ich1baN ago

And it's worth mentioning since I did not originally state it but NEVER NEVER EVER TRY THIS! It is extremely dangerous and you can easily end up dead or shot by someone who is fearful for their lives. I'm not exaggerating or using hyperbole when I say this.... the look in my roommate's eye when he went through these prescription induced episodes was literally satanic and pure evil (he had absolutely 0 control over his thoughts and actions and 0 ability to think rationally). He'd tear up everything in the apartment, punch holes in the wall, threaten to kill people..... and the next day he wouldn't remember a thing. There were several times where I wanted to Baker Act him for the insanity.


As a follow up to the "house parties" mentioned in this post, here's a little bit more about what's going on.


Thursday, March 22, 2007 Spring Mini-Tour 2007, Day 4

posted by Majestic Ape at 7:46 PM

The next drive is to Shreveport, LA. We are playing a house show. There is a kid who lives in Shreveport named Alec. Alec loves music, bands, and shows. Alec loves them so much that he opens his home to these bands and invites them to play in his living room. He also opens his home to other local lovers of music. Tonight we are going to play at Alec’s house, known as Cooper Manor. We are supposed to play between the local opening band and Monotonix. We have mild concerns that we will have to play do after Monotonix as, quite honestly, they are a tough act to follow. The dramatics in their show, and the mess that they leave, are a rocky foundation upon which to play one’s set.

Here is the band Monotonix playing at Cooper Manor that night. Note that YouTube user https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmCvyo0EO2aXC9XzbUh8peQ is the owner of the house (Alec?) and has many other videos of bands playing at Cooper Manor (see description in the first video, "Part 1 of my home being destroyed by three Israelis." (Monotonix are from Tel Aviv)).

Here is the first video, matching Kleinman's description of the band Monotonix' performance. Somewhat boring stuff. https://youtu.be/WzHPISuCOh8

Here is the last video of four from that night. Right at the start we see the lead singer tape himself to a younger guy, possibly a teen (older), as well as all manner of punk behavior: https://youtu.be/8W6dBZlCOyA.

If you search for "house show" on the Ape's site, you'll see that they actually performed quite a few of these. Here's a tour schedule with at least two "house shows": https://archive.fo/0dEUy.

stickittotheman ago

Amanda Kleinman is a piece of shit that works with children at GWU.


Look for hooknosed pointy chin satan spawn with large glasses. Doing what she was raised to do.

Masquerades as a photographer/teacher by day talentless musician/ baby eater by night.



one more thing to note - the HB video that has the lightening in the glasses and loud buzzing

that was inspired by this Kenneth Anger movie about Satan worship: Lucifer Rising

particularly this scene with Amon Ra: https://youtu.be/UQidfcNPSh8?t=313

Freemasonsrus ago

Gawd. This reminds me of the "trying too hard to be weird" crowd from high school. Seems like it may have begun as just that and then they connected w the JA group and were brought into the actual group of fucked up, dark/evil, pedos.

srayzie ago

You got that right

Kalani ago

Heavy breathing and all of the sasha lord bands are some of the most disturbing aspects. I'm suprised i really thought majestic ape had to be a man. I'm waiting for someone to decode the hand signals at the end of one of their vidoes. watching these videos and knowing you are being bombarded with subliminal messages bothers me.

Mooka_Molaka ago

I haven't watched any of their videos all the way through, but I believe what you're saying about "hand signals".

Here's my thought; I read her Linked In stuff & remember being shocked & sickened when I realized that she is a TEACHER.

I can't recall atm but I think it said that she has degrees in Special Education & if the other degree or Special Ed work has to do with deaf children, COULD ANY OF THE HAND SIGNALS BE RELATED TO AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE?.

My cousin majored in Deaf Education when I was little. I remember her teaching me a few signs & the alphabet as well. And as the video is something I don't think I could ask her to watch (she is one of the kindest, sweetest, innocent souls I have ever known.

If we couldn't find another person who knows ASL really well I will consider asking her, but I hope I don't have to put this horror into her heart ~ she would never be the same, & I guess that's on me & is my selfish line I don't want to have to cross) I may try my hand at it, no pun intended!

TL;DR - Could Hand Signals Be American Sign Language?          

Thank You Everyone for All of the Work put into this 💖✨💗✨🎄💕🕊☃❄️🎆


I noticed this when viewing the Heavy Breathing video here (this is the first one I saw): https://youtu.be/N_gGhrIO6ps

There are a many disturbing things here, but what immediately caught my eye was her use of sign language (or some kind of variation she was improvising). In particular:

SLiMG Image Voice over is "No need to speak..." while she makes the motion of scissors cutting, presumably cutting out someone's tongue.

SLiMG Image Voice over is "... I will send my thoughts directly to your mind."

It seems to me these gestures are something you'd use to terrify children, and it looks as if she knows exactly what she's doing. Kleinman also loves to drop very inappropriate sexual references. Another image that caught my eye was her again using sign language to show a person walking -- with an erection. Again, this strikes me as something a sadist would do to sexually abuse a child.

SLiMG Image

Kalani ago

No definitely don't her watch. Those videos are full of subliminal programing and horrific visuals that you only see when pausing but your subconscious decodes them. To me they look like secret society type signals that i have seen b4

B_dog ago

Really important work on this post. I went on an upvoat frenzy.

The story about Detroit amounts to a confession everything PG has been alleging is true. Satanism? Check. Sex with minors ("adult" v. "young" clearly stated)? Check. Creating images ("very professional gear") of said sex? Check. And that's just one of the pieces of evidence you discovered.

But for Kleinman being politically connected in DC, agents would be swarming her by now.

comeonpeople ago

Are you reading a different blog entry? It sounds like this was going on at a place they were playing and they were surprised and creeped out by it and in fact high-tailed it out of there:

I stuck my head around the corner. There was the guy who earlier had worn the computer monitor on his head, now nude, with a naked girl on each side of him. They looked young: there were lots of flash bulbs.

The promoters started bringing in snow covered couches from the backyard, in preparation for the Apes overnight stay.** We decided to get a motel.**


Nope. I read it, and in fact they played, got paid, and wanted to go back because they were short-changed.

B_dog ago

And they described it as a "hoot and a holler" -- not the weirdest damn thing I've ever seen and I'm now a material witness in an upcoming criminal trial.

B_dog ago

But not call the police. The Apes are OK with it, even suggest enjoying it, but are smart enough to avoid getting caught.

In my entire life I have never 'stumbled' into a satanic underage sex photography event. Makes me wonder how something like that could happen to anyone.

comeonpeople ago

Yeah, but to be fair, you have not gone on tour in a rock band playing all kinds of random places that you know nothing about in advance.

B_dog ago

Methinks thou doth protest too much, in addition to ignoring all the rest of the evidence suggesting Kleinman knew exactly what kind of people would book the Apes.

comeonpeople ago

What evidence suggests she knew exactly what kind of people would book the Apes?

Methinks you have an inaccurate idea of the life of an indie band.

B_dog ago

Getting too far afield of anything important.

According to Amanda Kleinman's own words, she saw an underage porn shoot in progress and did not find it important enough to alert the authorities. She was, however, concerned about not getting enough money for the gig. She understood the shoot was illegal and got away from it. But, her general impression of the whole event was that it was a "hoot and holler".

Yeah, totally normal -- in Bizarro World.

comeonpeople ago

I don't see that it says they were underage.

Also I got the impression that "hoot and holler" was sarcastic, it does not sound like she was pleased with the night overall.

B_dog ago

Making the distinction between "adult" (definition: of legal age) and "young" not clear enough for you? Do you happen to be a friend of Amanda's?

Not pleased about getting very little money. But not concerned enough to call the cops.

comeonpeople ago

So no adult is ever described as looking or sounding "young"? News to me.

You're reaching, dude.

salinaslayer ago

Good one

srayzie ago

Good job! I'm sensitive too and protective. I homeschooled mine for a year and wanted to pull my hair out. If you can handle it, that's great! There are kids groups and churches where they can socialize. Now that I have learned about pizza gate, it sure does make me think twice. I feel bad for people who have to put toddlers in daycare. They are too little to tell you what's wrong if something is happening. I was blessed and never had to do that.

redditsuckz ago

The person also has a mole and Amanda does not...It looks like she just made up a story with the pitch of the voice.

"My Name is Lee - A somewhat disturbing monologue completely improvised by Amanda Kleinman; inspired by Paul's new vocal pedal and its pitch shifter."


basil999 ago

The vacaroo recording of "Lee" Kleinman saying he is gettin a sex change may be fake. Vocaroo is copyrighted 2007-2016 yet in this video of Kleinman from 2002 at the 2:00 minute mark there is a good close up view of Kleinman telling a joke and she is clearly a woman.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBQyn44YVRg

redditsuckz ago

The recording is not fake...she might have made it up tho;

All audio from here - Under "Lee";


This is the first video that I have seen her talking in her real voice...


Kleinman is probably a female...but the jury is still out.

srayzie ago

I couldn't believe she worked in special education. Those poor helpless kids...

srayzie ago

They are so weird

hanknut42 ago

of course they are involved their was a pic of Amanda Klienman in front of the Brick building that looked alot like the pajama factory and it was geomarked in PA so you tell me and that Breck guy is always taking pictures with dolls like who the fuck does that

KansasJakeBG ago

Same comment as yesterday. Great research into what's behind the art. But it doesn't read as true. It reads like bullshit. Of course these people have a body of completed work so it's more than words. Great work.

thegenericoperator ago

Can we start to social justice warrior these people? Jobs. Fired.

algernon4peace ago

Yes, i'm starting to think that way too. Especially people who are connected to charities/orphanages or work with children. Maybe if only to tell their co-workers to keep an eye out. It's definitely possible that the people who have to work alongside these pervs already have their suspicions and just need a nudge.

golly ago

I doubt they meant a website on the dark net, their website is dark. Needs a bit more background before I can say for sure they had a tor website at some point.

zzvoat ago

GREAT work!!

Exactly who is the teacher? I'm a little lost as to what evidence goes with what person but if there is anything inappropriate for a teacher, the school needs to be informed. I'm quite serious.

Of course, cynic (realist?) that I am, the principal, district superintendent, half the teachers, counselors, cafeteria staff, and maintenance workers are probably all spirit cookers themselves.


Amanda Kleinman, aka Majestic Ape, worked as a teacher for many years. CV here where you can see she has degrees in special education and hearing and speech science. She now works at as an academic advisor for the Corcoran school of art at GWU. In these diary posts, written by Kleinman, she makes several references to working as a school teacher.

srayzie ago

That's really scary. We send our kids to school having no clue who the sick ones are that are in charge of our children!

Sentastixc ago

It should be possible to find that anonymous blog! using the language and terms she used.

Anyone around that can do that? I wouldn't know how to start. Might be interesting stuff there.

shootermcgvn ago

These are practically confessions and people will chalk it up to, "It's just weird art, man."

clowntrash ago

Wow. This is an impressive find!

coincidencesmyass ago

How are these people not in jail???

comeonpeople ago

For what?

shootermcgvn ago

Or at least institutionalized. Who the fuck talks like this?

redditsuckz ago

(((Amanda Kleinman))) of Majestic Ape(CPP BAND) is a man or transgender. He even admits and says his real name is Lee;


(((Lee Kleinman)));





(((Jeff Schmid))) also from the same "Tribe".


(((Amanda Klienman))) is jewish admits it;



Its Klienman behind the mask;


Former Nanny;



Edit 2;

Found a pic of Amanda Kleinman which shows no mole on her neck so she is probably a female and just makes up fucked up stories.


And Here she is doing a radio interview with kvrx Austin Texas in another voice ;


All audio from here;



Kleinman says she was testing out the voice modulator;

"My Name is Lee - A somewhat disturbing monologue completely improvised by Amanda Kleinman; inspired by Paul's new vocal pedal and its pitch shifter."


hanknut42 ago

before it really broke open people were saying Amanda was a transgender i could see that one of her myspace phottos she deleted you could def see a bugle in his spandexs

somegirlinnewzealand ago

I think that Amanda Kleinman and James Alefantis both pose as Majestic Ape. Some of the images of the lips look far too thin to me Amanda Kleinman, but is an exact math for JA

redditsuckz ago

The one under the mask has same dimples as Amanda;

Face comparison - Its Kleinman behind the mask;


But yeah it really could be anyone behind behind the red mask.

somegirlinnewzealand ago

Ive studied psych, and Ive seen a few photos where I am convinced it is not a woman. In trying to understand the mindset of these kinds of people, who post extremely questionable material and demonstrate a very sick humour towards children, why the need for a costume based around anonymity, i know its not a astonishingly new concept for a band to do for maybe attention or whatever - but check out this video. I have heard people say this is laced with subliminal messages, I don't know how I can confirm this. Maybe someone with the skills, if they could prove it has these embedded images, and we could strongly imply that this is JA as, honestly - to me its a dead ringer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ES6qPwsy-4

ich1baN ago

I think the conclusion a lot of on VOAT have come to is that sometimes the "persona" is played by both male and females. This makes sense b/c if we follow their philosophy stemming from the whole Egyptian "fish and 14" linked to Osiris and Iris who engenders her son Horus who at one time had no gender then we can clearly see they are replicating this ancient Egyptian ritual manifested in this act in their videos.

In one of their sick music vids (I think Neutered Noel)... the guy is typing on the computer chat room at night and talking to Majestic Ape who appears to be the (trans or gender neutral one). By the end of the video the nerd guy with glasses is placed where Majestic Ape was sitting and the original nerd guy is now wearing a bra and underwear signifying Majestic Ape's transformation on him.

It's the same thing played out over and over in all of their vids in some shape or form and in a lot of the art work they reference. I can post images that prove my point concisely, but not now b/c I'm at work but Jerry Saltz who these sick fuks revere posts a ton of reference material with men and women having both the same gender and identity at the same time which is what Majestic Ape's character is reflecting vis a vis Horus (Aleister Crowley said we are living in the Age of Horus, which is another hint to MA's role) not having a gender and being transmuted his gender by ISIS copulating with a dead Osris that was cut up into 14 pieces and resurrected back to life through ISIS' magic (the penis was eaten by the fish, which describes their fascination with hot dogs and bizarre art with penises displayed everywhere as well as in their music videos).

redditsuckz ago

The one you posted is the worst one...its like it was made by a handler for MKULTRA.

Check out some of the other videos on their blog with subliminals;


somegirlinnewzealand ago

Thanks you. This looks like JA to me. Amanda Kleinman appears to have a relatively full bottom lip. Many of the images of the Majestic Ape have a person with extremely thin lips, identitcal to JA https://c1.iggcdn.com/indiegogo-media-prod-cld/image/upload/c_fill,f_auto,h_630,w_1200/v1425588560/slg7nfl6g0ghjvvvdfnl.jpg

redditsuckz ago

The one wearing the mask in some videos has to be a female because she is so short in some shots.

James Alefantis might direct or produce the Apes videos tho.



You're repeating a popular but questionable assertion which also makes no sense and proves nothing but does serve as a kind of persistent distraction.

Meanwhile my post above clearly and directly references how Kleinman herself writes about wearing the mask and using the voice modulator back in the 2000s. I'm not buying what you're selling.

redditsuckz ago

what are you talking about?...what "questionable assertion"?...its important to know this persons REAL name...so we can see other connections...


I'm referring to Kleinman as a man (cf. Kleinman is Alefantis). The recording you linked to has no source, but that said, the recording does sound like the Majestic Ape character doing her "act". If that is the case, she's been doing her crowd warm up as Majestic Ape for many years. If you listen to what you posted, she's telling an outrageous, shocking story in the character of Majestic Ape. It's her creepy routine. She is not telling her life's story here.

Her blog and other information clearly point to her being Amanda for quite many years. Also, the first photo you reference (Before) clearly isn't Kleinman.

Finally, I neglected to see all the (((tribe))) bullshit of your last post. Please just stop.

redditsuckz ago

The recording comes from her/his blog...somewhere hiding in there...Klienman is NOT Alefantis...

(((Amanda Klienman))) is jewish admits it;



Face comparison - Its Kleinman behind the mask;


There is a ton of hidden content on the blog;






Art Blog;


You might be right that might not be her/him in the first pic...the person clearly has a mole on their neck...dont know if any pic of Amanda shows that.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

Please provide an original source for the audio, until then, I'm pretty sure it was faked.

redditsuckz ago

Here is the Original Link


Here she is doing a radio interview with kvrx Austin Texas in another voice ;


All links from here;


I doubt that was faked but she might have made it up because she is so fucked up in the head.


Original Audio from Apes blog;


Under "LEE"

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

I listened to it in your previous post, but would like to see the original post on her blog that links to the file. I would also like to see the original source (where it was found) to the picture of the male (Lee) version of Amanda.

redditsuckz ago

Here is the audio;


Under "LEE"

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

Well holy shit. Thank you.

Here is the archive http://archive.is/0Ile5

Annon365 ago

Nice work well done


Some points that didn't fit into the main article...

These guys were poor when they were touring as The Apes; at least Kleinman was. They stayed on floors and Kleinman speaks about being in debt. All of this changes after they start playing at Comet, stop picking up outside lead singers and keep just with the core group (coven?), and they become more involved with the Alefantis crowd -- Kleinman gets a sweet job at Corcoran, Schmid works as webmaster for Alefantis, Jackson has a remarkably well-received career in art. It's also around this time as Heavy Breathing they start to make more polished videos, many of which include a lot of disturbing "subliminal" content. This turn is undoubtedly linked to their relationship to Sasha Lorde, who picks up managing the band in their post-poor Apes period.

There is more in that Apes blog, including a reference Kleinman made about loving retarded boys, but I can't seem to locate it now.

Shreveport house show mentioned above

This happened at a place called Cooper Manor, a private house opened up to shows. https://archive.fo/7O2NA

Detroit house show mentioned above

The place is owned by a person named Guy who lives just outside Detroit in Southfield. The place is called the Porphyria. Porphyria has to do with Vampirism.

No money


Anyway, after I hang up with the mechanic, I have a panic attack. I don't have $1,000. I don't even have a credit card with room for more debt. My parents have been helping me with my rent payments since I was in the hospital. I have medical bills from Johns Hopkins that are almost as bad as my credit card bill.

I never exactly know how to proceed in high stress situations so I defer to my old standby behavior. I call home. My dad answers. He was asleep. He yells at me. I hang up. I email my mom at work. She calls me back and tells me I have to go back to teaching. I have to get a job. I have to get a real job-- the kind that gives you health insurance, paid vacations, and a bi-weekly check. These jobs don't accommodate tour schedules. They don't let organ players go when its time to go. The children need their teacher unless their teacher is going to have a baby, or is going to have surgery. My parents are not wealthy people. They have their own problems. They can't save me. I don't expect them to save me. I just want them to make it all better.

Kleinman is a pervert


When I was falling asleep, I was enjoying the sounds of hot sex in the next room. This continued into the morning.

Kleinman enjoys dark gothic-punk RPG Vampire


I throw him off with my honest response that I’ve played a little "Vampire"

More creepy wandering alone at night


So, the guy, on the bridge. He approaches me. Its dark. Its cold. He looks creepy. I look creepy.

He speaks first.

"Are you a crotch rot or a fetus face?" he asks tentatively.

"Hmmm..." I'm not really sure how to respond. After all, I have eyebrows, so I'm not really a fetus face. And I'm not harboring any yeasts or fungal infections so I'm not really a crotch rot either. But he seems like he could be interesting and I don't want to alienate him right off the bat so I just say "Both, I guess. How bout you?"

"Neither. You want to go forage for some wild lettuce saxifrage in rock creek park? You look like a forager," he states.

I am familiar with this lettuce saxifrage. I am dedicated to feasting free on wild edibles and this is one of my favorite wild salad greens. Even though its dark, we head for the park.

hanknut42 ago

yah if you look at the new photos shes really fat these days that usually means shes got some good money now and who is really buying their shitty music?

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

What photos exactly do you mean? Or are you talking about the youtube videos where its James Alefantis?

hanknut42 ago

there was one on the apes old myspace page but they deleted a few pics like the one of kleinman in front of the pajama factory. and one you can tell its kleinmen by fae and bulge and don't forget her friend who came on to reddit with the name Tardbuster lol then saying she works with kids that are speical needs :(

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

I'm not disputing that its mostly her. But i think its him in most of the music videos

The_Periodic_Fable ago

this is really excellent work. thanks

ich1baN ago

Just so you know the wandering at night thing is probably linked to "prescription cocktailing".... I had a roommate in college that would take multiple Ambien (sleep meds), multiple Xanax (downer), drink a handle of vodka, and even sometimes take adderall (an upper)... (Jimmy Comet posts tons of prescription med bottles suggestively on his Insta photos)

Anyways, there are tons of references online for you if you mix even a bit of alcohol while on ambien, the person can experience sleep walking and extremely bizarre and violent behavior where they blackout and don't know what they're doing.

There were several times where my roommate would do this and he'd walk around an apartment complex with an "air shotgun" banging on doors and telling everyone to get ready for the aliens.... just really strange stuff. Just wanted to add this b/c these people are probably not randomly doing this, it is more than likely medically induced through prescription meds or other drugs.

SheSaidDestroy ago

The Maryland connection makes sense.

The first video I saw of Majestic Ape / Heavy Breathing was this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlhBn_zSIro

The uploader claims the original video came from Ari Srabstein, whose channel is this: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCotn9auEMq_3d7KL7dGNQAQ

Where you can see that they have filmed other live performances with the same quality of camera/audio work, but they presumably pulled the Heavy Breathing video after it was discovered there.

I found an old blog of Ari Srabstein, where they first report that their location is MD, but then report later that their location has changed to Washington D.C.: http://theworldofarisrabstein.blogspot.com/ http://archive.is/mA96g

You can see the content between the blog and the YT channel is a match.

Also found them here: http://thesurrealworldofarisrabstein.blogspot.com/ http://archive.is/FFNm6

And here: https://twitter.com/ari_jester http://archive.is/lfL1d

And here: https://www.change.org/u/80025480 http://archive.is/eG4SH

And elsewhere.

Here, as well, it is confirmed that they were in MD at least until they graduated from high school, and the dates correspond with the blog claiming they were first in MD and then later in D.C. : https://www.linkedin.com/in/ari-srabstein-36360765 http://archive.is/vnE3N

So it looks like they were a fan of a horror sub-genre in theater, major Tim Burton fan, and like to make films. They went to D.C. after graduating from high school, and at some point filmed a live performance of Heavy Breathing. I would just assume them to have been attracted to the creepy genre of it all and there for that reason alone, except for this from your archive:

There is a whole lot of madness in that house. But this story is not about my family. Someday I will write about the childhood. Its not your average "White trash Jews coming up in North Potomac, MD story."

Because if you look at their petition towards Hot Topic on change.org that I linked, they also have their location specifically as Potomac, MD.

Could just be a coincidence, I guess.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

This is wonderful. Thank you.