Phobos_Mothership ago

Sorry but this post breaks rule 1 (submissions must be directly related to pizzagate) and rule 4 (no meta posts) and will be deleted

If you want to repost this, do so as a discussion post with a sourced explanation of how this is directly related to pizzagate, and make sure the post is not Meta

submission posted by Kekistocrat

kekistocrat ago

it directly relates to Pizzagate via Comet Ping Pong. You blatantly abuse your priveleges. You behave like a child. I had a sneaking suspicion that you would come from out of nowhere and downvote anything I do or say and lo and behold... here you are. Pathetic. Predictable. Pat yourself on the back. Job well done.

Phobos_Mothership ago

I'm enforcing the rules consistently. Problem? Read the rules.

kekistocrat ago

Couldn't possibly be motivated by anything else cause you're just a pillar of truth, aren't you?

Phobos_Mothership ago


kekistocrat ago

Obiously there's a grey area there and of course you exercised precise judgement. 'It is the responsibility of the poster to demonstrate this relevance. In most cases this will require a Discussion post where you provide a brief explanation of how your content relates to the investigation. Sometimes there will be content (like an article on Pizzagate) where a link post with an accurate, descriptive title will be enough to satisfy this requirement.' -- rule #1. I don't really give two shits about you or your fucking clicking up sucking up bullshit asskissing job as mod you silly pud. Have your laugh and snickers fuckhead. This life only returns what you invest in. I'm a very happy individual that won't let your b.s. affect my life. I just notice these things and don't have a problem with calling people like you out for the living fraud that you are. Cheers.

Phobos_Mothership ago

I don't really give two shits about what you think I should do as a moderator. fix the post, or spam it and get banned. Your choice.

kekistocrat ago

Just keep telling yourself you did a good job today.

Phobos_Mothership ago

I did do a good job today :)

You however have probably disappointed your Empress Clinton, I imagine she'll punish you for that.

kekistocrat ago

Are you that fucking stupid that you have to accuse based on nothing? Oh, I get it. You live for this. Keyboard warrior. Hide behind the keys you fucking coward. Say whatever you want coward. You're protected. That's your rebuttal to accusations that you're a fraudulent coward? To accuse of liking Clinton? Pathetic. Try harder since you did such a good job today. You're on a rolllllllllllll. I don't like Clinton or Trump and I'm simply calling you out for being a fraudulent coward because it's the right thing to do.

Phobos_Mothership ago

Cool story, bro. Go shillspam in one of your shitty unofficial pizzagate subs

kekistocrat ago

Can't defeat the argument by any logical means so you must resort to calling me a shill. I do believe that would be a logical fallacy. Ad hominem. The only one I ever have problems with. Just a coincidence, though. Other posts get flagged or deleted after hours of being up and mods asking if the OP can provide source links and such but not my post. No, had to be deleted within minutes by the only one that I ever have trouble with... Hmmmmmmmm. Others see this too, moron. But thanks for playing...

Phobos_Mothership ago

Get a job or something, you and all your alts have too much free time.

kekistocrat ago

Fancy that, deleted by Phobos. Curious. Just chompin at the bit, eh?

kekistocrat ago

... and Project Veritas' response: