MeatballPizza ago

Looks like this is their fall guy.

tjarco ago

What exactly is the corrected - censorsed part? Which two links prove this? Asking because relevance to

Freed0mFighter ago

The original article published on Sun, 19 Jun 2016 in the Daily Mail that ties Clement Freud to Robert Murat and Praia da Luz at the exact same time of the events has been removed -

Recently Daily Mail has issued one Clarification or correction to the article, dated 12 December 2016 -

Probably they are changing things to help cover some of their tracks because of #pizzagate

tjarco ago

HUH??? how come the history of archives for the article turn up blank???

LostandFound ago

Got your back homie heres your missing articles for posterity*/

There are 3 versions available but I cannot find the changes between them - also I am unable to archive these I have only stored local copies anyone who can find a way to archive them please do, is not doing it and screencaps are not working there.

Charlie Moore wrote the original and is on twitter wonder if he would have any more info here as to the change in statements made.

redditsuckz ago

"He was born Clemens Rafael Freud in Berlin,[2][5][6] the son of Jewish parents Ernst L. Freud (an architect) and Lucie née Brasch. He was the grandson of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud and the brother of artist Lucian Freud. "

Freed0mFighter ago

I don't rely on Wikipedia because of what's been happening there, sorry.

Amoffthepizza ago

U would have thought the police would have looked into that sooner than this year!!

Freed0mFighter ago

In another article his son Matthew Freud, "has said his father was not in Portugal at the time of the disappearance, but clearly took an interest in the case. " - Another attempt to disconnect his father from that place at that exact time.

Source article -

Freed0mFighter ago

CORRECTION - June Flewett (Jill Freud) says in one interview that her and her husband weren't in Praia DA Luz at that time, this article ties them to Praia DA Luz at that exact time

Amoffthepizza ago

Does anybody know what the mccann's said when it all came out about him being a pedo??

JudaismForGentiles ago

What did the podestas say? Weren't they staying with him when the abduction happened? How are the podestas not on the lam at this point?

Freed0mFighter ago

Look the date of correction - 12 December 2016.