This is going to be a slightly long one
I was asked earlier today to make my comment, into a stand alone post.
Figured I would try to summarize, compact, and recompile some of it., and leave this here for review, debate, and further discussion.
Yesterday, Reddit user /user/DonaldWashington, began posting a large compilation of threads, that compile sourced information, at quite the rapid fire rate. Some of these articles included:
Information showing that The Clinton's and Obama, aided the over throw of Libya. Human Trafficking in North Africa Funds ISIS, through Clinton-Obama connections. Bill Clinton bombed Iraq in 98' and committed war crimes, as a distraction to the Lewinsky scandal. Hillary/Obama, through their foundations were/are the worlds largest illegal arms distributors. Qatar is the world largest aggregator of terrorists, primarily for Saudi and American interests., And a very large assortment of the Clinton(s) war crimes.
This is why Wikileaks was saying, this could cause WW3. The repercussion and outrage, from the degree of economic and political collusion, treason, and war crimes., Could literally cause the next "civil unrest" -internationally.
I mean, I know im outraged, after i've collected data, and have made a assessment, based on public evidence., Or based on information that has been attempted to be kept hidden or has been labeled "sensitive" or "secret", by banking or federal institutions.
Yesterday, there was also some confusion as to whether Vault#7 was dropped, by not Wikileaks. Supposedly.
Among the troves of information, I did find many things, that looks like they haven't discussed yet. At least that I haven't seen.
For Example:
World Check, a database, open to bankers, companies, agencies, and private individuals., Monitors and shares the data and information, from, the "EUROPEAN UNION, OFAC, SECO, FSA, UNITED NATIONS, BANK OF ENGLAND INTERPOL, ICAC, SMA, CBI, IMF, ADB, AUTAF, FSA, CIA, FBI, ECB, etc., and over 140 agencies from around the world." The Confidential document shows "they" [International Bankers], already compiled and show us, they were already aware and had assessed former POTUS', Bill Clinton, was actively involved financially, with illegal weapons arms dealers, African warlords and criminals, Soviet/Russian launderers, and many more. Lets not forget this was only a 2004 report.
Realize, this is the same bank, that just had Peter Flavel, former CEO of JP Morgan Chase, leave, for Coutts Private Banking. Wink wink. Keep the Name Coutts Private Banking in the back of your mind. They will come up again later.
Here is a short excerpt from the first 1956 meeting:
In order not to be accused of starting an unofficial political "mafia", we decided from the outset not to
consider ourselves a policy-making body but to have as our principal aim the smoothing over of
difficulties and tendencies among countries and the finding of a common approach in the various
fields—political, cultural, economic, and social.
There is your: "Illuminati", The Occult, Bilderberg, Travis Stock, The Vatican, Royal Families, Free Mason Secret Societies and more.
This, all led and directed by the former current Royalty, Dictators, and Titan's of "old" society . Also known as "The Committee of 300". The linked document, is written by Dr. John Coleman., Nov, 2015.
Keep the hierarchy image in mind at all times, as I continue to discuss this.
Why would "old money" aka, The Committee of 300, aka the Illuminati, et. al., get involved in human trafficking, "blood rituals", collusion, coercion, laundering, weapons trafficking and pedophilia?
Let's take a quote out from the first Bilderberg meeting of 1956:
Finally, the leaders of public life are not only politicians. Other big interests—religious, financial,
industrial, trade-unionist, intellectual—are also responsible for the relationship among countries. The
second point we had to consider consisted in ensuring that frank conversations could take place without
running the risk of being misinterpreted by the press and that there should be no interminable speeches
for the sake of publicity. It was clear, therefore, that such conversations had to be conducted privately,
unofficially, and confidentially, and for this reason we decided not to admit the press to our meetings,
restricting publicity in general to one or two very short communiques which do not go into any details,
nor mention any individual speakers, in order to ensure that neither the subject of our discussions nor the
names of the participants should be given any publicity.
Dr. John Coleman, Elaborates why they dictate or use Diplomacy by Deception. This is used to further their gains., and pretty much say, "fuck whoever is in the way." --- If you dont fit somewhere along the middle of the chart above., They [Any *Committee of 300 member & Kin], consider you meaningless and replaceable.
As Henry Kissinger said, ""The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer." - The Kissinger Cable Leaks
So money and control? That's it?
No, they seek "infinite" longevity as well.
Yesterday, another user compiled a thread, speculating Peter Nygard's obsession in stem cell research.
For a quick synopsis: Mr. Nygard, is another accused eccentric billionaire pedophile.
This thread led me to discovering the similar fascination and friendship, with equally eccentric billionaire, Jeff Epstein..
view the rest of the comments →
vector3rector ago
This is a not-so-brief synopsis, as to Epstein and Nygan., And why billionaires, might be seeking to industrially traffic children.
Individuals, like Epstein, are essentially "middle men"/fallguys, for older billionaires., Essentially working as a "laundering" hub, acquiring, attaining, or filing whatever, under their name. Doing experiments or funding black projects, through his bank accounts, on on his lands, or though his connections., Similar to how the Mafia conveyed orders through only one individual, so there would only be one guy to blame., But not the head guy(s). Epstein has tried to come off as an intellectual and philanthropist, which gave him "a blanket from scrutiny for a while"., But many figured his money management firm as the criminal enterprise that it is. IRS obviously couldn't prove otherwise --- or legally fight long enough. Feel free to check the archives for his former website(s), Project Zero is a good place to start.
Once you connect the dots, you can blatantly follow public evidence, showing these guys are the ultimate "mafia"., Constantly laundering, colluding, committing treason, market manipulation, etc. I mean, what other logical reason and qualifications, would Epstein have to "earn" him a chair on the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Rockefeller University Board., The Mind, Brain & Behavior Advisory Committee at Harvard, etc. Let's not forget, this is a man that didn't even finish college., And has sourced the start of his wealth as assumed, "gifted".
But Who Run's this "Mafia"/Illuminati/The Committee of 300?
Follow the money as they say.
Remember, that 2004, World Check.pdf I linked earlier? You know-- the one that had the article, regarding Saddam's $35 Billion, stashed with the Queen of England's personal bankers, Coutts. Well, that led me down a "grand" trail of information that clarified " The Boss(es)' " for this whole shindig., and yet again, we have another affirmation, for the Rothschild
conspiracyMafia.For starters: If you would like to familiarize yourself with Coutts., They are private bank and wealth managers, the 7th oldest bank in the world. This is owned by the Royal Bank Of Scotland Group. RBS. Who up to 2009, was the world's largest company by both assets (£1.9 trillion) and liabilities (£1.8 trillion). In 2015, RBS group, sold "The International Private Banking Activity Assets, of Coutts" to Union Bancaire Privée. UBP, is a Private bank, within Geneva, ran by the De Picciotto Family. Edgar De Picciotto, a major player in the worlds gold market, is known to be willing to do as Edmond De Rothchild's asks of him. Also, UBP offices are located 9 minutes away, walking, from Edmond De Rothschild's office.
All the "family" connections aside, up until 2009, RBS group, was the second largest shareholders in The Bank Of China. China, who owns the majority of US Debt., who is in debt to RBS.,
Continued in next comment
TheWhiteKnight ago
Great work excellent read
vector3rector ago
Thank you. The final part(s), the "Solutions", are still to come.
I just need a day to recompile my sanity.
vector3rector ago
[Continued]... This is backed by assets and liquid equity, owned by the former and current, royalty-elites of society., To function with today's monetary system, Fractional Reserve Banking, the debt loaned out, is held against different physical resources, royal "treasures"/assets, and essential global real estate.
Because of the Fractional Reserve Banking System that the Rothschilds, Rockefeller, and JP Morgan/chase implemented around the world., Instead of a commodity based society, we are now primarily fiat based again.
Just holding worthless pieces of paper that are notes of debt. Implemented, through the fractional reserve banking system, around the world.
Plus, now that they are holding majority of the worlds assets, resources, and debt., We are once again slaves, because they hold all the resources, minerals, fuels, and important land(s). As we found out in 2008, the banks have become too big to fail. Even the Rothschild's can default. But because they own majority of the debt, They can just excuse their own debts internally. Or guarantee that it didn't matter to begin with, as we were shown with the Wall-street bailouts. This is why it scares alot of people in politics, to take action. Arresting ALL the guilty individual(s) without a doubt, would cause global economic repercussions [From defaults, riots, looting, loan recalls, etc], unless we have the people and systems in place, to avoid sending everything into chaos and disorder.
This is a list of other National Banks, they, the Rothschilds, Hold control or influence of:
And that'ts just the national banks.
How do we fix this? How do we remove their power? How do we remove ourselves from this two millennia "caste system" of indentured servitude?
Im going to have to steal this quote from ISGP.EU
YingYangMom ago
Excellent post. Everything is well sourced and extremely eye-opening. The only bit I disagree with from your very long post is this part, about the false memory syndrome.
This was a CIA/Nazi tactic used to discredit the few SRA abuse vicim whistleblowers. Even though the memories were suppressed through amnesia, therapists are convinced that the return of the victims memories were absolutely real. To counter and 'deal' with this problem by attempting to discredit the testimonies, they came up with the 'false memory syndrome' which is a bunch of crap, really.
allconnected ago
Agreed and it goes back further to Tavistock. Frued worked for T after he left germany. He is the farther of many termsused today to discredit victims and hush people
YingYangMom ago
Exactly right.
vector3rector ago
Thank you.
The only reason I think they develop "false", or innacurate memories, is because of the delusions/hallucinations that can be caused with scopolamine at high doses/concentrations. Pretty easy to occour with hyoscine hydrobromide patches. The bio-availability to a minor would be higher/stronger neurologically because of the mg/kg ratio/concentration, vs. a mature adult brain.
YingYangMom ago
All this is awesome except that the false memory syndrome can be debunked with one single very important and valid argument which is, how are so many different victims who do not know each other and live in different parts of the world, relate having extremely similar memories of painful acts or rituals having been performed or inflicted on them, under very similar circumstances? It is this single argument in essence, that discredits the 'false memory syndrome' in Satanic Ritual Abuse victims cases.
vector3rector ago
I dont think you understand. Im not trying to say they weren't assaulted or physically abused.
When I said false memory, you misinterpret it as completely incorrect memory., When instead I mean distorted.
With a distorted memory, a actual experience can be skewed psychologically, from what's occurring physically.
For example: A kidnap victim may still be getting raped, by say a Islamic man wearing a thobe/jubba., Or A priest wearing a robe., Or a Orthadox-jew wearing a yarmulke or headcover., Or a generic white man wearing a bathrobe. Lets say they have candle's burning and music playing? -Idk.,
A child, under the influence of scopolamine, could misinterpret that sexual assault as a ritual assault, 5-10 years later.
Again, read into the psychological experiences of those those on scopolamine or using hyoscine hydrobromide patches., Time, memories, perception can all be distorted significantly. Im not talking a drunk feel., I mean visual hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, and time distortion.
These individuals are still probably being raped and tortured., But the neurological side effects from excess scopolamine will probably cause similar experiences across the board.
YingYangMom ago
I believe we are not talking about the same kind of victims then. SRA abuse victims' testimonies don't differ much from one another. The rituals are the exact same. The surroundings and the people inflicting the torture do, of course, but the experiments are the same, the tactics, the main narrative is very similar. Here is an article that you might find very interesting on the subject and might help you understand what is being debated here.