Sweet1001 ago

See the world's smallest dog even you can't believe how small he is


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NumbDigger ago

Nice work. All comments deleted by the time I checked.

Rotteuxx ago

Account deleted

MadWorld ago

For future reference: https://files.catbox.moe/z9r2h6.pdf

Rotteuxx ago

Awesome !

This is a great way of keep records on these faggots.

combatveteran ago

There are also 3-year-old shill accounts trying to find common cause with a Muslim problem:


Thatsmybutthole ago

I only made this account because I lost my password to my account u/witchy_woahman

Not a shill go- i mean fellow whites

MadWorld ago

He did have a 7-hour break window. This kind of puts the timezone into Asia.

Dellingr ago

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 is a shill account too. They spout off about the hall of cost and call you a jew nomatter what and 3 comments later their programming switches and they're yelling anti-vax stuff like that's what you were talking about the whole time and nothing happened. Must only have a few programmed responses

contrarianism ago

Seems like a bot, or at least bot assisted

BillyLuath ago

I'd say time stamps are a pretty good indicator of suspicious accounts.

If a poster doesn't take a normal sleep break in a 48 hour period, then it's may indicate there's more than one person posting that account.

PsyOp ago

My first encounter with this account was about 3 hours ago...I simply commented '(((InternationalGoy)))' to his OP.

Shekelsteinblatt ago

He wasn't posting non-stop for 2 days like you said. Nor were the posts all 20 minutes apart. See: https://voat.co/u/InternationalGoy/comments?page=5 regarding the comment where he links a video with "enhanced audio", there was a period where there was a post 1 time in that 2 hour time-span, and 2 hours of which were him likely fucking with the audio. That reeks of genuine.

Also, I will add, it takes one to know one. Projection and all that, skunk smells his own hole first...

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Same habits as someone else we know

CameraCode ago

That's another great indicator. A brand new account who already knows exactly how to game the voat system, get max upvoats, and acts as if they have been here for months or years, because they likely have.

2fast4u92 ago

Not just new accounts. There are plenty of shills who have been here for a long time and only a few of us who mostly came from the heavily shilled Chans have spotted them. They are mostly Blackpill shills. They "nice post" super generic shit to keep their ccp up and look legit, but throw in seeds of doubt and despair whenever, for example, someone comes up with a good idea to spread the message beyond this site or IRL. Their job is to keep this place a circle jerk that accomplishes nothing. When you call them out on their BS they claim you are a liar and ask for proof after proof after proof, just hoping you submit something with one error they can use to discredit your entire statement. Tallest Shill is a fine example of this.

Rotteuxx ago

I've had my doubts about him but my opinion atm is that he's just truly autistic. I've rarely seen anyone prove him wrong with facts, I've taken the time to explore some of his claims like Trumps wall building only bring renos of existing segments or that he has lower deportation numbers than Obama and he was right even though he was being called a shill for it. Not saying he's always right, but he is more often than not.

People don't like black pills because it fucks with their confirmation bias addiction.

2fast4u92 ago

Of course not. He deletes his comments when you defeat him and then denies ever having the conversation. He also claims to have "proven you wrong" by stating his opinion, and ignores any requests for proof on his part. If you follow his strategy it's basically exactly how Hitler describes Jewish argument in MK to the letter. Blatantly obvious once you connect the dots.

Bfwilley ago

Well Duh!

PoundSign_999 ago

"48 hours non-stop commenting." - has anyone considered cocaine? Or pear halves it was his/her first beer...

NotHereForPizza ago

Step one: create a problem.

Step two: construct a fix/solution to said problem.

Step three: promote your ability to find a solution for future problems.

Step four: repeat steps 1-3.

You guys all fall for the same shit over and over...

Also, for a bunch of people that want to send their message far and wide and "redpill as many as possible", you disallow expansion to new minds when you berate some one for being new. This conveys to outside eyes that you're a containment zone not mean to expand and only to fence in weak minds that aren't sure how to break out of the fence.

You're childish fools and your wits seem not to ever have been about you.

Hand_of_Node ago

for being new.

Reread the post.

Amphiprion ago

People aren't being berated for being new, they are berated for being new and attempting to take over.

XSS1337 ago

Join the S@DS squad and do your part in outing the glow in the dark niggers TODAY!!!

jollux ago

you niggers just glow for free

XSS1337 ago

6 month old account everybody

jollux ago

hey what the fuck you don't even post in sbbh

what did you mean by s@ds? I thought you meant sbbh or sdbh

Tranix ago

synonymous with the 'ant right'.

Found the Dvorak user?

Tranix ago

Age of the account tells you nothing

blumen4alles ago

It tells you how old the account is.

Tranix ago

And also how long ago the account was created

Adminstrater ago

Also, telling you how much time has past since when the user first joined.

XSS1337 ago

Go the fuck back to reddit.

HitlerDinduNufin ago

They aren't really people.

sguevar ago

Nice catch.

Rotteuxx ago

I called him out this morning and he never replied, in my experience shills will either go full retard or avoid replying when called out. The later is to avoid digging a hole they can't get out of.

Stayedclassy ago

If she/he didn't work for the communists that shill would be fired for doing such a bad job.

olinneserpona ago

I'll be damned, yesterday I saw his handle for the 20th time and decided to look at his profile. It was 1,5 days old, many kek comments, +20 posts/submissions and 200+ comment karma. He was typing as if he has always been around Voat, uses plebbit spacing and the amount of comment made me think he is either on speed or more than one person uses the account. It great to see you calling it out, because I'm just too much of a pussy to make a post about it.

@lets_get_hyyerr Over the years I've read some guides on how to spot shills, but never quite understood it or been able to use apply the knowledge. It feels great reading your post knowing this guy made me suspicious. Ego tripping right now.

ShitonVoat ago

Voat is so low tier it's not even funny, its actually kind of cute. the best shill accounts are the ones that no one suspects. top level accounts over 3 years old, not 2 day half assed bullshit that anyone with a healthy sense of skepticism could dismantle in half an hour. OP is a tryhard faggot.

olinneserpona ago

It's nice for us who has little to none experience in spotting shills to see our suspicion isn't unfounded. Baby's first steps.

collegetoker ago

You mean like tendiesonthefloor?

olinneserpona ago

violent accelerationism with no plan is suspect.

What's your take on accelerationism with a plan, and are you referring to a plan on how to manage the acceleration or a plan for the aftermath? I'm 100% for accelerationism since I don't see a political solution and a war with Islam is inevitable. Been fairly vocal about it too and I am 100% guilty of not having a plan on how to manage acceleration.

Boyakasha ago

Aren’t words like faggot hurtful to your liberal/beta sensibilities?

TheSeer ago

Damn rootless cosmopolitans.

materialismo ago

Er... I did the same thing. Except all I did was comment the MLG version of the new zealand thing https://voat.co/v/news/3096459

WatchRyder ago

The brazen / chutzpah of the pseudo-Jewy name is interesting as well.

CameraCode ago

Really? I've noticed it's really common for them to pick names with "goy" or "Hitler" or "White" to fit in and try to appear less suspicious. They have obviously copied it from existing popular accounts. It also has the benefit for them of making us more suspicious of genuine goats who do have those words in their name. Spread chaos and confusion.

Goys-R-Us ago

Sure thing Schlomo.

TheSeer ago

Chutzpah still surprises us? What next, we will be shocked at disinfo that inverts the truth?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago


Privacy_Terms ago

1488! Hitler Didn't Do Anything Wrong! Racewar Now!! Kek!

They really do believe that the free thinkers are all a of a hive mind like them.

Still waiting for the promised expose' by Millie Weaver who had some people infiltrate what she called "A Leftist Troll Farm" and said their orders were to create "Alt Right" accounts and shit in the pool and stir it up on various sites.Said she was going to have the full report ready Monday. Listened to David Knight yesterday and she was not on there. Was not up to dosing on AJ, not sure if she appeared or not.

Shekelsteinblatt ago

Hello OP,

He wasn't posting non-stop for 2 days like you said. Nor were the posts all 20 minutes apart. See: https://voat.co/u/InternationalGoy/comments?page=5 regarding the comment where he links a video with "enhanced audio", there was a period where there was a post 1 time in that 2 hour time-span, and 2 hours of which were him likely fucking with the audio. That reeks of genuine.

Also, I will add, it takes one to know one. Projection and all that, skunk smells his own hole first... Maybe you're a 3.7 yo plant who is trying to sow division and turn away new users. How about that one?

Perhaps the guy got informed about the mosque video and decided to check out Voat because it was name-dropped in the media. A /pol/ guy. If you're going to charge someone with malice, then you better be honest about it. Your times are fucked up.

Kalergi ago

Hi, jack.

The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies


WhitePaladin ago

You have a keen eye my friend.

Cynabuns ago

This kind of activity of the user you've mentioned sure gets old in a hurry :(