mrjdouble ago

I like the idea of this post. We need to put our heads together and collaborate with one another to figure out the universal definition of Pizzagate. This should be stickied at the top of the sub, so it's the first thing new visitors see when they arrive, and it should also be the go-to for any discussions irl, when speaking to non-believers or other folks that may be on the fence.

To start the conversation, first we must concisely and clearly state our position, (definition for all practical purposes) and then be ready to present known evidence if the conversation should continue.

wellington33 ago

We'd got obsesed with Comet, and that was their plan. At least that was worthy for them. Think about it, if we would have found something at Comet, they would have blamed James of everything. Its true there is a lot of movement of kids, but if we dont follow the money now that we can see it, tomorrow will be too late. In fact, it is already getting kind of late, their narrative are wining, their fucking shills are dividing and shitposting... we'd got carried for the pizza, when it all should be about the kids, and the corruption. Even if there is something, who cares in this damn world about a pizza guy? I mean, yeah, he is powerfull, he has contacts... but people doesn't want to belive. Sometimes is better to stay quite, keep working, let them talk, and wait for your moment for giving explanations. we wanted to win inmidiately, but you cant expose some dark organization that's been hiding for centurys in one month.

We got to noisy. pls dont call me shill, just my honest opinion. at least we gathered a lot of info, seed is planted.

anon123 ago

I agree. Our scope needs to broaden to outside of Comet. It should be dealing with sex trafficking or human or child abuse anywhere that our government officials had influence. So Clinton Foundation trafficking children from Haiti to Saudi Arabia would be part of that scope.

2impendingdoom ago

I don't think that was their plan. They had their loose and careless server hacked and the emails implicating their behavior and attitudes leaked for all the world to see. Their plan was to win the election and carry on with their nefarious activity with all of us in the dark.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

The idea that pizza is a code for some sort of organized pedophilia ring is a big part of it,.How far it actually extends is another aspect that I think is important. This could be something that goes on in every community in the US. Freemasonry/Satanism are also important factors.

votesarestolen ago

My personal definition of Pizzagate would only include the human trafficking and pedophilia aspect. I believe that the deep state is involved in many criminal enterprises, including drug trafficking, sex trafficking (Pizzagate), arms dealing, and election theft.

312234324 ago

I suggested this yesterday, maybe we should change the name to Pedogate or something, think how normies think, what would they click on.

AboutPerception ago

I'm working on a video that explains what exactly pizzagate is..trying to keep it under 10 minutes showing the circumstantial evidence pointing to pedophilia/human trafficking and what exactly prompted the investigation. MSM is spinning this story so hard =/

anon123 ago

Thank you. What do you think about my argument that Pizzagate is a broad conspiracy and that human trafficking is just one of the denominations of that conspiracy that some might or might not believe?

2impendingdoom ago

There is a broad cover up in so many other instances, (catholic church, BBC, etc) it is a pattern that is hard to ignore/deny.

AboutPerception ago

Could very well be the case, but we don't have any definitive evidence to suggest that. What we do have is a bunch of circumstantial evidence pointing towards pedophilia at the very least, which should be investigated by the FBI.

kekistocrat ago

I think the fundamental principal of your argument is a valid one. There needs to be a clear and concise definition of what 'Pizzagate' is. Problem is, the various different groups researching this getting on the same page and, unfortunately needs to be political (simply, other politicians are going to use any and all of what we've come up with to discredit so when contriving a definition that needs to be structured with that in mind).

anon123 ago

Exactly. I think MSM will have a much easier time defending themselves if we define our cause to only involve Comet Ping Pong and pedo rings. To me, Pizzagate is a much broader conspiracy that CPP and pedo rings are just one branch of that conspiracy.

anon123 ago

Only human trafficking and pedophilia though? So if Hillary was convicted of selling classified information or arms trafficking, that would not make you say "Pizzagate was real?"

2impendingdoom ago

"pizzagate" is the door to exposing all of it. We don't even know what else we are going to find. There are connections to mindcontrol (hollywood & music industry) and probably lots of massive global bank fraud.

Baluga ago

Organized child abuse involving DC officials.

anon123 ago

Only child abuse though? What about arms trafficking, money laundering, selling classified information, ect.?

Baluga ago

I should include child trafficking as well. All those other things are real and connected to the Clinton Foundation, but I consider them secondary.

anon123 ago

So if Clinton Foundation was convicted of arms trafficking or money laundering instead, would that not make you say Pizzagate was proven to be true? Where do you draw the line for illegal activities that are Pizzagate related and aren't Pizzagate related?

Baluga ago

That's why I draw the line. I'd like the Clinton Foundation to be dismantled, but if that's all that happened and we didn't clean up a major pedo ring I'd say that's not good enough.

As far as arms trafficking goes, it's already in the open: foreign governments gave money to the foundation, money to Bill for speeches, Hillary authorized arms to be sent to foreign governments. Technically each part is legal, but when linked it shows corruption. That's not pizzagate.

thicktail1730947 ago

Well said.

Flat_Truth ago

Focus on getting an explanation for the bizarre "art" the Podestas admire and collect. Show examples. Ask why the "news" doesn't even try to make a feeble excuse like its just art, and the Podestas have eclectic tastes. Nope, instead they just call it "fake news". Something's fishy. Need Tony to explain his fascination with that artwork and so many others with the same tastes. Imagery if everything, show people the artwork, including Heavy Breathing performances and videos.

anon123 ago

So imagine that Pizzagate was divided into multiple denominations and you could either be non denominational, child abuse denominational, cannibalism denominational, ect, which description would you choose that best describes your beliefs?

betadynamique ago

Really? Which denomination of Pizzagate are you, again? No way.

anon123 ago

I am non denominational!

Ginger_Snaps ago

Human trafficking.

anon123 ago

Only human trafficking though?

2impendingdoom ago

Human, drug and arms. They were trafficking weapons through benghazi, and selling to both sides, Intentionally destabilizing regions to exploit resources, populations and wealth (Libya's gold). Watch the video clinton cash for more details about the uranium and other scams.

anon123 ago

Yes I agree. That's about the same as my definition. We just need to make sure when someone talks about Pizzagate they are talking about major corruption in our government and how we need to cleanse it. Human trafficking just happens to be a part of that corruption and Comet just happens to be a part of human trafficking.

MillennialHarvestMes ago

I think the key term here should be the "Gate" aspect. "Watergate" was a hotel, and that was what spawned all subsequent "gates"; the term "gate" simply became a catch-all suffix to imply scandal of one kind or another. Watergate was just the tip that some other iceberg was attached to. The hotel room break-in was just axiomatic of the paranoia that ran through the Nixon Whitehouse. So to, I see this weirdness with the "pizza" stuff as axiomatic of the notion that there are rings of pedophiles that run in high circles.

I think it's important that we do not allow ourselves to be deluded into thinking the rich and influential automatically equal depraved. There are plenty of decent trailer-park dwellers that do not beat their kids, and likewise, there are genuinely benevolent wealthy people. But I agree; focusing merely on this pizza joint is going to derail the focus on a genuinely real problem. For myself, I think that at the very least, the people revolving around this pizza place are weird, and suspicious. But until we find that one piece that is the "smoking gun" (which has now become a hackneyed phrase), it's better to just follow the evidence wherever it takes us, and not force everything into this one narrative.

Just my two-cents anyway.

anon123 ago

I agree with you, but we still need a formal definition of what our cause is about so when someone uninformed asks, "What is Pizzagate," we have a clear answer for them. So if someone asked you that question, what would your answer be?

MillennialHarvestMes ago

I guess I would say that it represents a search into systemic child sexual abuse that is being engaged in by leaders (political, religious, business) and that proper investigation and prosecution of such activity is being suppressed by these same people. For an easy target, try appealing to people's own bigotry. Consider the jokes routinely made about and accepted by people regarding Catholic Priests and pedophilia. About 2 to 4 percent of clerics have been found guilty of such pedophilia. Does anyone think that a political figure or a business leader is any less likely to be involved in such a thing? This might make them see that it is not as far fetched as they think it is.

Anyway, the definition I gave above is how I respond.

YungRu ago

Whack in Dennis Hastert & Jeffery Epstien as exemplars for political figure & businessmen.

Use Jimmy Saville as proof that public broadcasting companies can in fact be swayed to deceiving the public to save someone's bacon. So to be under the assumption privately owned media companies that exist in USA today would be above that is a tad naive. Especially with the clear bias over the election period and the WL emails proving of collusion between Hillary's Campaign and the media.

JeremiahSinclair ago

I think a key point is suspicion. I would define it as:

An investigation based on verified email leaks published by Wikileaks that numerous high-level government officials in both major political parties could be heavily involved in illegal activities ranging from child abuse and human trafficking to bribery and money laundering.

It's not remotely comprehensive but it's true, and doesn't smack of insanity, which is the entire design of the media definition. To make it sound as extreme as possible and make sure there's no implication whatsoever of nuance.

anon123 ago

So would you define yourself as a non denominational Pizzagate believer then?

JeremiahSinclair ago

haha no, but I think a certain kind of presentation makes the difference between a newcomer believing there's somthing to it vs. immediately discounting it as BS.

2impendingdoom ago

My definition is the same as yours but I was reading the wikileaks before the election. For someone new I would present it as an investigation into child porn and child abuse for profit or blackmail by people in washington. Some people may be too sensitive to child abuse issues and in that case emphasis some other aspect such as the covert arms trafficking, war mongering and global extortion or drug trafficking, or just tell them to read the wikileaks and think for themselves.

mrjdouble ago

The opposition or perpetrators to these heinous acts are kinda banking on the fact that it will be too big of story if it came out, with too many far reaching implications, (think: the total collapse of this country from within), or it will be too depraved of a concept to investigate.

That shit needs to stop.

2impendingdoom ago

I am worried that it won't be prosecuted. I am worried that if it is prosecuted a new "enterprise" will fill the vacuum. Awareness, constant vigilance and a determinedness of the people to demand it to end might be our only recourse.

anon123 ago

I think instead of waiting to see how they react to specifically child related issues, we could just say up front that Pizzagate is about any of: human trafficking, arms trafficking, extortion, drug trafficking, war mongering, child porn, child abuse. I think that would make it much more believable.

thicktail1730947 ago

This is a standard bias. They can't imagine caring with less than 100% certainty, therefore anyone who cares must be 100% certain.