Yuke ago

I recently found this about Midnight kids "Personal Interests: LITTLE THINGS, GIANT THINGS, NATURAL THINGS, ROCK THINGS, POP THINGS, SMOKING KIDS, HANGING OUT, AND THE SMELL OF THE BLACK GLOVE." http://profileengine.com/people/163305947/jesse.mccullough#/groups/profile/439503651/midnight-kids http://archive.is/tLvC1

stickittotheman ago

Amanda Kleinman is an evil piece of human garbage that probably eats human babies for lunch.

XVktm ago

i'm starting to think the OP is trying to keep this investigation on heavy breathing for a reason. let's stay focused on these creepy musicians instead of devoting our energies elsewhere. who's paying you? you sure spend a lot of time on this band.


You need to read my other posts too:

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1511466 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1510535

Feedback welcome.


XVktm ago

I've already nominated it for a Pultizer.

XVktm ago

how do you know she rapes babies "at night"? you sure know a great deal about her, maybe you're trying to keep people focused on her because YOU have something to hide.

XVktm ago

This whole thread just tickles me to death. The amount of time you've devoted to "decoding" the "secret messages" the band is sending out and all the analysis of everything they've done, digging through tour diary archives, mining stills from videos, people commenting about trying to interpret the "hand signals", the paintings, the music, the speeches. It's just beyond hilarious. You're SO desperate to believe it's all true and you're going to be hailed as hero true detectives, but the reality is, as far as this band's involvement in an alleged pedo ring, it's a total farce. Everyone who actually knows them personally knows this to be true. None of the people they know have turned away from them. The opposite has in fact, occurred. We come here and read this stuff and laugh at you, but at the same time, I feel sorry for you. That you've been duped by neo fascist right wing agitprop trolls into playing along and wasting your lives trying to prove something that's just not true. You could be volunteering with at risk youth, or helping the homeless, or any other number of things that would have an actual positive impact in society, but instead you're combing over everything this group of artists and musicians has done, trying to cram it into a narrative that someone else created probably as a political smear campaign. It's tragicomic. If you took away all the threats and harrassment that's come with the whole thing, it'd be a big piece of performance art. Or a joke and ya'll are the punchline. Merry Christmas. I'll wear your coming insults and downvotes as a badge of honor. But I hope this sinks in with some of you.



Whaaaa mean bad people don't like friends' disgusting creepy child abducty online text music and videos!

Fuck you, garbage.


XVktm ago

fine. keep pissing your life away if it spares you the misery of your daily existence which i'm certain is the envy of nobody.


And yet your life is: yelling to the internet, YOU GUYZ MY FRIENDS ARENT PEDOS!!!!

That's perfectly normal.

Fuck right off and tell your friends that no one likes creepy child molesters.

We're not impressed, not afraid.

XVktm ago

no. but you are a moron. i spent about 15 minutes on this today, sitting in a car. you practically wrote a dissertation. something you'll probably never actually write.


Your tears are delicious little snowflake. Your butthurt is precious too! Sorry you buds are disgusting pervs and like to brag about it online. Not sorry!

XVktm ago

"butthurt"? good lord i've been arguing with a 15 year old. i'm so sorry. shouldn't you be studying a second language or something? where are your parents? the county lock up?


And yet here you are, baited and still a fucking creep, defending creeps.

XVktm ago

Ha! I was right!


That you Jimmy?

XVktm ago

Look, i'm only trying to help you. Go outside. Meet a girl. There's still time.


Nobody thinks pedophilia is funny except you and your boyfriend Kleinman.

XVktm ago

let me first ask you this: as a child were you ever sexually abused by an adult?


Sorry not gay; your D.C. bathhouse pickup lines won't work here.

XVktm ago

one mississippi, two mississippi, three mississippi four it won't be long before they knock some doors

alanna ago

The Majestic Ape video would seem to contain an electrical sound trigger for programed individuals. And the repetitious "I know". Geez

thezodiac ago

Also with the power comes more kids, from Haiti, Syria and all.

thezodiac ago

It's simple: they want the power so they can get away if they are caught.

thezodiac ago

Podesta is spanish I think. I speak portuguese if you guys want to know something.


Please see some additional related posts here:

Verite1 ago

Just read this OP and find this info very incriminating. PG Crazy obvious when you add up all the relevant factoids.


Thanks everyone for the excellent follow up and comments. Great stuff, especially the frame-by-frame image capture. It would be great to capture some more Heavy Breathing videos this way.

I've posted a follow-up article derived from The Apes' tour diary here.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

There are some shots of Majestic Ape where the mouth is clearly JA's.

basil999 ago

Here's some art Erick Jackson did in 1994 for another music band he was in "The Golden Touch-Hits the Sweet spot" Click on the more images to see the label design of a baby in a cut open skull.


A band both Schmid and Jackson were in, in 1999, called BST Payback and how they describe themselves;

Dragon: BST Payback can be typically found in swamps and marshes, although they can be found in subterranean lairs also. BST Payback always seeks to lair in deep dark caves. They are abusive and quick to anger with an instinctive cunning and malevolence that makes up for their lower intelligence. They are extremely selfish and resent intrusions. The diet of BST Payback is fish and mollusks. When they get meat from land, they like to let it soak in ponds near their lair before consuming it. The breath weapon of the BST Payback is not that of fire. Their breath weapon is spitting acid.


Price of Rock: BST Payback is the rock that levels by itself, supports like a solid, fills inaccessible voids, requires no labor, is non-toxic, and comes in two forms: excavatable or nonexcavatable, unless you use a jackhammer. BST Payback allows you to design and select tunnel and mine supports using theoretical and empirical methods that take account of interaction of support and rock mass, rock failure with time, tunnelling speed, existing support, and grouting. Utilize BST Payback correlation formulae to determine rock mass strength, deformation and creep.

There is a new band in Washington DC called Payback but it doesn't have any members from The Apes.

alanna ago

It's not a "baby in a cut open skull". It's a baby in the womb. It basically shows the female reproductive system with ovaries and fallopian tubes. The babies head is at the cervix.

The last image is also bizarre. Repeated 7" at end of each song(?). Reads like someone is giving strong hints of abuse!

Godwillwin ago

Allister Crowley, one of the "fathers" of satanism, put the k in magic to decipher between magic for entertainment and satanic magick

Guess that's why Jackie's last name is magik


thezodiac ago

Have you noticed the pedo black van? lol https://i.sli.mg/Y8AQSc.jpg

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Excellent work, as if Heavy Breathing wasn't bad enough. "What's that you say, a self-published work of fiction from 2005 about a multi-generational Satanic incest cult in Portugal by Ronald Charles Wolf?" Bang, that's fairly incriminating for everyone associated with Heavy Breathing, including Comet Ping Pong, fucking degenerate bastards.

thezodiac ago

"multi-generational Satanic incest cult in Portugal"

Yeah if you want to discover who kidnapped Madeline McCann, read this work of "fiction".

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I just realised, the cult is in Portugal, where Madeline McCann went missing. Portugal, Praia de Luz specifically is meant yo have a high concentration of pedo's. Why is this?

Aysemari ago

Wow awesome job definitely upvoting

PizzaDestroyer ago

Nice job! Playing the first video, https://youtu.be/oicUO0sz08c, at .25 speed reveals several very disturbing images. There is an image of what looks like a boy with blood on his butt being restrained on top of a table at 10 seconds and another boy hog-tied to the headboard and footboard of a bed at 14 seconds... I would post some archived snapshots of this but I don't want to be accused of posting CP.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

Every Frame From Majestic Apes Neutered Noel Video - Online Album and Zip File Download

There are over 2000 frames so there are many duplicates, and quite a few completely black screens before and after fade out transitions. I was motivated to do this because there was a rumor going around that there was a shipping container picture in the video at some point. It's not there.

Online sli.mg album


All images in zip file


I learned how to do this directly in VLC media player from this video on youtube. You can do it yourself if you feel unsafe downloading the zip file, or if you are skeptical of my listing.


PizzaDestroyer ago

Do you happen to have a working link with all these images? It's a shame that i.sli.mg is completely wiped out now.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

There's a zip file post in my comment above to a zip file with all images.

PizzaDestroyer ago

I actually tried downloading all of the links posted, but none of them were working. Now I feel pretty stupid for not downloading it sooner... :/

PizzaDestroyer ago

Got it this time - thank you very much!!

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

I will get a new one up for you

PizzaDestroyer ago

Nice man - that it super helpful! There's definitely a few I didn't notice even playing it quarter speed on youtube.

Here is an album compilation of frames I picked out from your master album: https://sli.mg/a/NpTAUK

And... one of those frames I missed was this: https://i.sli.mg/DF2MtS.jpg ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I can't believe that image almost freaks me out more than the ones of the of the boy hog-tied to a bed. The eye in the picture above clearly has Coloboma! Check this thread out: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1458452

The user wellington33 actually makes a comment about this in that thread with some more interesting information about other slides.

Godwillwin ago

That was me thinking there was a shipping container 😬

I thought the person in a cage was in a shipping container. I sat there for 2 hrs pausing and every so slightly moving my mouse then screen shotting then starting the whole process over again all the way through the video. There were images that I'd see but could never get paused just right to capture them. The person in a cage was one of them.

redditsuckz ago

Some videos might contain MKULTRA programming or triggering images or symbols.

Such as this image found in the FUSARIUM vid;




waybackwhen1987 ago

excuse me but whats that eye symbol in the picture you posted I have seen someone with a tattoo of that below their ear... does it have any meaning?

redditsuckz ago

Eye of Ra...Eye of Horus

Amon Ra other forms = goat/ram

Osirus = Bull

Horus = Falcon