MolochHunter ago

Surely they'd have come back to tell us. Every ship's anchor is a grapple, hook, right?

Plus if ships can fall off the side, why haven't the earths oceans drained? (They will tell you that antarctica circles the earth on all sides)

allconnected ago

Great post OP. Anyway you can move the graph in your comment below up top, so people can really see how this is all organized.

Now people know that this world has been under the control and organization of a few for a very very long time. They have started and owned both sides of every revolution and war. they control all governments including russsia and china. Read Anthony Suttonhe figured this all out a long time ago. Also a post on here showing Mao was created by yale skull and bones - part of the heirachy.

I understand they get off on the power, the control, the sheer high of watching us dumb sheep doing their bidding, dying in their wars, slaving for their money. raping and traffiking kids is just one of many ways they maintain control through blackmail of middle management.

Maybe all the above is enough of a reason for them to do it. Some say deeper reason goes back to isis, cult of egypt, worship of satan. I don't know how i feel about that. I recently had an experience that led me on a journey that blow my mind. I knew most religions were BS, but assumed some kernal of truth. What I discovered is that major religions were the product of over active imaginations probably fueled by hallucinogens. This I had heard before, but my research this time, led me to understand not only is this probably true, but that the early founders of the church along with the romans hid this knowledge and replaced it with the bibles etc asa way to top down control the masses. Why else would the roman empire get behind christianity and help it spread - great way to use God's army (priest) to maintain local control. The lie also is part of judaism, islam and in hindu they even talk about soma(hallucinogens)

if god (heavan) nirvana, reincarnation are all BS and just devices to control the masses and TPTB have always known this - then doesn't it stand to reason saturn, etc is also BS and they would know that also? BTW if you look into the new age movement you will find George Wasson, Huxley and the usual suspects very much behind it. The - just love man - we are one - positive thinking etc etc all started by them pulling the strings behind the curtains. They are also behind the - we live in a simulation matrix BS. I think they throw multiple story lines out there so if new age story doesn't jive with you, how about we are trapped in a simulation? In other words they have bunch of stories to trap people in certain silos, so you're so busy naval gazing, or discussing the matrix, or keeping up with the ... you have little time to see what the wizards behind the curtains are doing.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago


The weak link is Racine, Wisconsin - the home district of Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus.

How does the Committee of 300 link to the United States? Through several groups, including Pilgrims Society, Knights of Pythias, Scottish Rite, Council on Foreign Relations, and others, including United Nations' Agenda 21 that is an organized and official arm to maintain global control under the guise of "sustainability".

Racine, Wisconsin connects ALL of the dots. Instead of working from the top down, we need to work from the bottom up, and there is so much evidence along with witnesses that can testify to corruption, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, bribery, embezzlement, extortion, blackmail, racial/social/economic discrimination, blackballing, retaliation, gang stalking, records tampering, bid rigging, vote rigging, election rigging, kickbacks, handouts, propaganda, censorship, civil rights violations, due process violations, open meeting violations, open records violations, community policing, surveillance, misconduct in office, abuse of power, illegal campaign financing and more.

Once you see who controls Racine, Wisconsin, you will begin to connect the dots everywhere and everything in the George Webb videos from Dyncorp to vaccines and diseases to organ and child trafficking and pizzagate to banking, education, healthcare, and all other aspects of life manipulated and controlled by these groups.

allconnected ago

I agree botyom up and George Webb talks about this. Can you put togetehr a visual map linking people/connections etc. we need to start creating visual mals for different counties. Just Like GW videos people can start adding to your boards.

YingYangMom ago

I couldn't agree more. My husband said to me yesterday: "I dream of having a beautiful country house near a lake in a quiet, wooded and isolated country-house chalet style." I said to him: "You know, if we weren't forced to buy the land and ask for a permit to build, pay taxes, et al, we could just go, and as a family build our dream home and not have a care in the world". We think we are free, but when we consider everything we need to do, the amount of money with need to save up to buy the land and build the home, the time, the years we need to invest to achieve this goal, we realise that we are not free at all. And it's just a shame. A real shame.

Fatsack ago

If they want to live forever, than lets do the thing they're most scared of a put bullet's in all their brains.

vector3rector ago

Sadly, we currently have made ourselves a "income" -based economy. But this is certainly because of this (2) millennia cartel.

We can make significant leaps, to shift to a resource based economy, or a "technological development/reward" -society, or a "intergalactic" exploratory society., But there are a handful of things that would have to happen first and it would take, quite the catalytic "reaction/alteration" (for lack of better term), to speed things up in this life-time. I actually think we haven't advanced significantly since the 1950's and the implementation of keeping everything secret. The only area we have developed technologically is in computing, because of open-source technology/licences., And look where we are today. Leaking the crimes of "our superiors", almost daily., Until the rise of internet 2.0 ;)

I think this is what "The Illuminati/Committee of 300" are trying to do long-term (single religion, single national identity, single set of governing laws, single set of unified currency). But they have no set leader, in my opinion., Just a "close" group of people, with sufficient funds., Equally competing, with one-another, maintaining similar agendas., Ultimately creating, extremely different (seemingly) divides.


Everyone here on VOAT, says "the Illuminati" practice Satanism or pray to Moloch. Which stems from Ancient Sumaria. Which led to it being passed onto Ancient Egypt. Which then later became Canaanite Paganism., Which later became Early Judaism. Which Split into Islam and Christianity. And we arrive at today., Where Christianity is fighting a "secret cold-war" with Judaism. Judaism and Islam is fighting over the same land., Which "Christianity" is assisting, by "footing the bill". Look at the Christianity vs. Islam war, that our good ol' friends Trump, Obama, and Bush, have rattled up. And even Scientology, ripped off Sitchin's books, to create their religion. Which is about Nibiru, the Anunaki, and "the ancient astronauts" that brought us the religions and beliefs of the ancient Sumerians.

People are just ignorant and blind. Most chose to be. Im just glad, I was finally able to compile the data myself and regain my logic and comprehension.

This allows allows all of us to prepare wisely. wink, wink

JoJoVoat ago

Great detailed post. upvoat. Thanks for hard work

algernon4peace ago

crusty, piss-stained, geriatric pedophiles.


So be it.

HighFlyingRambo ago

Great post! Right before reading this I was watching the 2016 Al Smith Dinner full version linked here

Wow! a lot of people point out this Trump speech as to why he's going to expose Hillary and Haiti mainly because of the joke about taking a village of people from Haiti meaning Trump knows !


He and Clinton are all apart of the cabal My gut feeling watching it in it's entirety is that these "powerful elites" pffft...yeah right !! are just trolling us right in our faces, for us to see and hear!

Trump needs to quote famous boxing promoter Jew Bob Arum "Yesterday I was lying, today I'm telling the truth"

They may not agree on many issues

They may not even truly like each other ' i.e. family feud analogy'

But they all bow to the same master ?who would that be? Satan? The devil? The head Pindar?

That's the millennia old question. I want good I want good in my heart and soul I want peace of mind and for the majority of the people of this world it's what Our humanity wants. Trump well.... he's just a puppet 2.0 our adversary is powerful only because they've manipulated our minds for centuries and for what ? We can't handle the truth? What's the game ? Is it really because our misery is your life force? What because your blood line was here first you get to control.

Mama Maria didn't raise no fool RIP

GerryBaby ago

Trump needs to quote famous boxing promoter Jew Bob Arum "Yesterday I was lying, today I'm telling the truth"

That's more aligned with being a boxing promotor than in being a Jew.

acme2011 ago

I hear you about Trump. However, I find it increasingly hard to imagine that he is not trying to squash the 'elites'. Yeah, he may not mention the Rothschilds in his campaign rhetoric but that's because one needs incredible guile for this. One can't go busting tankS screaming reptilian masters to the whole world and still maintain sufficient credibility within people's eyes. There have to be careful steps along the way. His refusal to take guns from people is what's keeping this confidence in Trump alive. I may be wrong though, but one can hope.

vector3rector ago

Part 2 helped explain that a little more.

The simple answer is the family(ies), decedents, and trustees, of the Rothschild "dynasty" coup.

With strong emphasis on RBS Group, UBP, and Edmond de Rothschild's Banque privée., Although the Committee of 300, is headed by "chairman" Queen Elizabeth, and the British Royal Family.

But Who Run's this "Mafia"/Illuminati/The Committee of 300?


Follow the money as they say.

Remember, that 2004, World Check.pdf I linked earlier? You know-- the one that had the article, regarding Saddam's $35 Billion, stashed with the Queen of England's personal bankers, Coutts. Well, that led me down a "grand" trail of information that clarified "The Boss(es)" for this whole shindig., and yet again, we have another affirmation, for the Rothschild conspiracy Mafia.

For starters: If you would like to [familiarize yourself with Coutts]., They are private bank and wealth managers, the 7th oldest bank in the world. This is owned by the Royal Bank Of Scotland Group. RBS. Who up to 2009, was the world's largest company by both assets (£1.9 trillion) and liabilities (£1.8 trillion). In 2015, RBS group, sold "The International Private Banking Activity Assets, of Coutts" to Union Bancaire Privée. UBP, is a Private bank, within Geneva, ran by the De Picciotto Family. Edgar De Picciotto, a major player in the worlds gold market, is known to be willing to do as the De Rothchild's asks of him. Also, UBP offices are located 9 minutes away, walking, from Edmond De Rothschild's office.

  • Private Wealth Management, usually meaning you hold alot of assets or psychical/liquid wealth, or commodities.
  • Coutts was willing to business with someone as "noble" as the Queen of England, at the same time, while working with someone as evil, as Saddam Hussein.
  • The Rothschild Estate and wealth, spans multiple families., So tracing coercion, collusion, and treason., Becomes more difficult to trace by the public. Luckily for us, we have the Quantum Fund, for them to lead us to. Among the members of the board, their relatives, and their friends., they help "mix" the money and assist, in manipulating the market when they need to. Other members, including Mr. Soros, listed here.

All the "family" connections aside, up until 2009, RBS group, was the second largest shareholders in The Bank Of China. China, who owns the majority of US Debt., who is in debt to RBS., Is backed by assets and liquid equity, owned by the former and current, royalty-elites of society., This held against different physical resources, and "global/regionally essential real estate".



Freecaris ago

Ugh, just realized adrenochrome is referenced in the movie Monsters Inc., where monsters get energy from the frightened screams of creepy :(

vector3rector ago

Two million kids go missing every year.

At that rate, In merely (3) years, you have more subjects/"product", than the Nazis killed jews. If they operated for (12) years like the Nazi's., That would be nearly (24) Million Kids.

To "the elite", that may seem almost like a infinite source for plasma, adrenochrome extract, human test subjects, clinical trials, rape dolls, scullery maids, etc.,

JoJoVoat ago

$1 million per person/child once all organs, stem cell and other parts are sold.

investigatethepizza ago

I was going to make a post a while ago about why it's important to understand freemasons for people investigating on this sub. Well, it sent me down a huge rabbit hole. I wanted to find the ties to the cult behind masons, and then I found pretty much everything in our world all linked up. Reverse engineering just made me realize that the world is more than I can handle. It's not about the last 200 years of work on the societies, it's been here since the beginning of time. I don't know if it is of value to type everything up, but this is so much bigger than people realize. It's not about just 1 aspect...I know how it sounds but really our world is a false reality.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yes I feel you I went down this fucking Rabbit hole in December. It caused me tears. And I am a fucking 46 year old man. Its all related its all connected and most of the craziest shit is the absolute truth. It is mind blowing. I havent been the same since really. I have armed myself, stockpiled food and ammo. I have tried to wake up all the people around me. Even annoying old friends on Facebook that I havent really talked to in 25 years. But I think it is all worth it. I feel something major might be happening.

This cheered me up. And I kinda believe it. I think we are waking up. The internet as caught them a little bit unawares. It really was their own fucking vanity. That they could keep the same lies up with the same methods forever. After all they had done all they had done already and no one had stopped them or slowed them down. But they started making horrible mistakes. Things that were just too bold. Like 9/11. Like Iraq. They made powerful enemies like Putin. They created a world spying network that has hundreds of thousands of people in the Western Countries involved. Thousands of potential leakers with more and more powerful leaked or hacked information. All this led to where we are today. A reality show Billionaire who may be a potential hero and a population around the world starting to show signs of waking up. Frankly Trump only won because a very aggressive minority of people would of walked though fire to vote for him. I hope he does the best he can for us. And I hope we as humans are smart enough to take this chance the next several years may give us to begin to free ourselves of this horrible tyranical Cult. It is websites like this and people like you that help build a hive mind for fucking freeom! watch it.....Mel Gibson is not really talking about just the King of England and not really talking about Scotland. Mel has been in the know for years.

YingYangMom ago

A very interesting read that will not only further your awakening, but that will also give you some more hope :) Happy reading!

MolochHunter ago

So much of conspiracy theory is true. Except flat earth. Those dopes are there to make the rest of us look like idiots

FuckReddit69 ago

Kansas is Flatter than a pancake:

The Greatest Flat Earth Documentary:

The Global Lie Documentary:

These dopes can teach you something. Have a listen.

"Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance"

MolochHunter ago

oh believe me, i gave FE a good look in, i really did. No disrespect, but I just came away slapping my forehead every time

FuckReddit69 ago

So you gave FE a good look in, objectively? Without bias or arrogance? Are you sure about that?

Cool, so riddle me this Batman: How can a positive pressure system (Earth's atmosphere) exist adjacent to a negative pressure system (Space) without a physical barrier?

Can you point to a real life example of this that is repeatable and testable ? If you can I will concede the Earth is a Ball and never speak of FE again. Take your time.

MolochHunter ago

gases are subject to earths gravity just as solids/liquids are, yea? Jupiter is almost all gasses, yea? Dense enough that it would give resistance and cause pressure, yea? just like there's more water pressure the deeper under the sea you go, yea? The gravity of earth is sufficient to over-ride the vacuum of space for any particles passing within x distance of the earth. I'll give you one attempt too. Show me a flat earth map that doesnt put south america at the opposite end of the earth to Australia. I've looked at flight times and shipping times. In all cases you can get from Aus to S.America in half the time it takes you to get to the UK - which, on the flat earth maps, appears halfway in between Aus and S America. I should therefore be able to travel to the UK in half the time in takes me to get to south america, but this is not borne out in any travel services I have been able to locate.

And dont tell me its part of the conspiracy that they'd deliberately send ships and planes off course to maintain the lie. That costs millions of dollars every day in diesel and jet fuel.

FuckReddit69 ago

You failed to provide concrete proof of opposite and adjacent pressure systems existing without a physical barrier. If you can't show me a simple video of this, or explain to me how I can recreate this in my backyard, ill assume your not able to and take your lack of proof as a concession.

MolochHunter ago

not until you show me a flat earth map that anywhere nearly correlates to demonstrable travel times

algernon4peace ago

challenge accepted :)

investigatethepizza ago

Yes!! I was trying to have an open mind and look at it - not to believe it but just to see what they have as evidence. If anything I would believe hollow earth or the north&south poles being concave before flat earth ... but my reasoning to believe hollow earth and the poles is also based on a lot of strange readings lately...but there is something strange going on in Antarctica..

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

Yup! I can't believe the flat earth types exist, so many simple ways to debunk it. Idiotic because I have seen the curvature with my own eyes piloting light aircraft. I'm wondering if it's best to just go pay 'the flat earth conspiracy theory leader' for an hour flight and prove it once and for all..

MolochHunter ago

Some folks ego-identity is so wrapped up in not being blue pilled that they will swallow a micro-turd and call it a red pill

8pinkstars ago

Thank you for this, more people need to see the world for what it is, not what they've been told. Excellent summary!

vector3rector ago

The info-graphic, definitely put things into perspective for me.

I agree though. It's sad history, cant even be assumed as it is for myself, because the elites have always held the pen(s).

Physics, Chemistry, and Math are the only things I can continue to believe in this lifetime.

investigatethepizza ago

This is really good, we need to make a constellation/cosmos one now..they have so much shit about fish too. Mercury & Fish, the reoccurring theme in all my investigating.

acme2011 ago

Thank you for this! I would however even cast doubts on your Physics vanguard. There are deep lies associated with everything we know about physics and biology since Copernicus. If interested I can send you directions to that rabbit hole.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Yes, it is!

NikitaVerite ago

You are amazing. It's people like you that will change the world for the better. Don't ever forget that.

investigatethepizza ago

I don't know if you are being serious, but I would like say thank you if you are..I was happy to see someone did make a post about it, I was feeling really guilty about not posting, I had set out to make 2 really huge posts. I was unable to use my desktop computer the past 2 weeks so I just spent more time researching on tablet.

I feel so hopeless on how to have a voice on anything. I can have hope, but I want to be part of it.

NikitaVerite ago

I'm being totally serious. I've only "woken up" recently, and before that I was one of those turds that think people doing their own investigating of seemingly insane things is stupid. Because we have detectives and law enforcement for that, right? (HA! I was so dumb) So I have a lot of respect for all the people that put in the time and effort in order to get at the TRUTH. We have no damn future without people like you. I just hope it's not too late at this point - every day I grow more and more horrified with what I learn.


Please take a look if you haven't:


investigatethepizza ago

Oh fuck, yeah this has actually been my last month like non-stop. I went right to egypt, and went from there. I was already looking back at 9/11 for other reasons - because all the conspiracies were tying together...then everything started tying together. We just live in this false reality, we live in a place with the world governments conspiring against us, FOR WHAT? THEIR FISH GODS!?!? LIKE WHAT THE FUCK!? I was originally making a post to shed light on the 14 Fish...but it just got so fucking big and I got so consumed by all of it, then Solomon and the keys and the vatican....I started going through books to find more information that I wasn't finding on the web...all to sound crazy to the person I live with.. It's not that I wasn't aware or indulged in this before, but it's just seeing the entire link through history. That's why agenda isn't even powerful enough to describe pre-determined fate. I was looking at the DC tunnels, then I thought about the Wal-Mart tunnels - the refugee centers...then I was thinking about trafficking and aircrafts, then the denver all sounds crazy but it's all possible.

vector3rector ago

As I stated to another user.

Everyone here on VOAT, says "the Illuminati" practice Satanism or pray to Moloch. But most need to realize where all these religions, presume life/modern-society, originated from. The base origin of all this, stems from Ancient Sumaria and the Anunnaki., Which led to it being passed onto Ancient Egypt, with Ra and Anubis. Which then later became Canaanite Paganism., Which later became Early Judaism. Which Split into Islam and Christianity. And we arrive at today.,

Where Christianity is fighting a "secret cold-war" with Judaism. Judaism and Islam are at war over the same land., Which "Christianity" is assisting, by "footing the bill". For holy/sacred land, to all three religions. Look at the Christianity vs. Islam war, that our good ol' friends Trump, Obama, Bush, and the Saudi's have rattled up.

Even Scientology, ripped off Sitchin's books, to create their religion. Which is about Nibiru returning (aka the Anunnaki) and "the ancient astronauts" that brought us the religion [Same story told by the Ancient Sumerians].

Even Joseph Smith, and the Mormons are just another reinterpretation of the same shit. Joseph Smith using plates to translate, to what later became the book of Mormon? Sounds pretty darn similar to the Islamic guy that got random revelations to write his book., And similar to the Jewish guy, who went to the top of a mountain and had a random dude from the sky give him (2) stone tablets, with the fundamental rules of the religions, that were to come.

investigatethepizza ago

The masons go back way before Egypt,we just can see all lines cross through Egypt. All of the influence of Gods, the cosmos, the sacred building, the numbers, the symbols, everything crosses through here. Going back to African tribes we can see the influence of the cosmos with Enki and knowledge of the invisible Sirius star, which also part of a triangle. With watching where this spreads, we get the cults, the secret societies, but you can see how it spread from Egypt and if you are Biblical we know about the 10 kingdoms. The issue becomes these religions and world leaders that seem to preach or believe it, but in reality they believe the opposite. While I am a Christian, I see why people will easily become deceived because it follows so closely to the teachings, but it's actually the mirror of it. Things will appear true if they can't see the lie, if they can't see the origin of a person. With Jews the issue is actually the talmud - this is where everything stems from and all the stereotypes. This gives permission for everything evil.

There are a lot of issues with Mormonism and masonry, and there are a lot of issues with Islam. Religion absolutely comes into play - we can't not acknowledge Satan or a Satanic presence when investigating. Religious or not, it's the influence behind all of this, so I use that as my origin point.

Don't forget the tablets of Thoth! Thoth has to be one of the biggest influences in the Egyptian lore!

But with Illuminati, we know their whole search is about the illuminated one, and why sun worship became a center point. We see even in the Vatican a statue for the person that switched our calender to the sun. We actually live in a world with satanism influenced everything. This is why I questioned Obama - we know this isn't his real name, we don't actually know his origin and the name he uses means lightening, and there were strange occurrences with the stars. Lightening also struck the obelisk at the Vatican when the new pope was being chosen. I know that sounds like it's reaching, but I do believe we live in a manufactured reality. I believe there is a reason they push things, and stage world events. They built D.C. for a certain reason, they also have this energy on the 33rd parallel. The domes of the world all have a purpose, and while I think it's total shit, these people actually believe it. They are bat shit crazy and it's what they believe. The greek/roman influence goes back to the 7 temples on capitol hill in greek lore - everything we know is all connected.

YingYangMom ago

I feel you. Gone through approx. the same process and visited sites on same subjects. But you know what? I'm happy to have been red-pilled. I wouldn't want to go back to sleep, because I feel more free and alive today than I ever did in my 45 years on earth. And I will try to wake as many people as I can up :)

investigatethepizza ago

Right!? I was raised as a Christian, but I always around it so it didn't have that big of an impact maybe. If anything I would be so anxious and scared when I would hear about end times. But now, I am WOKE. I am not scared, because I see that we get a warning and our eyes are open - it's not random, it's not leaving people behind. I see it now. I've never been more excited to read revelations, a book I would never open before because now it's my key. We live in an interesting time, I think Trump is going to open a lot of eyes.

YingYangMom ago

Hey, same for me. I was never really 'religious', but I am closer to Christianity in the sense of "living my life as true to Jesus-Christ's teachings as I possibly can without falling into Fanaticism" now than I ever was before. It feels great and I see more and more people rekindling their faith as a result of all the evil that's been getting exposed lately. We are living in interesting times indeed and I would even go as far as to say that we are at presently at the gates of a "Golden Age" of some sort. Only time will tell, but in the meantime, I also regard Trump's victory as being "a positive sign from above" :)


It ain't "possible". It's reality. :/

Ihatepizza2 ago

Thank you!

vector3rector ago

Just doing my --- Moral duty? Best possible? Best to cope/rationalize?


vector3rector ago




This is a not-so-brief synopsis, as to Epstein and Nygan., And why billionaires, might be seeking to industrially traffic children.

Look at this thread from 2015, accusing Mr. Nygard and Mr. Epstein, of pedophilia in the Caribbean.

Nygard has also been paying $181k a year in "child support" hush money, since 2002 apparently.

Jeffrey Epstein is also madly obsessed with genetic engineering, stem cells, and cellular rejuvenation. There was a Github directory with a multitude of articles published, regarding genetic engineering, sequencing, genomics, genetic diagnostics, cellular dynamics, etc., Published and financed through jeffreyepsteinscience & friends.

Epstein, his "scientific" friends, his business friends, and his political friends, definitely attempted and/or are still attempting, to seek "a fountain of youth", through a multitude of "black projects" (Potentially, like all these genetic engineering experiments)., Which is funded by a collection of "old money"-billionaires and influential people. Such George Soros, Leslie Wexner, Henry Kissinger, Jimmy Savile, Brock Pierce & Friends., And many many more.

  • Genuinely speaking., I think the wealthier billionaires, on the brink of death or in poor health, use closely watched [by doctors & scientists], non-equimolar mixtures, of adenachrome enantiomers, to prolong their longevity. They probably believe this or have been researching this, since Abram Hoffer and Humphry Osmond's "adrenochrome hypothesis". Probably, all to seek "a fountain of youth".

  • They probably also use scopolamine as their drug to " take control " of children and women, for their experiments or human trafficking sales. It makes them easily impressionable and the hallucinations, help disguise their identities long term. Along with the serious distortion of time., It becomes their "perfect drug".

  • It would also explain why so many abducted, believe they see ritualistic acts being committed by these wealthy individuals, when recalling the abductions. It also gives the criminals, a "psychological advantage", by claiming the victims as "insane" if they ever directly accused them. They will claim "poor mental health", regarding the victim(s).

  • Abducting large volumes of young kids, allows large volumes of "free" plasma to be extracted from their blood. Also larger sample, with a greater degree of "controlled variance", to test and sample on. Smaller people are easier to house, hide, manipulate, feed, and experiment on. As they age, using scopolamine and unethical psychological manipulation, they can freely sell them or use them.

After scanning my directories and re-reading, the Wikileaks Torture, Interrogation, and Truth Serum memo, aka pigs-blood-interrogation.doc., My scopolamine suspicious, rang true.

Individuals, like Epstein, are essentially "middle men"/fallguys, for older billionaires., Essentially working as a "laundering" hub, acquiring, attaining, or filing whatever, under their name. Doing experiments or funding black projects, through his bank accounts, on on his lands, or though his connections., Similar to how the Mafia conveyed orders through only one individual, so there would only be one guy to blame., But not the head guy(s). Epstein has tried to come off as an intellectual and philanthropist, which gave him "a blanket from scrutiny for a while"., But many figured his money management firm as the criminal enterprise that it is. IRS obviously couldn't prove otherwise --- or legally fight long enough. Feel free to check the archives for his former website(s), Project Zero is a good place to start.

Project Zero’s research initiatives build on and contribute to detailed understandings of human cognitive development and the processes of learning in the arts and other disciplines. They place the learner at the center of the educational process, respecting the different ways in which an individual learns at various stages of life, as well as differences among individuals in the ways they perceive the world and express their ideas.

Once you connect the dots, you can blatantly follow public evidence, showing these guys are the ultimate "mafia"., Constantly laundering, colluding, committing treason, market manipulation, etc. I mean, what other logical reason and qualifications, would Epstein have to "earn" him a chair on the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Rockefeller University Board., The Mind, Brain & Behavior Advisory Committee at Harvard, etc. Let's not forget, this is a man that didn't even finish college., And has sourced the start of his wealth as assumed, "gifted".


But Who Run's this "Mafia"/Illuminati/The Committee of 300?


Follow the money as they say.

Remember, that 2004, World Check.pdf I linked earlier? You know-- the one that had the article, regarding Saddam's $35 Billion, stashed with the Queen of England's personal bankers, Coutts. Well, that led me down a "grand" trail of information that clarified " The Boss(es)' " for this whole shindig., and yet again, we have another affirmation, for the Rothschild conspiracy Mafia.

For starters: If you would like to familiarize yourself with Coutts., They are private bank and wealth managers, the 7th oldest bank in the world. This is owned by the Royal Bank Of Scotland Group. RBS. Who up to 2009, was the world's largest company by both assets (£1.9 trillion) and liabilities (£1.8 trillion). In 2015, RBS group, sold "The International Private Banking Activity Assets, of Coutts" to Union Bancaire Privée. UBP, is a Private bank, within Geneva, ran by the De Picciotto Family. Edgar De Picciotto, a major player in the worlds gold market, is known to be willing to do as Edmond De Rothchild's asks of him. Also, UBP offices are located 9 minutes away, walking, from Edmond De Rothschild's office.

  • Private Wealth Management, usually meaning you hold a lot of assets or psychical/liquid wealth, or commodities. Meaning Rothschild Private Bankers only do work with people that have lots of assets.
  • Coutts was willing to business with someone as "noble" as the Queen of England, at the same time, while working with someone as evil, as Saddam Hussein. Meaning Rothschild Private Bankers only do work with people that have lots of assets.
  • The Rothschild Estate and wealth, spans multiple families., So tracing coercion, collusion, and treason., Becomes more difficult to trace by the public. Luckily for us, we have the Quantum Fund, for them to lead us to. Among the members of the board, their relatives, and their friends., they help "mix" the money and assist, in manipulating the market when they need to. Other members, including Mr. Soros, are listed here. Showing us, even putting nations aside, *Rothschild Private Bankers *only do work with people that have lots of assets. No morals or ethics required.

All the "family" connections aside, up until 2009, RBS group, was the second largest shareholders in The Bank Of China. China, who owns the majority of US Debt., who is in debt to RBS.,



Continued in next comment

TheWhiteKnight ago

Great work excellent read

vector3rector ago

Thank you. The final part(s), the "Solutions", are still to come.

I just need a day to recompile my sanity.

vector3rector ago




[Continued]... This is backed by assets and liquid equity, owned by the former and current, royalty-elites of society., To function with today's monetary system, Fractional Reserve Banking, the debt loaned out, is held against different physical resources, royal "treasures"/assets, and essential global real estate.


Because of the Fractional Reserve Banking System that the Rothschilds, Rockefeller, and JP Morgan/chase implemented around the world., Instead of a commodity based society, we are now primarily fiat based again.

Just holding worthless pieces of paper that are notes of debt. Implemented, through the fractional reserve banking system, around the world.

Plus, now that they are holding majority of the worlds assets, resources, and debt., We are once again slaves, because they hold all the resources, minerals, fuels, and important land(s). As we found out in 2008, the banks have become too big to fail. Even the Rothschild's can default. But because they own majority of the debt, They can just excuse their own debts internally. Or guarantee that it didn't matter to begin with, as we were shown with the Wall-street bailouts. This is why it scares alot of people in politics, to take action. Arresting ALL the guilty individual(s) without a doubt, would cause global economic repercussions [From defaults, riots, looting, loan recalls, etc], unless we have the people and systems in place, to avoid sending everything into chaos and disorder.

This is a list of other National Banks, they, the Rothschilds, Hold control or influence of:

And that'ts just the national banks.


How do we fix this? How do we remove their power? How do we remove ourselves from this two millennia "caste system" of indentured servitude?



Im going to have to steal this quote from ISGP.EU

The known history of the human race goes back almost 10,000 years and since this time has largely been characterized by only two things: abuse of power and war. Every historian at one point will realize that all he or she is reading about is the shifting of borders and the destruction of cultures as a result of abusive rulers looking for more territory and more riches. The only difference between all these wars is that they have become increasingly destructive as the centuries went by. At this point they will be so destructive that a war among the major nations of the earth will have to be avoided at all costs. The globalist group understands this, which in this case is good for everyone. What people in the conspiracy community may actually want to do is to stop fighting the concept of globalization, as apparently America's ultra-right wants them to do, and instead focus on educating themselves and other people about the corruption in national governments and the globalist group. We need to get to a point in which enough people are so informed about conspiracy affairs that it will be impossible for governments to manipulate them into giving up their rights or supporting economic or military policies which will ruin the country, or maybe even Western democratic civilization as a whole. For a number of reasons, some more obvious than others, this is a daunting task, but one things is for sure: a more systematic and intellectual approach to conspiracy affairs, combined with a "different-globalist"* stance, will draw in many more educated and influential persons than the unfocused evangelist attitude of isolationism that is still dominant in conspiracy circles today.

Coming soon after I compile my sanity a bit

YingYangMom ago

Excellent post. Everything is well sourced and extremely eye-opening. The only bit I disagree with from your very long post is this part, about the false memory syndrome.

It would also explain why so many abducted, believe they see ritualistic acts being committed by these wealthy individuals, when recalling the abductions. It also gives the criminals, a "psychological advantage", by claiming the victims as "insane" if they ever directly accused them. They will claim "poor mental health", regarding the victim(s).

This was a CIA/Nazi tactic used to discredit the few SRA abuse vicim whistleblowers. Even though the memories were suppressed through amnesia, therapists are convinced that the return of the victims memories were absolutely real. To counter and 'deal' with this problem by attempting to discredit the testimonies, they came up with the 'false memory syndrome' which is a bunch of crap, really.

allconnected ago

Agreed and it goes back further to Tavistock. Frued worked for T after he left germany. He is the farther of many termsused today to discredit victims and hush people

YingYangMom ago

Exactly right.

vector3rector ago

Thank you.


The only reason I think they develop "false", or innacurate memories, is because of the delusions/hallucinations that can be caused with scopolamine at high doses/concentrations. Pretty easy to occour with hyoscine hydrobromide patches. The bio-availability to a minor would be higher/stronger neurologically because of the mg/kg ratio/concentration, vs. a mature adult brain.


Wikileaks Torture, Interrogation, and Truth Serum memo, aka pigs-blood-interrogation.doc.

There are three primary truth serums. Here they are:

Scopolamine (scopolamine hydrobromide; first word pronounced: skoh-PAW-lah-mean), also known by another name -- hyoscine (hyoscine hydrobromide). It is colorless, odorless and tasteless. Its clinical uses are primarily as a sedative, and applied locally (directly) as a mydriatic, which causes the pupil of the eye to dilate. When used as a sedative, the primary uses are to combat vertigo and motion sickness. When used with morphine and pentobarbital, to a woman in labor, it produces a "twilight sleep." It is also used as a premedication preliminary to surgery anesthesia.

Since scopolamine completely blocks the formation of memories, unlike most date-rape drugs used in the United States and elsewhere, it is usually impossible for victims to ever identify their aggressors (or interrogators, if you were a prisoner). To use scopolamine most effectively to get a prisoner to tell you what he or she knows, the key is where you inject it, and in what amounts. Normally it is introduced into the body by a transdermal patch or intravenously in the arm. However, if you inject it into the spine (amount classified), it causes absolutely incredible pain, accompanied by violent convulsions and seizures. If injected into the spine in the appropriate amount, more than 95% of all prisoners will tell the truth -- not something fabricated to stop the pain -- within 24 hours (Source: classified).

A far milder form of psychological abuse involves exposing prisoners (intravenously or orally) to sodium pentathol—commonly known as "truth serum." Sodium pentathol is an ultra-short-acting barbiturate that depresses the central nervous system, slows heart rate, and lowers blood pressure. In the relaxed state produced by the drug, subjects are more susceptible to suggestion and are therefore easier to interrogate. The drug does not actually guarantee that prisoners will tell the truth, however. Often, it makes subjects "gabby" without revealing any important information. Sodium amythal, also known as a type of "truth serum," with its clinical application in psychoanalysis, is used primarily to help in memory recovery and dealing with "false" memories. If you can confuse the prisoner as to what is a real memory and what is a false memory, you might be able to crack their resistance to telling the truth. However, if the prisoner is smart, he or she will simply shut up and you'll get nothing from them.

What is interesting is that a prisoner could have been subjected to a truth serum singularly, or two or three over enough time given the appropriate washout of the prisoner's system, and flatly state that he or she did not tell his or her interrogators anything. From his or her perspective, he or she is telling the truth -- because he or she has no memory of telling interrogators anything. That's the truth in his or her own mind, but it is not the fact of the situation. In terms of training individuals to resist the three aforementioned truth serums, it is easiest to train someone to resist the sodium amythal, followed by sodium pentathol. There is no known training that will allow anyone to resist scopolamine, when injected into the spine in the correct amount.

What you don't want to do is "stack" scopolamine with sodium pentathol and sodium amythal. "Stacking" means adding one drug on top of another before the previous drug(s) has/have washed out of the system. You stack on somebody, you'll kill them. When time is not a consideration, and when used in conjunction with skilled interrogators on a prisoner who has not been trained to resist the effects, sodium pentathol and sodium amythal will get you the truth in approximately 10% to one third of the cases. When the truth absolutely positively has to be there within five days, forget them – use scopolamine injected into the spine.

I don't honestly know if we have used any of these truth serums on Saddam Hussein. Too bad if we didn't. My clearance doesn't extend that high.

YingYangMom ago

All this is awesome except that the false memory syndrome can be debunked with one single very important and valid argument which is, how are so many different victims who do not know each other and live in different parts of the world, relate having extremely similar memories of painful acts or rituals having been performed or inflicted on them, under very similar circumstances? It is this single argument in essence, that discredits the 'false memory syndrome' in Satanic Ritual Abuse victims cases.

vector3rector ago

I dont think you understand. Im not trying to say they weren't assaulted or physically abused.

When I said false memory, you misinterpret it as completely incorrect memory., When instead I mean distorted.

With a distorted memory, a actual experience can be skewed psychologically, from what's occurring physically.

For example: A kidnap victim may still be getting raped, by say a Islamic man wearing a thobe/jubba., Or A priest wearing a robe., Or a Orthadox-jew wearing a yarmulke or headcover., Or a generic white man wearing a bathrobe. Lets say they have candle's burning and music playing? -Idk.,

A child, under the influence of scopolamine, could misinterpret that sexual assault as a ritual assault, 5-10 years later.

how are so many different victims who do not know each other and live in different parts of the world, relate having extremely similar memories of painful acts or rituals having been performed or inflicted on them under very similar circumstances?

Again, read into the psychological experiences of those those on scopolamine or using hyoscine hydrobromide patches., Time, memories, perception can all be distorted significantly. Im not talking a drunk feel., I mean visual hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, and time distortion.

These individuals are still probably being raped and tortured., But the neurological side effects from excess scopolamine will probably cause similar experiences across the board.

As for experience, I remember seeing things like flies crawling on the ceiling, snow falling in the bathroom, and a couple times claymation-like creatures scurrying around the corner or across the room in my peripheral vision. The most lasting effect by far was blurred vision, as i remember having difficulty making out words in books, or even seeing that the marks on the page were words at all.... The only other bit of information i have to offer is a distorted sense of time, in that, until my mother informed me that i had been in that state for about one week, i thought it had been a month. This may not be the most useful piece of information, as children tend to have a skewed sense of time to begin with, but i do feel that the drug played a major part in that time distortion.

YingYangMom ago

I believe we are not talking about the same kind of victims then. SRA abuse victims' testimonies don't differ much from one another. The rituals are the exact same. The surroundings and the people inflicting the torture do, of course, but the experiments are the same, the tactics, the main narrative is very similar. Here is an article that you might find very interesting on the subject and might help you understand what is being debated here.

derram ago :

overview for DonaldWashington :

HUMAN TRAFFICKING is funding ISIS in North Africa. The refugee crisis is MANUFACTURED. These people CAUSED it. These people PROFIT from it. The intended result is POWER CONSOLIDATION. The COURTS are the front line. | DRAIN THE SWAMP : The_Donald :

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