je-sui-pepe ago

up vote! (i had reached my uv limit )

SpikyAube ago

Shame on you

neo50 ago

If you google pizzagate, voat is showing up on the first page. It's encouraging that even without MSM news, it's gaining in popularity.

OrwellKnew ago

This is the Great Work of our lifetime. Pretty much every generation is given a seminal task, maybe skipping some at times. But weather by providence or by pure circumstance, we have been given the tools to complete this task. Social media and alternative media are our swords. Keep them sharpened!

FoxMcCloud11 ago

Logging in and out of multiple accounts must be a pain in the ass.. but if you talk to yourself in real life, I suppose doing the same online isn't a stretch. You are a sheep in shills clothing.. you will look back at this and relize how wrong and blind you actually are. It will be Hugggggge. #MAGA

FoxMcCloud11 ago

You want Chelsea Clinton to be president? Who are you calling a fruit loop? Liberal tears taste delicious.

chickyrogue ago

sorry braverman 61 ties it in very nicely go away you add nothing to this conversation but to censor

notnatural ago Except pizzagate is not fake and its your new boss so except your new pizza-overlord pizzagate.

NoBS ago

The dead only wish it was fake. Not nearly as much as next of kin, or worse. Like the Children who survive broken and destroyed. Do you really believe that evil can not be manufactured with ease? Al I can say is Fuck Off!

pizzagate_is_fake ago

Get a life. Pizzagate is fake news. A hoax. Even Faux News debunked it. Alex Jones, your hero, stepped away from it because it is fake. It it time to grow up. Your families apologize about your behaviour to their friends. Your friends think that you are insane. Do you want to be known as a weirdo? Let it go...let it go...

SpikyAube ago

Anyone who has even spent 20 minutes looking into the actual evidence compiled by PG investigators knows that the 'fake news' moniker is a lie, and a terrible lie that aims to cover up the most heinous crimes by the most powerful people. If that's the side you choose to be on, then I can only hope it hits you one day, the burning shame and the sickness of regret that you had a chance to think and discover for yourself, but instead you lent your feeble hand to evil.

je-sui-pepe ago

he is a shill/troll click his moniker and see previous posts...

sensitive ago

They can't kill us all, and they can't put us all in jail. There will probably be more dead and attacked / threatened PG investigators, but this won't help them - on the contrary: the more they lash out, the more it is obvious that we are onto something, and the more we will know that they are really, really afraid. So don't let your fear get the better of you, because they fear us probably more than we fear them. BTW, I don't fear them. Let's just act wisely and cover our asses as best as we can.

fartyshorts ago

We will make history together.

sensitive ago

We are already making history. In my heart I believe that this is the most important time in humankind ever.