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crazimal ago

I've looked at all these images and many others.

I have also examined 1000's of eyes; I have a medical education and years spent professionally in ophthalmology research.

None of the images of these people in the post show iris coloboma.

No one mentioned here, on reddit, or on the chans besides McCann has shown iris coloboma to my knowledge. I have looked at many of these images over the last month or so.

There are many conditions that affect the appearance of the pupil and iris. Please educate yourselves before posting more "coloboma conspiracy" images.

FWIW Jeb Bush may in fact have an iris nevus, a fairly common and usually benign finding.

The child identified as Caris Cummings in various social media photos does not have iris coloboma.

Thank you.

ArthurEdens ago

It doesn't matter whether it's true colobama or not, they believe in signs and magic and not real science, so if someone looks like they have it, they're in. I got special treatment from a Greek family because I looked Greek to them. I'm not Greek, no one is in the last 8 generations of my tree, but I was cool in the pocket because I looked it. Got invited to all their Greek functions and parties. It's a clique mentality.

These Satantists believe having sex with kids gives them magical powers. They're not necessarily playing with a full deck.