Forgetmenot ago

I am not an an attorney but I have been involved in multiple cases and I speak from experience. Public outcry is what these prosecutors need in order to proceed. Logic does not create an emotional response, this case has facts and images that are shocking and do not need to be downplayed. This is how cases are brought to trial. As long as the public is demanding justice these children have a chance. These perpetrators are deflecting denying and hiding in the shadows. They want to be in the shadows time to shine a light on all they do. Without public support the whistleblowers can do nothing, without public awareness the investigators are in an uphill battle alone endangering their careers, their lives and even their families. The children deserve their justice and their day in court. Sorry for the rant. I promise I speak from only good intentions and experience....public outcry is what the FBI and trey gowdy and trump need in order to act againt this very powerful group that has infiltrated every level of government, business, and even churches on a global scale. this is a movement that is huge already otherwise the pope would not have come out against it. They are scrambling....let them we have them on the defense. I think this has hit critical mass, but it's not enough keep raising awareness the pedos have relied on smoke and mirrors, we have truth and justice on our side. The facts and images are very strong people raise a public outcry so loud it won't be ignored, these victims need to be heard.

dindonufin ago

Who said to wait? Obviously the media isn't going to help until Trump drains the swamp, but what is it we're supposed to be waiting for? I missed the memo.

Crensch ago

Calm your tits. There's enough stress already here without you adding to it. Everyone that would read it in this subverse is already doing what they can. Maybe try /v/whatever next time.

reasonedandinformed ago

There are two known shills in here, the OP and LegionBill. I noticed two downvotes when i exposed the fraud in the post. Post had two objectives: 1. Incite violence while making us seem unhinged, to support the needed narrative for their planned false flag 2. To get upvoted to push legimate leads from the top. This post provides ZERO contribution...unless you are CTR.

Baconmon ago

Trump is so close to being in office that it is pointless to wait.. Just keep researching; Trump will be in the office in no time either way..

Narcissism ago

"Waiting means allowing the psychopaths to keep doing what they do" I don't think they are psychopaths but Malignant Narcissists instead - see my post here:

contrarianism ago

Relax. This won't go away.

wizlord ago

Trump is not your savior. He might clean a little but this is only fights inside the familia. He is part of it. They are ALL part of it. Everyone at the top.

bicycledays ago

Time to form a possy of brave and courageous individuals, a few hundred strong, and to storm this pizza place and execute these child murderers.

reasonedandinformed ago

This is a violent-espousing shill that just joined to do exactly what this CTR-generated thread is trying to do: incite violence. We are onto you, shill. For the rest of us, i can pretty much guarantee a false flag is imminent. They were hoping to use this thread in the narrative.

MommyLove ago

Remember, this is most likely tied into drugs also? Look at the heroin epidemic in our country. Where is that heroin coming from? Guess what happens when the parents are found with heroin in their system....the state gets the babies through CPS.

ris4republican ago

Guys, whats your plan after exposing pizzagate if/when you find a smoking gun? Are you going to march on the whitehouse? Are you going to expose 90-100% of our elected government? Are you going to expose the CIA? NSA? FBI? State Department and their involvement in it? How is justice going to be served, whats the plan? Who is going to run the government after its been completely torn down and ripped apart? Are there going to be elections or are there going to be massive civil war?

The reason why nothing is being done right now is because no one has a plan to factor in all these contingencies and more, its sad to say but its the truth only because there are so many people that aren't "awake"

Princeofcats ago

Consistent and continual pressure, stressing objectivity, focusing on law and order. Inform without malice or jumping to conclusions, get people questioning and when confronted, demand the right to question, not necessarily the answers.

webofslime ago

I do not support this post.

webofslime ago

No. Wait until January 21.

A pardon will happen, if before.

pizzamate ago

Any politician who touches pizzagate will wind up suicided because exposing it would lead to societal collapse. A people's revolution is the only solution and I'm not confident that the people are willing enough.

cosmicmind ago

Make it go global!
There are even alt-news trying to move along to the next big trauma, while forgetting that the 2 things the elite like are power and some like controlling children or controlling adult slave workers. Those who like to dominate adults in the slave work system are as bad as those who like to dominate little children in their psycho shit.

they want either war to dominate externally or they want inflation and trauma to dominate internally --- then they want to legalize pedophilia. Just check the legalization push in the Netherlands, and reledgisting age and details all over the western world. They want to be free to do it and they want people to accept it or tolerate it.

annette143 ago

no prosecutions will take place till the DOJ is changed Meantime dig up all the details make this topic the one on everyone's lips at the water cooler, at the hair dresser, in the taxi, where ever people chat it up bring up #PizzaGate. right now only those who read wikileaks believe it. Keep the heat up but realize we have no hammer yet. we must Out Hillary so no one wants her !

Forgetmenot ago

I am convinced this is world wide, I think trump gathering allies as we speak. He is already encouraging other countries to investigate the Clinton foundation.

Chance903 ago

I am sorry people like you that run into rooms pulling fire alarms are just annoying, it may be due to your youth and impetuous nature . I highly doubt anyone is just sitting on their hands and holding their breath. Just because people are not renting their lapels and tearing their hair out does not mean that things are going on behind the scenes. In situation like this it is best to learn how to respond to situations instead of reacting. I am not going to run down to comet pizza and give away what I know. infact sometimes it helps to hold your cards. I believe that it will help for Trump to be in office. and for you to speak on Trump like you know him shows how silly and immature you are. Investigations take time, diligence and patience . A solid case needs to be made not bombastic statemenst. Getting people all riled up is counterproductive. Stay positive, stay dilgent, stay openminded and focused. Sorry my friend but this has to be about FACTS and not FEELINGS.

DCmommaBear ago

Agree 100%!

IsThisThingSafe ago

This. If Pizzagate is investigated right now, it would go the way of every other pedophile and money laundering investigation. He has to clean out the alphabet agencies first, or at the very least, get Sessions in there as DOJ.

MAGABoomer ago

WTF concern trolling is this? NO one said "wait for Trump" to investigate. Only Milo was asked to "wait" and probably because if he speaks too soon, it will compromise things. Same thing with Flynn. He was only publicly "fired" and that's a good 3D move. Makes them feel comfortable and safe.

It's true there will literally be ZERO prosecution until Trump, but where the fuck you getting the idea we have to wait for him to be into office to investigate?

Surely you're aware that Gowdy et al, just got a new whistleblower protection act for those who expose child trafficking etc?

All things in their time.

reasonedandinformed ago

Shill-planted thread to show us as unhinged and violent, the basis for the next big false flag that is imminent.

MAGABoomer ago

Why is this UPvoted? It's a stupid ass post. Yeah, something is coming, soon...they will not go quietly into that dark night....and it's gonna be ugly. Obama told the troops in a speech that they should overthrow Trump...and I'm like? WTF? That's treason..that and 98% of the military voted for Trump. It's insanity.

Look for a "natural" disaster.

reasonedandinformed ago

FYI, the quick upvoting is a big clue often that CTR is at work. When you see it, be skeptical and dig into the history of the poster to see if he appears to be legitimate (consistent, clearly supporting our efforts) or a shill (cautioning in one post and showing huge conjecture in another, dismissing things that look legit, making exaggerated claims that are not supported, inciting violence or showing overt bigotry).This guy was an obvious shill. When they are caught, they sometimes try to delete their posts to reduce our exposure to their shill history.

reasonedandinformed ago

This guy is a huge shill trying to emotionally incite violence. Please find my detailed comment in this thread. They are planning a larger scale false flag to shut us down and need to point out how hysterical and unhinged we are. The story has been written, but they need a thread as a launching pad: "Pizzagate drove the arson of the entire block...we need to censor fake news and penalize any site that hosts it." I am very confident in my assessment. The OP is not one of us but CTR.

pizzahthrowaway ago

FBIAnon didnt say Trump wouldn't do shit, he said he'd convict her for sure.

I agree, however, we don't need to be "waiting" for anything, anything we dig up as citizen investigators is admissible in court, and cases are frequently built on circumstantial evidence, so public awareness/interest in this is good from now til inauguration and beyond, imo.

Forgetmenot ago

I know I am new but may I chime in that the more shocking images the better. Like the spirit cooking. The public is influenced by images that trigger a strong emotional response. Attorneys use this techniques when they want to raise a public outcry to raise support for their case. We need to give trey and trump all the public demand for justice that we can.

justforthissubverse ago

Yep. "Wait for Trump" just means that we must wait for law enforcement to do anything. If they do once Trump takes office. It's not like we can make arrests, and we are doing as much research as we can. We are already doing as much as we can legally do. We have no choice but to "wait" for further investigation by LEO because the current administration is NOT going to investigate. That's what people mean by "wait for Trump".

8_billion_eaters ago

If we don't see high profile arrests by February 20th, just assume that Trump is part of the plan and therefore justice under the law no longer applies. These criminals running the CF and the CGI backed by actual worshipers of satan and the new world order own the governments of this world and there is nothing the people can do about it except go rogue.

justforthissubverse ago

I'm afraid of this happening. It's like Trump is our last hope (and not much of one maybe...) Yep, I concur. If he does nothing than it's clear that the final nail is in the coffin.
Nobody is going to "go rogue" though. It's just going to get swept under the rug by controlled media and forgotten about by everyone except the few in the conspiracy circles, who will be ridiculed as usual. Then eventually someone will find a smoking gun, but guess what? Nothing will happen again. If this all comes to fruition, then the only way "out" isn't going rogue. We are going to need a leader who will do something to come into power. If it isn't Trump, then we have to push for the person who it will be. Either that or Jesus is going to return to earth and just have to fuck everybody's shit up (if you believe in that - if you don't then you probably have to just be resigned to the fact we are fucked forever because the criminals will NEVER release their grip on humankind willingly).

r3dtr1x ago

Here's what's really going on. This whole thing started with leaks from US intelligence.

reasonedandinformed ago

This is a shill post. Look at his language and emotional tone, a rant to inspire violence, with massive and unnatural upvoting for zero contribution. It is fitting into a larger pattern. Guy joined moments before writing this post. He is very hostile and clearly anti-semitic. He wants the picture of those involved in Pizzagate to be frothy-mouthed biggots and haters. Like most people, i am outraged and want this to get to resolution, but this guy does not represent me. The new strategy of those who want to marginize us is to make us out as violent lunatics. I predict a larger false-flag operation within the next week or two. I hope I am wrong, but this guy's post is a good inspirational one for the narrative that points the finger at us when they light the whole block on fire, leading for demands to create internet ID laws and censor this "fake news" contagion. They WANT a violent event to give them cover for first-ammendment restrictions to really protect them from this or future citizen investigations of corruption.

DCmommaBear ago

I agree @reasonedandinformed ....there was a very similar pattern in the Facebook pizzagate pages today. Two or three infiltrate at once, ask some weird questions, encourage riots or harassing businesses, then when people come back with no violence and patience responses they get strangely angry and leave. Almost sadly obvious!

GermanynamreG ago

But they are right about the sabbatean-frankists at least

Kiwi_Slave ago

In short, get back to your slave pens gentile cattle, write a polite petition to your owners while you and your children are being led to the slaughterhouse.

r3dtr1x ago

People aren't going to wait for Trump. People speculate that Trump is telling others to wait until he's sworn in. All any of this is, anyway - is speculation. Investigate whatever you want. Meme whatever you want, post whatever you want. IF anything is to become of any of this, it won't be until after Jan 20th. You sure as hell can't expect Obama's DOJ to do anything.

auto_turret ago

If you folks don't produce results soon, I am become disinterested.

Forgetmenot ago

No never wait, this is our time to build public outrage otherwise you are absolutely right we will lose momentum. Keep in mind we need a foundation and right now we are in early stages. These people are well funded and armed they have personnel and they control the milatary and governments and banks the list goes on and on..We can't go into battle unarmed and unprepared and emotional. We have to be smarter and more logical, and more predatory. We must continue to shine a light on their lies and secret dealings. Keep spreading the word now is our time to recruit. To quote Andrew breitbart we are playing to win! It's awesome you want justice, I love your energy! and let's wake people up. we will avenge those children....we will avenge all the fallen and assasinated, Truth and justice are on our side. We were born for just this time and place!

reasonedandinformed ago

Another shill...just joined and is so engaged in the fight to grow a militia to fight. Read my other posts in this thread. The goal of these shills is to incite violence or plant the theme in a thread as evidence to convict pizzagate as the culprit when the government torches the block of restaurants.

Forgetmenot ago

The last thing the pedos want is public attention, where did you see me inviting a militia? Are you trying to plant disinformation and lies. Whose side are you on?

reasonedandinformed ago

I do apologize. I was trying to squash any discussion that headed toward violence as this was the precise goal in this thread. They are trying to manufacture the idea that we are hateful and violent bigots, and they will soon launch something bad (a fire, shooting with deaths...), likely staged but possibly with real casualties as these people have no soul, and blame us. I was reacting to this comment: "We can't go into battle unarmed..." You look like a sincere guy once I had a chance to review, and I made an error in calling you out. There were two proven shills in the discussion: oursclitorisBill (the poster) and LegionWill (the supporter)

reasonedandinformed ago

Just joined and is making the call to battle...shill post to cite after the next false-flag operation.

Forgetmenot ago

A house divided against itself will never prevail. I am not a shill. This is a throwaway account. Raising a public outcry is all we can do. What do you suggest we do? Please let me know I only want to see these children get their day in court. What is your goal if I may ask?

reasonedandinformed ago

If I misclassified you, I am very sorry. They (CTR) started a coordinated campaign yesterday to incite violence, through the VOAT platform, FB, etc. It is a very subtle thing, but they want to post about the outrage and the need to take up arms to bring these people they can point to this planted thread as proof that we were behind the coming false flag op, which will be major. It was a clear goal to get people to move now and take action...don't wait for or trust Trump but be vigilantes. I am sorry if I misunderstood you on this, but the OP was doing this exact thing.

Forgetmenot ago

No need to apologize, we are on the same team and we need to be careful of CTR. I thought you were CTR too. They are evil and complicit.

SnapeDoggyDogg ago

But what "momentum" is there right now, really? There are no prosecutions. No arrests!

Poot_McGarvey ago

The word is getting out.

I've convinced friends and family that it warrants a full investigation. The main stream media is forced to "debunk" it and they are failing miserably. Keep spreading and keep sharing. Not just on the internet but to people you know... we don't have to yell about it with raised eyebrows... just calmly telling people why questions still need to be answered is getting more and more persuasive.

retreaux ago

It is speculated that the conservative media is waiting until more pieces are put in place (Gowdy and the act to help child victims, Chaffetz with the bill to protect FBI whistleblowers), but that doesn't mean individual, private investigators/researchers/journalists have to wait.

B3nd3r ago

It is speculated

by whom? You?

xmen ago

we wait for nobody. find allies into the law enforcement and keep working.

joey4track ago

Gotcha EDIT: wrong link, that article doesn't mention Epstein this is what i meant to link, not sure if this is what you were looking for

Kiwi_Slave ago

If Trump is not a good guy, there is nothing to wait for. If Trump is a good guy, he will need an army of outraged citizens backing him up. Seriously, who many deep satanist pedophiles are there in the USA? We can start with the entire CFR membership, about 3000 people. Add in their military/government/corporate staffs and extended family. Add in their private bodyguards and mercenaries. Add in the bribed/brainwashed US military and security personnel they control. At a minimum there are tens of thousands of very organized, rich, and well armed people who would fight to the death to protect their system.

If these people are evil enough to kidnap, traffic, rape, torture, sacrifice, organ harvest, and eat children, they will stop at nothing. Their souls are already forfeit, they have nothing to loose except their freedom, money, and power. We need MILLIONS of people to have any effect. What we want to do, overthrow the satanists who have been in power in the US since shortly after Andrew Jackson, is an awesome task. But we have a secret weapon, the backing of the divinity who has been waiting for the awakening of the divine within all of us.

Flat_Truth ago

It traces back to Albert Pike that I know of....and I'd assume others at the top in that organization....other organizations too. People can look back to the "illuminati scourge" of the late 1700's and see something similar in Bavaria.....where backdoor devil worship, sacrifice, plotting and planning to take over governments was uncovered. The country ordered all groups to be found and exterminated. George Washington in one letter to the leader of Bavaria stated he did not think they had been eradicated, but was worried they had taken root in the American masonic lodges....then you have Pike, a grandmaster professing such worship. They practice deception, the greater the deception, the more powerful the "magician".

Astronaut Scott Kelly just spent a whole year in outer space...set a new record...while his identical twin stayed here on earth of course. His wife and congresswoman Gabby Giffords was in a news story on TV where she was shot and suffered a brain injury. The two can be seen going from town to town, doing live shows promoting gun control based on Gabby's injury. They use the same script at different locations, where Gabby says she started "yogurt classes" (to indicate the brain injury from the TV show shooting) and hubby corrects her on cue everytime with "yoga honey". Makes you wonder how she can remember her entire script but always mess up the word yogurt....unless it was part of that script. Anyone who watched close might have noticed at first, she had one eye half shut everywhere she went to indicated injury, now she limps and eye is fine.

Take it a step further, and try to explain how in one episode of life aboard the space station, an astronaut dry brushing his teeth explains how dangerous even one drop of loose water would be to electronics aboard the space craft. Then in another episode we see a woman with her hair ridiculously permed to look like its floating, doing backflips while laughing and spilling water everywhere in a room full of electronics aboard the space station. Not sure if anyone can figure that out.

Blacksmith21 ago


BLUF: Keep the pedal to the medal. We are on the world stage right now. There are 7,400,000,000 people on this planet. This community isn't at 8,400 yet.

I have faith that the incoming admin is fully briefed on this issue and is fully implementing an action plan. This is not the "B" team taking the helm. These are seasoned players. They know what they are doing. Key actors had full access for many years. Don't think that knowledge has not been leveraged.

llm2016 ago

Do some real research then. Whining threads add zero value.

brokenwings1986 ago

What really pisses me off about this waiting BS is that while we keep waiting for LE to make their move, we are wasting precious time where a child's life is at stake. :(

xericlisten ago

I have to agree, we have to keep this moving no matter the cost! We can't let this get buried and bunched up with all the other conspiracies that were swept under the rug. We clearly have something here, it would be a shame to lose everything now. We shouldn't let all of our progress be for nothing. If this gets thrown into the dark in any way then these fools will be victorious. We can't let them win, we must not allow it in any way.

madmanpg ago

Never come back? What, like they're going to stop trafficking children? If that's true, well...guess we stopped it, then. I'd be proud of that.

But they won't stop. So, there will still be evidence. There will still be criminal activity. There will still be people involved. Goddamn, do you even know how long some investigations take professional outfits like the FBI? Months, if not years! If you're just going to be impatient because you want your reward like this is a fucking video game, then get out now - your haste is unhelpful and nothing but a weight on the minds of people who should be devoting research to investigation, not more of this demagogic shit.

clitorisBill ago

Why has Hillary Clinton came out of the DARK NOW? Why today? Here's WHY ...

Five day's ago we proved that PIZZA-Blocks was owned by the ARAB (SAUDI/DUBAI), CLINTON has $1.5 BILLION US DOLLARS in her DUBAI account.

The day after the revelation was the shooting comet-pizza ,ARAB lawyer just happened to be in comet-pizza, next day arab-lawyer appears on alex-jones to defend all arab's in Pizzagate.

The shit has hit the fan folks. For 40+ years the wash-dc has kept the PETRO-DOLLAR alive where the SAUDI's accept the USD (FIAT TOILET PAPER ) for their oil, this has kept the USA running, post 1972 NIXON the USA was bankrupt. Sauid's only asked for one thing, Infinite little white boys and girls to RAPE, KILL, and BLEED forever. The GOV agreed. Now because of the Weiner->Podesta scandals all has broke open.

Clinton caused this mess now she has a choice, she terminates PIZZAGATE or she loses her $1.5 BILLION USD in Dubai account.

This petro dollar thing is very important to understand, if your not expert then study.

Once it goes public that SAUDI got millions of children in exchange for their accepting paper for OIL, then the entire world turns on Saudi, USA, ISRAEL, and UK.

MAGABoomer ago

I'm down with the whole Arab thing. The nastiest sex slave videos I saw during TwitterGate, were all fucking Arabs.

warrior_of_light ago

I never saw any evidence or a source on the whole 1.5billion in her personal account claim. In fact someone in another thread claimed that to be false. Can you provide a source please?

r3dtr1x ago

That's another one of those "facts" that is getting passed around as gospel, with no evidence to back it up.

baphometPizza ago

This link points out about how the petro-dollar (PEDO-DOLLAR) is being used to create "Greater Israel" the plan to take over MENA.

Kiwi_Slave ago

But who are the Saudis? There are many sources that their origins are not Islamic at all:

" D. Mustafa Turan wrote, in The Donmeh Jews, that Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab was a descendant of a family of Donmeh Jews from Turkey. The Donmeh were descendants of followers of the infamous false-messiah of Judaism, Shabbetai Zevi, who shocked the Jewish world in 1666 by converting to Islam. Viewing it as a sacred mystery, Zevi's followers imitated his conversion to Islam, though secretly keeping to their Kabbalistic doctrines. In Europe, the Shabbeteans were eventually led a century later by Jacob Frank, claiming to be a reincarnation of Zevi. And, according to Rabbi Antelman in To Eliminate the Opiate, to them belonged the Rothschilds who had a hand in the founding of the Bavarian Illuminati. The Donmeh community of Turkey were concentrated in the city of Salonika, which became a hotbed of Masonic activity, and from which the Young Turk movement evolved, which aided in the collapse of the Muslim empire of the Ottoman Turks. There is evidence that Ataturk himself, the founder of the modern Turkish state, was of Donmeh origin as well.

Turan maintains that Abdul Wahhab's grandfather, Sulayman was actually Shulman, having belonged to the Jewish community of Bursa in Turkey. From there he settled in Damascus, where he feigned Islam, but was apparently expelled for practicing sorcery. He then fled to Egypt and he again faced condemnation, so made his way he to the Hijaz, where he got married and fathered Abdul Wahhab. According to the report, the same is claimed in The Donmeh Jews and the Origin of the Saudi Wahabis, Rifat Salim Kabar."

Laskar ago

Even before the Donmeh, there were Jewish origins of the Saudi tribe (whom the British decided to turn into "royals"). If you read their own court historian, he says that they are Jews.

Here's a photo of Chaim Weizmann and Prince Faisal in 1918:

More interesting still, is Ariel Toaff's "Blood Passover". He a professor of medieval and renaissance history at Bar Ilan University in Israel. Here it is in PDF:

Kiwi_Slave ago

I have almost spammed links to This is not a "blood libel" it is a historical fact. Interesting article about such cases in the modern era, including CHICAGO 1955-1956:

Laskar ago

Thank you for your comment. That is my first post on voat or any other such site. I realize now that I should have titled it differently, and I do understand that the source would be attacked. But just as the National Enquirer or The Daily Mail have occasionally come up with nuggets worth pursuing, and knowing that the MSM will never put this out, I took what is still up. I had seen this story before (in overseas sources) and I also saw that the factory investigation was shut down. The good sources have been wiped out, as of #pizzagate. I have been researching this topic many years before it was called #pizzagate. I see the trolls are in a hurry to downvote without doing any research or presenting any good ideas of their own. So I appreciate that you took the time to comment, and I am open to any constructive suggestions, such as how to edit my post.

baphometPizza ago

Grasshopper, you are indeed on the right path.

That said, the children are sent to Saudi to be fucked and murdered, then the corpses are harvested in Israel, Tel-Aviv is the largest wholesaler on earth for organs.

We cannot focus on Israel at this time, they own the USA and the internet, and the MSM.

Once the MSM UK/USA collapses, then and only then can anyone be safely discuss Israel.

Remember Israel Owns Trump. Israel put Trump in power. Israel (HASBARA) feeds 4chan, and reddit; Israel owns facebook and twitter. Dual Citizens have USA by the balls.

Kiwi_Slave ago

Pretty much. Read the Talmud and everything in law, politics ,and economics becomes clear. The satanism comes from the Kabbalah. The state of Israel is no more than a nuclear armed hideout for international criminals.

UglyTruth ago

The Talmud doesn't explain why the west misrepresents the common law as being nothing more than case law (juducial precedent). This misrepresentation is rooted in atheism, and the Talmud is not a source of atheistic thought. Satanism and Kabbalah are both misunderstood by the West, Satan and the devil are not always the same, and Kabbalah is an esoteric shibboleth, essentially incomplete. The state of Israel shares the in the ideology of western statism, thus the false security of model of Gladio and Gladio B serves both western the military-industrial complex as well as the terrirtorial ambitions of Herzl's Greater Israel. When Netanyahu spoke of the shared values, interests, and destiny of the United States and Israel he wes speaking of the state, not of the people.

kekistocrat ago

At times, it seems that everything would be so much faster if we didn't have to deal with all the other researchers on the (((learning curve))) of real history. Not that I'm dogging the others -- Praise be to all researchers -- simply that it takes a long time to get to this info while they constantly throw (metaphor) things our general direction meanwhile they're heading towards the truth in our direction!

slickleg64 ago

Going to take months if digging until something is solid anyway, and how are you going to tell thousands of people to stop? Some dumb shill must of come up with this idea, seems to think there must be this giant electric switch somewhere with "pizzagate" written on it.

joey4track ago

I would spend all my upvotes on this if I could.

md3inaustin ago

I agree that we definitely shouldn't wait, hell fuck no! I will give Trump a chance because of the effect he & wikileaks together just had overturning both parties sending the establishment publicly into a full on panic. Wikileaks called for dirt on Trump and nobody sent it to them. But none of that means I'm a trumpBot incapable of realizing he has flaws and could even be a Trojan horse. I believe it's all about fighting the NWO with all canons at once everything we got, this election set the fight is officially on. #InItToWinIt!

love_and_light33 ago

Watch Trump be ousted or Kennedy'd in the next few months anyway.

CosmicSponge ago

@love_and_light33 The plan might have always been to take him out and to put that pedo Pence in charge, lol

MolochHunter ago

This depravity has a logic. Ever since The Godfather, all audiences know if you witness someone's criminality, you have leverage over them which ensures their loyalty. This is the triangle through which the central eye sees all - Power:Loyalty:Depravity - and the perverse truth is no-one is more loyal to you than a murderous paedophile. By the simple virtue that this crime places people utterly beyond the redemption of decent society, those culpable of it are unquestioningly loyal to their masters and each other. This is also where the Satanism comes into it - not as a literal spiritual truth maybe, but as a tool to accentuate the depravity, which feeds the descending triangle of power/loyalty/depravity to the very nadir of possible human behaviour

baphometPizza ago

It's the PEDO-DOLLAR Moloch, ... that is Pizzagate

Kiwi_Slave ago

There is a literal spiritual truth to their satanism. Even if Lucifer is make believe, satanism literally means opposition - to humanity, to the divine principle. They hate humanity, hate everyone who is not them. They hate the concept of anything being greater than themselves. They hate freedom and truth. They hate love, they destroy innocence. This is evil incarnate

jealoushe ago

I agree... just giving them time to hide all their evidence.

CosmicSponge ago

@jealoushe that was most likely done in the first 24 hours. Hillary is already coming out supporting the whole 'fake news' narrative.

jealoushe ago

Well they can run but they can't hide

OtisFirefly ago

If you bring partisanship into your expectations be prepared to be disappointed. Trump is an outsider, but no so much he can be trusted without caution. Republicans have been found guilty of the same crimes. If Trump doesn't plan on acting on this, the court of public opinion might be used to sway him, but the investigation must continue and grow for that to even be a possibility.

clitorisBill ago

Almost all INTL child fucking revolves around EPSTEIN. For 25+ years EPSTEIN&TRUMP owned "TEENAGE MODELING, INC" in NYC which was a front to enter 12 year old girls into prostitution.

Anybody that say's that TRUMP is not part of PIZZAGATE is part of the problem.

rp5x5 ago

Get a grip. Anyone with clear proof can just walk into the nearest police station and show the proof. A few people here are extreme, demanding instant gratification, like leaders of a lynch mob. Law is law. It has to be done right at the appropriate moment, or it's just lowgrade babbling.

You don't have to "wait" to investigate and try to prove things. Instead a few people are utterly unrealistic and acting out hysterically and instead of investigating they are just writing headlines with incomplete fine print.

reasonedandinformed ago

You are exposed shill.

Forgetmenot ago

Any source?

md3inaustin ago

What's the name of that Trump & Epstein company?

OtisFirefly ago

I'm with you bud, trust absolutely no one; except most of you guys. But when I think of what Milo said regarding the issue, we may not be aware of all of our allies. But the Epstein connection with Trump should be enough for everyone to be highly critical of his involvement.

CosmicSponge ago

@oitFirefly Let's make him renounce his association with Epstein. He has been known to throw previous connections under the bus. He is a populist after all. If we make enough of a big stink he may take down that network out of sheer embarrassment and insecurity.

OtisFirefly ago

We can't make him do anything, this cat has been smarter than anyone anticipated. We can try like hell but the whole point is not to wait and see. With any luck we'll see where he actually stands in time, but do not count on anything.

CosmicSponge ago

@OtisFirefly you're right. As they would say in counter strike: GO GO GO.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Agree, there is a lot of HOPE in thinking that Trump will do something good. Hope is good, but it's also a good way to be disappointed.

MolochHunter ago

maybe the best we can hope for is that he causes a civil war within the 'network' that will blunt its power for a few decades. But the TrumpEpstein connection does have me worried. Is there any evidence folks can point me towards of their business or personal ties?

clitorisBill ago

Google "Teen Modeling, Inc" TRUMP/EPSTEIN

Trump renamed it to T-Models in 1999, that's where he meet his current wife.

Google "Trump & Epstein tag team anal rape 12 year old girl", TRUMP/EPSTEIN rarely vaginally fucked the girls, an intact hymen meant higher resale value to the Arab's.

This shit is from the 1980's boyz, where have U been? 1980-2004 TRUMP/EPSTEIN were two conjoined siamese twins who shared their dick in the anus of little girls. In 2004 EPSTEIN got too hot for TRUMP, so they created the famous "Mar de largo" divorce where EPSTEIN was caught trying to fuck a 14 year old masseuse who went to parents, who went to cops.

Google "Trump threatens to kill familys if girls report him to police"....

My god people who in the fucking hell can defend TRUMP? Only a fucking MONSTER

MolochHunter ago

I'd willingly believe you, if you have links to share

laml ago

Not only that. There are some big Satanic rituals in the dates to come before Trump inauguration!

slickleg64 ago

Actually this is a solid point. What if the elite don't want all this negative attention during their Bohemian Grove Christmas Party? They know they could displease Moloch but cant risk any more attention?