crazimal ago

Remember the only fucking "customer "in CPP during the false flag was a saudi lawyer, with phone in hand talking to who knows who while giving statement afterward.

Remember the Bannon is bumping militars off the NSC. Remember he got into pol majorly with breitbart. Who knew some shit. But had a short shelf life. So who is still alive who knows what breitbart knew? I can think of one guy... Looks like nobody is in his way now. Bad guy or not?

I don't know But he also knows about digital currency since way before bitcoin. Now what could that possibly have to do with?

Good guy? Bad guy? Don't know.

But saudis dems and repubs all have skeletons in the closet. Maybe Jews too

And mod King Kong did seem awful bogus to me early in fwiw, but people call me shill too

Fuck them

MAGABoomer ago

lol tard.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Lol. You can just make your own /v/ you twats.

VieBleu ago

I am an average Joe here and I completely agree with stay off Trump and fer chrissake please stay off the Jewish people. Also violence and vigilante justice.

redditsuckz ago

If you can voice your concern over here and at @Crensch;

If nothing happens then this sub is stalled and will get nowhere.

redditsuckz ago

/r/Pizzagate created by (((workwork)))

Pizzagate Same mods;

32+ upvotes from SAME COMPUTER;

The top two posts were of users that kiss Kingkongwaswrong's ass in the sticky thread...


Thank you, Kong! You are great. Glad I had your back when LegionWill tried to set you up the other day.

220 up votes for thread #1 from top


So proud of you, your doing an amazing job.

122 up votes for thread #2 from top

Le_Squish ago

How many time do I have to downvoat you today you shill idiot? Fuck, when is your shift over?

Quotes from OP:

Nothing new here we have GONE deeply into this for weeks here on /v/pizzagate, just follow the timeline.

FBIanon, most likely CIA and not FBI ( july 2016 )

/reddit/the-donald ( CIA ), 4chan is navy-intel .i.e. ( MKULTRA)

/r/pizzagate is born from the-donald,

/v/pizzagate spawns king-kong-mod leading the NYT narrarive controlled-opposition

Comey talks about weiner, comey says hillary is clean ( 4chan invents pizza goes viral to /r/pizzagate )

Trump wins, hillary loses

CIA / Mossad Wins, get's their boy.

Is WASH-DC pedo Fuck Yes..

Was FBIanon telling truth about WASH-DC sending white babys to SUADI to be fucked, hell yes, but was CLINTON involved? No, ,really this shit has been going on since 1972 when Nixon (RNC) created the saud-petro-dollar

He is trying to discredit all alternative form of news on pizzagate as compromised government honey pots. Never provides proof of any accusation. Shills just shillin' I guess.

VieBleu ago

give a working guy a break (not really)

Le_Squish ago

He created a new alt almost immediately after a post went up about him in /v/reportCTR.


zlomsocz ago

I agree, I am not even familiar with this info about the mods on /v/pizzagate but i can agree, the anti narrative is to stay off anything saudi, or jewish related.

MAGABoomer ago

Dude, it's true that many of the people on the "list" are jews, especially in Hollywood/finance/gov. But because Jews are heavily in hollywood and finance, and not even practicing jews, it seems a bit stupid to have stormfront style posts about jews when there are an equal amount of non jews. Too bad I don't see the same vitrol aimed at fucking catholics or other christian cults. They're fucking kids. Also, lots of Saudi stuff on here. They're not jews, but in the majority of "it's ok it's our culture" kiddie fuckers...and I'm not kidding someone tried to turn the narrative and make the Saudi's secret jews. That shit is useless. Kiddie fuckers know no boundaries.

ghost_marauder ago

HAHAHAHA! what the fuck is up with this weaksauce shit? SRC! Proof Asshole!

doubleherpes ago

Stay off of saudi

Stay off of andrew kline (DOJ)

Stay off of the Jews ( saudi is israel, same tribe of satanic child fuckers )

Stay off of any thing RNC or Trump

Share any good leads you have on the alternative pizza subs, then when they get traction post them in the main sub. The mods will have no choice but to move forward with them.

Start with the easiest to prove (Saudis or Kline probably), and save the polarizing ones for after the easy ones are proven (Joos, Trump).

If you're right, the easy proofs will point to the difficult proofs. If you try to wedge all the unpopular/tinfoil/polarizing claims in with the regular ones, people will be more likely to dismiss you.