EuroSkeptic ago

Hey, been lurking for some time and decided it's finally time to act. I don't particularly like the more "pop culture" investigations as I find them easier to suffer from confirmation bias, but any info directly referencing the Portuguese language, people, country, Law, etc. I can get privileged information. Anything just DM me. I'll be more available in one month time. Keep digging.

salinaslayer ago

god these people have way too much free time

BarryOSeven ago

Alright found it, it is also called:

Shaken Baby Syndrome in Dutch. But Abusive head trauma in english.

By shaking the baby at ages 0-1 and sometimes till 4 the pupil can break and it can cause this coloboma.

crazimal ago

I've looked at all these images and many others.

I have also examined 1000's of eyes; I have a medical education and years spent professionally in ophthalmology research.

None of the images of these people in the post show iris coloboma.

No one mentioned here, on reddit, or on the chans besides McCann has shown iris coloboma to my knowledge. I have looked at many of these images over the last month or so.

There are many conditions that affect the appearance of the pupil and iris. Please educate yourselves before posting more "coloboma conspiracy" images.

FWIW Jeb Bush may in fact have an iris nevus, a fairly common and usually benign finding.

The child identified as Caris Cummings in various social media photos does not have iris coloboma.

Thank you.

ArthurEdens ago

It doesn't matter whether it's true colobama or not, they believe in signs and magic and not real science, so if someone looks like they have it, they're in. I got special treatment from a Greek family because I looked Greek to them. I'm not Greek, no one is in the last 8 generations of my tree, but I was cool in the pocket because I looked it. Got invited to all their Greek functions and parties. It's a clique mentality.

These Satantists believe having sex with kids gives them magical powers. They're not necessarily playing with a full deck.

Jem777 ago

Please research coloboma, rh negative, the fallen angels.. the nephilims, the book of Enoch in the Bible. Search for the video of nephilims there is a video of the history and what it means, prophecy, Research I won't link at this point.

Jem777 ago

I do not have the abilities to attach information but for those researching coloboma please look into the connections with rh negative blood types or rh null blood. The elites & bloodlines etc. Trust me this is important

zzvoat ago

Welcome! Don't be a stranger!

basil999 ago

One of the Apes songs mentions hairlips, so possibly any incomplete closure of a fetus tissue development might be for some reason of interest to these people. A lot of the "colobomas" people are seeing are actually iris nevi "freckles".Who knows maybe it's just the appearance of the pupil and not the cause that interests these people.

I'd like to cast doubt that the lawyer Wolf wrote 'Satanic Cult of Mafra". It's very primitively written, much more like the Apes lyrics than the scholarly books the lawyer Ronald Wolf wrote. It is interesting that the lawyer lived in NY, maybe he IS the father of the Apes Ronald Wolf.


They mention hair lips here too at the Birdman Records website (their label at the time):

59lion ago

So from what I gather, the fact that all these people have the same defects indicates that they're blood/genes are similar so they can use the kid's blood for injections/drinking that makes them younger or for organ transplants? still a bit unclear on this fact

goat_cheese_pizza ago

Maybe they breed amongst each other to get this chosen defect. Maybe it's like being a "chosen one" to them.

party1981 ago

This is good digging.

stickittotheman ago

"""amanda kleinman""" is as sick as it gets. This evil hooknosed witch needs to be burned at the stake. Works with retarded children at george washington university / photographer by day, talentless musician/baby eater by night.

Werwer12 ago

I'm just being honest. I do see it in Jeb Bush eye, but not the rest

nobodysnobody ago

Marina Abramovic had a weird sickness as a child. When her first tooth fell out, she ended up bleeding constantly for days and was hospitalized. It ended when she got her first period. Symptoms were like hemophilia, but it wasn't that, her parents didn't have it, no genetic link. The doctors never figured out what it was.

Loosely translated from here:

Truthseeker3000 ago

Too bad it's all written in Russian. Sounds like an interesting story. She is indeed very odd and truly evil in the soul.

nobodysnobody ago

Not Russian, Serbian (she's originally from Yugoslavia so I don't know why you'd think it'd be in Russian. It's not even Cyrillic). It's interesting but there isn't much specific info.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Ok smarty pants!!!! My point was I couldnt read the fuckin thing so why post it on an ENGLISH site knowing we all speak English not Serbian or Cyrillic as u claim!!!! Then u go on to say it's interesting but not much info? THEN WHY POST IT??!!!!! And it appears u edited your comment. Bye Sue.

nobodysnobody ago

I posted it as proof of source. Anyone can put it in google translate and it will automatically tell you what language it is, and give you an approximate translation.

Take your hysterics elsewhere.

Truthseeker3000 ago

LMFAO Merry Christmas Sue ;)

VieBleu ago

The Majestic Ape in the video and shown in close up at the link is definitely a female - lip gloss, more curved mouth and definite dip on upper lip - VERY UNLIKE several pictures of a Majestic Ape with the very identifiable (and creepy) smirk of Alefantis. Seeing these photos makes it clear that Kleinman's mouth is fairly easily identifiable and Alefantis does indeed step into the "Majestic Ape" role at times, which has been a subect of quite a bit of speculation.

reference showing alefantis as Majestic Ape -

Also: Evidence Majestic Ape is Alefantis in drag (sometimes)

Truthseeker3000 ago

JA is 100% confirmed the MA in many photos and on stage the footage speaking about fetishes for children at comet. Some odd times it is other members of the shitty band.

Orange_Circle ago

Up vote!

teh_Dude ago

Well, one of the most famous portuguese novels is about the incestuous relationship between a brother and a sister ( Don't know if it's helpful to your research. I can help you if you have any questions about the portuguese culture.

basil999 ago

I see many Portugese people in Central California and they seem to age better than any other people. They usually look 20-30 years younger than their age. Is this true in general of Portugese or just a quirk of the small amount of farmers I see?

teh_Dude ago

Well, we do age quite well. Currently, 20% of our population (~10 million) is 65 years old or older. This number is really big, since Portugal is quite small comparing it with other European countries. This, coupled with a small birth rate has led the country to face a crisis in terms of rejuvenating its population.
Back to your question, portuguese people are quite resilient. I would say that resilience is a consequence of our eating habits (our diet consists of both meat and fish) and the fact that our lifestyle is really simple. Don't know if this would translate into the immigrants you have contact with, but some immigrants I know that live in France or Switzerland would fit in the description I gave you. I'd say Portuguese people would maintain their identity anywhere they go.

Rigg5 ago

srayzie ago

How do you know?

Atlantean120 ago

Of all things related to PizzaGate, Heavy Breathing creeps me out the most. They must be heavily satanic, I can't even bring myself to press play on their videos.

TheKFCNyanCat ago

They've honestly given me second thoughts about whether black magick actually works or not. I straight up feel like my head is being messed with if I listen to even a second of any of their songs.

VieBleu ago

I can say that heavy drums, bass and psychotropic music can very much mess with your brain wiring, heart beat and other sympathetic nervous system functions. Being shocked by imagery and symbols can also cause real effects on the body and brain. Combined they can be extremely powerful agents of mind control even without the use of psychotropic drugs. WITH LSD, exstacy or what have you, people would literally enter the world of the music and video, ugh imagine doing that under force! True soul destroying torture.

Tibetan monks use a very deep kind of vibrational humming to change their consciousness and have for centuries, you can google their music I'm sure. Also interesting is how the CIA is known to already have used music in torture sessions for years

Black magic is an act of willful trespass, whether it can be effective or real or not is not important. As far as feeling fearful and messed with (not actually kidnapped or taken) you can simply decide that you are not going to allow any trespass on your soul your brain, your house, body or family, and tell any negative energies they are not welcome and must leave you completely alone now and never return. Dark energy may fight, but it cannot trespass where it isn't allowed in.

TheKFCNyanCat ago

Also interesting is how the CIA is known to already have used music in torture sessions for years

I don't really see this part as evidence for black magick's existence, I imagine it has more to do with repetition than the songs themselves. The rest is pretty convincing, though.

fartyshorts ago

I was just reminded of the movie Irréversible, where the opening scene is deliberately made to make you feel sick, using a combination of nauseating camera movements, very deep, low tones and violence/gore.

Kalani ago

Interesting i always tell myself this b4 and after watching official heavy breathing videos. I went down a pizzagate rabbit hole and watched a invocation of a demon vidoe that was way to real. Had to cleanse that shit out of my head just in case

whitehand ago

Black magick is real unfortunately. Music is a window to the soul and has been used for centuries to induce hypnotism and demonic possession.

Werwer12 ago

Googled bush Jr and Sr. I'm not seeing it.

terrordactyl ago

I'm not seeing it in any of them.

joe_hill ago

buy a dog, or a cane

whitehand ago

He is leading you down a shill rabbit hole. I wouldn't get hung up on any eye defect outside of identifying the kidnapped girl.

Don-Keyhote ago

What about the gland and puberty thing. Forced pregnanvies and abortions are a consistent ritual. I just heard of a case where three generations of men, like 30 pf them were doing satanic sex abuse.

whitehand ago

Gland and puberty thing? I know these sickos sometimes will harvest adrenochrome from their victims to sell or get high off of it.

redditsuckz ago

Some Chakra symbols in the Heavy Breathing video frame;

libertyvs ago

Not sure why chakras in general would be problematic. If they were emphasizing the sacral or base chakra, or third eye potentially, it could signal something else, but nothing stands out to me as indicative of chakric activation.

Rigg5 ago

Here are the images.. without all the extras....

concernedaboutitall ago

Interesting connection. Is it possible this guy wrote the book? He is a Dr in Portugal.


That's a great find and I archived it here:

I'd say yes, that's a a definite possibility! Thank you!

thunderballs ago

Quite interesting indeed. Studied psychology 1949-1953 (an interesting time, just after the war), before going into law.

How old are people when they begin a course of study. Let's be generous and say he was 16 (a child prodigy). So guesstimate year of birth as 1933, probably earlier.

Relocating to Portugal (according to VieBleu's) no earlier than 1968, which would be at an age of at least 35 - prime of the career (on second thought, it may be quite early in a law career).

Hard to say what motivates a successful American lawyer to emigrate with his family to a relatively foreign European country. His features on the LinkedIn profile seem like he may have some Portuguese ancestry, although his name does not suggest that. Maybe he fell in love with Portugal.

VieBleu ago

So here is Ronald Charles Wolf's bio - [ ] He is a globalist lawyer that specializes in advising on joint ventures, and he has written a book on the subject. Is he a NY establishment globalist advisor with an interest/avid fantasy life regarding in Satanic worship and the old religion as practiced in Portugal? He lives in Portugal and first went there in 1968, but he still has ties to the US -

"Dr. Ronald Charles Wolf is a native of New York City, possessing a B.A. (NYU), Juris Dr. (NYU), and M.Phil in law and sociology. (U. of Manchester, UK). After many years of commercial law practice in New York City and then in the State of Vermont, in 1968 he came to Lisbon, Portugal, from Montpelier, Vermont, with his wife Marilyn, of Boston, Mass., and their family." also:
"Dr. Ronald Charles Wolf is a native of New York City, possessing a B.A. (NYU), Juris Dr. (NYU), and M.Phil in law and sociology. (U. of Manchester, UK). After many years of commercial law practice in New York City and then in the State of Vermont, in 1968 he came to Lisbon, Portugal, from Montpelier, Vermont, with his wife Marilyn, of Boston, Mass., and their family." also: In parallel, Dr. Wolf has maintained throughout his professional life a strong academic interest in the sociological aspects of law. In June, 2001, the U. of Manchester conferred upon him the degree of M. Phil. for his thesis on “The New Law Merchant and International Arbitration: Western Law and Social Order in Transition.” There was published in 2004 by Ashgate Publishing Ltd., Aldershot, England, the title “Trade, Aid, and Arbitrate: The Globalization of Western Law.”

Is it possible that the Heavy Breathing band member is his son? He would be the right age, could have gone to schools in the Northeastern US and gotten into the "band" that way, as Amanda has described on her blog. (I put "band" in quotes because I have theorized that The Apes are a cover for an MK-Ultra production unit - someone has to make those mind control videos and music. Kleinman calls herself "puppet" and Alefantis considers himself an artist, after all. I could also speculate on the idea that all the band members are mind controlled to some degree and Alefantis is their handler. Charles Wolf in a mask onstage being the "real" identity of the guy, and in real life he uses alt identities/names).

concernedaboutitall ago

Not a problem. I wonder if there is any connection between them still. I will look around.


Thank you! I linked to an image of Soros' eye in the post. Look above to see it.

Don-Keyhote ago

Sorry don't wanna scan threads but is that old lady a few frames into the music video the gramma from the London satanic abuse case?


Can you elaborate? Considering that in another video they show Kleinman smirking and shrugging adjacent to a photo of convicted child molester Paula Poundstound (while Majestic Ape says "I know,,,":, I would expect such stuff. Thanks very much!

Don-Keyhote ago

Uh yearbook style photo gray hair blue eyes, compare to grmma in the London case utube video where the girl says they made her eat her own aborted fetus, my worst pizzagate moment

redditsuckz ago

Coloboma also known as "The Evil Eye"

James Alefantis kept posting close ups of a baby with the same condition on his instagram;

BarryOSeven ago

Wow you might stumbled onto something:

A video of a girl having coloboma and is blind from on eye... she tells about her experiences.

Why are these people so obsessed with coloboma? Is there something we don't know about it?

Marthvedderette ago

Huh? Maybe it has something to do with blood type? They need people with their rare blood types. Another thing to note is most of the people you listed have had organ transplants.

Jem777 ago

Rh negative. Research it please

redditsuckz ago

Reminds me of the Movie "The Island" 2005 where famous people give money to have clones to use their organs for transplants.

Marthvedderette ago

They love to sprinkle their shitty movies with a little truth. I think all this being lied to for my entire existence, has made me extremely good at discerning what is true and what isn't. This is a game I've been practicing for my whole life.

joey4track ago

Not to mention people like George Soros, Dick Cheney, Jacob Rothschild, George Bush Sr, Henry Kissinger, Diane Feinstein, Andrew Sorkin.. have it too. With as rare as it is it's quite interesting how many evil politicians just happen to have it. There are more I just can't remember them all.

micha_ ago


Jem777 ago

Check coloboma rh negative blood types...the stories of nephlim the fallen angels

smokemirrors ago

John Ritter had it too. Interesting in the wikipedia entry, George Soros' name is next to Madeline McCanns:

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

Omg...... this is just getting creepier and creepier. What if this coloboma thing is like the Sharingan in Naruto lmfao.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

You see Soros does these killing rituals to gain the Mangekyou Sharingan and when he gets caught "this isn't even my final form".. Dude goes Perfect Susanoo and wrecks everything.

We're playing a dangerous game boys.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

Thank you for hard work and sharing your findings and opinions.


Please see my related posts here:

Jem777 ago

Cann you research coloboma and rh negative blood type connections