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ZenAtheist ago

Holy shit, dude... are you accessing Voat on a cell network in a 5 eyes country without a VPN?

They're keeping records at the ISP level. You should try to stay ahead of the curve. Sure, a VPN isn't a magic panacea, but it masks your IP from these fuckers.

Charlez6 ago

Who cares? What am I guilty of?

Regardless, may as well embrace it now! I'm Aussie, I'm White, I want my grandchildren to live in peace and prosperity so fuck anyone who wants to condemn me for that. Deport kebab!

mad_saxon ago

Brother, there's no sense giving them evidence that they'll use against you. A VPN covers your tracks, encrypts everything, and makes you anonymous online.

Charlez6 ago

I've got no interest in committing violence or doing anything illegal. If they want to know who j am, I've been here for years so I'm sure they could prove it 100% in court by now.

Who cares? It's actually quite liberating knowing I can freely speak my mind and there's nothing that they can do. I'm a decent, peaceful person, why should I hide in fear?

Turn_Coat ago

You're a sane white man. That alone is dangerous enough to warrant their attention.b Any sane white man living in the west will inexorably be drawn to violence against the corrupt system.

Gadsden ago

If someone decides they don't like one thing you say, then they can use everything else you say to paint a picture of you. It's called "building a case". Best to not give them any materials to build with.

I'm like you. I don't plan on doing anything violent, but I have a lot of shit for the SHTF scenario that they could easily make me out to be something I'm not by divulging that I have instructions/books/videos on making shit that's considered illegal.

So, all that shit is on encrypted HDD's, and downloaded with encrypted VPN's, etc.

Probably never be bothered, but better safe than sorry.

Monsterdewo ago

When those in power disagree with your views, they will move to make those views illegal. What is fine to say today could very well get you arrested tomorrow.