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lets_get_hyyerr ago

@InternationalGoy is a prime example of a Voat account that exhibits nothing but suspicious activity.

InternationalGoy joined Voat only 2 days ago. Right around the same time the mass shooting happened and when Voat was banned in NZ and AU. Coincidental to say the least. Over the course of 2 days, InternationalGoy has non-stop commented. They are making 1 comment on an average of every 10 - 20 minutes, non-stop for 48 hours.

If this were your average new Voat user, someone who wants to join the community and check it out, they would 110% most certainly not be commenting for 48 hours straight, on Voat of all websites too. You and me have lives to live, we wouldn't do that but not shills/JDIF.

You can view their rapid fire comments here -

Additionally, on top of that, they have submitted a historic amount of submissions to various subverses all over Voat. See here -

The only reason to be posting that many submissions and commenting that much, non-stop for 48 hours straight, is to farm SCP and CCP. New accounts can't downvote as you know so by spamming comments and links, they can gain as much karma as possible by unsuspecting users.

On top of rapidly commenting non-stop as if they were a robot and submitting links non-stop, they are also commenting in a way which they believe ill help them blend in. They add ((( ))) to random words, they abuse the word "KEK" (ACLU and other organizations have openly admitted they believe KEK is synonymous with the 'ant right'. InternationalGoy most likely abuses the word KEK to blend in with others) and speak in ways that are purely show they are acting.










they sure do love the word kek!

ALWAYS CHECK THE AGE OF AN ACCOUNT - You may find stuff like this

sheepsexplode ago

This is something that should send a flag to admin right away. Humanly impossible to post that must therefor has to be suspect.

Exceptions for our helper bots like @derram