I imagine the one's you're talking about were Rule-4 violations. The ones that include a relevant link in the post don't get taken down. It's pretty easy to avoid Rule 4. The people getting their posts removed for it just aren't reading the rules.

DeathToMasons ago

As if it should have taken this long. Nothing will be done.

isthisreality ago

Wtf is with these people and risotto??

Hillary said something ab her "famous (or however she described it) risotto recipe" being in her leaked emails, risotto (recipes?) mentioned in Pedosta emails, and now a reference to risotto is mentioned in McCann's book.

Did we miss something...or are all these people just really fond of risotto? Tf.

awakenaware ago

YES! This 4 minute youtube shows the picture very nicely.. excellent starter video for blue pill friends and family..

equineluvr ago

Thank you! Same info that I had, but it's better to have the video for the graphics.

FBI knows this. <crickets.... crickets>

Ilikegood ago

About time???

mrjdouble ago

Why are english journalist rags like the Mirror and Daily Mail the only ones who report on this stuff?? Ffs

srayzie ago

Who would befriend a man with a face like that?! He looks creepy!

sleepingbeautycan ago

An anonymous source inside the Portuguese police (might have been London police though) said that the Podestas were at Freud's but nothing has been fully confirmed.


Absolutely amazing

shakethetree ago

This was an assertion from a FBI leaker.


KeepLookingUp ago

From day one, I never trusted the parents. I also never felt Madeleine was killed (despite cadaver dogs hitting on a scent)

And now that Freud came into the picture and THEN the Pedo brothers wonder why my instincts were going against the grain. I now think the McCanns sold their daughter. After all, they had twins (boy and girl) shortly after Madeleine was born so she was easily replaced. I do not trust those parental figures at ALL. We'll see

Blacksmith21 ago

Shit. We've hit "the loop". Nothing has firmly connected the Pedostas to Portugal at the time of McCann's disappearance.

equineluvr ago

Maybe not. I found this:



One of our FBI insiders can confirmed the Intelligence community indicates John and Tony Podesta were in Praia da Luz, Portugal on May 3rd 2007– the day Madeleine McCann vanished.

The Podesta brothers were staying with a friend named “Clem.” Clement Freud, the grandson of psychopathology sex expert Dr. Sigmund Freud, who was known to be a pedophile. This is a quote from our insider: “Of greater interest is that fact that Freud owned a villa in Praia da Luz.”

It was then revealed that Clement Freud’s villa in which the Podesta Brothers were staying, was in fact only a third of a mile from the exact location from which Madeleine was taken:


This is the $1 million mansion belonging to Clement Freud, that sits only 1/3 of a mile from where Madeleine was abducted. While searching for their daughter, the McCann’s were invited to this house many times by Freud, claiming it would get them out of the glaring media.

At one of their visits to the mansion, Mrs. McCann has been quoted as saying:

“He gave me one of his looks and a giant glass of brandy, and managed to get a smile out of me with his greeting: ‘So Kate, which of the devout Catholic, alcoholic, depressed, nymphomaniac parts is correct?’ “

Police in Suffolk have confirmed the now-known Pedophile, Clement Freud, was out of the country when Madeleine was abducted. However, his home had been loaned to friends of his- John and Tony Podesta.

shakethetree ago


The_Kuru ago

In the White House, Hillary seeks self-understanding and inspiration from New Age feminists, therapists and theologians like Rabbi Michael Lerner, psychologist Jean Houston and anthropologist Mary Catherine Bateson. But a prescient note from Hillary's law school experience is that one of her teachers at the Yale Child Study Center was Anna Freud.

I guess it's Clement's aunt. Wikipedia didn't make it easy on me to figure out. was the archived literature I quoted.

edit. One more:

As part of her ( Hillary's ) focus on children's welfare and the law, she expanded her studies to children's psychology and development at the Yale Child Study Center, where she helped research the book Beyond the Best Interest of the Child, by Anna Freud, Al Solnit, and Sally Provence.

I need to task one of you to find that book and find out what kind of pedo shit is in it. Hillary became a pro bono advocate for child rapists soon after this.

sleepingbeautycan ago

Well I'm not sure I learned much. But there was controversy about the book in which A Freud basically said that it is in the best interest of the child to let the custodial parent decide whether the non-costodial parent gets visitation. Basically in today's society, mom gets to choose whether dad gets to see the child. I didn't read anything other that what amazon had available to read for free.

Freemasonsrus ago

The entire Clement thing is so bizarre. To me, knowing his history, it makes much more sense that he wasn't a "concerned Brit" trying to "comfort" the parents of a missing child, but rather someone who was trying to get intel on the investigation. I know it's not a popular opinion that the parents aren't involved, but I have yet to see anything that sways me completely into that camp. Open minded on all angles. I think the best thing the cops could have done back then is check Clements phone and see who he had been in contact with directly before and after his having the McCann's over.

The_Kuru ago

If Freud and the McCanns are both innocent, I think Freud would have mentioned to the McCanns that the Podestas were staying at the residence during the time of the disappearance if that was in fact the case. If for no other reason just to name-drop during their dinner and conversations. And then when the e-fits came out the McCanns would have been screaming about it if they are totally innocent.

That probably means that the Podestas weren't there and if they were, then their presence was used as an opportunity to commit the crime and pin it on the Podestas and the McCanns would almost certainly be in on it if that scenario pans out.

shakethetree ago

It has been awhile since this research conversation happened. I myself cannot specifically recall where the claim came from that the Podesta Brothers stayed at Freud's during the time of Madeleine's disappearance. Probably need to do a post search. The police sketch is the best proof we have thus far, if my memory serves.

EDIT: see thread here Connections between Podesta's brothers and Freud's brother : The Madeleine McCann story

EDIT: FBI ANON is source for info on Podesta Brothers whereabouts in Portugal on May 3rd, 2007.

See recap here: The Podesta Brothers Revealed to be in Portugal the Day of Madeleine McCann’s Disappearance

Don-Keyhote ago

I went there when I was in the area recently. It's a tiny place with family owned businesses and no one remembers seeing them or the efits ever. Made a thread for my non-findings.

Young girl bartender had a conspicuous triangle tattoo above the elbow. I inquired as to its significance and was told there was literally zero. Women are funny.

FreeRebel ago

"too much nuthin... will drive a man insane"

Freemasonsrus ago

If it's so tiny, did it seem to you as though it should have limited the suspects? IF it's not the parents, I'd think that it could be a worker at one of the spots that saw the family and scouted Madeline. Could have been a simple kidnapping by an individual or could have been a ring of some sort where a blonde haired blue eyed girl would be valuable.

Don-Keyhote ago

Various theories as to the perpetrators were trotted out. I didn't mean to deny the Podestas involvement, quite the reverse, but also don't like the efits being promoted as evidence to normies. Just look at fools in this thread stating as fact an anon quote.

There's nothing to disprove they,say, drove there, entered the garage, ritualistically slaughtered maddie, and drove out. I tend to think the efits were manufactured for a different purpose. I haven't followed up on the town itself but I suspect it's a known friendly place in pedo subculture. I asked one proprietor of a rental agency where I could get fresh pizza and he directed me to one operated by a Ukrainian woman iirc. As theres zero nightlife there I engaged in other shenanigans and claimed to be a journalist, thinking someone might wanna see their name in print, but no one wants to discuss McCann at all. The Brits defend McCann the locals dislike them for throwing their police under the bus. One girl said her friend researches the same shit about this area (Algarve).

Freemasonsrus ago

I've never been sold on the Podesta link. Not that it couldn't be true, but that would be quite bizarre. What was your feeling while you were in the area? Did you feel safe? Like if you were in a setup like the McCann's would you have felt that the area was quiet enough that surely nothing would happen? Curious as to your experience.

Don-Keyhote ago

Well I was there in Dec. Low season but it's quite small , British infested, McCann room is typical street facing apartment in a large building.

bnwpizzarelatedmap ago

After reading this article, I had a terrible thought... I can't tell if this is just my imagination, or a real possibility.

Vicky Hayes, who was raped by Freud and knew him well, said: "I read Kate McCann's book and was immediately upset and anxious that Clement Freud had invited the McCanns to his home... He was a private man, not the type to suddenly befriend a couple who had intense media attention. It really jarred with me, left me feeling very uneasy."

Her description left me feeling... very strange.

After reading further down, I see: "He had cooked a watercress and egg salad followed by a chicken and mushroom risotto which was “the best risotto we’ve ever tasted before or since.”'

The last part stood out to me... what was so different/good about this risotto that Kate McCann would distinctly remember it(especially during a time of grieving)?

We know these people are sadistic fucks... so my question is...

Is it possible that Freud cooked Madeline McCann into a risotto and fed her to her parents?

DeathToMasons ago

It crossed a lot of our minds no doubt, for the same reasons you mentioned it. But it is so out there that nobody wants to bring it up. There is a enough bad things to focus on. But.....Yeah.

je-sui-pepe ago

I'm thinking this is a little far fetched (I HOPE) but that they would go have drinks and dinner and talk about how wonderful the food was when they are supposed to be worried about their daughter? NO WAY, they knew their daughter was dead and did not seem to have one iota of remorse or real concern and how could you go and eat and talk about the great food if you are worried sick about your baby being missing. I know for a fact that i would not be feeling social or hungry if it were my child.

2BuckChuck ago

Excellent thinking.

Northern_Soul ago

Superb stuff. This is one to bookmark and attack when I have some time over the weekend.

Sigmund Fraud his father once tried to push the idea we were all repressing incestuous urges.


Anna Fraud, his daughter, is considered one of the founders of child psychoanalysis. The founder of modern day child psychology.


Welcome to the new world order.!!!

equineluvr ago

Sigmund Freud was a pedo.

"Two years ago I had a paper published in a psychotherapy journal which made the case that Sigmund Freud had himself been abused as a two-year-old by his nurse – there was abuse in the Freud family.

Sporadic references to Freud’s dubious relationship with his nurse stretch back over 40 years.

Yet the evidence about Freud’s abuse is “hidden in plain sight”, in his letters of the 1890s to his confidant Wilhelm Fliess, where he describes his self-analysis.

They contain material which points incontestably in the direction of child sexual abuse. For example, as a result of a dream on the night of 3–4 October 1897 Freud recalls in telling detail: “My nurse was my teacher in sexual matters and complained because I was clumsy and unable to do anything.”

Betty_Swollocks ago

Every email has already been read by MI6 anyway. I have no idea what difference this makes but I'm sure the high ups could cover their tracks if they needed to. My guess is, this is so they can say there's nothing to see and shut down another avenue. Because in all honesty, we're getting too close for comfort.

You bet your life, the parents know something, Freud knows something and Podestas know something. And that something is what happened to Madeline McCann.

Tomioka ago

Yes, but it's been debated (to death) whether it's supposed to be one or two persons, or if is real at all. There's another sketch that pretty much matches Anthony Wiener.

There's no denying the sketches match all three very well, sure would be an amazing coincidence if it didn't have some kind of truth to it.

DeathToMasons ago

The suspect sketches were actually taken from the McCan wikipedia page.

micha_ ago

The one person claim is BS/disinfo.

Theyrekditalianfood ago

There's also a sketch that looks just like Ghislaine Maxwell who is a known associate of the Podestas and procured underage girls for Jeffrey Epstein's pedo island

LurkingNoMore ago

I've heard the theory somewhere that the police sketch artist was actually aware that the Podestas were involved. He drew two sketches that were supposed to represent one suspect, but purposely made each look just like John and Tony as a hint. I don't remember where, so grain of salt.

EndThePizza ago

FYI, article is from last summer. Still relevant, but not new.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Weren't the Podesta Bros staying at Clement Freud's at the time??

hir0ce1ine ago

Only FBIanon has asserted this to be true. However, there is another link between John Podesta and Clement Freud. Sarah Latham was the Public-Affairs director for Freud Communications. Freud Communications was founded by Matthew Freud, Clement Freud's son, great-grandson of Sigmund Freud and part of the Edward Bernays public relations dynasty. She was John Podesta's assistant and worked as Chief of Staff for him during Hillary's campaign for President in 2016. She was possibly the person responsible for allowing Podesta to fall for the phishing scam that got his emails taken.

I was sceptical about the Podesta link to the McCann case, but after finding this out, made me realise they can't be ruled out yet. Especially when you consider that Kate McCann was sure Madeleine had been abducted ('They've taken her') and how she felt like 'they'd let her down'. If Madeleine didn’t die in that apartment, she was abducted by someone the McCann's knew.

2BuckChuck ago

It is alleged, yes.

Phenomenonanon ago


DarkMath ago

"Weren't the Podesta Bros staying at Clement Freud's at the time".......That's from a supposed phone call to some police in England but I highly doubt it was for real. There's no hard evidence the Podesta's were in Portugal. Although it's highly bizarre that John Podesta's emails appear to have been deleted from that point in time back to whenever he set up his email account.

@AreWeSure thinks it's just one of those Coinkydinks that JP's email history only starts the day after Madeleine McCann disappeared. AreWeSure claims he obviously set up his email account on that day. Nothing to see here, move along kind of deal which is the problem at least for me. I'd dismiss it had AreWeSure not been so condescending about it.

reasonedandinformed ago

I thought his name was @AreWeShill? FYI, the Podesta email file on WikiLeaks has many emails prior to that date, with a large break until the May 4 email.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

That email wasn't the first email though. If you sort them by date of the document, there is one as early as 2000. q=&mfrom=&mto=&title=&notitle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=&noto=&count=50&sort=1#searchresult

huhhh ago

AreWeSure is a dyed in the wool seed of discouragement. That shills game was clear ages ago. Their name is AreWeSure FFS! lol

shakethetree ago

Yes. And sometime on after the kidnapping Freud invited the McCann's over despite not knowing them prior.

MakeAmericaDankAgain ago


equineluvr ago

Yes, and at their second meeting the nightshirt-clad Freud made "unusual" comments to a woman he had only seen once in his life and who was "grieving" over her missing child.

"Kate and Gerry McCann were two months into the search for their missing daughter Madeleine when they received a letter out of the blue.


McCann on Freud (first meeting):

"He cooked a “bloody marvellous” meal of watercress and egg salad followed by a chicken and mushroom risotto, “the best risotto we’ve ever tasted before or since”.

Second meeting:

"On the day the McCanns were formally made suspects in the investigation in September 2007, they had been due to go to dinner at Freud’s house again, but cancelled it.

Nevertheless, he rang them at 9.50pm that night to invite them for a drink, while warning them: “You’ll have to forgive my night-time attire.”

Mrs McCann recalled: “We found Clement watching a cookery programme, dressed, as promised, in his nightshirt. It was so ordinary and comforting, a bit like going to see your grandad after a horrible day at school.

“He gave me one of his looks and a giant glass of brandy, and managed to get a smile out of me with his greeting: ‘So, Kate, which of the devout Catholic, alcoholic, depressed, nymphomaniac parts is correct?’"

LostandFound ago

I hope something finally comes of this, although given the level of negligence that must have already occured solving this would cause more problems than those it resolves. Podestas have links to Clements son, the pr manager for the McCanns was working part time for the Freuds. The McCanns had a representative lobbying in washinton .... the whole situation stinks.

MolochHunter ago

Ive espoused my theory here before, I suspect the McCanns 'lent' Madeleine to the podesta brothers for an evening of 'entertainment' and the sadistic Podesta's took it too far. Then the McCanns were in a situation where they couldnt go back to England with a daughter missing, so they had to go to the cops feigning ignorance as to the 'abductor'

FreeRebel ago

Not unlike JonBenet.

PatriotOne ago

That's the theory I came up with also. There's no way pedo Clements got involved in this as a kindly gesture. He was the go between to get everyone's stories straight.

equineluvr ago


McCann = McCain, son of Cain. Kenites. Gerry McCann is a Freemason.

They have both acted incredibly bizarre IMO since she went "missing," so I have always suspected them.

PatriotOne ago

Just noticed there was an inbox. My first message! New to posting here but been following since it all moved here from Reddit. Not familiar with all the bells and whistles. Interesting breakdown of McCann. Didn't know he was a freemason. If the odds were good enough I would have put money on it though. It all becomes so predictable after one has been looking at this stuff for the past decade. Nice to meet ya EL.