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pizzaequalspedo ago

Sosos needs to be named an enemy of the State and arrested immediately before he divides this country further, to advance his globalist agenda.

Why should we let an 86 year old foreign national, who probably at best has 10 years left in his life control our country?

strix-varia ago

If he keeps up with the adenachrome he could live 20 more years.

vector3rector ago

Genuinely speaking., I think the wealthier billionaires, on the brink of death or in poor health, use closely watched [by doctors & scientists], non-equimolar mixtures, of adenachrome enantiomers, to prolong their longevity. They probably believe this or have been researching this, since Abram Hoffer and Humphry Osmond's "adrenochrome hypothesis". Probably, all to seek "a fountain of youth".

They probably also use scopolamine as their drug to " take control " of children and women, for their experiments or human trafficking sales. It makes them easily impressionable and the hallucinations, help disguise their identities long term. Along with the serious distortion of time., It becomes their "perfect drug".

It would also explain why so many abducted, believe they see ritualistic acts being committed by these wealthy individuals, when recalling the abductions. It also gives the criminals, a "psychological advantage", by claiming the victims as "insane" if they ever directly accused them. They will claim "poor mental health", regarding the victim(s).

Abducting large volumes of young kids, allows large volumes of "free" plasma to be extracted from their blood. Smaller people are easier to house, hide, manipulate, and feed. As they age, using scopolamine and unethical psychological manipulation, they can freely sell them or use them.