Aloha808 ago

If anyone listens, do not watch just listen to some of Hillary's speeches/ "rallies" and its simple to tell that she has "DID"/ multiple personalities, she's like "Reek" on Game of Thrones

foxxywoxxy ago

This should not be flaired possible disinfo see and check george webb video

Which mod did this? They should check before mislabelling and giving disinfo themselves. The mod should jsutify false flairing and apologise or be labelled as a shill. Who was it?

MAGABoomer ago

You're flaring FBI documents as possible disinfo?

kekistocrat ago

Kek will reward you well.

kekistocrat ago

slimg is down right now. which sucks cause I want to give you atleast something... there's another link in the comment to another voat thread which is telling. As well, just start watching your coincidence meter go up whenever OP posts or comments -- such as how quickly OP's posts are upvoated, when (today in particular there were several really good posts and ? called 'consenus cracking' and forum sliding.), the content of OP's post relative to where the investigation is at, in other words is it old info? or ?, etc. As well, I think it's just one person with a bunch of alt accounts : (this is my favorite) -- just expand all the comments and you'll see quite clearly a. his bullshit b. how others have 'corrected the record' for truth through downvotes. I didn't notice the downvotes till the other day. Fucking hilarious.

witch_doctor1 ago

Just wanted to post and say this is my favorite pic and favorite speech of Killary, the cuckoo finally came out of the clock..all I could think after watching that video was "Maw're scaring me!"

sunajAeon ago

This doesn't mean shit, Gowdy talks the talk all the time but no one gets charged until we see an arrest this is all TALK

DustyRadio ago

Completely OT, but WTF is on Hillary's tongue in the laughing mouth wide open pic??? It looks like a cigar burn or a circle on the surface of her tongue is an open wound.

WhatNowFred ago


PizzaGate711 ago

That's what you're pulling and working for EvaEverywhere. The non-shills on Voat expect an entirely different outcome. Think JUSTICE served for her and all others connected in their sick ring of raping the world for self-enrichment.

Betty_Swollocks ago

Ah, I see. Thanks for the reply.

Betty_Swollocks ago

What happens with a house investigation? Non American here, I understand some stuff but not this.

foxxywoxxy ago

George Webb mentions this and missing 302s

crystalclearme ago

I'm using this one to get ahead of a curve. Using the source document and pointing out the SCIF information and asking people to see and watch what CNN and WaPo and other propagandists do or do NOT report about this event. Most agree this is a newsworthy and notable event and should be covered by MSM

Betty_Swollocks ago

Is it still ongoing? I was arguing with this total Clinton apologist and he said it was over and there was no charges etc.

Ricoiyte ago

without explanation

That's called social engineering.

blind_sypher ago

Attempts to distract from the pedophilia and child sacrifice. All the intelligence agencies are corrupted at this point.

Wtfreddit ago

You know, I believed that too initially but the more I've looked into it the clearer it's become to me that there are good people within the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc...these agencies could very well be in the midst of a silent war, the ones who are working for the globalists versus the ones who are sick of all the shady shit that has been going on for god knows how long. The optimistic side of me would like to believe that the good outnumber the bad and will expose all the corruption and crimes against humanity. Realistically though I think the good guys are the minority and have an uphill battle in front of them. Take my thoughts with a grain of salt but I really don't think these agencies are completely 100% corrupt, and truth be told we have a virtually zero chance of exposing this widespread pedophilia without the aid of at least of few good guys within the intelligence agencies .

nm98966n ago

i think realistically... there are more good guys... but the bad guys have more power

unbiased_researcher ago

the hands of power have changed. it's now time for the ugly takedown of these scum

WeCanDoThisThing ago

That can't be true given the election results...also, good has no reason to culminate into a power source (evil always organizes to create chaos/destruction) until given that reason by evil entities.

kekistocrat ago

OP is disinfo/cointel. Constantly posting distraction pieces and coming to the instant aid of Phobos the miraculous... All the other valid posts yet this made it to #1 in no time...

Edit1: Credit to redditsuckz, thanks for reaching out... -- not saying all mods, simply this one (and others). -- This evidence has been collected since the pizzagate on reddit first started...the most daming is that Mod pizzathrowaway777 was caught using 32 alt accounts;

You can see the mods that have been added and removed over the past month in the archives;

Its all the same (((MODS))) as /r/pizzagate

AssuredlyAThrowAway = pizzathrowaway777

User workwork243832148327 was a Jew who created /r/pizzagate then deleted his account but before he did he handed it off to "pizzathrowaway777" who would be another "Jew" or as they admitted before "Molochian". pizzathrowaway777 added user WhiteHatRasta who calls himself "illuminati Prince" and his friend is an "actual illuminati 33". pizzathrowaway777 then added AssuredlyAThrowAway with "full mod privileges". AssuredlyAThrowAway is a mod here;




They have had problems at all those subs with moderation. Now pizzathrowaway is now a mod at /v/pizzagate on voat with all his friends. So the same crap will go on there with threads disappearing and what not. What happens next or where people go after that sub is imploded I dont know.

armyseer...another Talmudist apologist...;

Uses the same web theme(black background) as Phobos_Mothership and pizzathrowaway777;

And pizzathrowaway777 was caught using 32 alt accounts to upvote himself...

Pizzagate Same mods;

32+ upvotes from SAME COMPUTER;

armyseer defending his alt account Phobos_Mothership;

Voat is Compromised - Moderator defends Pedo Symbols

PEDO Mods From /reddit/pizzagate control and OWN /v/pizzagate - What is their agenda?

/r/Pizzagate created by (((workwork)))

Pizzagate Same mods;

32+ upvotes from SAME COMPUTER;

Top two posts are of users that kiss Kingkongwaswrong ass in the sticky thread...


Thank you, Kong! You are great. Glad I had your back when LegionWill tried to set you up the other day.

220 up votes for thread #1 from top


So proud of you, your doing an amazing job.

122 up votes for thread #2 from top

Kingkongwaswrong is pizzathrowaway777 and has multiple accounts to upvote and shill.

Anyone Kingkongwaswrong added as a mod would be another shill account. Just like Numbchuck who was a mod and went on a rampage deleting important threads on PEGASUS and DYNCORP etc...

As I understand it, slimg is down. Here's more: Pizzagate mods talking in code about children?

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

Wow where do I even begin. First of all I am only one of the people you named those connections are insanity. This post got upvoted because of the sensationalist headline, lets use some common sense here. I am not a mod here nor am I disinfo all you have to do is check my post history. I have ZERO say or control regarding anything that goes on in this subverse nor have I ever. I wish I had whatever drugs you'd have to be on to believe the bullshit that just spewed out of your keyboard..

All of your evidence is just a bunch of autistic bullshit that doesnt even make sense with links that don't even work.

It sounds like you ultimately are trying to say that because someone is Jewish they couldn't possibly be genuine about bringing Pizzagate to light and that instead they must be part of some Jewish conspiracy. News flash there are plenty of Jews who have gone against the Zionists and are on your side. It would be foolish to alienate them. This is the kind of disinfo being used to tear apart this community. I can't even imagine anyone would actually be dumb enough to fall for this hysterical anti-semetic nonsense.

kekistocrat ago

Shillerific! Semites came from Shem. Ashkenazi Jews came from Japeth. Most Jews are Ashkenazim. You notice anything yet? Anti-semitic is a trigger word used to slander people and put them into a known category like 'conspiracy theorist.' (strawman fallacy). Correctly, it would be, 'anti-japhetic,' 'anti-japhetic,' anti-j-a-p-h-e-t-i-c.'

This is the kind of disinfo being used to tear apart this community.>

appeal to emotion, did this bring tears?

Not buying it, kitten...

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

Nice attempt to be witty and flex intellect but your autistic bullshit still makes no sense.

kekistocrat ago

Awesome. Logic makes no sense...

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

Your connections are not logic they are a bunch of bullshit.

abortionburger ago

This is exactly the kind of attack the shills use to try to discredit. It makes absolutely no sense but it looks good on the surface. I got hit with it a bunch of times after I wrote that Alefantis victim article.

kekistocrat ago

It doesn't take shit to figure out you're strategies. How come all of your simple 'show children' comments always have 2 upvoats and all of mine have 2 downvoats? Is that a (((pattern))) or a pattern? Member for 2 months with 8,000+ submission points, damn. You must really be an ace in the mental department...

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

Damn your good at finding non-existent connections and avoiding the fact that you have ZERO REAL EVIDENCE to back up your original bullshit claims. You can keep trying to change the subject but that doesn't change the fact that you entire rant in my post is fabricated hysterical nonsense.

Why do I have so many submission points? Its called making a lot of posts while posting quality and interesting content that other people actually want to look at. Not sure why you'd bother making a statement that can be proven false by reviewing my post history.

Get over your self your pathetic.

path ago

To be fair, calling somebody antisemetic is a dead fucking giveaway. Shill cunt

flyingcuttlefish ago

extremely good info.

those mods wrecking the investigation ....

kekistocrat ago

The mods were doubled since November when the investigation started gaining traction. A lot of people aren't aware of the fuckery going on... again, not saying all, but some.

Mommyplayer571 ago

I've seen threads go missing. I've seen slide threads kept in place.

flyingcuttlefish ago

I knew right away when all my submissopns were deleted.

Comon over to v/pedogate!

blind_sypher ago

Its not gonna save them from the graves they dug themselves. Tuesday, 40 high profile politicians are supposed to go down. After that moment that damn will have been breached and itll be a full blown purge.

lostinthevalley ago

The Sessions confirmation vote is supposed to be Tuesday. Cabinet members are sworn in the same day or evening by Pence. Coinkidink?

WeCanDoThisThing ago

Source? Totally believe you but where are you getting this from?

blind_sypher ago

FBI anon, I believe him because the 474 suspect bust over in California was targeting a government agency. Hang em high boys.

WeCanDoThisThing ago

Thanks to you both. Will research...

JoJoVoat ago

Is the OP the person who creates the subverse. dont laugh im old.

kekistocrat ago

Yes, sort of. thread not subverse. subverse is Pizzagate. 4chan for Original Post. Not laughing. Questions are needed. Laughable is not asking... :)

JoJoVoat ago

ok I';ve been stating it wrong then.

The lingo amazes me. I have to look up new words I have NEVER heard of before! Vox and Kek etc...

Thank you