Selective ago

Thanks for you post. I say the same thing all the time, and then tons of ignorant people start jumping all over me simply because they want a witch hunt that revolves around their beliefs and they refuse to do their own investigations or to simply look at the facts.

The idea behind derailing a group or movement, is to mix lies with truth, and then use lots of vague information while playing on peoples fears and hate. That's exactly what all the popular mainstream news did, as well as any independent news sources that didn't stick completely to the facts. Again, thanks for your topic to draw attention to this.

FuckReddit69 ago

Use public wifi at a small mom-n-pop shop with your phone/laptop and turn location services off. Don't stick around for too long and rotate between places, never return to visited wifis- your IP/MAC address can be flagged and tracked if its NSA level interest.

When posting new good leads/info, do it fast and leave the area.

Just practice common sense and Never upload damning info from your home, unless you know what your doing. This may be overkill but i always say its better safe than sorry. Goodluck and Godspeed.

Edit: these are non technical approaches to protecting your privacy/anonymity. Its always wise to use a VPN (virtual private network) its really helps and its free and effective for protection. I recommend CyberGhost.

Selective ago

I'm following a lead no one else has yet, and I'm getting pretty deep already. When I break the story though, here's what I'm thinking.

PizzaGate is all about pizza. Meaning the creation of that hash tag, was done with malicious intent to through off anyone that heard it or saw it. The programing was built in. If it was called something like PodestaEmailGate then the name would have drawn direct attention to exactly what they wouldn't be able to divert from.

So as we go deeper, we need to start our own new hashtag that when mentioned by mainstream news, it will instantly screw them over so bad, they won't be able to change the topic or side track anyone.

Any ideas on a new hashtag ?

FuckReddit69 ago

Nice. I like it. We attach a nice little meme to a smoking gun and vwalla. Virus.

Im using #PedoFiles but im not creative so im sure there are better ideas here.

Selective ago

If you are doing just the subject of pedophiles, then #PedoFiles is good, but to make sure everyone knows it is the people in government, how about #CapitalHillPedoFiles

Selective ago

Just don't use a vague hashtag, it has to be extremely specific, so that way the mainstream media won't be able to talk about anything else, and if they try to, the people will see right through the lies.

FuckReddit69 ago

If you can, Put up a master list of what info needs scrutinizing and we can have it stickied and constantly updated as we go through them.

This way we can have more people look at new potential leads and info at a greater rate. Splitting the work.

If someone finds something that points to a better lead, we can collectively agree to update it, same for bad info- highlight it out as disinfo, deadend, etc. We'll have a system in place.

FuckReddit69 ago

It's not just investigators we need but also people who can organize our best info while eliminating the bad. Theres undoubtably a bunch of info that still needs sifting through. Everyone can help to some degree. This can be made into a mult tier operation to organize it more effieciantly

SoManyQuestions ago

This is what I was worried about. They could promote misinformation then debunk it all as if it is the proof we have.

Clinker ago

I saw several attempts at disinformation. They seemed too amazing to be true, and fell apart quickly when investigated. On two of these, a reverse image search showed them coming from and no where else. Maybe somebody was duped and uploaded them at that site, or maybe there are disinformation folk there. If you see something that looks like a smoking gun or a bombshell, always check it out before passing it along.

reasonedandinformed ago

Very insightful!

NamelessCrewmember ago

This should be a required sticky. I have seen a bunch of false leads pushed with bogus sources, this is the best way to discredit what is going on here and show it in a bad light. Be very careful to verify what you find here, the opposition literally wrote the book on how to destroy grass roots movements on the internet they don't want seen.

madmanpg ago

It's already happening. I post a confirmation that the CPP gunman was never a "gunman" in something called "Something about pizza" and it gets buried by people who want to speculate that the director is in on it. People have started suggesting that Jake Tapper should be investigated because he is getting angry about the fact that numerous people he knows are accused of serious crimes against children, because NOBODY would get angry about that if they weren't in on it, or something.

I took a long break from pizzagate when it was on Reddit because of precisely this anti-fact, pro-speculation bullshit taking over. I fear it is now happening again. I don't know if it's active interference from shills or just passive interference from all the mentally unhinged people that unfortunately infest these kinds of investigations. I just hope the trend doesn't continue or we'll be more quickly undone by ourselves than by anyone else.

FuckReddit69 ago

Could we just get the best of you guys to collaborate on real leads and evidence, and filter out all the noise? Maybe you guys could create some crowdsourced foundation with invitation-only members.

That way your investigations and collab can be more efficient. Im sure if just 5 of you autists come together in a room there is nothing that cant be figuered out.

We could also fund this with bitcoin(money for the people by the people) if you want to make this full time youll need our support.

militant ago

We need a thread for all these stuff ASAP, if we are flooded with disinformation and don't react we will drown.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

I was thinking about some of the disinfo involved in the case. Remember in the beginning when the paintings of "Ria Pratt" were presented as somehow being connected to Comet Ping Pong? Title HereWell, apparently they weren't. Those are paintings from a woman who claims to have suffered ritual abuse as a child. I remember hearing someone ranting about how "sick" the art was, as if it was a promotion of it, instead of a depiction of the very thing we're all talking about.

SocJus_War ago

This post should be sticky: it addresses the problem with the wikipedia article, in which it says "conspiracy theory debunked" without reffering to these evidences (doesnt deny that the instagram photos were not of alofantis, it just point the legal issue with using a personal instagram account as evidence)

micha_ ago

Absolutely correct. People believe what they want to believe. Everyone of us. Only few are aware of this and actively are questioning themselfes by not believing, but asking for facts, even if something sounds very true.

With that knowledge in mind, that people believe what they want to believe, we have following fact:

That most people strongly believing in PIZZAGATE will tend to believe claims that it's real.

And those people who do not believe in PIZZAGATE will tend to believe claims that it's fake.

What happens at court, if among dozens of very important arguments, the witness bring up one claim that is false? Exactly that false claim will be taken to show, that this person per se cannot be trusted! No matter how good and verifiable all other arguments are, the jurors will no longer listen to the rest what this person says (if they want him to be convicted - confirmation bias).

Therefore it is so important to stick to VERIFIABLE FACTS.

DO NOT BELIEVE ANYONE! ONLY TRUST IN FACTS. There are by far enough facts out there, to demand an investigation. There is no need to make things up or exaggerate things.

Be aware those who want to avoid an investigation, will spread fake arguments to discredit the whole thing!

Keep feelings out, be logical and stick to verifiable facts. Imagine you are in front of a judge and are presenting what you have. You would never dare to claim a theory as fact, because then the case would be lost. Only because you tried to make things up, nobody will listen to you anymore.

connornm777 ago

Yes, it's for this reason that I am ok with mods being strict and a bit authoritarian. We need to maintain high standards for evidence. Do your research people, this is not the time and place for shitposts.

Millennial_Falcon ago

You are exactly right. The number 1 tool they will used to attack us is infiltration of fake evidence and sensational "tinfoil hat" theories. This is long-standing strategy of theirs. They used the same strategy to discredit 9/11 researchers. Matter of fact, there is a front-page post currently promoting Ted Gunderson, a former FBI disinfo shill.

Ted Gunderson's goal was actually to discredit claims of elite pedophile rings (and claims about 9/11) by introducing fake evidence, "poisoning the well," giving talks to groups of conspiracy researches to get them to adopt bad evidence and false "tinfoil hat" versions of their theories (e.g. "no planes on 9/11"), in order to discredit the true general claims (e.g. 9/11 = inside job) with the general public. He promoted the claim that there were NO PLANES on 9/11, and he promoted the McMartin Preschool case as an example of an elite pedophile ring. The McMartin case is a well-known case of false allegations. The mother who made the initial allegations was crazy. She based it on her son having disrupted bowel movements. The jury exonerated the accused because video showed the interviewers basically coercing the toddlers into saying they were abused, using leading questions that violated California guidelines at the time. One of the kids sent an apology to the LA times as an adult. That case was the real case of false memories that spawned the whole concept.

michelonwheels ago

The McMartin mother was not crazy. She was painted as crazy and became an alcoholic after the case opened. She was tortured by the knowledge that her child was abused in the most horrific ways, her 2 year old child, and she could see from the beginning that everything was working against her and the victims. Her child kept complaining about rectal pain and then he came home from daycare with a bloody diaper and that's what started it. It was not fake. The tunnels were absolutely found as well as lots of physical evidence of abuse on the children's bodies.

Millennial_Falcon ago

She was painted as crazy and became an alcoholic after the case opened.

She admitted she already had mental illness.

The tunnels were absolutely found as well as lots of physical evidence of abuse on the children's bodies.

No. Geological imaging showed what some people thought could be tunnels. Others have debunked it as plumbing conduits and older construction that predate the preschool. To me, logic suggests that if this tunnel system existed, it would have been found when investigators actively went looking for it, even if it had been filled in.

michelonwheels ago When an archaeology firm was hired, they found the tunnels, the infill, the secret room.

Millennial_Falcon ago

No they didn't.

Julian55 ago

I don't think that you are right. Gunderson said there was no plane at the Pentagon. He is right about that. There was no plane at the Pentagon. I don't know the McMartin case, however if you can't see that Gunderon is not a shill, than you are probably the shill. Shills don't want anyone to believe that Gunderson is the man, because the truth is Gunderson is also right about the USA having 30 000 guillotines. For us, its deplorable disposables.

Millennial_Falcon ago

There was no plane at the Pentagon.

The reason this piece of disinformation is so effective: there's a multilane highway going right by the Pentagon. Thousands of people saw the plane. Therefore, to anybody who knows anything about Washington DC, anyone pushing this claim is immediately discredited as a lunatic.

Edit: Note that Gunderson also pushes the "Satanic" version of elite pedophilia, which IMO is probably disinfo to keep people from seeing the reality of pedo-blackmail as a government control tool.

"Gunderson has been a promoter of just about every bogus theory one can come up with: Area 51, reptilians, the Illuminati, FEMA internment camps, a United Nations army taking over the United States, chemtrails, "pineapple bombs" at Oklahoma, no-planes on 9/11 and millions of children disappearing into Satanic Ritual Abuse networks.

FuckReddit69 ago

Chemtrails are real.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Cloud-seeding is real, but the many bizarre claims surrounding the "chemtrails" label are bogus. For example, the claim that jet contrails are "chemtrails."

militant ago

Could you share your thoughts regarding Cathy O'Brien?

Millennial_Falcon ago

I really am not sure about her. I haven't researched her much. She could be truthful, but I suspect may be a disinformant, because some of her claims sound very strange (reptile holograms), and as far as I'm aware, she give us nothing approaching proof or even evidence.

"It's relatively easy to promote a small army of bogus victim-witnesses who accuse everyone in high society of everything and in no time nobody will be paying attention anymore. It has happened on many occasions already and it's probably not the last time we've seen this phenomenon. "

Kayzza ago

This is important info to share, I've found when I point out false or faulty leads I get called a shill when all I want to do is boost our credibility.

Selective ago

Same here.

It would be nice if people had to take an intelligence test before joining Voat, to make sure they know the difference between beliefs and facts, and how to see through bullshit. Then everyone here would be intelligent and there wouldn't be a problem.

micha_ ago

Me too. But the criticism must not necessarily come from shills, only. If a lead is false, this also means that the confirmation bias of some people believing that Pizzagate was worth investigating by the FBI, can be harmed. And we humans do not like it, if one of our believes or opinions was false.