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arigold ago

i didn't even read your post, but i don't have to. STOP REACHING..... the further out you try to get the more ground we lose.

You guys don't have to take my word for it......but I seriously suggest staying away from the following:

DO NOT try to connect Hollywood, Mainstream pizza chains, Sandy Hook, 9/11, Boston Bombings, ISIS, random people who like pizza that have no relation to the podestas, Papa Johns, Oscar Meyer, Flat Earth, Mandela Effect, JFK Assasination,

Don't use the following terms: Illuminati NWO

we need to solve pizzagate before we try to make it connect to even bigger conspiracies.

CynthiaGlass ago

You aren't going to "solve pizzagate" with blinders on. There are real tentacles from Corrupticut to the District of Corruption. And they are very convoluted. My research uncovered connections via "charities" set up (by people connected with SH) for Haiti, Dominican Republic and Uganda, with links to the deeply corrupt AmeriCares and the Clinton Foundation. Clinton is all over Sandy Hook, and with Clinton comes organized pedophilia. Telling other researchers what they can and can't say, words they can't use, etc. is censorship. It has no place in an open inquiry.