I came across two stories that are worthwhile reads if you want to learn more about how elite pedophiles might operate in their environments, and how those environments might aid them in their crimes. The stories try to explain how Jimmy Savile and Jerry Sandusky, respectively, were able to keep getting away with the sexual abuse of children and other crimes.
These stories directly relate to pizzagate in numerous ways. First, Savile and Sandusky might very well have been part of the "pedocracy." It seems more probable than not, especially given that there's evidence that some in power covered up for them and looked the other way. The stories also discuss the resistance to following up on anything suspicious about them, as if being suspicious of these "saintly" men was ridiculous even when they acted suspiciously. This resistance is of course a very important element in the pizzagate investigation today, and one of the reasons why the media has been able to call pizzagate "fake news." And it's also important to recognize in these stories how the media goes about laying the blame for someone famous getting away with serial child abuse on the person's celebrity, and not the people around the perpetrator or the media itself. The media are also content to think that the perpetrator was a lone abuser and the case an isolated incident. Savile and Sandusky both used their charitable work as a cover for their evil actions, and to find their victims, and this is explained at some length in these stories and applies to pizzagate, in which charitable work also seems to be a cover for child exploitation. One story also touches on the parents of abused children, and what they are like, which is another important question in pizzagate, given that some parents allegedly allowed their children's pictures to be used online in a sexual context.
"How BBC star Jimmy Savile allegedly got away with abusing 500 children and sex with dead bodies"
Washington Post - archive.is
There was always something off about Savile, who hosted the BBC’s “Jim’ll Fix it,” palled around with the royal family, reportedly spent holidays with the Thatchers and was knighted not only by Queen Elizabeth but by Pope John Paul II. But most forgave his idiosyncratic nature. He was, after all, a great man. He raised $5.2 million for a hospital in Leeds, one of the United Kingdom’s largest. He volunteered countless hours as a hospital aide, busing patients to and fro. He helped scores of young doctors get their starts.
Sure, there were rumors. Whispers that he wasn’t everything he seemed. Murmurs he was really a sexual predator and had abused dozens of children. But they never stuck. Not Jimmy Savile, people told themselves — not “fix-it Jim."
On October 29, 2011, Savile died at his home in Leeds. “Most of all, I remember him as just a totally flamboyant, over-the-top, larger-than-life character,” radio presenter David Hamilton told the Guardian, praising his “tireless” philanthropy. “And as he was on the air, he was just the same off.”
But he wasn’t. And just how wrong that assessment was emerged this month.
Savile, according to a U.K. National Health Service investigation released Thursday, was a prolific pedophile. The health service investigation only confirmed behavior described in several earlier probes since his death. In all, Savile is believed to have abused at least 500 girls and boys, some as young as two, most between 13 and 15, as well as countless adults ranging up to 75 years old. With unfettered access to Leeds General Infirmary, the health service report said, he raped and fondled boys, girls, men and women in offices and corridors. He also allegedly committed sexual acts on dead bodies, and even told several hospital workers that he made jewelry out of one man’s glass eyeball.
"In Plain View: How child molesters get away with it" (concerning Jerry Sandusky)
The New Yorker - archive.is
When monsters roam free, we assume that people in positions of authority ought to be able to catch them if only they did their jobs. But that might be wishful thinking. A pedophile, van Dam’s story of Mr. Clay reminds us, is someone adept not just at preying on children but at confusing, deceiving, and charming the adults responsible for those children—which is something to keep in mind in the case of the scandal at Penn State and the conviction, earlier this year, of the former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky on child-molestation charges...
We now know what Sandusky was really doing with the Second Mile. He was setting up a pipeline of young troubled boys. Just as important, though, he was establishing his bona fides. Psychologists call this “grooming”—the process by which child molesters ingratiate themselves into the communities they wish to exploit. “Many molesters confirmed that they would spend anywhere from two to three years getting established in a new community before molesting any children,” van Dam writes. One pedophile she interviewed would hang out in bars, looking for adults who seemed to be having difficulties at home. He would lend a comforting ear, and then start to help out. As he told van Dam:
"I was just a friend doing things a friend would do. Helping them move, going to baseball games with them. What I found myself doing was getting close to the kids, becoming more of a father figure or a mentor, doing things for them that the parents weren’t doing because the parents were out getting drunk all the time. And, of course, it made it easy for me to baby-sit. They’d say, “Oh yeah. We can off-load the kids with Jimmy"...
The pedophile is often imagined as the dishevelled old man baldly offering candy to preschoolers. But the truth is that most of the time we have no clue what we are dealing with. A fellow-teacher at Mr. Clay’s school, whose son was one of those who complained of being fondled, went directly to Clay after she heard the allegations. “I didn’t do anything to those little boys,” Clay responded. “I’m innocent. . . . Would you and your husband stand beside me if it goes to court?” Of course, they said. People didn’t believe that Clay was a pedophile because people liked Clay—without realizing that Clay was in the business of being likable.
Did anyone at Penn State understand what they were dealing with, either? Here was a man who built a sophisticated, multimillion-dollar, fully integrated grooming operation, outsourcing to child-care professionals the task of locating vulnerable children—all the while playing the role of lovable goofball. “If Sandusky did not have such a human side,” Sports Illustrated’s Jack McCallum wrote, in 1999, “there would be a temptation around Happy Valley to canonize him.” A week later, Bill Lyon, of the Philadelphia Inquirer, paid tribute to Sandusky’s selflessness. “In more than one motel hallway, whenever you encountered him and offered what sounded like even the vaguest sort of compliment, he would blush and an engaging, lopsided grin of modesty would wrap its way around his face,” Lyon wrote. “He isn’t in this business for recognition. His defense plays out in front of millions. But when he opens the door and invites in another stray, there is no audience. The ennobling measure of the man is that he has chosen the work that is done without public notice."
This is standard child-molester tradecraft. The successful pedophile does not select his targets arbitrarily. He culls them from a larger pool, testing and probing until he finds the most vulnerable. Clay, for example, first put himself in a place with easy access to children—an elementary school. Then he worked his way through his class. He began by simply asking boys if they wanted to stay after school. “Those who could not do so without parental permission were screened out,” van Dam writes. Children with vigilant parents are too risky...
UpsideDownTiger ago
I doubt Sandusky had anything to do with the DA going missing because he had nothing to do with the case for years. Also, the way he disappeared was exactly as his book was written on faking your own death. I think the DA simply deserted his wife, especially since he was last seen with another woman (just like his book).
numbat ago
As a brit i feel that everyone new saville was a wrong un but thought he was just havingng sex with the occasional 15 year old like every other celebrity at the time even the much loved john peel. But then when he died the abuse and dead body stuff came out. So the people turning a blind eye didnt know the extent of what they where covering up. But lots of comedians joked about it while he was alive even the dead body stuff ( lee and herring).
The_Kuru ago
I recognized something back when I was very young. Only one man could routinely get away with having kids sit on his lap and lick the jello pudding off the kid's face on national television and the nation wouldn't even wince about it. Can you guess who that person was?
Intheknow ago
umm cosby?
OrwellKnew ago
Joe Biden? /only half kidding
jml1201 ago
Richard Dawson - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TRBwKFfJv4YouTube
How did he get away with this bullshit?
Psalm100 ago
This is the guy: Fergie Olver, a Canadian:
Psalm100 ago
I don't think that's Richard Dawson, but whoever he is, he certainly reminds me a lot of Joe Biden.
The_Kuru ago
I'm saying that during the time that Savile was the most trusted teflon-personality in England, Bill Cosby was the most trusted teflon-personality in the US.
Psalm100 ago
I don't remember THAT commercial but know who you're talking about. Do you have a link to it?
The_Kuru ago
Link to Cosby being the most trusted man that you'd let babysit your kids in America 25 years ago? No, I just can easily tell you that it is a fact. I'm a old dude who was around back then. I appreciate that some of you youngsters don't have an understanding of what the media was pushing on us back then. Come to think of it, I'm thinking there was an actual program with Cosby interacting with little children back then, and that was the basis of the program. There were only like three things you could watch on the television back then so I know anyone my age can back me up that I'm not bullshitting.
Psalm100 ago
I'm no youngster myself. I remember watching Fat Albert. I just thought from your comment that there was an actual Jello pudding commercial of what you described. It would hardly surprise me. Many of those old commercials are on YouTube so I thought you might have a particular one in mind. On a program where Cosby interacted with children, I only remember the commercials. I know on Fat Albert he would actually appear in the part of the show. He also did some records and possibly children were involved with those. Just looking at Wikipedia, though, I see he was on the Electric Company for awhile.
And this is interesting. He gave his record company the name "Tetragrammaton," which represents YHWH, God's Name that the Hebrews were forbidden to say:
"Tetragrammaton Records was a division of the Campbell, Silver, Cosby (CSC) Corporation, the Los Angeles-based production company founded by Cosby, his manager Roy Silver, and filmmaker Bruce Post Campbell. It produced films as well as records, including Cosby's television specials, the Fat Albert cartoon special and series and several motion pictures..."
"Tetragrammaton Records was an American record label founded in the late 1960s by entertainment manager Roy Silver, Bruce Post Campbell, Marvin Deane, and comedian Bill Cosby (whose manager was Roy Silver). The term "Tetragrammaton" refers to the unspeakable Hebrew name of God."
The_Kuru ago
I'm just saying, and anyone older than 35 can back me up, that only one person in mass media was allowed to interact with little kids and bounce them on their knee and nothing he could do with the kid could ever be considered suspect. The next closest person to Cosby who could have done the same was Pee Wee Herman. And of course I don't got links to all these things with Cosby with the kids cuz I don't think there was a way of recording that shit back then. The networks have it I'm sure and wouldn't release it unless it fits a purpose they want to promote.
eyeVoated ago
No, there were many other children's shows with trusted adults—dozens or more. And when cable tv came out, the market exploded.
The_Kuru ago
From wikipedia:
During Savile's lifetime, sporadic allegations of child abuse were made against him dating back to 1963,[97] but only became widely publicised after his death. Savile claimed the key to his success on Jim'll Fix It had been that he disliked children, although he later admitted to saying this to deflect scrutiny of his personal life.
Anyone else say he doesn't like kids recently?
But how strange that Savile would say he said that to deflect scrutiny of his personal life because that would seem to be an admission that he was a pedophile so someone should ask wikipedia for a citation on that one.
derram ago
https://archive.is/c35LM :
https://archive.is/Mh5MT :
This has been an automated message.PNG
Orange_Circle ago
Jerry Sandusky=Ray Gricar.
Psalm100 ago
Here's some more information on Gricar's disappearance. Not sure if it's all true or not, but for what it's worth:
I've been trying to save that link to archive.is but that page is working very slowly for me.
Edit: this is it:
Psalm100 ago
It's hard not to wonder about that. I remember when he went missing, and it seemed so likely that something would turn up of him, but if I'm not mistaken nothing has. And then if I recall correctly, it turned out that he had some involvement with Sandusky, but that was immediately dismissed as a possible reason for his disappearance.