Cantilever ago

Understood, thanks

Cantilever ago

Are you able to move submissions?

Cantilever ago

That works. Thanks!

Cantilever ago

I'm still getting a 404 error

Cantilever ago

Got it, thanks for the clarification. Can you fix the link to the meta sub? It's broken for me in this post and in the sticky

Cantilever ago

@kevdude regarding the deletion of

Rule 3 says claims must be substantiated. No new claims were being made, so can I get some clarification about the rule?

golly ago

@kingkongwaswrong @Crensch Why is a community that investigates a pedophile ring on a website that condones1 lolicon2?

Apart from the fact it is illegal in many countries and considered child pornography for the law, users also risk caching these images by going to /all. At the very least countries where lolicon is illegal should be geo-blocked from accidentally visiting or caching images from there to prevent them from getting in potent trouble.

No matter how you spin it, lolicon is considered child pornography for the law in many civilised countries and doesn't really rhyme with the ongoing investigation into pedophiles.

golly ago

@Crensch @Phobos_Mothership Mods should ban obvious trolls and people riling others up. Unless this kind of behaviour is acceptable on this sub. Please look at the language alone. Do we need people behaving like this here?

One of the most obvious trolls on this sub:

I would regain some faith in the moderation if trolls like him/her/it would be banned from this sub.

grlldcheese ago


Are you still trying this shit you fucking faggot?

golly ago

Because you're a shit-tier troll.

grlldcheese ago

Are you just gonna keep this up till you have no ccp and can't even post?

golly ago

Come at me bro.

grlldcheese ago

I don't even have to. I'm gonna let you rulefag until the pv guys deal with you.

golly ago

All you do is down voting my comments, you fail to actually troll anyone. It must be sad to be you.

grlldcheese ago

You don't understand how this place works.

Please let me show you.

Keep being a faggot.

golly ago

Just keep down voting my comments. It seems it makes you feel better. You're welcome.

grlldcheese ago


golly ago

Got no more fucking faggot insults to sling at me? Tired of down voting me into "oblivion"?

grlldcheese ago

You're a really stupid fucking faggot.

Welcome to voat.

Disappointed ago

My concern is that the link to this thread had to be pointed out to me and is at the very bottom of the lengthy sidebar. If I wanted to complain about moderation I can make a thread in pizzagatemods or suggest anything there.

Crensch ago

There's a lot of info to cover on the sidebar. It's chocked-full of stuff, and the concerns being at the bottom, near the mod list seemed appropriate, as in where a "contact us" on a website might be.

Disappointed ago

Right but a website is a closed shop pretty much run by the owners. On a sub where you want real users input as much as possible it should be near the top and in bold. Regardless I've been reading this sub today and I think you need more mods that are actual pizzagate users and most importantly active. @kevedude has been saying there needs to be more moderation as well in that mod sub. Anyway I'll leave it to you to sort out, I've said my piece. Keep up the good work.

Crensch ago

I cede your point. I'll do something about it.

I agree that more active PG mods are necessary, @Millennial_Falcon do you have any recommendations? You seem to be the most active PG mod here that I've seen (I could be wrong).

In the mod sub? I'll try and get something in motion to fix that, too.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I have a few users written down who seem sensible. I need to check their comment and submission histories, though.

They are: reasonedandinformed, LionParty, AdVict0riam, and of course AnyFucker

Disappointed ago

Just some context. I spent two hours reading this sub earlier to get an angle on what the legitimate users wanted after a bit of back and forth with kevdude. Took me a while because I was checking their histories and start dates. The theme I was getting is people are calling for downvotes to moderate the sub but no one is handing out much CCP while there is plenty of SCP being thrown about, so hardly anyone can downvote. Any calls for upvote parties like what happened in FPH and Niggers when they came over is met by massive downvotes from voat regulars. So then people are calling for mods and you active guys just aren't enough for a 3k userbase. So the users are stuck complaining about shitty threads and have no way to address it. You can copy this post anywhere you like if it helps.

Crensch ago

@kingkongwaswrong @Millenial_Falcon @numbchuck @Phobos_Mothership

I'm with /u/Disappointed here. More active mods are needed. I'll be AWOL, likely for the next day and a half, so I can't address this right now. Would y'all mind getting together with the active users and finding some that wouldn't mind being janitors?

@Disappointed thanks a ton for auditing our situation. Your advice and perspective are extremely valuable.

Disappointed ago

@kevdude pinged your name wrong above

RandomInterjector ago

Hi, I am just wondering- with all the people posting and complaining about the advertisement (apparently it's a pedo game), is there actually anything we can do about it or not? I know in some places you can report or remove certain advertising, but I'm a newbie here, so I don't know, sorry. I just wanted to address it here so we can do something if possible, or otherwise move on and get back to the important stuff. If there is nothing we can do about, then so be it, but at least we can't be blamed for it or say we didn't try something. Thanks :)

mouserr ago

not directly relevant but part of the larger pedo picture developing

safetythrowaway1234 ago

@Crensch @Phobos_Mothership the amount of clickbait / nondescript post titles is starting to get out of hand.

reasonedandinformed ago

We need to remove this shill, LegionWill, who is really trying to incur damage. He actually called for the removal of our old moderator (kingkongiswrong) on Pizzagate on Reddit with fabricated info, which is the best evidence:

Here is my analysis: WARNING: This guy is a proven shill. I exposed him yesterday as he was concern trolling in a legitimate post from someone who had started digging into the FB friends of Tony Podesta (see He goes from being concerned about speculation to wild speculation with massive headlines. Whenever he posts things, they rocket up quickly (a sign of CTR shilling). I then decided to dig into his history. Look at this post that he made, attacking our Mod: If you look at the date when Reddit was banned, 11/22 @ 4 pm, you can see that LegionWill manufactured this false evidence against our moderator kingkongiswrong:

This shill from CTR takes us for fools. Disregard anything he posts and expose him as the CTR shill. Down vote, if you can, anything he has to say. He needs to be removed.

reasonedandinformed ago

Please remove this shill post:

The goal was to incite violence...not successful, and i identified 3 shills. We need to add a rule that we will have no tolerance for calling gor biolence as they are getting ready to do a major fslse flag.

Crensch ago

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Removals are not an easy thing for mods on Voat, and can get an entire mod team both ruined in ccp/scp and removed entirely.

I responded to him. I hope he takes his angst to /v/whatever or something.

We need to add a rule that we will have no tolerance for calling gor biolence as they are getting ready to do a major fslse flag.

We quite literally cannot have this as a subverse rule without getting destroyed. It's either admin-level or call the cops/fbi level. If mods do anything there, the entire site will explode, and this subverse will get demolished in the process.

reasonedandinformed ago

I am very concerned that we are being set up for a major false flag imminently. Read this post and my comment in it to see if you agree as i know those involved want a violent action snd then to point to this platform as providing the match that lit the fuse:

in4theLongRun ago

Possible shill - person seems to post incredible long rants might have mental disorder arguments are confused and unproductive seems at times completely detached from reality... Not usually a problem but continues to demand investigation go off topic? anonymousagnostic

reasonedandinformed ago

Concern about this user as a shill: PodeezyCheezy

Made meaningless post, unconnected to Pizzagate, with false reference to pedo log:

Crensch ago

Thanks! Right now the best we can do is have users like you call them out in the comments, or in /v/reportctr.

Also, please ping @Millennial_Falcon or @KnowThyself for a flair on it.

There may never be anything the mods can do for users like that here on voat.

reasonedandinformed ago

Serious concern about propagation of disinformation spread by the uniformed or those actively trying to stop the investigation:

Is it possible to sticky this post ( or something with a similar message? We are starting to see a heavy effort to misdirect the investigation or plant fake evidence in the effort to derail and delegitimize the work we are doing as "fake news." I am seeing this happen before my very eyes, more each day, so this high-level message is very useful to those who have been looking for awhile as well as newbies. Their strongest push is to classify this as "fake news" to be actively blocked and censored, possibly to even be taken down from the internet (just like what happened with Reddit).

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Something to note is the posts by @remember_dharma which all have numermical titles and user names (presumably to post more frequently)

Each post appears to be very detailed and unlikely to obviously violate any rules, so I'll just watch with amusment.

These posts are a lot of work to write up and is quite an effort to post, I'm interested to see the community reaction to a veritable torrent of information.