Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Completely! And so is our investigation! 👍

carmencita ago

I do not know who is more gross, Tony or John. They are both evil and demented and have not one bone that can be redeemed in my book. They are evil incarnate. John was a butcher in the past and Tony went on trips with Denis Hastert. Sickening. All hell will break loose when they are handcuffed.

carmencita ago

The Children's Playroom........It is like their candy store. To give someone like that a key is frightening.

ThorTheWonderful ago

He is so smooth and clever with his words, people don't even realize he isn't black. Clearly the guy can get away with murder on live TV and still talk his way out of it.

ThorTheWonderful ago

I wonder how we can find out if they have moved any large amounts of hydrogen-peroxide around for the clean up...

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

I agree unless he called it a witch hunt and uses the lefts usual dialogue which is put us on the defense. Broken record about everything. Never address any issues or allegations only throw stones and put us on the defense! Look what they have gotten away with so far through the years.

Brisketpants ago

Also very rarely are minors actually at Covenant House. It's mostly 18+. If you were a minor, you got your own room. I stayed at the Vancouver location about six months, and during that time, there was only one minor.

Brisketpants ago

There isn't a special care facility. At many locations, there's even school and health clinics on-site.

Brisketpants ago

I'm not a shill. I absolutely believe there's something nefarious going on, but I can tell you that Covenant House is not the place it would be happening, it's super regimented. No one who isn't currently on duty is allowed to know anything of the residents there, and can't disclose information unless subpoena'd by a court, or in the case of imminent threat to a minor or the resident themselves.

rationalconspiracist ago

Lauded by the Reagan and Bush Administrations as a showcase for the privatization of social service, Covenant House had expanded into Guatemala as a gateway to South America. According to intelligence community sources, the purpose was procurement of children from South America for exploitation in a pedophile ring. The flagship Guatemalan mission of Covenant House was launched by a former business partner of Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza, Roberto Alejos Arzu, who had ties to the CIA, according to the Village Voice of Feb. 20, 1990. The Voice quoted Jean-Marie Simon, author of Guatemala: Eternal Spring, Eternal Tyranny: "It's like having Idi Amin on the board of Amnesty International."

  • John DeCamp, The Franklin Cover-Up

(The opinions, biases, and prejudices of the authors are their own. The articles are presented if they contain useful facts. Opinions are promptly discarded.)

Intro to the Council for National Policy and their role in a few pedophile scandals:

Roy Cohn, John K. Singlaub, and the CNP network

CNP infiltration of Trump's inner circle:

Leaked CNP roster 2014

CNP and Dominionist hijacking of the voting system

Almost all of Trump's appointments have some CNP connection. Steve Bannon is on the membership roster and Betsy DeVos is the daughter in law of past CNP president Richard DeVos, for example.

Now that only covers half the story...the hijacking of the right-wing. To start seeing where these groups intersect with the Clintons and the left-wing pedophile networks, it becomes necessary to familiarize yourself with one very important scandal: the savings and loan crisis of the late 80s. A lot of people are familiar with Whitewater and that angle of it, but really wrapping your head around the entire scope of the scandal is necessary in my opinion. Then you start to see so much overlap that party lines break down.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

How did you find this so quickly? This is linked to Covenant House? I hope and pray that we can ALL agree this is not a party line related topic! Both parties have been compromised for sure! I definitely think there are more people involved in the Democrat party at least what we have uncovered so far.

rationalconspiracist ago

Because I've been researching these people for years now. That's why I posted this thread when I got here:

And yes, CNP and Covenant House are linked. There is so much overlap I consider them part of the same apparatus. Read the first link for some CNP / Covenant House connections. Covenant House is just one pedophile scandal that connects to CNP. Franklin is another. Hell, if you click that leaked CNP roster you'll even find Josh Duggar on the list. It's hard to think of a high profile sex scandal that doesn't link to this network in some way.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

But I think these people are too smart to have a nice neat compilation of all their members. I would think they wouldn't want to make it they easy to find all if their members.

rationalconspiracist ago

Oh I wouldn't dare suggest CNP encompasses all their members. It's only one arm of something much larger imo.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

But are you saying ALL CPN Members are in the group?

rationalconspiracist ago

Impossible to know for sure, but I highly doubt it. Usually not as simple as that.

Millennial_Falcon ago

LOL, like you've been to law school. GTFO, troll.

h2d ago

NO ITS NOT - and I'm not a shill, but idk why you are harping on this so much. You've mentioned this "being enough for a warrant" like 100 fucking times in this thread. Wtf is your agenda? And who the fuck is going to issue this warrant? Clearly the cops and federal agencies aren't chomping at the bit to try and round these sickos up.

throwitawayn0w ago

Are you implying that we already have enough info to move forward? I wish that was the case, friend. I think we might need actual footage of Hillary and Biden tentacle-blasting a kiddy pool filled with Haitian infants, live on CNN, before we have enough evidence.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

No. If CNN had that footage they would cut to a special report where Donald Trump jaywalked in 1982! MSM IS in on it! I want to think FOX is not but why isn't Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson or someone reporting on this! Soros had gotten to them all! It's all on us and maybe a few rogue FBI agents like FBIAnon who are willing to sacrifice everything to protect the weak and defenseless!

Millennial_Falcon ago

OK, now I'm leaning that you're a troll. Please explain how there is a "lead" here.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I looked at your user history. You're either a shill or a useful idiot.

rationalconspiracist ago

A Covenant House connection? This should be getting way more attention. Covenant House and Council for National Policy are at the center of the child abuse nexus. I'll post more about this in the coming hours but IMHO any Covenant House link needs to be followed up on.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

I'm not trying to be mean but the manager doesn't look like the typical NY real estate manager for a luxury condominium. It also says that he works with single residential occupancy. I wonder what his actual duties are at Covenant House as part of his real estate management. I also wonder who actually owns the building.

Brisketpants ago

The Catholic church does. They own and operate Covenant House.

throwitawayn0w ago

Could this be another means of connecting Podesta to Silsby?

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

It's all connected I think but what specifically makes you think that?

throwitawayn0w ago

SPECULATIVE connection here. I'll be doing some research. A homeless child is essentially a missing/displaced child. Seems like they're diversifying their power here. Laura Silsby-Gayler is the VP of Marketing for Amber Alert systems. I'm wondering if we should be looking for connections/correspondence between Silsby (or other members of the ALERT SYS execs) that points to collusion. Maybe donations or something like that.Follow the money.

throwawaymade4pizza ago

Joe Biden

eyeVoated ago

He will pardon himself... by executive order :)

Sanotsuto ago

This is the year that they will not.

FatherOblivion ago

Congrats, you guys are getting some recognition 2016, the year autism saved America.

Yiziola ago

She's the bossanova

I wonder if she lurks or maybe has account

Gorillion ago

She certainly talks like us.

JoeBidenIsCreepy ago

I like her, she speaks out against the child rape problem in Hollywood. Lots of good interviews about that issue.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

I hope it will be soon! I can't imagine waiting until 1/21/17 but I'm afraid Obama will pardon them! I hope we wouldn't let that happen!

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

I thought that was unbelievable also! It's the word of children against people who are supposed to be in authority.

EndThePizza ago

That just says "sexual misconduct". The priest was having sex with people he wasn't supposed to, and considering it uses the term "men" in the description, I'm assuming it was adults and not children.

Brisketpants ago

Covie is for 16-25, not kids, and having stayed in the Vancouver, BC location, it's very very very unlikely a kid would go missing out of there. It's a residential shelter where you have to check in with youth workers twice a day, report for all meals unless you are working, in school, or at a confirmed appointment. It's also very hard to get kicked out.

ThorTheWonderful ago

74% of all missing children go missing from child services care. They also have the highest death rate for children.

Millennial_Falcon ago

This proves what I thought from looking at the property company's website. This post is a non-lead, effectively forum sliding and a distraction. That company manages all kind of properties. Look at their website. The fact that Podesta has a condo managed by a company that manages hundreds of properties, one of which happens to be a youth shelter (age 16-25) where a priest was once accused of having sex with men (not kids) IS NOT A LEAD.

rationalconspiracist ago

Except Covenant House is far more significant than that. Don't be so quick to downplay.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Except Covenant House is far more significant than that.

Yet you can't explain how?

Don't be so quick to downplay.

I'm not downplaying anything. OP seems to be "up-playing" something that is nothing.

rationalconspiracist ago

Why are you starting out with the assumption I can't explain how? I'll elaborate when I have more time, but as a starting point search for an article titled "the deep politics of God revisited." That's a good intro.

Covenant House is just as significant as Franklin Credit

primaryappellation ago

How old were the oldest masseuses at Epstein's?

Brisketpants ago

I'm pretty sure it was like 14? But I don't know. Regardless, Covie and ROP kids are super protected. Like I said before, they have to sign in, have a detailed check in with youth workers twice a day, report for all meals, etc, as well as a weekly case management meeting.

Celticgirlonamission ago helps homeless children in NY

Brisketpants ago

Youths. 16-25.

ThrowMeAVoat ago

WOW!! Good find!