RealBiggly ago

"An Account must have a minimum of 10 CCP to create a submission" WTF is this shit? I can't post anything because I don't have enough points and I don't have enough points because I can't post anything? How about go fuck yourself then?

PatriotsAnDtyrants ago

Really a shame to see the Commonwealth countries now rushing to compete with the UK.

aristide ago

optus too, tpg is working so far

KDs_Other_Burner ago

They've been getting lippy lately. In addition to the NZ Government stalking Kiwifarms the Western Australian Government was issuing suppression orders to U.S websites to protect an accused serial killer not that long ago.

Then there was the ridiculous suppression bullshit they pulled around that child molester George Pell. Now attempting to further censor the internet, albeit in typical Government style (poorly).

Australia a definite testing ground in the culture wars, a lot of the gameplan is trialed and wargamed out there.

Traveler ago

you can however ban vpns from operating and doing business in the USA without a "license." don't be naive.

Deadleftist ago

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and eat, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion.


Deadleftist ago

The Elites have been arranging Plane scheduling for the mass migration of Jews from the USA and Europe to New Zealand, this is a Kike Invasion being prepared.

Deadleftist ago

Isolation of New Zealand will be followed by the Flood of Jews from the west and the mass Murder of all New Zealanders their now.

Vortonet ago

Not telstra nbn, apparently...

kwibjo ago

Yeah just tried about an hour ago and assumed it was down because I couldn't get through but I tried with a VPN and sure enough I'm here now. Home internet is Telsta but my phone is with Optus and it's not blocked on their network... yet.

RealBiggly ago

Even if you can access the site the comments are gone

losetheego ago

An implied right to freedom of political expression has long being recognised in Australian constitutional law. How are they sweeping away core rights so easily? MSM needs to go, it's well past outrageous.

redstarkachina ago

WE must realize the censorship on Voat is multidimensional; there is more too it than simply blocking the website. Censorships also exists through the disallowing of quality posts and material to rise (and therefore never make it above the clouds of low visibility.) Via the work of shills and also general flood of normies that come through as Voat itself gains more traction, we must make sure to comb through the shitposts of little to no value and upvote the quality information.

slevin_kelevra ago

And it will be ignored with more emphasis.

AlternateSelection ago

They should arrest the shooter's parents too for giving birth to him in the first place? I mean, how damn far do they want to take this nonsense?

CrudOMatic ago


voatusernamevoat ago

That's easy enough, use a different DNS.

Shartdownunder ago

What are you taking about mine seems to be wor

Cutsprocket ago

Oh wonderful

Vakhuman ago

No it's you, I'm reading this from a Tested network phone.

Rothbard_Block_Hoppe ago


ardvarcus ago

Australians lost their freedom around ten years ago, when they banned all their guns (almost all, anyway). This is just another turn of the screw.

AlternateSelection ago

Must have been a sinking dreadful feeling right after that ban was put in place. How much trust can you really put in any .gov anywhere?

Orglend ago

Looks like the connection is throttled in Europe as well. I have really long loading time here in Czech Republic.

wokeasfook ago

I can confirm. Only works on wifi. Fuck this place. Jesus fucking Christ. So much winning. My bollox

wokeasfook ago

Can confirm.

Dededed ago

How long until Google is told to report users with voat/4chan/8chan apps?

Texaswolf1 ago

I feel bad for the people of NZ, Australia, and the UK. They all need a revolution.

i_scream_trucks ago


collateral_damage ago

They cannot stop the GREAT AWAKENING!!!! Question your service providers asap or switch to a friendlier network.

slevin_kelevra ago

newsflash - we dont care.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/AskVoat submission by @NPC-57981209.

Posted automatically (#28653) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

gl7 ago

So, when the 1st re-education camp build?

Garglemysac ago

Basically China at this point.

Retron ago

I don't go through Telstra themselves, but my mobile company uses the Telstra infrastructure. I can't access Voat via mobile.

I cannot access 8ch at all, either using my non-Telstra ISP or on mobile.

Time to get a VPN I guess.

Dededed ago

Using their infrastructure gets blocked too.

HenryCabotLodge ago

We will trundle on. Even if we have to communicate by smoke signals and die throwing rocks at them. Patriots will never surrender.

slevin_kelevra ago


satisfyinghump ago

An example of how important it is for people of all walks of life to have some understanding of how the internet works and how internet traffic works. Similarly decades ago, how people grew up knowing more or less how the plumbing in their home worked so if there was a backed up sink or clogged toilet they would know which valve to turn to stop water flow to that pipe while they opened it up/declogged it. Well, these days with internet traffic, people should be aware of what happens on a technical mid-level when they submit a website to their browser to go to. Things like that, if they understood, and their ISP or the local coffee shop they are sitting at, decided to block traffic to a favorite website, they could at least figure out what kind of blocking it is and the best method to circumvent it with.

Semi-related. Does anyone else hold out hope when they hear some ISP/internet provider (i.e. local work space/library/coffee shop/etc.), has blocked traffic to a particular website via DNS, that the IT tech/team responsible is/are possibly fans of freedom of speech and circumventing censorship and they chose to.block via DNS look-ups, because they themselves know that technically they've followed their boss's order BUT have done so poorly enough that it will be more of a hurdle then a wall?

hankylanky ago

Don't confuse a lack of anyone's interest with Voat with somehow being censored.

i_scream_trucks ago

.... voat has been literally blocked by Telstra (An ISP/Mobile provider)

lordvain2 ago

Soon to be world wide Internet kill switch. This is the roll out.

NosebergShekelman ago

We jews will not put up with you hateful white goys meeting and talking about us and blacks. We're gonna SHUT IT DOWN oh yes yes oy vey and shaloms

Maroonsaint ago

Dude fuck these people. They’re trying to silence the pushback. Do you expect a genocide to go so smoothly

0100100-100110 ago

If your "free speech forum/website" is getting blocked, you know they are doing something right.

ImFromKazakstan ago

try this

RampancyLambentRaven ago

I think we need a shitlist of corrupt Australian and New Zealand politicians and government officials and diplomats and a shitlist of all their corruption and to compile it and spread it as revenge.

NiggerVirus ago

Ban kangaroos

wrok-wrok ago is a great VPN provider

spiceymeme ago

Flamin' galahs!

edgydude69 ago

Fuckin Telstra, don’t come the raw prawn cunts!

Adminstrater ago

Here it starts. Pretext to ban the internet and freedom of information sharing.

Reddit-is-kill ago

Then they ask "why are my opponents so radicalized? I was just trying to outlaw their lifestyle and restrict all their freedoms!"

blackwithhiv ago

Or just look at the photo of the poor girl cut in half by a truck of peace. Enough to "radicalize" anyone. I dont believe that's the correct term though, it's just a love for your people. Down is up and up is down.

SparklingWiggle ago

True censorship.

The_Venerable ago

This world is so cucked.

gerberlyfe ago


Sn0w1 ago

TOR for mobile basically.

albatrosv15 ago

So, country per country.

carlip ago

Use the IPv6 address.

sguevar ago

Dang, sad to know that.

Quick question, are VPNs compatible with mobile devices?

Sn0w1 ago


Alhambra ago

class-action lawsuit when?

TheBuddha ago

Never. Nobody has standing as nobody was harmed.

Perturbation isn't harm. Stop thinking you're a snowflake.

Commie_Meta ago

  • False advertising and breach of contract (subscribe to our service and browse the world's websites)
  • Criminal fraud (if they intended to breach the contract before making it)
  • Tortious interference with a contract (of the bargain between Voat's users to submit content and in exchange receive other content)
  • Trademark infringement and trade libel (Voat did not consent to its trademarked domain name being used in connection with false DNS records)
  • Computer fraud and abuse (deceptively submitting false DNS replies to intentionally cause premeditated misoperation of the customer's computer)
  • Racketeering (for deliberately organizing numerous crimes)
  • ...

Alhambra ago

they're arbitrarily blocking off access to communication and commerce, which violates many legal rights. you're quite dumb if you need this explained to you. please go back to reddit where your thought pollution will be welcomed. thank you.

TheBuddha ago

No, it doesn't. Explain exactly what right is being violated?

Why is it that you new people are so stupid, anyhow?

What you SHOULD be saying is that it SHOULD be a right. I'd agree with that. However, it's not a right. Don't be stupid. It'll save you time and frustration.

hairless_rock_ape ago

Vodafone blocking it now as well.

BlockMe ago

Use as your DNS. On mobile install their app which let's you run dns over tls.

carlip ago

Do not use cloudflare dns!

daveywavey86 ago

i use quad 9 as my outgoing dns, with my pihole behind my lan. on mobile im using a swiss node on a paid protonvpn acct. am i doing alright in your opinion?

honest question.

carlip ago

Depends on what your goal is. Who are you evading in specific? Ads, corporations, government, etc etc?

daveywavey86 ago

mostly targeted ads, isp snooping, and i suppose keeping some 3letter agencies off my back would be a nice addition. i pay to use the pipes, i think its only fair (and constitiutional) that what i do on said pipes is my own business EXCLUSIVELY. i do believe there is an amendment that protects us from unauthorized search and seizure.

carlip ago

I think you're good from corporate/ISP spying, they will be able to see where your traffic is going since they are carrying it but they wont know the contents.

Last year Switzerland passed a surveillance law which could impact security, but when you're up against a government agency you're not going to keep things private no matter what.

Kr1ll1nX ago

inetnum: -
netname:        APNIC-LABS
descr:          APNIC and Cloudflare DNS Resolver project

Cloudflare isn't exactly known to be trustworthy.

Charlez6 ago

I tested 4chan, 8chan, and LiveLeak as well. All blocked.

I'm actually a little stunned that I'm seeing this so soon. Things are accelerating so much faster than I could've possibly imagined ~5 years ago.

bluecaps ago

are you using tor? I wonder do people think of getting prepared, or do they wait until gov stomps their face with a big military boot.

Get your crypto-weapons mates. Tor, I2P, Bitcoin, Bitmessage (use proper version old one has exploit), Freenet...

Charlez6 ago

Thanks but I just bit the bullet and got a VPN today. Not to hide my activity or identity but to access censored content on the internet in Australia. I don't like this timeline so much at the moment.

wt1984yb ago

The globalists have made their move against your nation. Checkmate soon while you sit there and scratch your nuts.


Just as SAINT BRENTON planned

65Creedmoor ago

They want to die a lot faster than you imagined

path ago

It’ll be like labor pains, increasing in strength and frequency in the end.

Gorillion ago

Oz/NZ are cabal hotspots. Podesta and Hillary were in NZ very recently too. Pedosta only 5 days before the FF.

Oz got gun gabbed 20 years ago using a similar FF incident (single shooter getting impossible number of perfect headshots while shooting from the hip with a rifle).

1F4A9 ago

Not so much hotspots as backup locations for when they fear for their lives in the USA. NZ being the most popular one. Can't have an armed population there.

nomadriders ago

(single shooter getting impossible number of perfect headshots while shooting from the hip with a rifle).

This never happened, it was a coverup because the Port Arthur cafe emergency exit was broken, so the state lied about the duration of the shooting to avoid getting sued. He was a patsy, but proven by other reasons. Read "Deceit and terrorism" by Andrew S Macgregor.

Charlez6 ago

Past your bedtime isn't it, Q-Ball?

ThyCultOfQ ago

Liveleak blocked???? Fucking hell... haven't used that place since they banned free speech... can't believe that anything decent ever happens on that site anymore... really didn't expect there to get blocked too.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Good. The faster the water boils, the more people will wake up before it's too late.

Brenton is a fucking legendary hero. He forced them to accelerate. His plan is working, globally. I just hope his plans for the US come to fruition. This country needs a civil war so it can be purged of tens of millions of degenerate anti-American fucks who deserves to die.

knightwarrior41 ago

Good. The faster the water boils, the more people will wake up before it's too late.

its already too late because they didnt do this 5 years ago but the fact that they are doing now they feel confident that there will be NO repercussions

Aufag ago

Peaceful is better. I'm hoping Trump will be able to prevent a civil war but he needs to hurry up. If he failed it wasn't going to go peacefully anyway

inverseowl ago

Yeah don't worry his 6d chess will pay off, we just need to give Israel a few gorillion more dollars first. Anyone still having hope in Trump are deluded, he sold out to the fucking kikes faster than every pornstar who ever existed

BentAxel ago

Energy is exponential until failure points.

Nutkase ago

Until people begin missing meals and are still comfortable revolution will never happen. The elite know this too, why do you think agriculture is so heavily subsidized?

MuDp5fg4QaVDs65 ago

The boiling frog analogy, that is the idea that a slow boiling frog will not jump out of the water, is false. In reality healthy frogs jump out. In the actual experiment only the frogs that had their nervous system disabled by removing the brain or severing the spinal cords were the ones who did not jump out. Those frogs were never going to "wake up before it's too late". This is also the case for brainless people.

zit ago

FALSE MYTH! Frogs DO stay in hot water and die!!

Proven in two papers if SLOW ENOUGH heat.

Its a common MYTH to pretend its not a FACT that a slowly (less than 0.2 °C per minute) boiled frog escapes.

In famous 1872 experiment by Heinzmann frogs , intact normal frogs, over the course of 90 minutes in water from about 21 °C to 37.5 °C, a rate of less than 0.2 °C per minute, don't flee and they DIE.

Another paper proves frogs will stay and die if slow enough : The author of a psychology text in 1897, Edward Scripture, says that “in one experiment the temperature was raised at a rate of 0.002°C per second, and the frog was found dead at the end of 2.5 hours without having moved.”

Anyone trying to nay-say this trivially reproduce-able fact with leopard frogs, merely use the EXACT SAME HEATING RATE.

Any lies on wikipedia readily admit the nay-sayers RUSHED the heating rate to get a nay-say result.

A VERY VERY slowly boiled frog will perish and not hop out or flee.

TL/DR: MuDp5fg4QaVDs65 did NOT show any science papers of those slow heat rates that did not confirm the fact.

MuDp5fg4QaVDs65 ago

The corollary to debunking the boiling frog myth is if you remove the brain of a human they will never let go of the boiling frog myth. The experiments with "normal" frogs are flawed because they are inserting the frogs into an already unsurvivable starting temperature, further proving that disabled frogs will not jump out. The rate of the heating is irrelevant because the frog starts to die immediately.

zit ago

21c is starting temperatures in the successful experiments and that is standard lab temperature, and called "room temperature" :

90 minutes in water from about 21 °C to 37.5 °C, a rate of less than 0.2 °C per minute, don't flee and they DIE.

69.8 F is 21c

Kalergi ago

only the frogs that had their nervous system disabled by removing the brain or severing the spinal cords were the ones who did not jump out.

Sorta like viewers of CNN and MSM?

NosebergShekelman ago

oy vey I hope this doesn't spawn 100 Tarrant's.

randomfuckingidiot ago

The Wildfire War

Old growth with bad management = tinderbox

Blaxsploitation ago

It's sort of like the Boston Tea Party; a couple of guys fuck with the enemy and the whole populace gets punished for it. All this does is further push the possibility of revolution. A revolution that would occur in Minecraft of course, where all the power hungry admins get banned from the Freedom Server for good.

talmoridor-x ago

There wasn't any revolution. The British weren't defeated; they allowed the colonists to win. The Founding Fathers were freemasons.

Blaxsploitation ago

Any evidence of that? History is partially perspective, and it would be pretty interesting to read if nothing else.

NukeTheEstablishment ago

Freemasonry and the New Atlantis

talmoridor-x ago

Shut up CIAnigger. Making my comment look bad.

ExplodingHead ago


Charlez6 ago

Do you think these idiots even read his message? They're carrying out exactly what he hoped they would.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

Shooter was controlled opposition. False flag. Actually WATCH the video. The barefoot guy crawling down the hallway during the entrance suddenly has socks on for some reason during the exit. Magic disappearing shell casings too.

edgydude69 ago

Those socks were pretty comfortable though. You wouldn’t leave them behind just to escape a mass murder.

HeavyBrain ago

They may or may have not, but they are doing it because of smugness, they think shit will turn out different, that they have limitless powers.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Nope. They took it literally. Countless MSM articles talking about his adoration for Candace Owens and using Bitcoin to fund his travels.

BumFightChamp ago

Wake up? You're dreaming, mate

ThyCultOfQ ago

They will keep watching Netflix whilst the new natives burn their houses down around them... stopping only briefly to ask Alexa to turn up the lights as the smoke restricts their view of television as they gasp their final breaths.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Tell that to the millions of white men around the world who saw the video, and a smile grew on their face out of proud admiration.

Tiptop88 ago

Every white man ive shown the video to, wishes they could also do a little spring cleaning.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago


BumFightChamp ago

Yeah but they won't. That's why tarrent seems to be a government worker of some sort.

Tiptop88 ago

Whites don’t do that type of retarded shit. We take control of the government, and do it legally.

I to think it’s possible some ‘glow in the dark’ type shit is going on.

But it doesn’t erase the fact that white men are awaking at record numbers. It’s time to stand up for our race and people.

sane ago

Also probably true in airport WiFi like London Heathrow wifi banning even Breitbart !

Oglop ago

I will stay on voat, many others will feel like this and fuck the Tor Dark places if I can't see voat then I will go to one of the 4chans, maybe Gab, if they ban that maybe phucks, or saidit dot net. I have nothing to hide, dark web is bullshit I don't support it or the freaks on it drug dealers, gun runners, pedophiles and a bunch of weird shit. Whats wrong here is the story is not adding up like the first attack on the QTC in 1993, o the War in Iraq or a bunch of other BS !! the Aus story is not adding up, murders of innocents people massacred in NZ and yet they called in brother those guys from the Middle East, he's in Bosnia, Turkey, Bulgaria, North Korea, Pakistan a bunch of red flag places that would already have him banned or on several watch lists the news report is not making sense, something was going on overseas they want the story banned and buried, the want it censored World Wide!! This is no longer a New Zealand issue.

Asashio ago

I really need to get a VPN set up soon . . .

The writing is on the wall and whatnot.

My-Name-is-Mud ago


InternationalGoy ago

Kek. This will be just like when the USA blocked other countries from using SWIFT (the international banking transaction network) forcing countries to develop their own parallel systems to rival it.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @lets_get_hyyerr.

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @lets_get_hyyerr.

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i_scream_trucks ago


TheBuddha ago


i_scream_trucks ago

fuck you :)

drunk bastard

TheBuddha ago

Point conceded.

i_scream_trucks ago

its ok man, you know we love the attention.

TheBuddha ago

Damned right!

ZenAtheist ago

Holy shit, dude... are you accessing Voat on a cell network in a 5 eyes country without a VPN?

They're keeping records at the ISP level. You should try to stay ahead of the curve. Sure, a VPN isn't a magic panacea, but it masks your IP from these fuckers.

captive ago

Live in fear, goy. Cover your tracks, goy. Let paranoia rule your life.

No. Kike.

One who follows a path of truth does not live in fear. If you are right in thought then everything takes care of itself.

Gadsden ago

If you're really worried to the point where you use a VPN for your activities somewhere, then you better only be using the VPN for those activities.

If you visit a site like FB or google, then the VPN endpoint IP address is logged there. If they get your VPN IP address being used on voat and can link it to your FB account, because you used the same VPN connection to do both, then you're fucking caught anyway.

BumFightChamp ago

Masks are useless dude. I had vyprvpn and my cousin used it to torrent. I still got a dmca email from them.

ZenAtheist ago

Then he was an idiot and didn't do it right.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

If you still care, you're still fucking cucked. Your mind is trapped in the prison they built for you.

Stop giving a fuck. What are they going to do? Bust down your door and kill you? Make a martyr out of you?

TPTB are playing with a fire they know will burn them to death if they fuck up even the slightest bit. This is exactly why they are threatening 10 years in prison for owning the video and 14 years in prison for sharing it each time. They are afraid of what one white man can do, and even more afraid that others will realize this and 10,000 white men stand up around the world and do the same thing.

Before they know it, their entire narrative, the narrative they've worked to build for over 40 years, easily, will fall apart in a heartbeat.

They're scared shitless of us, and they fucking should be. Any normal white man can decide that "today is the day, I've had enough" and go out and become the next Brenton Terrant.

For the first time in my life, I finally feel like TPTB are scared as fuck of the average run-of-the-mill white man. They fucking fear us.

Kalergi ago

I just got back from Walmart. Felt like everyone was a shade nicer to me today. :)

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Hahahaha, I bet. Shit skins around the world hold a little more fear today than they did yesterday.


gerberlyfe ago

Yep. I am this close to fucking going downtown and holding a sign. Also BUY GUNS.

mgtow_refugee ago

Yeah I'm enraged. I hope the next shooter takes out politicians instead. They are more dangerous than Mossad and Muslims. Because they sympathize with both.

peanut-head ago

I'm THIS CLOSE to writing a strongly worded letter to my representative.

carlip ago

VPN are nearly worthless. Hardly anyone is actually employing end to end encryption.

mad_saxon ago

Absolute bullshit.
No VPN = ISP sees and records every single thing you do online, hands this over as evidence to authorities, potentially used against you.
With VPN = ISP can't see a damn thing you're doing (assuming strong 256-bit AES encryption and no leaks); nothing can be blocked; makes you basically anonymous online (but there are many factors to online anonymity)

carlip ago

Some countries have made simply using encryption illegal, so depending on what your traffic is you would be better of using steganography (think clandestine communications). If you're just doing it to by pass a government block like this, you would be better off with a unencrypted proxy server. If you're caught using encryption that is banned you will be arrested on that alone, then they can get a search warrant to find out anything they want.

mad_saxon ago

What the fuck are you talking about? Show me one country that has made encryption illegal.
Encryption will never be "illegal". Banks, utilities, online shopping, and the entire internet infrastructure runs on encryption. Banning encryption would shut down all of e-commerce, online banking etc. That is like saying ban steel because people make guns.
Nobody is arrested for "using encryption that is banned". This is just bullshit you're making up.
Some countries have forced tech companies in their jurisdiction to make encryption back doors, and some countries may even try to block VPNs, such as China, but even then, VPNs are not illegal, and encryption sure as hell will never be illegal. But they can't do a damn thing about offshore VPN companies that are not forced to comply with laws in Australia, US, UK, or any other country.

carlip ago

Exporting encryption is technically illegal in the United States, but it is no longer enforced.

It is illegal to use encryption in the UK if you cannot provide the keys when mandated.

In Australia it is illegal to teach or provide information on encryption without a permit.

In Australia it is also illegal to use strong encryption that cannot be broken easily

In China you must provide the government with they keys to any encryption algorithms you use

Dont be a retard. of course the government will ban steel from YOU, but they will still make THEIR guns all day long. encryption for me not for thee.

elitch2 ago

Well, you're full of shit.

blackwithhiv ago

It's cool dude. I dont doubt your capable of finding a cave deep enough to hide in. I share the frustrations these others do in digging so deep just to practice our first amendment rights. I'm sure you understand.

elitch2 ago

Lots of alphabet motherfuckers on here today, advocating against VPN use.

They are terrified.

Also, I'll not be hiding in a cave. I'll be right here at home, like I always am.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

And you're a fucking pussy.

elitch2 ago

Sure, buddy.

So tough.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Tougher than a "shit-my-pants faggot" like you. You're honestly scared of being on a list somewhere? If so, you're a fucking pussy.

elitch2 ago

Yeah. How's the weather in Washington today?

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Wouldn't know, because I'm not some alphabet shill. I'm a normal dude, living a normal life, appalled and fed-up with the state of the world and what's happening to my homeland and the homeland of my brothers.

Newsflash: Not everyone is a shill, and not everyone who isn't a shill isn't a scared little bitch of the alphabet agencies.

elitch2 ago

If you're not a shill, you're an idiot.

Either way, fuck off.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

lol, Beta cuckservatives never fail to act like pussy ass faggots.

Case in point, you.

elitch2 ago

You're not a shill.

You're just hitting all the shill talking points today, eh?

Real men don't use VPNs!

You guys are going to kill me with laughter today.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

VPNs are themselves honeypots you naive fuck.

If you honestly care about being on a list, you have no fucking business being on voat.

elitch2 ago

Sure thing, fed.

Nice q badge.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

lol, you're a fucking neckbeard beta. Stop being a bitch, man-up and step in line with the rest of us ya fuckin coward.

They want us to fight among ourselves, so we can't fight them.

elitch2 ago


Thanks for the entertainment, fellow White man.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

We don't use (((fellow White man))). Ever. Never ever.

That's what kikes say, Rabbi.

elitch2 ago


Charlez6 ago

Who cares? What am I guilty of?

Regardless, may as well embrace it now! I'm Aussie, I'm White, I want my grandchildren to live in peace and prosperity so fuck anyone who wants to condemn me for that. Deport kebab!

Turn_Coat ago

You're guilty of being a white man who doesn't listen to the media. Punishable by defamation, public ridicule, and violence.

mad_saxon ago

Brother, there's no sense giving them evidence that they'll use against you. A VPN covers your tracks, encrypts everything, and makes you anonymous online.

Charlez6 ago

I've got no interest in committing violence or doing anything illegal. If they want to know who j am, I've been here for years so I'm sure they could prove it 100% in court by now.

Who cares? It's actually quite liberating knowing I can freely speak my mind and there's nothing that they can do. I'm a decent, peaceful person, why should I hide in fear?

Turn_Coat ago

You're a sane white man. That alone is dangerous enough to warrant their attention.b Any sane white man living in the west will inexorably be drawn to violence against the corrupt system.

Gadsden ago

If someone decides they don't like one thing you say, then they can use everything else you say to paint a picture of you. It's called "building a case". Best to not give them any materials to build with.

I'm like you. I don't plan on doing anything violent, but I have a lot of shit for the SHTF scenario that they could easily make me out to be something I'm not by divulging that I have instructions/books/videos on making shit that's considered illegal.

So, all that shit is on encrypted HDD's, and downloaded with encrypted VPN's, etc.

Probably never be bothered, but better safe than sorry.

Monsterdewo ago

When those in power disagree with your views, they will move to make those views illegal. What is fine to say today could very well get you arrested tomorrow.

Tiptop88 ago

If you think a VPN keeps you safe, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

mad_saxon ago

A free VPN is not safe, of course. But if you aren't using a VPN, your internet provider is recording everything you do. This can and will be used against you. Why give them that data?

KosherMedia ago

You are just changing the party you blindly trust. You do realize that the company you are paying for VPN service has access to your unecrypted traffic, right?

Do you really think the five eyes are so inept that they wouldn't setup numerous VPN companies and use taxpayer stolen money to make them the most successful/promoted options? Do you really think they wouldn't attack and control any of the remaining competition? How many "honest" VPN owners are going to be willing to violate gag orders and get kimdotcom'd?

VPNs are good for bypassing region blocks and preventing copyright infringement complaints from reaching your ISP account. Not much else. Anyone who tells you otherwise doesn't know what they are talking about.

mad_saxon ago

use a home VPN

Absolute worst advice ever. With this setup your traffic is not getting mixed with other users and you'll stand out like a soar thumb.

How many "honest" VPN owners are going to be willing to violate gag orders and get kimdotcom'd?

A "gag order" from a US court is applicable to US companies, not an offshore VPN provider. Are you just really stupid or trying to spread disinformation? You think a gag order in the US or UK or Australia can be slapped on a private company on the other side of the world? That's not how it works. The US government could go after a datacenter in Texas where a VPN server is rented, sure. Then the offshore VPN might lose one of their servers. But National Security Letters, gag orders, and any other legal actions are MEANINGLESS to a business operating in a foreign jurisdiction, which only needs to comply with laws in its home country.

You do realize that the company you are paying for VPN service has access to your unecrypted traffic, right?

You do realize that your ISP is recording every website you visit, right? Is that your definition of "trust"? This is mandatory in the UK, Australia, and Europe with data retention laws. You do realize this information can and will be used against you for alleged thought crimes, right? Happening in the UK and Australia right now. If you visit "extremist" sites you can go to jail in the UK. With a VPN, you are distributing that trust to an offshore VPN service operating in an independent jurisdiction. So who the fuck would you trust: your home telecom company that's in bed with the national surveillance agencies or a proven no-logs VPN service in an overseas jurisdiction that isn't subject to gag orders? Easy fucking decision.

Do you really think the five eyes are so inept that they wouldn't setup numerous VPN companies

Facts or shut the fuck up. There are easily over 300 VPN services operating all over the world. If you want to talk about a honeypot, look into Tor. But don't try to tell me every VPN is somehow under the control of the NSA. This is conspiracy bullshit. Take it somewhere else. Besides, if you're really are worried, then chain different VPNs together using virtual machines. You don't have to put all your eggs in one basket.

KosherMedia ago

If you are going to address me point by point, would you care to present arguments instead of emotional lashings?

Absolute worst advice ever. With this setup your traffic is not getting mixed with other users and you'll stand out like a soar thumb.

Well you dishonestly took it out of context and assumed I was talking about for anonymity, which I wasn't.

A "gag order" from a US court is applicable to US companies, not an offshore VPN provider. Are you just really stupid or trying to spread disinformation? You think a gag order in the US or UK or Australia can be slapped on a private company on the other side of the world? That's not how it works. The US government could go after a datacenter in Texas where a VPN server is rented, sure. Then the offshore VPN might lose one of their servers. But National Security Letters, gag orders, and any other legal actions are MEANINGLESS to a business operating in a foreign jurisdiction, which only needs to comply with laws in its home country.

If you think we aren't globalist in all but name, I've got news for ya. Do you even know what five eyes is?

You do realize that your ISP is recording every website you visit, right?

Yes, I said as much. Why are all of your arguments dishonest and emotional? Are you even a real voater?

Facts or shut the fuck up. There are easily over 300 VPN services operating all over the world. If you want to talk about a honeypot, look into Tor. But don't try to tell me every VPN is somehow under the control of the NSA. This is conspiracy bullshit. Take it somewhere else. Besides, if you're really are worried, then chain different VPNs together using virtual machines. You don't have to put all your eggs in one basket.

This is what someone would say about USA's spy program prior to Ed Snowden. "STFU, they wouldn't do that, this is conspiracy bullshit." Do you have any idea how dumb that sounds? Anyone who could think for themselves could reason out that the five eyes has an interest in controlling VPN's, and likewise, it isn't that hard to do by setting up propped up honeypots and by hacking the remaining "honest" VPNs. Through these measures it is entirely possible to control the majority of popular VPN offerings. Call it conspiracy bullshit all you want, but there is a motive and a means and our enemies stop at nothing.

I see only one of two possibilities for you, you are either one of them, or you are a complete and utter moron.

I concede that you made one somewhat valid point, and that is, yes, if you live in a country where thought crime is a thing, it would be a good idea to make some attempt at covering your tracks if you wish to commit a thought crime. That much is common sense but I didn't cover it in my initial comment. Even a pozzed VPN would be effective for this because they aren't going to burn a controlled VPN over someone saying nigger on the internet.

mad_saxon ago

You were wrong. You admitted I was right. "muh Snowden" does not prove "Five Eyes" controls the entire world of VPNs you dumb nigger faggot. Chaining multiple VPN services through VMs will absolutely give you online anonymity. Go back to reddit.

KosherMedia ago

Someone as dishonest and emotional as you is more likely to be the nigger faggot by all metrics. I just now saw your earlier comment, that VPNs "makes you anonymous online." You are either an idiot or actively trying to harm Voaters, no other way about it.

mad_saxon ago

And you still haven't proven a damn thing. "muh Snowden" is not an argument. As I said before, facts or shut the fuck up.

mad_saxon ago

No worries, I got a bit animated, but the main thing is this: shitposters in Australia, UK, Europe, etc. are better off with a reputable no logs VPN than giving everything to their ISP. In fact, everyone on Voat should probably be using a VPN or Tor. That is the only point I was trying to make.

Commie_Meta ago

But don't try to tell me every VPN is somehow under the control of the NSA.

They don't need to control them, just observe them. Traffic analysis can be used to create a fingerprint for each information exchange over your ISP. The fingerprint would consist of < 50 bytes of data for each web page fetch, so it is not burdensome. They merely have to install a fingerprinting snooper at each ISP and VPN to learn who is viewing which websites.

It gets worse. For select hotspot websites, they can analyze things to find out, for example, which exchange fingerprints would have been generated by a user's commenting session. The website doesn't even have to be public. They just have to compromise a single user to link website accounts with ISP subscribers.

Do not underestimate the spooks. They have been in this business since before most of our parents were born. For example, Germany was severely weakened in WWII because they had a habit of starting encrypted telegrams with "HEIL HITLER." That predictable pattern was enough to greatly weaken their ciphers.

mad_saxon ago

Good points, but traffic analysis can be seriously mitigated by using a multi-hop VPN setup, virtual machines, chaining servers, etc. Not simple, but definitely manageable. Yes, it depends on your adversary. If the NSA wants to target your ass for surveillance, good luck. But for the average shitposter on Voat, a basic VPN that will keep your ISP from snooping your data and handing it over to authorities will do the trick.

elitch2 ago

You better hope we sort this shit out before we reach the gulag stage, buddy.

Your attitude is like,"Why would I wear a condom while fucking this Hatian whore? I'm going to die someday, anyhow.".

So stupid.

Charlez6 ago

If we reach that point, some edgy internet comments will be the least of our worries.

I've done nothing wrong or illegal. Heil Mr Tarrant.

elitch2 ago

Either you are a shill, or a retard.

Good luck.

blackwithhiv ago

bring it on!

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

No, not stupid, just done being a cucked bitch in a closed-loop feedback system.

If it weren't for feckless pussies like you and ZenAthiest, we'd have had dozens of Brenton's by now. But you bitches lack the fucking spine to stand up and say, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!".

You're just spineless bitches until you stop fearing them.

elitch2 ago

What kind of chairs are you guys using these days?

ThyCultOfQ ago

Hiding is for cowards.

Come gulag me bro.

elitch2 ago

You're right!

I'm going to stop using basic internet security SOP.

I'm going to advertise to all the alphabet agencies exactly who I am, where I am, and what I think!

Like a man!

A retarded, double digit IQ man. But a man!

Fuck off.

ThyCultOfQ ago

They would already know if they wanted to. You have made your own hardware to prevent backdoors haven't you? Oh right of course not... your_IQ != >100

elitch2 ago

Found the fed.

Tallest_Skil ago

They know who you are already. They also don’t care. They’re going to kill you no matter what website you visit. Don’t waste your life.

drstrangegov ago

But not you?

Tallest_Skil ago

  1. Plural ‘you’ as long as the you is white.
  2. Oh, I’m wasting it, all right.

drstrangegov ago

They'll only win if you let the fire die. Stop pissing on it, and get ANGRY.

Civil_Warrior ago

Part and fucking parcel mate!!

mad_saxon ago

Yep! But a VPN is the easy solution for getting around any blocks. Also internet providers are recording browsing history, and this is being used in court cases as evidence in some countries - see UK for example. A VPN conceals everything from your ISP and gives you instant access to anything getting blocked. Worth the money.

OfficerDarrenWilson ago

just changing your DNS provider is an even easier fix. free too, takes 2 minutes.

wakkablam ago

DNS is unencrypted in almost 100% of cases, so it is still possible for your ISP to see you DNS traffic, unless you route it through a VPN. Using a different DNS will do for getting around questionable bans, but if e.g. you are in a repressive government state and you require access to controversial material, only the VPN will save you.

johnmclean ago

which one do you use.? and does sites like 4chan block it?

7x17 ago

I use, very decent.

LazyJello8 ago

lol have fun paying for a service to get something that your service provider should provide and not block.. what a bunch of cucked cunts telstra are..

Monsterdewo ago

I don't think $3/month is that much for a good VPN that keeps no logs and shows torrenting.

LazyJello8 ago

Any amount per month is too much. I guess you missed my point.

You shouldnt have to pay for a service so you can access a websitr that ghe original service decided to block.

Monsterdewo ago

Right, or because you don't want to be tracked abs monetized. I get it, but that's the world we live in today. Until something changes, VPN is the way to go.

Traveler ago

until they're also criminalized?

cthulian_axioms ago

The instant that law passes, there will be a collective screech of pain in every Wall Street boardroom which will shatter both windows and skulls as the VPN access is cut off. Large sections of the world economy will then implode, causing many billions of loss. SO MANY BILLIONS.

The powers that be are aware of this, and this scenario does not produce a desirable outcome for them. If it did, they would have done it already.

Fullmetal ago

Somebody will just come up with some other bullshit that offers equivalent functionality, and call it something different.

Turn_Coat ago

You can't criminalize encryption.

random128dsf321 ago

coming soon. Every country is going to have their own walled internet - like china.

Dededed ago

Oh no. We're not like China. That's a totalitarian government. We're doing it to keep the people safe. /s

mad_saxon ago

Not going to happen. Businesses use VPNs every day. You can't criminalize encryption or VPNs. Even in China, where they actively try to block VPNs, many VPNs still work and it's not illegal to use them.

Dededed ago

They'll want a back door. The legislation is there now to all it.

mad_saxon ago

Australia can't force a backdoor with a VPN provider located in an overseas jurisdiction, i.e. Panama. Not going to happen. This is why VPNs operate in overseas jurisdictions: accountable to no one.

elitch2 ago

That's why you use a VPN hosted in a friendly legal environment.

Monsterdewo ago

Or they'll ban it for noncommercial use and everyone will just create shell corporations to circumvent it.

mgtow_refugee ago

It's only a matter of time before they start blocking known VPN IP's. Somethings going to have to kick off soon with the rate they are censoring us.

cthulian_axioms ago

I've run into some of this behavior already. All sorts of American news pages will throw a "blocked because muh GDPR" page when using PIA European exit nodes. One solution to this problem is not to be for use European exit nodes.

As for blocking known VPN IP addys: VPN exit servers don't usually change addresses, but they certainly could be changed, and those changes could, in theory, be sent free of charge to customers who've bought a subscription to the VPN service. Such a thing would not be very hard to do.

The more enthusiastic among us can also obfuscate ur fuckin VPN traffic over TCP and port 443 to look like standard SSL, ya n00b
This is not difficult either


mad_saxon ago

What are you talking about? An ISP doesn't rely on IPs to block VPNs, but rather deep packet inspection. But even then, there are easy solutions such as obfuscating VPN traffic over TCP and port 443 to look like standard SSL. China has been working to block VPNs for years, but VPNs are still getting through. VPN technology adapts to the changing environment.

Gadsden ago

Yeah, it'll become a tiresome game of cat and mouse.

I don't know if they'd block based on packet inspection. That's going to be expensive as hell for that amount of traffic.

It is fairly easy to get around blocks, but only for people who understand more than simply installing a program on their computers.

mgtow_refugee ago

Blocking VPNs Is Easy

It’s common for websites to locate and track users based on their IP addresses. IP tracking is an easy way to increase account security, build targeted advertisements, and show users different content depending on the country in which they live. This practice of IP tracking is one of the main reasons why people use VPN services, but it’s also the reason why blocking VPN access to a website is so easy.

A VPN service owns a limited number of IP addresses. And since most VPN servers use IPv4 (an outdated IP address protocol), it’s difficult to generate unique IP addresses, and a pool of subscribers are often sharing the same IP addresses for months or years at a time. Websites that want to blacklist VPNs simply need to use services like ipinfo to block IP addresses that have been used by multiple different users.

Listen here you fucking nigger. You sound smart and all? But you will be trumped by easily accessible info everytime, dipshit. So what the fuck are YOU talking about?

mad_saxon ago

Do you know the difference between an individual website blocking IP addresses used by a VPN provider and VPNs getting mass-blocked on a country-wide level? I was referring to the latter, and there are easy solutions for that with obfuscation. Regarding the former, simply cycle through different IP addresses until you find one that isn't blocked. This is not rocket science. Sounds like you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, but good job on the google search and your little quote.

mgtow_refugee ago

Regarding the former, simply cycle through different IP addresses until you find one that isn't blocked

Try that on /pol on 4chan. Let me know how simple it is. You're being an arrogant gay little homo, dude. (((They))) don't need to block you at the ISP level. They can leverage a website and force you into the open to exercise your free speech.

mad_saxon ago

It is very simple, actually. I take it you have never used a VPN?

mgtow_refugee ago

EDIT: I honestly have no idea what you're talking about when you say "They can leverage a website and force you into the open" .... what the fuck?

Because you're an idiot.

mgtow_refugee ago

I'm using one now. And no, it's not. Try it on pol

mad_saxon ago

Which VPN are you using? Where is it getting blocked? Why would they block VPN IP addresses? Are you saying the jews at 4chan are blocking VPN IP addresses to get people to turn off their VPNs and be de-anonymized? I don't understand.

mgtow_refugee ago

Did you try it? You would understand if you had an IQ above 90

mad_saxon ago

Not blocked on my VPN faggot. You either have a shitty VPN that has been banned by many websites, or you are just a dumb nigger. Probably both.

mgtow_refugee ago

What's your vpn, faggot? Let us test your claim?

mad_saxon ago

mgtow_refugee ago

I'm not gonna spend 9 bucks just to test your lies. I'll just have to assume you are lying though.

mad_saxon ago

Good idea.

mgtow_refugee ago

Thanks for admitting the lie I guess.

Hand_of_Node ago

9 bucks just to test

Is this the impasse, or will we find out who was right?


mgtow_refugee ago

He claimed VPN tech stays ahead of the game. I using a payed VPN and all 20 something of the IP's are blocked on 4chan. I really doubt he's being truthful.

Hand_of_Node ago

Oh, you're in a place that's blocking 4chan, and even your VPN won't get through? I actually don't know enough about the tech to know if that's the only reason. I recently took someones advice on here to change my DNS settings, as none of the archive sites (.is, .fo, etc) would do anything but an error page. Could it be a DNS issue instead of the VPN failing?

mgtow_refugee ago

Not blocking the site, just the site itself blocking my VPN IP's from commenting. Which was my entire point I was getting at with mad sax. Websites can see VPN traffic and can prevent you from participating in free speech if unless you expose yourself.

Hand_of_Node ago

Websites can see VPN traffic

And they know it's a VPN because of the address blocks they all typically use?

This is starting to remind me of the sites I used to use 15 years ago to create alt accounts on mmo games. I don't think they were called a VPN, exactly, but it was like a pass-though site. You'd paste your account address on that site, then connect though to your account as a unique user. There were lists of hundreds of them, you'd often have to go though a shitload of them before finding one that wasn't already blocked.

Ah, proxy sites. Apparently lists of those would circulate and they'd get blocked.

mgtow_refugee ago

what's your vpn?

mgtow_refugee ago

Lmao fucking liar

mgtow_refugee ago

When did I specify between the two, retard?

mad_saxon ago


mgtow_refugee ago

That's usually what faggots write when proven wrong so good job. Have a nice day, idiot.

robot7247 ago

VPN rec?

blackzetsu ago

Using PIA from Australia right now bought it today cos of this bulshit, used it before as well..

Master_Admin ago

I would highly recommend PIA. Absolute minimal data recording and you can pay for access using nondescript methods like a Subway gift card. Here's there page on logging

spiceymeme ago

US based honeypot

Master_Admin ago

Says the 3 day old account 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱👃👃👃🤫🤫🤫😎

spiceymeme ago

Says the third or fourth account I've had here guy...

edgydude69 ago

I’m using PIA to browse voat right now on a telstra phone. I wasn’t even aware there were issues...

MuricaPersonified ago

I like NordVPN, based out of panama and have very good features.

mad_saxon ago

I like VPNAC; they're in Romania. I'm seeing an ad for PrivateInternetAccess in the sidebar of Voat now. They're pretty good, but PIA based in the US, which means they can be forced to log your data and give it to FBI.

SporadicSpasms ago

...they can be forced to log your data and give it to FBI.

While they can be forced to turn over any logs they keep, they can't be forced to log your data. (At least not yet.) PIA as consistently claimed that they DO NOT log any user data.

The real issue is organizations like the NSA actually hacking into a VPN provider and monitoring users. Of course, since it's the NSA they can do it to ANY VPN—regardless of which country the company happens to be located. People thinking they are safe because they're using a non-US based VPN are deluding themselves.

mad_saxon ago

US-based IPVanish cooperated with the FBI, despite them being a "no logs" vpn. look into it.

SporadicSpasms ago

Every VPN I looked into disclosed that they always cooperate to the full extent of the law—regardless of the country they're located within. The real issue is: Do they keep logs? If not then there is nothing for the FBI to find. (Unless, of course, they are actually keeping logs.)

Regardless, if something is being logged then it is being shared by all the global intelligence agencies (Research: Five Eyes). People are fooling themselves if they think a "foreign" government is going to protect their privacy.

There is no rule of law anymore—if there ever really was any. If somebody with enough 'clout' wants your ass they are going to go after you—even if you dindu nuffin. These people/organizations can easily create an artificial digital footprint of you to put you in the right place at the wrong time. They can conjure up video footage of you doing something and placing you at the scene. If done right, they will have created such an overwhelming amount of data that you will not be able to refute their narrative.

All that being said I've been using different VPN providers for the past decade.

blackzetsu ago

Yet they couldn't do that to Trump...

Pattern_Blind ago

VPN and Tor browser it.

Dailystormer and other sites have been saying for a while we need to start using VPN and Tor browsers. To avoid communication disruptions during major events so we can nake sure our information, hive mind and points of view are disseminated when they need to be.

Turn_Coat ago

It bothers me that the daily stormer blocks my vpn, making accessing their site difficult.

Pattern_Blind ago

Don’t give up, focus your lightsaber. Avoid “Traps”.

Kr1ll1nX ago

TOR is not a viable solution, and has been a honeypot for quite some time.

elitch2 ago

100% funded by the US Navy.

Rajadog20 ago

Who browses without VPN??

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

I do. I dont give a fuck. Nothing to lose, apart from money, which even though i have plenty of, i consider pointless and worthless since i became Jew aware. I cant fanthom having dirty paper money, i just use cards these days.

Everyone i know, knows my stance on the Jews and other subhumans, those who dont agree with my stance...well, i just cut them off.

When (((they))) kick in my front door, we'll have some fun, i guess.

ThyCultOfQ ago

People who don't give a fuck... people who stand by their words... list goes on

elitch2 ago

People with an IQ ~100

You're just being stupid.

ThyCultOfQ ago

Coward. Say what you think and stand by it like a man.

elitch2 ago

What the fuck are you babbling about?

ThyCultOfQ ago

Say what you think and stand by it like a man you coward.

elitch2 ago

You are calling idiocy "bravery"?

Also, in English you end a sentence with ".".

ThyCultOfQ ago

Arhhhh... the little man is scared of the big bad gulag. Muh vpn will save muh despite muh hardware backdoors. Grow a pair and stand by your words or fuck off and be useless elsewhere.

elitch2 ago

Good luck with that.

billyvvinz ago


elitch2 ago

No, I get your point. It's just so fucking stupid, I was giving you a chance to reconsider your idiocy.

billyvvinz ago

Wasn't my point, I'm just an impartial observer.

i_scream_trucks ago

i dont go anywhere or say anything that i wouldnt be happy standing in front of a judge and admitting to so i really dont give a single fuck.

Redcobra ago

To be fair your not very controversial

i_scream_trucks ago

that kind of depends on your point of view. I just tend to stay away from subs with shit that i know im going to fire up about... but if i 'nigger/faggot/kiked' on social media as much as i do here i would have been lynched years ago.

i do have a life and career i value, so i try not to stir up too much shit and im careful with certain details and sometimes i do actually hold back. I dont however, delete posts unless its instantly after ive posted it and realise ive fucked up. even if im wrong it more often results in a strikethrough and a 'well, shit....' im just not wrong often :P

Redcobra ago

Ya all good just saying

ThyCultOfQ ago


i_scream_trucks ago



i_scream_trucks ago

Change the DNS settings. Telstra are retarded.

jetztisterhalthier ago

They're not retarded. Blocking at the DNS level is the simplest way to do it, and it will be effective for like 98% of users who have no idea how to get around it.

i_scream_trucks ago

the people who are inclined to want to get around that shit, generally already do.

Gadsden ago

And they could simply redirect all DNS queries to their local DNS.

jetztisterhalthier ago

That too. Unless you're using DNS over TLS/HTTPS or another encrypted DNS service.

Kalergi ago

I use IP adresses exclusively. I have a pornographic memory, am excellent driver, get my underwear from K-Mart.

Girthcontrol ago

pornographic memory

That must be inconvenient when you're remembering family members

Turnagain ago

So, Voat is blocked in Oz but I'm fairly confident that porn is still available.

ardvarcus ago

Porn is control -- the leftist elite use porn to control you; the free exchange of information and opinions is dangerous to them.

Tiptop88 ago

You can get free porn in Palestine. Porn is a weapon the jew uses to pacify you.

InternationalGoy ago

Are porn sites going to be our meet up place if Voat gets taken down?


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ChiCom ago

Porn movies with encoded messages will be the only post-Orwell form of free speech lol

KosherMedia ago

The Nice Guys wasn't as bad of a film as I thought it was going to be.

Monsterdewo ago

PornHub already gets full movies on their site.

ThyCultOfQ ago

LOL... they'll destroy the no-fap movement by having us meet on pornsites... the bastards!!!

Linkmyboy ago

Probably just via DNS holing, No dramas using non-isp dns servers.

fightknightHERO ago

it's easier to get funding to (((porn))) than free speech websites these days