DawnofTruth ago

I too feel there's a very deep connection between these two scandals. What REALLY clinched it for me was after viewing one of George Webbs recent videos, he proclaimed (without explanation however) they usually take and transport the kidnapped children in groups of 20. How many kids supposedly died in Sandy Hook? Yup, 20!

I have a nauseated feeling, of the kids who were real (opposed to being created like Adam Lanza) they might have been sold off.

Most of the parents I've seen in interviews seem to be blatantly devoid of any emotion. They don't even strike me as stoic. They seem empty. Robotic (especially Robbie Parker). And it seems to me when they aren't devoid emotion, they seemed fairly old for having such young kids. So....could they have been bred to be sold?

I don't know but addition to all that----- the close ties Obama and his administration had/has with these folks really leaves a hole in the middle of my gut. Something doesn't bode well with me. Not at all.


SH was pretty easy to expose. The DNA evidence is damning and is right on the CT website for all to see. I hope we find some DNA evidence to support this investigation.

PurelyCoincidental ago

So Adam Lanza went to a different Sandy Hook where he was abused.... hence they topped him.

I know this is spam but I thought it funny,,,, https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/28125

ThinkItThru ago

While I hope the pizzagate investigation does not get derailed by Sandy Hook, here is some hard evidence it was faked: The FBI's own statistics on crime in 2012, state by state. Sandy Hook Elementary was in Newtown Conn.


Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Trust me I'm truly not trying to do that but just too many similarities! Even the Connecticut part! Tunnels... not trying to derail but I think it we can make connections it might help make a case in one area if we can't prove something in another. Al Capone ya know?

ThinkItThru ago

Please examine the link above. Then ask yourself, why does the FBI report that no one died at all in Newtown Conn. in 2012? This is the best evidence that no one died at Sandy Hook: The FBIs crime report. Why would they get it wrong on the single biggest most horrible mass shooting in US history?

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Absolutely unbelievable. So many laws broken! Imagine all the millions of dollars going to the families and our tax payer dollars! Not to mention saying your kids were killed! It's horrible

Flat_Truth ago

Thanks for having me here, I've watched from afar this issue and for years have followed similar anomalous issues. As others have said, you will find that Sandy Hook does tie into all of this with regards to the satanic and lying aspect....but it would do no good to bring up, it will only confuse anyone new to what is going on. On the other hand, for those who realize how vast the wickedness is....here's a video. The video is long, but only the first 15 minutes of it or so show what needs to be shown, the rest is an interview with a man, former national school safety expert who fought very hard to expose that TV school shooting. The video shows the degree to which our "news" is fabricated and by whom. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agOjKRPhx3o

Notyourmom ago

http://patch.com/connecticut/newtown/sandy-hook-small-business-spotlight-sandy-hook-hair-co-0 What in the actual heck? Small hand in big hand with a big shhhhhh?

Notyourmom ago

interesting symbol http://newtowncsw.org/

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Trust me when you watch the video you will have no doubt. Like I said earlier, whether they did sacrifice some children or adults I don't know but a lot of the families moved in less than a year before the shootings and moved out shortly after. I'm not sure what scares me more then thinking they found pull it off, the fact that they did pull it off, or that even FOX news was in on it. I thought they might actually report the actual news. After I saw this first hand only a few weeks ago I knew CNN was hopeless! https://youtu.be/eOCcRnvMPEU

Hopevoats ago

It's never a bad time to read

From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory

Sorry, can't get link to format right. (https://archive.org/stream/pdfy-Mv-q4qGq8_TBPcwL/Michael%20Aquino%20(US%20Satanist)%20-%20From%20PSYOP%20to%20MindWar%20-%20The%20Psychology%20of%20Victory%20(1980)_djvu.txt))


Colonel Paul E. Valley Commander

-with - Major Michael A. Aquino PSYOP Research & Analysis Team Leader

Headquarters, 7th Psychological Operations Group United States Army Reserve Presidio of San Francisco, California 1980

Everything about our "reality" is part of the mind control program.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

What the? You sound crazy saying that and I sound crazy thinking you're probably right! But what we have to remember is this! These people (I hate to call them that) have so much power, so much money, so much technology at their disposal that they have pulled off the worst atrocities for years and no one has caught them! I feel like even their Hollywood movies are taunting us, smugly telling us what they are doing to either show off or worse putting it out there as fiction so that when someone does slip out and come forward, it seems too unbelievable and too "copied" from fiction to actually be true! Have you read what Nicole Kidman's fathers accusers have said about him and his group? There were 60 witnesses... REMINDS me of an even more barbaric version of Hunger Games! We have to do something!

Hopevoats ago

What the? You sound crazy saying that and I sound crazy thinking you're probably right!

I know! This is how they do it: Literature and electronic media is flooded with fantastical accounts and programming based upon a high percentage of truth. Then, they take it to the unbelievable extreme so that when we see them in action we associate the events with "fiction" and discount all of it. We saw the horror movie. We know the movie was fake. Therefore, this is fake. The media also serves to condition us to compartmentalize the gore. We've built up a system of locking away the trauma by practicing on horror movies. I can't watch them, BTW.

I will never forget watching the towers come down and thinking: "This is a movie!" I didn't believe it when it happened, but it took many years to stumble upon those who had begun to piece it together and expose that there are people capable of perpetrating such a horrific and deadly hoax. And I've been "crazy" ever since. Welcome to the crazy club! :)

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

That was another similarity. Boy they like their tunnels!

graboid0 ago

Plot twist : school shootings happen more and more because it's a cheap and easy excuse to eliminate pizza survivors that went back into the school system.

WE NEED TO LOOK IN SCHOOL SHOOTING VICTIMS. Have they ever made bizarre art or extravagant stories before the massacre?

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

If there were victims we need to have access to their autopsies. The law that was passed a year before took away our access to them very conveniently. I'm sure Trump could get an executive order for them which would or should list if they had sexual trauma on their bodies.

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

He won't. He is just another puppet.

dindonufin ago

TBH I think pizzagate connects to EVERY conspiracy theory (the ones with people dying anyway) from the past 50 years atleast.

devnulll ago

The SH seem to be related more to controlling the narrative and using staged tragedies to push for agenda.

Here is an interesting video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzibL8UN0vo

The P0desta case seem to be somewhat different, thought maybe similar actors are involved - pushing for NWO.

ThorTheWonderful ago

I don't feel like reading all of that just now. BUT

Sandy Hook has ties to Obama as well. Obama has never had a birth record. His mom couldn't even put him on her passport when he was 7 without it. Now here is the odd thing. His SS# is a CT number, he never lived in CT. The number traces to Harrison J Bounel who died in 1978 I believe. The Sandy Hook shooting led to the state to change the laws to prevent access to death records.

Obama was under pressure to produce a BR. He introduce new executive orders that would make it unreasonable to make some freedom of information requests during his first months in office, that would mean his information, like tax records, etc. Thats how he locked out his school records and everything.

But somebody posted an interesting video showing his mother passport forms with a new name under his and in brackets.. AND https://youtu.be/5z8EH3C6_-8 it will shock you to see he isn't black at all..

It always bothered me thinking he does not look half African and I thought maybe middle eastern, but still not right.. Then I saw this and bingo!! He is Indonesian!!

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

I am Indonesian, and he looks rather like some of my family. Too tall, though. There are natives in Indonesia who appear to be black, and very tall compared to say, my family. He could easily be a mix. But I have to say, he looks very similar to some of my relatives face-wise.

ThorTheWonderful ago

It baffled me for the last 8 years but for some reason I just never thought of it even though he grew up there.

Like one of those, too obvious to notice, situations.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

I agree because as horrible as I feel about it, they had me hook line and sinker. I did not ever feel like giving up our 2nd amendment was going to help but I feel like if we could hold them accountable for this come 1/21/17 then maybe more heads would roll and maybe this could lead to names in pizzagate! It seems too weird about the Covenant House Connection!

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

What I find even more scary are her "exercises" the one even starring Madelyn Albright as the POTUS. It was on smallpox and the person who recommend her to the dean of Berkeley law school who sent it to Herb Sandler who forwarded it to John Podesta is Larry Brilliant, an epidemiologist! Very scary they these people who we assume are doing what we think they are have access to so many diseases and chemicals! Did you see her resume? It's about 25 pages long and involved uranium and so many other things! I pray we make it until 1/21/17 and I just pray Trump is different and not involved!

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

Trump is not to be trusted. Look who he has appointed all around him. He got the right threat, and now he is playing ball with the elite.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

I hope you're not right but I'm afraid of that too!

HearMommabearRoar ago

Good post! I started watching the video and it sparked a question in my mind about the Tucson shooting of Gabriella Giffords. Looked up videos calling for that to be a hoax and none of the evidence lines up like this does. I'm not going to lie I kind of wish it was a hoax. Mostly because when I went to school in Tucson I was pretty close to Jared Loughner. He helped me through a lot of struggles. No excuse for what he did, I just wish things were different, for everyone involved.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

I'm sorry to hear that! I have skimmed some of those things too about Giffords but have not really looked into it. I'm just trying to embrace the fact I was lied to about 20 6/7 year old getting killed and 6 adults! I cried for days and couldn't watch tv because it upset me so and that's what I guess they were hoping! Watching the videos of the "parents" infuriates me because I know when my son died I cried for months, years, and sometimes I still do and it's been 19 years ago. None of the videos shows one parent crying. They've received millions and it sickens me that they got by with it! I feel like this is almost more blatant than the pizzagate even though what they are doing with pizzagate is much much worse. This is something that CAN be proven quickly if we can get Trump in and get the right FBI agents in to investigate it properly! That might take down some of the criminals!

endswitha ago

I have investigated Sandy Hook every which way. I never believed it was a hoax. I believe it happened and yes, there could be a link to pizzagate, as a ritual. It was brought to light years ago that Adam Lanza was interested in pedophilia. He defended pedophilia under his handle "smiggles." Many users on Shock Beyond Belief would make fun of him for this. He was a budding pedophile- he wrote a screenplay called "Lovebound" about a relationship between an older man and a ten year old boy. He expressed interest in consenting relationships between adults and children and thought it should be legal. It was never confirmed that Adam Lanza had cp on his hard drive, as he destroyed it before the massacre, but what could have been on that hard drive? If you want, I could give you more information on this.

EDIT- I always had a theory that he was a victim of sexual abuse as a child and these pedophilic feelings and thoughts were a result of that.

EDIT 2- after pizzagate surfaced, the first thing I did was comb through pictures of his rooms to check if there were any of the pedo symbols but I haven't found any from the stills. Perhaps I will watch the video of the police walk through of his home again and keep my eyes open

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

Based on my research, there is no real evidence of him having an online presence, aside from what the MSM has said. Which is impossible for an autistic introvert. Cremated him before we could deal with autopsy reports, second opinions, etc. Why are the lives of these children protected, but the Columbine kids (among dozens of others) weren't?

endswitha ago

He frequented a columbine discussion board called shocked beyond belief under the handle smiggles. there are pdfs available of his comments, you can google it if you'd like. There's also a recording of him calling into a radio station under the name "greg." He talked about it as smiggles on SBB and people who knew him verified it was his voice. The topic he talks about (Travis the chimp) was of great interest to him, and the anecdote he tells parallels his motives imo. You can google that too it's on youtube. There was an autopsy report and it's available on the official report as well as about 18 autopsy photos which are redacted. Peter Lanza claimed his body on December 30 or December 31, I believe he was cremated on December 28 so it's not like they did it quickly... his body was there for two weeks. What do you mean by protected? I sure wouldn't want to see the bodies of 6 and 7 year old children mangled and mutilated after an AR15 was through with them. Also, the crime scene photo of Eric and Dylan dead was not released to the public, it was leaked.

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

Awesome, I didn't know most of that information. Very interesting, thanks for your reply!

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Most people say they don't believe he ever existed which is what I believe. It just doesn't make sense any other way! Did you watch the video? The same girl that claimed to be his friend (in another video I saw but didn't post) was the same actress who played James Foley's sister. Neighbors said they never saw him and the guy who cut his hair didn't even hdvd a license. Anyone could say they are him on the internet.

endswitha ago

I've watched nearly all Sandy Hook hoax videos... red silver j, professor doom, all of them trust me I've seen them all. I just want to put forth another possible theory that I have always had in the back of my mind: it was not a hoax, it happened, but it was not spontaneous- it was a satanic ritual. I've been to Sandy Hook, and it's a really strange and eerie place. So much of it is comprised of an old run down mental hospital. There are weird things going on there.

Adam Lanza undoubtably existed- my best friend in college went to high school with him at Newtown High School. She had latin class with him. There are yearbook pictures of him when he was young, records of him being mentioned on sports teams in news paper articles, him making honor roll in middle school. At that point think about occam's razor.

Of course they will have crisis actors come on the news and make a scene pretending to be some family member or friend to pull on heart strings, that I do believe.

I will tell you this- something is up with that place. It is not right.

I have firmly believed since I began researching SH three years ago that Lanza was a victim of some satanic child sex ritual and was essentially brainwashed to carry out this event.

However, we are starting to tread into some serious not pizzagate related topics so I will end there

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Not saying your wrong but I took Latin and it's not an easy language. Adam Lanza's dad says he couldn't even tie his shoes so I'm not sure. Still, like you said, something is up no matter what. I think the part that creeps me out most is the part with Tara O'Toole. The Homeland Security Connection. She makes productions and the towns person said she thought Homeland Security ordered them. They were there before the shooting. Did you see her resume and her knowledge of smallpox and uranium...? Referred to the position my Herb Sandler after Larry Brilliant suggested her.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

It would be more funny if it weren't so true! I completely agree with you that Pizzagate is different in so many ways because it is currently going on! It's hard for me to sleep and I'm still loosing sleep worrying about Jonathan Reich a kid pretty much who was just doing what MSM is supposed to be doing and he's in prison! The reason I wanted to point this out is that there are many connections but also that they have no limitations! Of course I realize what they are doing to the children is far worse than false flags but when they exhibit such arrogance that they were so careless with details and such we are in a scary place! The part that makes me really mad is I was fooled, and fooled for 4 years!

arigold ago

i didn't even read your post, but i don't have to. STOP REACHING..... the further out you try to get the more ground we lose.

You guys don't have to take my word for it......but I seriously suggest staying away from the following:

DO NOT try to connect Hollywood, Mainstream pizza chains, Sandy Hook, 9/11, Boston Bombings, ISIS, random people who like pizza that have no relation to the podestas, Papa Johns, Oscar Meyer, Flat Earth, Mandela Effect, JFK Assasination,

Don't use the following terms: Illuminati NWO

we need to solve pizzagate before we try to make it connect to even bigger conspiracies.

CynthiaGlass ago

You aren't going to "solve pizzagate" with blinders on. There are real tentacles from Corrupticut to the District of Corruption. And they are very convoluted. My research uncovered connections via "charities" set up (by people connected with SH) for Haiti, Dominican Republic and Uganda, with links to the deeply corrupt AmeriCares and the Clinton Foundation. Clinton is all over Sandy Hook, and with Clinton comes organized pedophilia. Telling other researchers what they can and can't say, words they can't use, etc. is censorship. It has no place in an open inquiry.

doubletake ago

good stuff. heard Lionel the other day saying Conspiracy Analysis is what we're doing. Much more respectable. associated with science, forensics, deductive sherlock stuff. Also a great reply when somebody accuses you of being a CTer. they'll have to stop and think about it.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Just to let you know also, I didn't try to make this connect and I know some connections are far reaching! I just kept stumbling onto the same clues that took me back to Sandy Hook and I guess since I had just discovered that it is probable orchestrated "operation" it was fresh on my mind. The Covenant House connection was first and then as I was researching the Sandlers because of the handkerchief connection and the email from Podesta's assistant to Herb Sandler the day after Maddie McCann went missing. I saw exactly how influencial Herb Sandler was to the transition and White House appointees. He sent him lots of emails during the time of the transition! Then as I was looking at some of them I stumbled on Tara O'Toole and when I saw what she did with Homeland Security and the two operations she produced I thought of what the Newtown employee said about Homeland Security being involved. The clues led me there I was trying to make it work. Trust me, it scares the hell out of me.

voatcaesarpizza ago

Don't use the following terms: Illuminati NWO

Fucking amen to that. Certain words and events just make people dismiss you right away. They won't listen to you if you start going off about the New World Order and how you think Sandy Hook was a hoax. The latter will even make them resent you.

This subvoat is the center of the investigation because it's more accessible than 4chan's /pol/.

We must consider our image to new users and potential recruits. I'm not saying don't make connections, but be very careful how you guys word things.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Please read above what I said to arigold. And my point is exactly that when I wrote the post! The fact it turns people off to say it was a hoax! I thought that was so far reaching nobody could possibly pull that off and do I would dismiss the person but the clues took me back there! It's also weird how Alex Jones was all Sandy Hook this and that and now there is a guy who was just locked up a few days ago for investigating it and he hadn't said a word! And guess what, I wouldn't even know about it if I haven't been threatened online!

voatcaesarpizza ago

I watched the documentary and they make some decent points, but also make some bad points. The google cache is really the smoking gun they should have focused on more prominently. Something fishy happened there, that's for sure.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

That's not what FBIAnon said.

voatcaesarpizza ago

Why do we put so much faith in FBIAnon? He didn't provide a shred of proof, even going so far as to say he lied to us for "plausible deniability". Most of the stuff he said was vague enough anyway that they have the same basic legitimacy as a horoscope. All he had to do was drop one solid connection in his "suggestions", just one smoking gun, but he didn't. Or all he had to do was prove he was who he said he was. He could have figured something out, surely.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

I'm not sure but he seems to be correct so far. He started talking 7/2/16 before DNC leaks or Podesta emails.

graboid0 ago

FBIanon in one of his message said "tuesday at 11am"

Which coincides with the FBI archive vault twitter account becoming active again.

There might be only so much proof he can give...

RedditCensorshipOP ago


Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

I'm not following?

swordfish69 ago

The Masonic lodge had recently partnered with ICMEC, those people with ties to Jeff Koons and James Alefantis to put on downright creepy identification chips. Also, the art peddled by James Alefantis' art gallery bears a stark resemblance to the painting that Anderson Cooper showed on live TV.

caliginosity ago

I just started watching that video, and something already piqued my interest. Lobotomies. Of notable cases Rosemary Kennedy, sister of president JFK. To this day, that is something that I always pondered about. And I still can't believe the creator of that awful procedure won a nobel prize. Really makes you wonder.. The nefariousness of people.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

I watched the video and it was laid out so well I was simply glued to the screen! There are 100 videos with story discrepancies online and I know they might be true but this was done so professionally it and told the true story! Or at least the lack thereof. You must watch the whole thing! It is so scary to think that group of people has such deep ties to that hospital that did such horrific things that you described!

srayzie ago

Thank you for all the work you out into this! I'm curious and am going to watch those videos now. You make a very good point

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Thank you

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Thank you so much! I can't believe I was fooled for so long because I just couldn't stand to watch and what I missed was being lied to! These people truly have no boundaries and we must stay vigilante to get justice! MSM is in on it because our government and MSM are owned by these elitists!

SoSickInside ago

I never saw this Sandy Hook interview video before. It starts slow -- like what's the point, but watch until the ending. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYn22g2-nxc&feature=youtu.be

leavethebag ago

I remember watching it and everything seemed too perfect. Then everyone started talking about it being fake. Though I think the biggest indicator was that it completely died away months after it happened. Everyone knows that the media especially the liberal branches love to boast about that kinda stuff.

contrarianism ago


Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

The best is this https://youtu.be/IxTafqejV6k but like I said it's long but so well done! I wish we could get them to help with Pizzagate!

MeatballPizza ago

I didn't realize until looking into Pizzagate that the Sandy Hook murderous kid had a Satanic website. Never saw that in ANY msm stories. They only called for more gun control... Worried about Satanicphobia?

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Well according to this video I shared with the post https://youtu.be/IxTafqejV6k they are not sure he really existed! There are too many lies and cover ups and deaths! Most people feel it is tied somehow to the occult. Not sure but feel like if someone watches the video and still believe sandy hook occurred like MSM says it did, THEY have no thinking skills!

endswitha ago

Adam Lanza was also interested in and spoke a lot about pedophilia. He basically was a pedophile.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Most people don't think he ever existed. I think they may have catfished him. There is no evidence he existed. Neighbors never saw him. A girl that was on tv that said she was his friend in school also played the sister of James Foley. You can look it up. She even was laughing in the interview and her "brother" supposedly had just gotten beheaded!