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The_Kuru ago

In the White House, Hillary seeks self-understanding and inspiration from New Age feminists, therapists and theologians like Rabbi Michael Lerner, psychologist Jean Houston and anthropologist Mary Catherine Bateson. But a prescient note from Hillary's law school experience is that one of her teachers at the Yale Child Study Center was Anna Freud.

I guess it's Clement's aunt. Wikipedia didn't make it easy on me to figure out. was the archived literature I quoted.

edit. One more:

As part of her ( Hillary's ) focus on children's welfare and the law, she expanded her studies to children's psychology and development at the Yale Child Study Center, where she helped research the book Beyond the Best Interest of the Child, by Anna Freud, Al Solnit, and Sally Provence.

I need to task one of you to find that book and find out what kind of pedo shit is in it. Hillary became a pro bono advocate for child rapists soon after this.

sleepingbeautycan ago

Well I'm not sure I learned much. But there was controversy about the book in which A Freud basically said that it is in the best interest of the child to let the custodial parent decide whether the non-costodial parent gets visitation. Basically in today's society, mom gets to choose whether dad gets to see the child. I didn't read anything other that what amazon had available to read for free.