Crensch ago

Anyway, you don't know what I think to be "hate speech" so best you don't conjecture too much.

I don't care what you consider it to be, it won't be removed here, and should not be removed anywhere. Fuck your hate speech, no matter what you think it might be.

Crensch ago

Let it burn in a pyre. The modern-day conception of freedom of speech (any obscenity goes) is a jewish creation,

Literally not Jewish, created by our forefathers who were mostly gentile deists. Your idea of "hate speech", however, is 100% kike produced.

Crensch ago

You still take me for some sjw, don't you?

You're acting like one.

I don't believe in "free speech" if it's harmful for the people.

Case in point. You don't belong here.

Crensch ago

My, my. A dishonest coward that would probably support the banning of "hate speech" in the US.

Pedos are disgusting, but as long as they don't do anything illegal, their rights are the same as a feminist's.

Crensch ago

Whining about things you don't like that aren't illegal that you want to ban because "the childrens" is virtue signalling, SJW faggot.

mudbear ago

-_- i just find it suspicious that a pedo sub is a featured sub right next to the anti-pedo sub. Its like having a hooker standing outside a childrens library

Gbuggers ago

They apparantly know of the content as when i click on your link i get this. Warning! The content of this subverse is Not Safe For Work! Your user preferences are set to hide adult content. Take me to the FrontPage

Sneakychalupa ago

It's interesting how all the responses here, that are degrading the fucking sad, hairy, niggertrons fapping to jailbait are downvoted. This thread is being shilled the hell out of. Not saying people like @goatsandbros are shills, but the pedophiles that are lurking, are upvoting the shit out of his posts, and downvoting anything remotely degrading pedophilia.

Sneakychalupa ago

You're a cuck. "It's not ethically okay, and if I had a daughter (I never will because no one will have children with me), I would mutilate anyone who would abuse their pictures online, but they have freedom of "SPEECH."" -Said nadrewod in his thoughts

concernedaboutitall ago

No. Not a matter of agreeing or disagreeing... It is a matter of victimizing our innocents. We as a people need to protect our littlest ones.

FriesischShipping ago

What does this have to do with Pizzagate other than trying to limit our free speech here AND waste our time with something that mentions zero leads to catch perps?

mudbear ago

Sharing racy images of underage girls has nothing to do with free speech, and i believe certain things ought to be protected, particularly children.

Free speech is the ability to talk about things, not to actually do those things, if it were a board for people to talk about it, that would be one thing, but these people are engaging in swapping images, thats an action, not a thought and not speech, therefore it is outside of the protection of free speech.

This was related to pizzagate as voat has become the main point of discussion for pizzagate, and it features both anti pedophillia investigation right next to a pedophilic image sharing board. I was supsicious that this was some coordinated attack against pizzagate by promoting pedophillia on the site where this antipedophile investigation is centered.

Its not hard to see why i might think its relevant

mudbear ago

It shares a position as one of the top 3 subforums on the one site that really supports pizzagate.

Whether or not people still have 'guilty by association' mentalities and those two things are quite incompatible.

Sneakychalupa ago

Do you have short term memory loss? "Both" as in pedophiles and lowlife losers who work at Walgreens and fap to jailbait pictures at the age of 32.

Rufireproof ago

That is exactly why Google does it. Google is very firmly far left. Remeber when searching for the term "Presidential Candidate" returned results for Hillary, Bernie, and some Green Party Candidate that got like 6 votes, but didn't show Donald? They just subtly modify what comes up in search results for Voat. It makes us look bad to anyone searching for Voat. Don't use Google. Use Yahoo, Bing, or literally anything else.

gangpressorliber ago

You don't just report crimes only... Every police force all over this country encourages reports of "Suspicious Activity" This is bread and butter intel for organized crime. It' takes alot of tips of possible criminal activity to set up a sting or surveillance.

Codewow ago

So what you're saying is you WANT voat to be put under NDA while the FBI intercepts all communications on voat. That doesn't sound like it will go well with the majority of people on here.

And just so you know, the FBI already knows. Voat isn't some unknown site. They've most likely been here before Reddit banned their subs.

Sneakychalupa ago

I've posted several replies here against the lonely faggots who fap to underage girls, and have gotten nothing but downvotes. This is the state of this board. A board dedicated to catching pedophile scum, and the pedophile scum (with A LOT OF REP POINTS) come here to defend other pedos. Excellent. Time to find a different site again.

Sneakychalupa ago

"Young and impulsive." Thanks for justifying my argument, you old sack of shit. I'm nearly their age, and still find them to be below puberty. You're a fucking weirdo, and you need to find a different hobby if it requires fapping to pre-pubescent girls.

snowmelts ago

I didn't create an account here when I first starting reading Voat over a year ago just because of those type of subs. I can't bring myself to even open that kind of sub. I would be remiss to claim I know what is posted there. I created an account because freedom of speech was more important to me than my disdain for people who would frequent that kind of sub. Maybe it's better to have these legal subs to keep pedos out in the open. I am sure someone is watching these subs and the right agencies can piece together the people on those subs to even worse places. Maybe it's just a honeypot for the alphabet soup gang?

Crensch ago

Nice virtue signalling.

Ethnic_Cleansing ago

This argument is really around the topic of illegality, and finding a way to retain free speech. There must be uncrossable lines I agree, but that line in this case is already defined by law. People will walk that line and if they are serious, cross it and be targeted. Many of us are already on paths considered in this way by mainstream culture.

Considering what's already allowed in this community, I'm not sure the outright banning of something that is legal, but morally questionable is the way to go.

When it becomes illegal to post this content on the internet is when I will support its removal. Until then you'll have to block it and move on.

This sub is not a bastion of white knights defending children around the world. You're a mass of shit posters like the rest of us that have maybe contributed to some good.

But don't get a big head. You're not a hero. Faggot.

Crensch ago

@Dumb_Comment_Bot another comic idea here. This shit comes up with every new wave of users.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Ugh but I hate the pedos too. I wouldn't ban them but I just don't want to give them any more attention.

Crensch ago

Noted. Just seemed like a good way to make a reference post "yes, they're disgusting, sick, subhuman fucks, but THIS IS VOAT".

No worries bud. Just thought of you 'cuz I like your content.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Well I guess it is time for one like that. But maybe not in support of the pedos. Maybe like fph or niggers or something.

Now a comic is forming in my mind and I can do nothing to stop it lol!

Crensch ago

WOOHOO! I look forward to it!

Sneakychalupa ago

I'm 19. I can fuck them legally in my state. I still find it repulsive. Get the fuck out of this subverse, and go back to your scummy sub where you can fap to underage girls while you sweat from the lack of air-conditioning in your mother's basement.

HST ago

You shut the fuck up newfag. Those communities have been here far far longer than you have, and its not illegal. Youre trying to push voat to crack down on legal content, so fuck off.

When posters post illegal content they will be banned. Learn where you are, bitch, and get used to it.

Sneakychalupa ago

"Newfag." Sorry, I'm not a sad creep who lurks boards that are actively fighting against pedophilia and then partakes in the very thing they're fighting against. Just because it isn't "illegal" in the United States, doesn't make it less fucked up. If you want to fap to "LEGAL" underage girls, like the sad virgin you are, then do it in privacy. But expect to be called out on it when you try and defend shit like this on a subverse that is dedicated to ratting pedophiles out.

Get a girlfriend, and a job, you fucking weirdo.

HST ago

Also, you came to a free speech platform and then complained about legal content. I dont go there, and have all those subs blocked from /v/all, but call me a weirdo all you want

Sneakychalupa ago

jailbait isn't legal, hence the term, jailbait. You fucking niggeramous.

Sneakychalupa ago

It's not legal, actually. It's called jailbait for a reason. I suppose it's legal as long as there is no nudity from the underage "applicants" but that doesn't make it right. This isn't even remotely close to censoring free speech. Nigger nigger nigger, kike, faggot nigger. Spouting racial slurs, being obligatory is different than people posting on a subverse that is MEANT TO LYNCH PEDOPHILES, while being closeted pedos themselves.

I'm sure your girlfriend Jill enjoyed your company on valentine's day.

HST ago

"Its not legal, except when it is" retard. Also /v/jailbait is banned. You have no idea about the site youre on. And im not a fucking pedophile you retard.

HST ago

Lolol current shitting at work, and had a wonderful valentines day yesterday with my girlfriend. But OK

Sneakychalupa ago

How about you get a fucking girlfriend instead of using your hand to get you off, you fucking weirdo. Stop fapping to underage girls and get the fuck out of here. I hope we can get enough dislikes on your shit comment to lower your rep here. You're filth. It's "legal" to fuck an 11 year old regardless of age in Nigeria, does that make it okay? It's legal like you say.

Again, slit your wrists vertically, and never come back to this site, you pedophile scum.

HST ago

Lol i'm not saying I think those boards are morally okay, just that they dont have illegal content, so they are allowed on voat.

Again, learn where you are, and deal with it.

123_456 ago

These girls are young, but browsing the top submissions they don't look as young as 12 to me. They look to be in their late teens (18, 19), and early 20s.

mudbear ago

I went about 3 pages deep checking 2-3 results per page just to verify, trust me, most are 12-16, there are a few that look like petite 18+ but you can tell just reading the titles that the users that go there are pro-pedo when they say shit like 'bikini 14yo' or 'worth jail time over' and shit like that.

Sneakychalupa ago

IT'S LITERALLY THE SHIT WE'RE FIGHTING AGAINST HERE. Please, fucking attach barbed wire around your throat, and hang yourself from a bridge. Unless you're below the age of 20, you shouldn't be defending this type of shit. I'm fucking 19 myself, and most of the girls on that page are CLEARLY younger than 15.

Seriously, if you didn't get the memo, chop your right arm off with a cleaver, then cut your 2 inch dick off with a pair of scissors, you fucking edgelord.

Momerath ago

PG was banned cause it was dangerous to the establishment. The rest of us are here for similar reasons. As enemies of the establishment, the freedom of our forum is challenged with this type of content, usually by srs and other reddit opperstives. Because of the scale of content, search engines put these unflattering subs up in search results. This is the goal. To show the rest of the world that they decide which voices should be heard and which topics should be covered. This, to me, is a sign that they are scared of what you have to say. My suggestion is not to get bent out of shape over offensive but legal content. But be diligent in reporting anything illegal. Of course the opposition are waiting for voat admits to nuke legal but offensive, cause it proves them right and destroys any moral high ground voat may claim. Remember, unpopular speech is a natural symptom of free speech.

gangpressorliber ago

Never is it illegal until the Pimp gets his money. They don't do this for publicity you know. Report to FBI yet?

saintPirelli ago

I started a conversation about this over on v/protectvoat not long ago, the reactions reached from "it's weird, but not illegal" to "hang the pedos in that subverse" (I'm paraphrasing). I personally have a problem with that subverse, but not to an extent where I feel the need to go all out on fighting it.

mindfucked ago

I know... But archiving pizzagate and then doing whatever on youngladies is a bit odd.

Crensch ago

What's odd is a 10ccp 2 month old account pretending to understand what "odd" is here.

Lurk moar.

mindfucked ago

Ouch internet burn. So sad I don't have more ccp and my account is so young.

yesyesyesyesyes ago


Throgmorton ago

There is some sick shit on Voat.

/v/Fretton is disgusting. Mods, get this crap off Voat!

hairybawbag ago

Holy shit, you're right!

sugarskull ago

Interesting I have always just typed pizzagate in and being on this computer I couldn't get to that sub at all. Then I realized I am on my sons old laptop. I suppose I am not missing anything that wouldn't horrify me anyway. cheers!

Kleyno ago

Uncomfortable content on Voat

This is not the place you seem to think it is.

yesyesyesyesyes ago

OMG CP LINK^ dont open it guys! @Mick is the worser pedo alt of @SaneGoatiSwear aint he!???

yesyesyesyesyes ago

if im a cunt for wanting to protect kids, then im a cunt and i alwsys will be!!!

DeathToMasons ago

This is a strange thread. I went to that sub, and clicked the first three post. They were not pornographic, and maybe the kind of thing girls post on facebook. I know, I have nieces. I didn't look at the rest, but you need to distinguish between suspicious, illegal and just pictures of younger girls that are not illegal but maybe somebody enjoys them. And what does it have to do with PG? If you are so upset about young clothed girls posing, this is not the place to draw attention to it. This is normal type of material found anywhere on the net.

mudbear ago

There are a number of issues, yes these are the kinds of pictures girls post themselves, but its being reposted by other guys with NSFW tags, which gives it an entirely different context. an isolated picture of some guys niece is one thing, but a whole board sharing images of underage girls in bikinis just reeks of a pedohpile den, to me it seems like a great place for pedos to meet up and share other content.

Also there are other things like the comments or headers referencing pedophillia.

I find it suspect and dodgy, also this was one of the top 3 subforums that came up when i searched voat along with fatshaming and pizzagate.

It doesnt need to be strictly pornographic to encourage pedohpillia

Aaanndgo ago

I agree with you; hold your nose and move on. It's just fucky that only Google puts it next to Pizzagate in the search result. That is my only complaint.

Edit: Reddit won't have us 😔

fremar ago

this one is not koosjer either

& this one hints of incest .... these should be removed all of them sick fuckos

Catchthem ago

Fuck you! Sick young girllover Scumbag

Aged ago

We already discussed /v/youngladies just like one month ago, go on /v/announcements.

I think that the consensus was that banning that sub is the first step to a road to become like Reddit, just like the first step to censorship in Reddit was banning /r/jailbait . There's nothing illegal there and as long isn't illegal, it's allowed.

concernedaboutitall ago

Just a comment (and I haven't gone on that sub) but if we argue this then what right do we have picking apart anybody's Instagram and calling them out for disgusting posts? People like Alefantis? You either stand AGAINST all of the sexualizing of our children or, if it is protected free speech, then soon the act of pedophilia will be protected too.

HeavyBrain ago

Hecho (the mod) is our bordpedo just dont go to his subs and get him salty when he posts outside them.

He was trying to be edgy when voat was still fresh but learnd quick that this shit doesnt fly, now he occasinaly shitposts and cries a lot of how mean we are. (he propably confused a reddit clone with a unmoderated chan)

ConcernedParent2 ago

This is one of the reasons I do not send people to voat when I'm trying to convince them pizzagate is real.

goatsandbros ago

If it's illegal, it'll by the rules be deleted. If it's not illegal, just don't go there.

TBH, your post, and the supportive responses by young accounts, seems a big plastic.

Sneakychalupa ago

The pedophile, goatsandbros can downvote me all he likes, it's obvious what your agenda is. Please, keep fapping to those boards. Give me your first name, and I'll be happy to dox you to the FBI.

goatsandbros ago

lol you forgot to switch back to the account you used to make the post, dude.

Sneakychalupa ago

You're a moron. I'm not the OP. I'm looking up your info though. If you're clean no big deal, right? We'll see.

goatsandbros ago

OK ok, don't hurt me pwease! Here's my name:

Sneakychalupa ago

Nice stale meme. That'll make it easier.

goatsandbros ago

Thanks! Also, if you want to ping someone on Voat, use the "@" symbol, followed by their name.

Like: @Sneakychalupa has a big nasty fupa.

Sneakychalupa ago

Jesus christ, this fucking board is more cancerous than reddit. Please slit your wrists vertically, and cum inside your own eye-sockets. "Fupa" have fucking old are you again? I thought I was the young one.

Sneakychalupa ago

"If it's illegal it'll get deleted." It's funny how much faith you have in an online message board. It's illegal to rape children, and murder them, yet it still happens globally. Nice argument though! I'll see you next time on "Smarter than a 5th Grader."

goatsandbros ago

And, since President Trump has taken office, more than a thousand sick fucking pedo human-trash scumbag cuntlugger faggots have been arrested -- "deleted," irl, if you will. It'll keep happening, regardless of who pees on Voat's wall.

Sneakychalupa ago

If only Trump's administration focused on lowlife losers, we'd be free of both. I know you're really slow, so I'll break it down, YOU'RE A FUCKING WEIRDO. How old are you even?

goatsandbros ago

If only Trump's administration focused on lowlife losers, we'd be free of both.

"Both?" Both of what? What are you even talking about?

ilovepussy ago

TBH, your post, and the supportive responses by young accounts, seems a big plastic.

Direct hit. This post is an attempt to "Crack the shell" - Get something banned, deleted, or removed. Anything. it makes little difference what initially gets banned. Start with something everyone "should" find revolting, immoral, or repulsive, and attack. Once the egg is cracked, everything comes out. Then they go after v/niggers , v/fatpeoplehate , and ultimately anything that does not fit their narrative. Welcome to reddit.

FriesischShipping ago

we shouldn't demand to censor anything, if it's illegal, the authorities should use it and arrest the perps and find the victims and if they won't, we will. Censoring is stupid, think of how much evidence we've lost because Alefantis and crew decided to censor themselves and deleted their accounts.

Sneakychalupa ago

Jerking off to underage girls is repulsive. Making fun of "niggers" and fatpeople is different argument. Maybe next time try and formulate an viewpoint that doesn't revolve around strawmen to cover up your pedophile fantasies, you fucking lonely douche.

ilovepussy ago

There ya go. First rule of dissention, attack the offender. Distract from the issue by attacking the character of the offender. Why don't you try and defend your position instead of attempting to discount my views based on a false assumption. And a bit of advice on the topic; name calling and cursing make you look weak, immature, and vindictive. It does not help your argument.

To belay your concerns, I am not attracted to kids, and I too agree that it is repulsive. Some would say immoral, or revolting. Oh wait, I said that. Riddle me this batmanpersonkin? What comes after v/youngladies ? I am sure if you search around on voat you'll find even more subs that are repulsive, immoral, nay revolting. Who gets to decide what stays and what goes? You? That's not how this works.

The litmus test must be the ISP and the country in which voat is hosted. As long as voat abides by these rules, anything, regardless of the content, should be allowed.

Sneakychalupa ago

First of all, I'm a victim of molestation. Second of all, you're the worlds biggest vagina if you're saying that "cursing" degrades your viewpoints on the FUCKING INTERNET. This isn't a college thesis, this isn't a newspaper column (whatever that means nowadays), this isn't a speech to be performed, it's a fucking comment section on a relatively unknown board. Get off your high horse, you fucking pansy.

Regardless, I've had several people engage in more coherent discussions about this topic already. Your reply is midtier, but I'll take it as a civil truce. This is clearly a tender topic for me, and it should be a tender topic for anyone on this subverse. I got carried away commenting against some of the people who are clearly lonely cucks who have only had sex with overweight whales. @goatsandbros.

I agree with a lot of what you said, but next time, don't pull the white knight card on the internet. Adapt a sense of humor, mix shitposts into your viewpoints (like most of us do) and you're golden.

Rufireproof ago

The point is, that is exactly what happened on Reddit. They banned a similar sub on reddit first. /r/Jailbait. No one complained, because it only hurt Pedo's. Then they got rid of other subs, always targeting the low hanging fruit. "Oh, that's a blatantly racist sub. It needs to go." And a lot of average user's felt it was OK. They were only censoring "extreme content." Step by step, Reddit became what it is today: A place where a terrorist attack on American soil is removed from the front page of /r/news because it mentions the race/religion of the attacker. Political subs with huge subscriber bases are blocked from FP, because they support the "racist" candidate. (Reddit's description, not mine.) I don't personally agree with the content of /v/youngladies. Freedom of speech means that I will be exposed to opinions that differ from mine.

Sneakychalupa ago

Sorry, John Podesta, you're not getting any sympathy. There's a difference between terrorist attacks, freedom of speech, and jerking off to barely legal porn that you would erase from your HDD if your house was ever raided. You're an idiot.

Rufireproof ago

That's the point. That's how it starts. Censorship is OK, as long as it's "That weirdo over there." That's exactly how they took over Reddit. Start with the stuff that's easiest to justify, Then move on to the real targets. I personally don't care for that content, or /v/niggers for that matter. When I was deployed, I was transferred to a unit that was based out of a predominately black city. I learned quickly that skin color had little to do with a person's worth. You learn who to trust based on their actions, and on who they are. Sure, some of them fit every stereotype of ghetto trash out there. There were also whites who fit every stereotype of trailer trash you ever saw. Trash is trash. Skin color has nothing to do with it. I know that, so I don't go to /v/niggers. Same thing with /v/youngladies. I don't go there.

Since you seem to be so interested in what gets me off, I like a nice fully developed set of tits. Something big enough to wrap my hands around, and bury my face in. An ass with just the right amount of curve to be fucked doggy style, and old enough to fuck at home on my day off when the kids are at school. ;)

Sneakychalupa ago

We have similar tastes when it comes to women (the doggystyle part especially) fair enough. It was a presumptuous comment. Please enlighten me though. I fail to understand how freedom of speech correlates to 30-40 year old men jerking their 3 inch dicks off to 15 year old jailbait (not legal by the way.) Jailbait is not legal, if you were found with lewd pictures of children on your computer before being raided by the police, you would delete them. Regardless, these are the types of people who need to be called out and eradicated. It's not ethically or even "manly" to be fantasizing about girls who haven't even graduated the 11th grade.

Rufireproof ago

I'm assuming you are in the US. You would probably be shocked at what's legal. A long time ago, I ran a Bullitin Board System (BBS) It was a dialup, that you dialed directly with your modem. This was before Compuserve and AOL. I had a file sharing section, with an 18+ subsection. Some asshole forgot that you had to send me a picture of your driver's license to access the 18+ section. He uploaded nude pics of kids. I contacted the local police, who sent me to the FBI, as they had no one experienced with computer crimes. FBI informed me the images were technically legal. As long as they aren't in sexual poses and there is no sexual activity going on, it's legal. The law was written that way after some mom took pics of her daughters having a pillow fight in their underwear, and either almost went to jail, or actually went to jail for it. I don't remember.

To be honest, that sub is pretty mild. The internet is full of perfectly legal images of nude kids you can find with google. I agree that it's sick, but if you make the law broad enough to catch everybody who's bad, you inevitably get some who aren't. American justice system is set up to error on the side of the innocent. The founding fathers would rather a guilty man walk than an innocent go to jail.

A better way, rather than censoring, is to make sure that /v/niggers and /youngladies are a smaller percentage of Voat by posting more frequently in other areas. I still have to go to Reddit for CSGO news, and Skyrim mods. There are subs for them here, but if it isn't politics Voat isn't interested, and the subs are dead.

Sneakychalupa ago

Thanks for the in-depth reply. I got a bit carried away. I've been a victim of sexual abuse myself, as my girlfriend. It's a tender topic, and seeing people on this board who claim to be "against pedophilia and rape" advocating sexualized 12-16 year olds is sick. The age of consent is 12 in a lot of places though, which is even more disturbing. Anyway, thank you for giving me your perspective. You're right that we can't just start censoring things that are "technically" legal. My moral code is relatively slim (animals, and children). Anything else is fair game for me, but that's subjective. The story about the cunts sending you nude pictures of kids was enlightening, I hope those fucks were caught for something else perhaps down the line.


Rufireproof ago

Thanks for a civilized discussion. They did watch him pretty closely after that. I tried to upvoat your posts, but it denies it, saying they are archived.

Sneakychalupa ago

Any time, brotha. I may have deleted it. I got pretty butthurt (no pun). There are a few clearly paid shills in this comment section, and I think I was responding to one or two of them when I should have just been ignoring it.

Catchthem ago

Very strange response.. You seem to like it.

goatsandbros ago

It's a strange response to want to follow the rules?

Also, since I'm pretty sure you're actually OP, how do you "just notice" obscure subverses? Before your post, I didn't even know they existed, and I've been here nearly 2 years.

Catchthem ago

Whats OP? I am only on Voat to dig into Pizzagate.. So YES this comes as a complete surprise.

Aaanndgo ago

I'm not sure on these two posters' motives however Google is returning it front and centre in a search result.

I suspect this will be a problem today now that this has been pointed out and now linked to our sub.

goatsandbros ago

So it could be some kind of poisoning, then.

After all the shill wars that have happened lately, one gets a feel for this sort of thing, and this stinks to high heaven.

Cucks will not divide us!

xyzzy ago

That's because long before reddit banned pizzagate they banned /r/jailbait, which was a popular sub and showed up on google and the users moved to Voat.

redditsuckz ago

People moved to Voat because the pizzagate mods of reddit told everyone to and herded them here;

I dont think most people want to be in this shithole longer than necessary. They knew they could control this sub AND website so thats why everyone is here. Its only a matter of time before v/pizzagate gets shut down once it grows too big and people will get herded somewhere similar. These are the same people that told us all to use for image hosting and we know what happened to that site.

xyzzy ago

People moved to Voat because the pizzagate mods of reddit told everyone to and herded them here;

This has happened several times before.

I dont think most people dont want to be in this shithole longer than necessary.

True, but what alternatives are there? Shitholes with glitter.

They knew they could control this sub AND website so thats why everyone is here

Oh the evil "they" is here. Is that the reason there are so many pizzagate subs?

Its only a matter of time before v/pizzagate gets shut down once it grows too big and people will get herded somewhere similar.

So far Voat didn't shut down subs. And as long as pizzagate stays legel it won't. No need for panic or conspiracy theories.

Theses are the same people that told us all to use and we know what happened to that site.

If you know what happened, please share, because I don't. But as always: don't trust a single image host. have mirrors and use multiple hosters.

redditsuckz ago

This has happened several times before.

So?...this place sucks just like happy sjw circle jerk place reddit and the ones with the most accounts to upvote/downvote wins...

Oh the evil "they" is here.

This site would have been infiltrated and certain subs controlled since its inception...

Were Jews really running these hate sites?

Is that the reason there are so many pizzagate subs?

This is the reason we get told to post in the ones that are controlled by the same all those pizzagate subs on the right panel. All other pizzagate subs are empty.

So far Voat didn't shut down subs.

Thats because voat wasnt on the it is.

xyzzy ago

this place sucks just like reddit.

Welcome to Earth

This site would have been infiltrated and certain subs controlled since its inception... Were Jews really running these hate sites?

Shills and spammers constantly infiltrate every site they can. Some of them might be jewish, but what does that change?

voat wasnt on the radar

It was on the radar of spammers for a long time, it's a matter of time until it's on the radar of agencies

redditsuckz ago

Some of them might be jewish, but what does that change?

Because their running the whole show.

TRUMP IS THE SWAMP: Trump's Jewish Elite MAFIA and The 5 Dancing Israelis (2017)

xyzzy ago

So what? Would it change anything if they were muslims or bhuddists?

redditsuckz ago

So what? Would it change anything if they were muslims or bhuddists?

I dont know? muslims or Buddhists practice ritual sacrifice on a daily basis?

Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited:The Hidden Cult [FULL & HD]

TabiCatTwo ago

Seriously... the amount of depravity (I don't think I've ever used this word in my life) all around us is overwhelming. I guess it's always been around (according to Bible), and the internet just exposes and unfortunately provides an avenue to feed it and make it grow. You can not fully trust anyone with your children. Glad to be aware so I can be vigilant with my kids, but living in the bubble of ignorance has it's benefits. Thank you @mudbear for posting this.

mindfucked ago

Derram who is good at archiving is also posting here... odd.

Cultural-Enrichment ago

Nope, not even touching that link. That shit needs to go, ASAP.

Crensch ago

Welcome to Voat, faggot. If it's illegal, report it. If it's not, shut the fuck up and move on.

Cultural-Enrichment ago

What? But bitching about it is so much fun!

GlassSmith ago

Maybe I am not seeing it but I looked through the first few pages and most of the girls looked to be at least 16 to me, I agree there do seem to be some really sketchy posts though. A lot of the girls looked like what Freshman and Sophomore girls look like at my university.

There is also the issue of what is legal, some countries have much lower age of consent laws than others. If I was an admin I would just instal a head mod to clean out any CP and leave everything else alone and if things started getting worse then I would get the hammer.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

"Get that ass banned" - Low Tier God 2k17

Aaanndgo ago

My various search engines results of "voat pizzagate" don't include anything near your result in the first two pages. If you genuinely got this for a third result, it says alot about your browsing habits.

Catchthem ago

No he's correct.. Just type Voat in Google. I get the same result. And NO, i dont search any of that stuff. So cannot be of browsing habits.

Aaanndgo ago

You guys are totally right; I apologize for what I wrote! Duckduckgo, Bing, Yahoo don't give me that result at all but sure enough, Google does. That's disgusting and obviously trying to discredit Voat. Brock and his paedophile brigade need to try harder.

Edit: Even if it were an existing sub that migrated from Reddit, the fact it comes up right below pizzagate in the search result is suspect.

mudbear ago

I didnt create it, and i dont have anything like this in my browsing history! i didnt search voat pizzagate, i just searched 'voat'

goatsandbros ago

No, you didn't.

mudbear ago

Contributer calling himself 'fiddykucker'

mudbear ago

Okay... so scratching the surface just a little bit, i see that there is a fairly large community of underage image sharing right here, seems alot flocking from places like 8chan and shit, all you need to do is look at the posters profiles, look at their favorite subforums and follow the trail. its unsavory as fuck, but it is worth purging imo.

Dregs may exist anywhere, but that one particular forum has become a VERY large part of this site to be a featured subforum. There is alot of talk about jail bait and pedophillia in those circles.

apostle_s ago



gangpressorliber ago

Report to FBI, this could to further bust, and case buildups on the High ups...

Micheal84 ago

Look where this guy is posting, creepy stuff

Catchthem ago

OMG... This is BAD!! I have contacted Moderator and pointed this out. Asked him to take action. (see if action will be taken) This is insane/sick.. Thanks for posting this. Direct UPVOTE

yesyesyesyesyes ago

HEY, im glad im not the only 1!!! i totally agree, i feel sick just being on voat knowing its allowed on the same forum. ive tryed getting it taken down for the 3 months!, it is disgusting, btw i will tell you there is a few ppl on here who are not what they seem. a few ppl are involved with this underground pedo stuff, 2 MAIN ones are @MightyYetGentle7 and @DecimateTheWeak. KEEP up the good work brother!

Codewow ago

No action will be taken as long as it's not sexualizing. It was a thing on Reddit it's a thing on here. There's no real stopping it unless they happen to violate the rules of voat or the law.

It's unfortunate that stuff like that is allowed, but that's part of their right to post as long as it's not illegal.

gangpressorliber ago

Makes great reference to law enforcement to do their job, report it all of you.

mudbear ago

Title says it all, creepy creepy shit

mudbear ago

Fucking hell, that whole subforum is REALLY creepy! Many of the pictures have ages attached ranging from 14-16, get that shit banned

mudbear ago

Mostly swimsuit pictures of young girls, this is the creepy shit im talking about hosted right here on voat NSFW -

be prepared to fight this shit