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PizzaDestroyer ago

Nice job! Playing the first video,, at .25 speed reveals several very disturbing images. There is an image of what looks like a boy with blood on his butt being restrained on top of a table at 10 seconds and another boy hog-tied to the headboard and footboard of a bed at 14 seconds... I would post some archived snapshots of this but I don't want to be accused of posting CP.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

Every Frame From Majestic Apes Neutered Noel Video - Online Album and Zip File Download

There are over 2000 frames so there are many duplicates, and quite a few completely black screens before and after fade out transitions. I was motivated to do this because there was a rumor going around that there was a shipping container picture in the video at some point. It's not there.

Online album

All images in zip file

I learned how to do this directly in VLC media player from this video on youtube. You can do it yourself if you feel unsafe downloading the zip file, or if you are skeptical of my listing.

PizzaDestroyer ago

Do you happen to have a working link with all these images? It's a shame that is completely wiped out now.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

There's a zip file post in my comment above to a zip file with all images.

PizzaDestroyer ago

I actually tried downloading all of the links posted, but none of them were working. Now I feel pretty stupid for not downloading it sooner... :/

PizzaDestroyer ago

Got it this time - thank you very much!!

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

I will get a new one up for you

PizzaDestroyer ago

Nice man - that it super helpful! There's definitely a few I didn't notice even playing it quarter speed on youtube.

Here is an album compilation of frames I picked out from your master album:

And... one of those frames I missed was this: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I can't believe that image almost freaks me out more than the ones of the of the boy hog-tied to a bed. The eye in the picture above clearly has Coloboma! Check this thread out:

The user wellington33 actually makes a comment about this in that thread with some more interesting information about other slides.

Godwillwin ago

That was me thinking there was a shipping container 😬

I thought the person in a cage was in a shipping container. I sat there for 2 hrs pausing and every so slightly moving my mouse then screen shotting then starting the whole process over again all the way through the video. There were images that I'd see but could never get paused just right to capture them. The person in a cage was one of them.