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ZenAtheist ago

Holy shit, dude... are you accessing Voat on a cell network in a 5 eyes country without a VPN?

They're keeping records at the ISP level. You should try to stay ahead of the curve. Sure, a VPN isn't a magic panacea, but it masks your IP from these fuckers.

Charlez6 ago

Who cares? What am I guilty of?

Regardless, may as well embrace it now! I'm Aussie, I'm White, I want my grandchildren to live in peace and prosperity so fuck anyone who wants to condemn me for that. Deport kebab!

mad_saxon ago

Brother, there's no sense giving them evidence that they'll use against you. A VPN covers your tracks, encrypts everything, and makes you anonymous online.

Charlez6 ago

I've got no interest in committing violence or doing anything illegal. If they want to know who j am, I've been here for years so I'm sure they could prove it 100% in court by now.

Who cares? It's actually quite liberating knowing I can freely speak my mind and there's nothing that they can do. I'm a decent, peaceful person, why should I hide in fear?

Turn_Coat ago

You're a sane white man. That alone is dangerous enough to warrant their attention.b Any sane white man living in the west will inexorably be drawn to violence against the corrupt system.

Gadsden ago

If someone decides they don't like one thing you say, then they can use everything else you say to paint a picture of you. It's called "building a case". Best to not give them any materials to build with.

I'm like you. I don't plan on doing anything violent, but I have a lot of shit for the SHTF scenario that they could easily make me out to be something I'm not by divulging that I have instructions/books/videos on making shit that's considered illegal.

So, all that shit is on encrypted HDD's, and downloaded with encrypted VPN's, etc.

Probably never be bothered, but better safe than sorry.

Monsterdewo ago

When those in power disagree with your views, they will move to make those views illegal. What is fine to say today could very well get you arrested tomorrow.

Tiptop88 ago

If you think a VPN keeps you safe, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

mad_saxon ago

A free VPN is not safe, of course. But if you aren't using a VPN, your internet provider is recording everything you do. This can and will be used against you. Why give them that data?

KosherMedia ago

You are just changing the party you blindly trust. You do realize that the company you are paying for VPN service has access to your unecrypted traffic, right?

Do you really think the five eyes are so inept that they wouldn't setup numerous VPN companies and use taxpayer stolen money to make them the most successful/promoted options? Do you really think they wouldn't attack and control any of the remaining competition? How many "honest" VPN owners are going to be willing to violate gag orders and get kimdotcom'd?

VPNs are good for bypassing region blocks and preventing copyright infringement complaints from reaching your ISP account. Not much else. Anyone who tells you otherwise doesn't know what they are talking about.

mad_saxon ago

use a home VPN

Absolute worst advice ever. With this setup your traffic is not getting mixed with other users and you'll stand out like a soar thumb.

How many "honest" VPN owners are going to be willing to violate gag orders and get kimdotcom'd?

A "gag order" from a US court is applicable to US companies, not an offshore VPN provider. Are you just really stupid or trying to spread disinformation? You think a gag order in the US or UK or Australia can be slapped on a private company on the other side of the world? That's not how it works. The US government could go after a datacenter in Texas where a VPN server is rented, sure. Then the offshore VPN might lose one of their servers. But National Security Letters, gag orders, and any other legal actions are MEANINGLESS to a business operating in a foreign jurisdiction, which only needs to comply with laws in its home country.

You do realize that the company you are paying for VPN service has access to your unecrypted traffic, right?

You do realize that your ISP is recording every website you visit, right? Is that your definition of "trust"? This is mandatory in the UK, Australia, and Europe with data retention laws. You do realize this information can and will be used against you for alleged thought crimes, right? Happening in the UK and Australia right now. If you visit "extremist" sites you can go to jail in the UK. With a VPN, you are distributing that trust to an offshore VPN service operating in an independent jurisdiction. So who the fuck would you trust: your home telecom company that's in bed with the national surveillance agencies or a proven no-logs VPN service in an overseas jurisdiction that isn't subject to gag orders? Easy fucking decision.

Do you really think the five eyes are so inept that they wouldn't setup numerous VPN companies

Facts or shut the fuck up. There are easily over 300 VPN services operating all over the world. If you want to talk about a honeypot, look into Tor. But don't try to tell me every VPN is somehow under the control of the NSA. This is conspiracy bullshit. Take it somewhere else. Besides, if you're really are worried, then chain different VPNs together using virtual machines. You don't have to put all your eggs in one basket.

KosherMedia ago

If you are going to address me point by point, would you care to present arguments instead of emotional lashings?

Absolute worst advice ever. With this setup your traffic is not getting mixed with other users and you'll stand out like a soar thumb.

Well you dishonestly took it out of context and assumed I was talking about for anonymity, which I wasn't.

A "gag order" from a US court is applicable to US companies, not an offshore VPN provider. Are you just really stupid or trying to spread disinformation? You think a gag order in the US or UK or Australia can be slapped on a private company on the other side of the world? That's not how it works. The US government could go after a datacenter in Texas where a VPN server is rented, sure. Then the offshore VPN might lose one of their servers. But National Security Letters, gag orders, and any other legal actions are MEANINGLESS to a business operating in a foreign jurisdiction, which only needs to comply with laws in its home country.

If you think we aren't globalist in all but name, I've got news for ya. Do you even know what five eyes is?

You do realize that your ISP is recording every website you visit, right?

Yes, I said as much. Why are all of your arguments dishonest and emotional? Are you even a real voater?

Facts or shut the fuck up. There are easily over 300 VPN services operating all over the world. If you want to talk about a honeypot, look into Tor. But don't try to tell me every VPN is somehow under the control of the NSA. This is conspiracy bullshit. Take it somewhere else. Besides, if you're really are worried, then chain different VPNs together using virtual machines. You don't have to put all your eggs in one basket.

This is what someone would say about USA's spy program prior to Ed Snowden. "STFU, they wouldn't do that, this is conspiracy bullshit." Do you have any idea how dumb that sounds? Anyone who could think for themselves could reason out that the five eyes has an interest in controlling VPN's, and likewise, it isn't that hard to do by setting up propped up honeypots and by hacking the remaining "honest" VPNs. Through these measures it is entirely possible to control the majority of popular VPN offerings. Call it conspiracy bullshit all you want, but there is a motive and a means and our enemies stop at nothing.

I see only one of two possibilities for you, you are either one of them, or you are a complete and utter moron.

I concede that you made one somewhat valid point, and that is, yes, if you live in a country where thought crime is a thing, it would be a good idea to make some attempt at covering your tracks if you wish to commit a thought crime. That much is common sense but I didn't cover it in my initial comment. Even a pozzed VPN would be effective for this because they aren't going to burn a controlled VPN over someone saying nigger on the internet.

mad_saxon ago

You were wrong. You admitted I was right. "muh Snowden" does not prove "Five Eyes" controls the entire world of VPNs you dumb nigger faggot. Chaining multiple VPN services through VMs will absolutely give you online anonymity. Go back to reddit.

KosherMedia ago

Someone as dishonest and emotional as you is more likely to be the nigger faggot by all metrics. I just now saw your earlier comment, that VPNs "makes you anonymous online." You are either an idiot or actively trying to harm Voaters, no other way about it.

mad_saxon ago

And you still haven't proven a damn thing. "muh Snowden" is not an argument. As I said before, facts or shut the fuck up.

mad_saxon ago

No worries, I got a bit animated, but the main thing is this: shitposters in Australia, UK, Europe, etc. are better off with a reputable no logs VPN than giving everything to their ISP. In fact, everyone on Voat should probably be using a VPN or Tor. That is the only point I was trying to make.

Commie_Meta ago

But don't try to tell me every VPN is somehow under the control of the NSA.

They don't need to control them, just observe them. Traffic analysis can be used to create a fingerprint for each information exchange over your ISP. The fingerprint would consist of < 50 bytes of data for each web page fetch, so it is not burdensome. They merely have to install a fingerprinting snooper at each ISP and VPN to learn who is viewing which websites.

It gets worse. For select hotspot websites, they can analyze things to find out, for example, which exchange fingerprints would have been generated by a user's commenting session. The website doesn't even have to be public. They just have to compromise a single user to link website accounts with ISP subscribers.

Do not underestimate the spooks. They have been in this business since before most of our parents were born. For example, Germany was severely weakened in WWII because they had a habit of starting encrypted telegrams with "HEIL HITLER." That predictable pattern was enough to greatly weaken their ciphers.

mad_saxon ago

Good points, but traffic analysis can be seriously mitigated by using a multi-hop VPN setup, virtual machines, chaining servers, etc. Not simple, but definitely manageable. Yes, it depends on your adversary. If the NSA wants to target your ass for surveillance, good luck. But for the average shitposter on Voat, a basic VPN that will keep your ISP from snooping your data and handing it over to authorities will do the trick.