SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @Climhazzard.

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TheBuddha ago

If someone responds to this, we will have 666 comments!

crazy_eyes ago

Maybe we should go for 777!

TheBuddha ago

We could!

crazy_eyes ago

We're getting pretty close

TheBuddha ago

I thought we might have a record, but I checked and @cynicaloldfart's archive says we once went over 800. I forget the exact number. I checked that this morning.

cynicaloldfart ago

In place for 3rd, maybe 2nd.

02-15-19 805/1146 (comment views)

09-14-18 757/418

TheBuddha ago

805 is pretty damned respectable, I think. That was right after valentines. It turns out we're not all hopeless romantics! Who knew!?!

crazy_eyes ago

We're not even close!

crazy_eyes ago

Was that the first sticky?

TheBuddha ago

Probably about the first, if not the first. I haven't gone to look. It's in the archive, if you're curious.

crazy_eyes ago

cool. I haven't looked at that for a month or so.

it looks like she's moving in today

TheBuddha ago

LOL Good luck!

crazy_eyes ago


Things are going to be a whole lot different for me around here from now on.

What have I done?

TheBuddha ago

Seeing as she now lives with you, I'm going to decline to answer that question!

crazy_eyes ago

Actually I am overjoyed.

I love it. I am super happy about this, other people, not so much.

Got one threat of suicide already, and that makes me think there might be some more excitement coming from her. But I dont think she's serious about suicide. Just trying to get attention.

The fun has just begun

TheBuddha ago

Well, I wish you the best of luck and I anticipate a variety of stories to come from this.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a story to share, soon enough. I let EH drive my 911 back from the store. We were seen by quite a few people. She was pretty pleased about this - and about being seen. She preened like a peacock.

I let a 16 year old girl drive my Porsche - when the missus isn't here and not even J is here.

I suspect tongues are going to wag. EH was quite overjoyed, 'cause some of her old schoolmates saw her.

Meh... I can weather the accusations, if there are any. Someone will tell me about the gossip.

crazy_eyes ago

I bet she just loves having her former classmates be jealous of her

TheBuddha ago

She does. She does, indeed.

It's not my story to tell, and certainly not in public, but I'll state that she was constantly given a hard time at school and was an outcast, largely due to poverty.

So, she's pretty pleased to be seen driving a 911 in the village.

crazy_eyes ago

I am aware of the start of the whole saga where the bear there saw them and said they are wearing rags

TheBuddha ago

They pretty much were. Sneakers with holes, worn out jackets, ill-fitting pants so far out of style, obvious home haircut, etc...

I had to completely replace their wardrobe. Completely. Like everything they owned for clothing went in the trash, not even to a thrift store.

crazy_eyes ago

They are so much better off thanks to you

TheBuddha ago

I am much better off, thanks to them. I get more from them than they get from me.

crazy_eyes ago

I almost typed that you were better off since then too! I agree.

TheBuddha ago

I am. It's changed my life dramatically and I'm better for it. They make me smile and that's worth more than money.

crazy_eyes ago

That's awesome. I agree with that assessment, genuine happiness is worth way more than money ever could be. At least to me.

im going to get in bed and sleep for a while and see what excitement tomorrow brings, it should be good!

have a good day

TheBuddha ago

Enjoy your sleep. You can snuggle tonight!

COF ago

OK, I'll play Devils advocate :)

TheBuddha ago

LOL Someone must have already made a new comment, somewhere. I just screencapped it and submitted it, before you responded.

There's a SBBH submission for it, of course!

Nadeshda ago


Keknado ago

The movies worked just fine last week when you weren't there. @TheBuddha

TheBuddha ago

Yes, but were they good movies?

Keknado ago

I have no argument for that sir.

LazyJello9 ago

Why is this a global sticky?

cynicaloldfart ago

It's not global. It only appears in /all and /front.

TheBuddha ago

Because I'm pretty much a national treasure. Sheesh...

Loveraft ago

Learn to spell muh Bhudda

TheBuddha ago

I am a human and make human errors.

Also, there was no red squiggly line of doom as 'tie' is a word. Damn it!

ArielQflip ago

Hello Poe poe hello hello

Mah_Selectah ago

Why the fuck is this a sticky?

thewebofslime ago

It is a sticky every week.

heygeorge ago

Q predicted this

TheBuddha ago

Because it's awesome.

Nadeshda ago

Love can be sticky business :)

PuttsMum ago

Because it's always the coolest fucking thread ever.

Niggardly_Jew ago

You're cool, thebudda

TheBuddha ago

Thanks! I just put it here. You folks make the thread.

capnflummox ago

What 'tie' is it?

(((stupid fucker can't even proofread his own shit before posting... told you he was a douchebag.)))

TheBuddha ago

Damned right I am. Whatcha gonna do about it, except whine and be envious?

ArielQflip ago

Sweet child your done loaded!

TheBuddha ago

It was a pretty good thread. It's still going on this morning.

cynicaloldfart ago

Looks like some people aren't morning persons, though. I guess their breasts are even too savage for even music to soothe. Would suck to be them.

o/ GM.

TheBuddha ago

G'morning. It looks like the thread was still active for a while after I left. Sweet!

We were at about the 100 comments per hour (CPH from here on out) level. It's busy at 60 CPH, which is about where we usually max out. Then, the comment totals are already pretty high.

In other words, it was a damned good thread.

cynicaloldfart ago

Since especially the 'era of sticky', I enjoy seeing some newer people that get it - "...instead of something you hate". I agree that current events can be important and need discussing (or more aptly raging), it's sad there are some who can't let go for 3 or 4 hours a week and just chill.

And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make.

TheBuddha ago

I don't get angry at the DVs or dumb comments. I just feel a little pang of sorrow for them. It has to suck to be them.

Nadeshda ago

Statistically always spot on! I need you to teach my kids maths, please know this.

TheBuddha ago

LOL That's a really long commute!

Nadeshda ago

We can do it online ya know, most Tutors can teach online ya know...

TheBuddha ago

We could, but my upload speed is horrific. So, I couldn't do video.

Nadeshda ago

This would be awesone, people forget how stupidly smart you are with mathematics. I would love for you to help build curriculum for k-12 to solidify important math concepts.

The fundementals captured properly for these ages could transform a nation... ;)

TheBuddha ago

I doubt I'll have time for all that, but I do have a bunch of resources already in PDF. I'll find it and send it along.

Nadeshda ago

That would be awesome!

TheBuddha ago

I did the work for v/traditionalwives a year or so ago. I'll find it again.

Nadeshda ago

Thanks so much for this Sir!

TheBuddha ago

I'll try to get it to you this afternoon or tomorrow. I have to find it again.

Geo_synchronous ago

Stupid Question. Is this guitar chat room a live chat room where we can listen and or play live ? If so. How do I get there ? I used to run an acoustic guitar chat room for several years back in the Yahoo messenger days Please advise.

TheBuddha ago

There is no chat room.

Geo_synchronous ago

Ok. I could open up a room in Dicord where people can play over the voice chat stream in real time. Who's interested ?

TheBuddha ago

I suspect most are too busy for that, but you can try it.

Geo_synchronous ago

Perhaps..... Back when I ran my Acoustic guitar room in yahoo voice chat. We had thousands of players from all over the world coming in and playing live. It was really awesome. It ran 24/7 so the chat room would have people from different regions of the world coming in at different times playing live acoustic guitar and other instruments. Quite a variety of styles.

TheBuddha ago

Give it a shot. I doubt you'll get many takers from Voat, but don't let that stop you.

heygeorge ago

Hey, that’s great. When you visit the local diner, do you let the waitress know how popular and great your restaurant used to be?

Geo_synchronous ago

Lick my nut sack

heygeorge ago

Sounds pretty gay if you ask me.

Please link to yahoo voice chat

Geo_synchronous ago

Gay ?
Musicians meeting up in a chat room to play live guitar is Gay ?
Do you hate your daddy or Catholic priest for some reason ?

heygeorge ago

Lick my nut sack

This sounds pretty gay

Nadeshda ago

Lol... people do that sorta thing, could never figure it out...

6double5321 ago

God damn it, you had one job.

Do you know what tie it is?

PuttsMum ago

It be tie for more beer.

TheBuddha ago

Meh... I'm human. I make up for it with music!

6double5321 ago

Fair enough. Having a good night?

TheBuddha ago

Yeah. It's been busy. Divide the number of comments by the minutes the thread has been open. It has been awesome. How's about you?

6double5321 ago

Been good. Worked on two bikes today.

TheBuddha ago

Nice. I've taken the eldest hoodlum for a drive and readied this thread. That's about it. I'm gonna crash soon.

facepaint ago

Thank you for making voat a much better place. I get really disillusioned by all of the political & social bullshit. Sometimes it is beautiful to see people who just create & make something beautiful.

TheBuddha ago

You're welcome. Maybe pick through a few tracks and respond directly to the artist? They enjoy that.

facepaint ago

I am working my way through now.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I just banged this one out, it's a little more my style, I think I fucked up once or twice maybe but who cares.

Here is For Fiona by No Use For A Name

SandHog ago

Nice. You outta write a song about that old fellow who comes to watch you ice fish because he can't go out on the ice anymore. Probably something neat to be mined there in a minor key.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

That's a greta idea and I think I probably copuld write about that, I have trouble writing lyrics about myself, but I could empathize with him and write about it probably.

SandHog ago

Reading your post about him really struck a chord with me. Wondering what that would feel like to love doing something so much but not being able to physically do it anymore yet still take joy out of watching someone else. I dunno. I think it would be a cool thing to put to music.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

And it would be a fishing song, the world needs more fishing songs.

crazy_eyes ago

You know, it had never even crossed my mind to write a fishing song. And I love the song John the Fisherman and Fish On by Primus. I'm going to have to let that percolate in my head for a while and see if a fishing song is in there.

SandHog ago

Amen to that!

Nadeshda ago

Oooh, love it when you are banging away...haha never thought I would say that but you know what I mean dude :) your singing, sound and playing off the cuff is cool! Thanks for sharing, waiting for my fish jerky recipe ;)

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Thanks I had fun with this one.

I'm hoping for another pike before I make the jerky, this weekend is the last weekend of walleye so we gotta see how that goes first. if I don't get another pike I can do a pike vs beef jerky thing and buy a cut of cheap beef

Nadeshda ago

Ah no pressure though, catch what you can, I hope for your part a good bounty! :) Post the tecipe whenever you like, just ping me?

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I just use a basic brine salt soysauce brown sugar onion and garlic salt and black and white pepper, I usually estimate that's why I have to make more to make a recipe, then I brine it for a full day in the fridge, then take it out and rince it with water and put it on racks to air dry until you touch it and it's tacky, then I put it into the smoker at as low a temperature as possible with lots of wood chips and lots of smoke, I usually use mesquite and a fruit wood (apple pear or cherry) in about a 50/50 mix, seasoning on the jerky itself is just black and white pepper and a bit of cayanne.

Nadeshda ago

Hmmm, love jerky my dad used to make it when I was a kid, never got his recipe :/

Absolutely love the smell of mesquite never tried it with a fruit wood! It sounds delicious btw... how long do you smoke it for? When do you know when it’s ready?

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I smoke it as low a temperature as possible for as long as it takes until it's done lol, I line up charcoal like a rope/snake, in my smoker it takes about 2-4 briquettes thick winding all around the tray and then I scatter LOTS of soaked woodchips ontop of the chain. Light it from one end and let it burn, check on it every few hours and see how it's coming, if it doesn't seem done add onto the chain, you can never go wrong with adding more siaked chips everytime you check on it too. yoiu can't really overdo it, I think this batch took between 12 and 18 hrs, maybe more.

LegalPERSON ago

Man I miss Tony Sly. Have you heard the Nofx song I’m So Sorry Tony? Damn near made me cry the first time I heard it

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Ya, man that song still breaks me up, Fat Mike outdid himself on that one, I'd love to know how many takes it took him to get through it though.

I still can't bring myself to watch tonys last live show on youtube, I've tried several times but just can't do it.

LegalPERSON ago

Yeah he has the melancholy sad shit down to a science at this point. She’s Gone, My Orphan Year, She Didn’t Lose Her Baby, I Got One Jealous Again, Again; but the Tony song is so personal, down to Kiera and Darla. Had to be a tough one to get through without question.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

It was so brutally honest too. In all honestly it was Mikes fault, it was joeys fault it was all the bands faults, it was the fans faults too and the scenes fault They all loved tony but were only there for encouragement and not for support. There's only so much encouragement a man can take.

LegalPERSON ago


TheBuddha ago

I remember that song.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

It is a great song, The singer Tony Sly RIP, was a master songwriter. They were an amazing band.

Nadeshda ago

A submission a request was placed tonight here:

So I took a chance and recorded it on the quick. I hope you all enjoy it. @thebuddha suggested I let everyone know that I did it and not hide it in a comment reply.

So here you go lovely people of Voat!

Mad World Rendition by a goat on Voat:

Thanks @RAW_UNCENSORED_FACTS, @not_saying_a_thing for giving me the opportunity to sing this song.

LegalPERSON ago

Beautiful rendition Desh!

Nadeshda ago

Aw it was a quick one but I am super excited I got it to work, seriously I think I ran through it once complete, it is a bit low in tone and I had to work on getting the transition to the chorus right as I wasn’t hitting it right the first time...

LegalPERSON ago

You did well! It’s such a haunting melody. It just makes me want to sit and reflect. Love it

Nadeshda ago

:) thank you Sir, as always so kind! If you click the link you can see the lyrics, I definitely could have articulated a few words better but none the less, on the spot I am very glad you enjoyed it!

MadWorld ago

@Crensch, @kevdude, @PeaceSeeker, @PuttItOut, see parent for the amazing @Nadeshda.

Nadeshda ago

Your name couldn’t be more appropriate if you tried... dude, seriously man... I hear your pager from here, it’s going wild... lol

tomatoes are red and so am I, the end! :P

MadWorld ago

Your song is quite mind-blowing!! It deserves more exposure!! Thank you for the amazing song...

Nadeshda ago

Special thanks to the lyricists dude! Without them and their cool idea, it would never have happened...

Let’s give @RAW_UNCENSORED_FACTS and @not_saying_a_thing a HONK! Lol...

MadWorld ago

You guys are too awesome!!

not_saying_a_thing ago


P4TR10TP1550NL1B5 ago

Amazing! Thanks.

Nadeshda ago

Thanks so much for listening Sir! Much appreciated.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

That was awesome, I don't really know the original song except in passing, but maybe I'll learn it and do it with some Mustardy raspy anger, next week I think I can work with it.

I do really like the voat versions lyrics, they did a great job with it. And you did a great job with it too.

cynicaloldfart ago

Wow. That is using a little lower register than some of your other work, very warm and intimate. And the piano work is spot on. The mix was great, loud enough for me to really hear your voice well. Darn good job!

Nadeshda ago

Yes by golley you have such a good ear, that was lower then I normally sing indeed, tenor level maybe? Not sure it’s late but wow you could be a real good sound engineer you hever fail to impress me with your music knowledge. Thanks so much for your constant kind support Sir! You are genuinely a wonderful person and such a gem here at Voat.

cynicaloldfart ago

Gosh golly shucks, you have me blushing. To paraphrase CS&N:

"I have my ship with only a few flags flying,
She is all I have left and music is her name."

TheBuddha ago

Rock on!

Nadeshda ago

You helped me with my confidence Sir, this is so true! I still can't believe I figured out how to do it. Honestly I don't want to change my settings on my recording stuff now... haha.... I did it cause ya nudged me with your mind, yes yer thinking effect my thinking! ;)

TheBuddha ago

I try to be a big helper! You've come a long ways.

crazy_eyes ago

Speedy lamb!


PuttsMum ago

OMG I just made that my new text message notification. It's so Deliverance sounding.

heygeorge ago

haha, you will tire of it. PM me your number and I’ll see to it.

Nadeshda ago


Nadeshda ago

Dang that’s a great idea!!! Thanks @heygeorge you are now officially all over my phone too!

PuttsMum ago

My neighbour calls me up and just let's it ring so I can listen to your song at random times of the day (I got rid of my message service so it just rings and rings)

Nadeshda ago

Haha, oh geez you make me laff... oh you, your tumor I mean humor never fails to make me smile. You are one cool dude! Just saying... :D

PuttsMum ago

I'm really lucky I have some very cool and talented friends on the net that make me feel warm inside :)

I hope you have a great weekend and get to relax and enjoy whatever takes your fancy.

Nadeshda ago

Ditto! and thank you!

cynicaloldfart ago

OK, I do know that one. I've even sung it a few times.

heygeorge ago

I try to stick to the classics! I will play (or at least snippetize) any COF request, although not tonight as I’m already horizontal.

Nadeshda ago

That was great... can I have another song please? Anything of your choosing please dear Sir...

heygeorge ago

Damn, my phone just ate the reply. Anyway, the guitar is away for the night. I have another snippet in tonight’s thread, too! Next week will be busy, and I will be at a relatives, but they have a piano and maybe I’ll record something else silly.

TheBuddha ago

Did you set your metronome to like 172?!? ;-)

heygeorge ago

Lol! Metronomes are for practice, not performance. And clearly no practice was involved

TheBuddha ago

I've used a flashing light metronome while performing. I can be pretty anal about certain things.

(Just hitting submit now - it has been busy!)

heygeorge ago

I can be pretty anal

When your goal is to be a musical photocopier, then I suppose it can make sense. ;D

TheBuddha ago

It does. I'm a stickler for some things. I'm not necessarily a perfectionist - so much as I'm a do-your-best-icist.

LegalPERSON ago

I was talking to my drummer the other day about how fun it would be to make our own internet sitcom shorts in the cheesy 90’s style like Full House and Family Matters. We want to do it with our death metal band as the cast. Who knows if we’ll ever actually make a clip or not, but that didn’t stop me from writing our theme song! This is the rough idea. We’re still working on a real record, but I’m hoping to squeeze this little session in at some point. I need keys and xylophones and who knows what else!

SandHog ago

Had me tapping my toe for sure. And I vote yes to the xylophones!

LegalPERSON ago

Hopefully I can find one cheap!

SandHog ago

The cheaper the better! Hell, you could go Fischer Price just for the irony. Although volume would probably be an issue. Still think a super tinny sound would be pretty cool.

LegalPERSON ago

Yeah it probably needs to be a little above the children toy level, unless those are actually in tune haha, then I’ll be set!

SandHog ago

Lol, yeah they probably aren't. I bet you could pick one up for 5 bucks at a thrift store though. Might be fun!

LegalPERSON ago

I was looking at the thrift store today for one! No luck yet though

SandHog ago

Awww, damn! I think it would be hilarious just for the fact that anyone trying to copy your sound the last thing anyone would think of trying is a toy xylophone.

LegalPERSON ago

That would be my secret ingredient lol

SandHog ago

It would certainly drive any copycats nuts lol

heygeorge ago

This is great and fun! My unsolicited advice is to end strong, no 7th on the last chord

LegalPERSON ago

You’re probably right. I’ll give that a shot when I do the real recording. Thanks George!

Nadeshda ago

Geez I haven't listen to your music in way too long... I keep missing your late night renditions... I have been too busy and I am soooooo mad at myself for not making time to listen to you. You fill my heart with such joy and I adore your voice for real...

That was excellent as per usual dear Sir, as per blooming usual!

LegalPERSON ago

Don’t be mad sis, it’s all good! I’ve been busy as well. I really want to get some drums back to my house so I can record some proper songs, but until then it’ll just be quick little acoustic tunes here and there when I can. Glad to hear from you though!

cynicaloldfart ago

Kinda a light swamp rock feel to it, with a nod to John Sebastian. Light and breezy.

LegalPERSON ago

I love John Sebastian! I might have to learn Big Boy Now or whatever it’s called

crazy_eyes ago

Hell of a song for a death metal band show

LegalPERSON ago

Lol yeah we’re not very “death metal” type guys, maybe outside of all the tattoos. People are usually thrown off when they either meet us and then hear us, or hear us and then meet us haha.

crazy_eyes ago

It would be a hell of a comedy show, I would watch it!

LegalPERSON ago

Awesome! Hopefully we get it going

TheBuddha ago

Nice. I did a Voat guitar thread theme song. Did you hear it?

LegalPERSON ago

I did! Yours was way more thought out then mine is haha

TheBuddha ago

LOL It was a lot of improv, believe it or not. As I wrote it, I took some condensed notes and then just ripped it out in a few takes.

I think it captured the ideal I was going for.

For the unaware:

That's our theme song for this thread.

Nadeshda ago

You made the kids want me to stop everything and record another song because they can't understand how good you are and they are worried you are going to beat them with votes as you ARE SO GOOD!

TheBuddha ago

I don't care about my points. I care more about giving y'all a stage. I don't need confirmation. I already know I'm good! ;-)

Nadeshda ago

Lol, maybe the bug has bit them... lol...

TheBuddha ago

It happens to the best of us. EH spends more time getting ready for the thread than anyone else - including me. She spends many hours learning the tracks we share. I then ask her to only bug me when she's absolutely sure she can play it through at a level that meets her expectations.

LegalPERSON ago

Impressive improv!

TheBuddha ago

It's easier when you know theory and have a billion riffs in your head that need to get an outlet. It's not quite improv, but I would have trouble playing those same instruments a second time.

TheBuddha ago

Crank it up and listen to this one from the archives.

Ping @zyklon_b, some Metallica.

zyklon_b ago

listening now.

zyklon_b ago

hey buddy

TheBuddha ago

Morning! I dug out some Metallica for ya!

SandHog ago

Oh nice. I didn't know you posted this one before. Such a cool fucking song.

TheBuddha ago

You can always check the official archives, if you're curious. I should probably refresh my memory and see which I've posted before and do some housecleaning.

Nadeshda ago

Very nice, love the sound of this song!

TheBuddha ago

It's a pretty good song, methinks.

Nadeshda ago

Moar I say!

Nadeshda ago

Love this! It’s so crisp and clear and the song...

Yes let’s go fly a kite up to the hughest height!

Secret time: I wanted to be Mary Poppins when I was a kid, lol... Still trying... ;)

heygeorge ago

I wanted to be Mary Poppins when I was a kid, lol...

Ha! That’s a worthy role model indeed. I don’t believe you’ve grown out of it.

Nadeshda ago

Yessum, still growing into my habits... :)

facepaint ago


I want it longer...

SandHog ago


cynicaloldfart ago

Is that an original tune? Like it, especially the dun...dun dun ending.

heygeorge ago

Ha! No, it was a request from @thebuddha, and I just faked what I could. I nearly pinged you, as I was hoping you would make a ‘suicide’ request, but perhaps another time!

cynicaloldfart ago

I don't know that song. Most anything past the 80's I'm not very familiar with. I spend time each week trying to track songs down when I do the archives, but it's good for me to get exposed to y'alls young people music :).

heygeorge ago

It’s a song from Mary Poppins, so it’s probably within your timeframe. Something about flying a kite!

I’ll find something new for you sometime. I imagine to be a more active contributor once my big move is complete.

TheBuddha ago

'Snot too late!

heygeorge ago

True, although I may not honor any more requests tonight as the guitar went as quickly back in the case as it came out. It took longer to upload than to perform. This comment may have taken longer!

TheBuddha ago

It comes back out of the case, if you want.

heygeorge ago

I wasn’t getting out of bed.

TheBuddha ago


heygeorge ago

I’ve been called worse by better for more significant reason.

TheBuddha ago

Ha! Lies!

You don't know anybody better than me!

heygeorge ago

Were I enjoying blueberry syrup, I’d be more inclined to agree!

TheBuddha ago

Valid point. Blueberry syrup improves many things.

TheBuddha ago

I'd say that is the shortest, but some @cwfaww beat you!

heygeorge ago

I think I went shorter with my next submission as requested by @puttsmum

TheBuddha ago

You did.

CwfAww ago

My meager contribution...promise Ill do better

Nadeshda ago

Loved it! Moar, encore’!

CwfAww ago

Thank forward to next week :)

Nadeshda ago


SandHog ago

My only complaint is that it wasn't long enough!

heygeorge ago

In no way meager, you’re on the right track.

cynicaloldfart ago

That was rather nice, shows promise so develop it into something longer.

TheBuddha ago

Why did it stop? It shows good rhythm.

CwfAww ago

Thanks! Just testing the waters. Im pretty sound on basic chords. This weekly thread is awesome. Im a novice compared to most of you. Looking forward to more.

TheBuddha ago

It's important to remember we're not competing. I'm good because I've done it for 50+ years. I damned well better be good by now.

CwfAww ago

My dad taught me basic chords at age 13. Ive been teaching my kid who is 10. Theres a great pride in hearing your child strum pretty. I could never pick up lead or pick much....but rhythm I can do. I hit a wall many years ago as far as my progression.

TheBuddha ago

My student just started less than a year ago. She puts her hours in, and it shows.

Camulos ago

I simply don't understand what shit heads would downvoat anything like this. This weekly event is just great.

cynicaloldfart ago

Imagine what a life, or not, they have where they aren't just not interested, but have negative feelings to downvote. A few even go to the trouble of making asinine comments. It's rather sad.

TheBuddha ago

Jealousy and having no skills they can measure themselves against, is my official guess.

TheTrigger ago

Crabs in a bucket, man. That's why I actually enjoy these threads; people sharing music with none of that IRL drama of others not wanting you to succeed. Humans are so weird that way; I can only imagine how many incredibly talented people never pursued their skills because they accepted and internalized others' belittling derision. Lots of guys I grew up/learned with ended up dropping out of music completely, because of faggots like that. It's a real shame.

TheBuddha ago

In this thread, we concentrate on what we love - instead of what we hate. I think I stole that from @c_corax, but it's no less true.

I'm biased, but I think it's the best thread on the site.

TheTrigger ago

It's certainly the least aggressive. :p

TheBuddha ago

That's also true. We're pretty relaxed here. We've been doing this for going on two years.

Camulos ago

I'd say you're right.

NiggerVirus ago

I'm shutting this thread down for rule violations

TheBuddha ago

Good luck.

TheBuddha ago

Here's another GnR track. It's in the archive (sorry COF) but it's had really limited play on Voat.

This is me playing EVERY instrument, for Paradise CIty.

That's right... Every single instrument! I even put it all together, as I lacked an eldest hoodlum at the time.

Rock the fuck out to that, and no I don't need compliments! Just listen and stomp your feet while your upper body begins to sway,

Nadeshda ago

I like that you played ALL the instruments yourself, that’s pretty rawkingly cool!

TheBuddha ago

It was a fun project. I've still got one in the works, but I need a piano and like a month to learn the piano parts.

Nadeshda ago

You are so super talented dear and committed! Thank you for all of you!

TheBuddha ago

I try to do the right thing.

Nadeshda ago

This is a lovely character trait you have that I appreciate oodles!

TheBuddha ago

Thanks. I find it makes life easier in the long run. I don't stay awake at night wishing I'd done things differently.

A hero is someone that does the right thing - even when nobody is watching.

I strive for that.

Nadeshda ago

That is the way indeed my dear friend, it’s a lot of hard work but certainly the way to go.

Thanks for being you...

TheBuddha ago

I have to be me. I can't be anyone else! ;-)

Nadeshda ago

And this is a good thing! Hugs...

TheBuddha ago


cynicaloldfart ago

Well, try not be sorry. (I still read it every couple weeks).

Don't forget, I'm lucky enough to listen to all the tunes 2 or 3 times each week. Plus, I probably have the most complete library of my own, except you of course. After almost 2 years, you need to expose newer people to all these.

TheBuddha ago

I flip through my profile on and I see some that have zero downloads.

I figure it's safe to assume you don't have them? There's also the "what am I willing to share" angle. I know I can trust you to keep private stuff private, so should I PM them to you? I'll share the ones I'm okay with sharing in the FNGT. You have an incomplete discography, if my metric is accurate.

cynicaloldfart ago

I'm sure I may have missed some of the earlier ones. You know I'd love to have all you feel like sharing, and you know I'd never post anything without your express permission first.

TheBuddha ago

I figured. I'll go through and look. If there are no downloads, I know it's unlikely to be in your personal archives. So, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

cynicaloldfart ago

Thanks, no hurry of course. I'll probably be around sometime :).

TheBuddha ago

Think you can 'take over' the thread and let me get some rest - within 30 minutes?

I'm kinda tired and EH is already asleep. I'll have to wake her up to move her.

cynicaloldfart ago

Yeah, sure. Got really busy fast, didn't it? Starting to slow a little so I'll get a chance to listen to some I haven't yet. Have a good rest, both of you.

TheBuddha ago

Thanks! I'll send her to bed and stick it out on the tablet for a few.

It got insanely busy, even before @puttitout stickied it. It has been somewhere near 100 comments per hour, which is a metric I sort of pay attention to. I've barely had time to do anything. That's a good thing, I think.

All the world's a stage...

It's so great to see the other goats getting recognition. It makes it all worthwhile.

cynicaloldfart ago

You've done did a good thing here.

TheBuddha ago

It took a long time, but it was worth it.

TheBuddha ago

I'll attend to it, in a reasonable time frame. I also want to get some shit cleared away, so that I know what's been uploaded and what hasn't.

LegalPERSON ago

I just got this strange guitar from a small German custom shop. I don’t play 7 strings very often so it still throws me off a little bit. It’s a cool guitar though and I decided to do a little jam that is too shitty to call Take 5, so we can call it Take 2 lol

crazy_eyes ago

Nice jam man, sounds cool as hell. I dont think I would be comfortable with that guitar for quite some time

nigger_plz ago

That kicks ass. Take Five is in 5/4 time. I never knew that then one day I started counting it.

Do you sing Sweet Child of Mine?

LegalPERSON ago

Yeah I love 5/4 because it doesn’t stand out as odd, but it still catches you off guard, which adds a lot of interest to the music. I write with 5/4 quite a bit. I like to make my 4/4 sound like it’s an odd signature, and my 5/4 and 7/4 to sound like its traditional.

Nadeshda ago

This was wonderful, take 2, bah yeah right... whatever trevor! Too cool for freagin school more like it!

Lovely weird looking guitar, ok how does one tune it? Lol...

LegalPERSON ago

The tuners are at the “bridge”. They are more stable than standard tuners, and no headstock means very light guitars. I’ve got a few headless guitars at this point. Very comfortable!

Nadeshda ago

I’ve never played one, must be interesting. You do like quirky looking instruments! Must be loads of fun and comfortable, hmmm I need to try one me thinks...

LegalPERSON ago

Yeah they’re great fun if you can find one to try. I think my heaviest headless guitar is maybe 5.5 lbs. Les Paul’s are nearly double that!

SandHog ago

It sure is a funky looking axe but it sounds sweet as hell.

LegalPERSON ago

I think it looks like either A: a guitar designed by Picasso, or B: what happens if your guitar melts in the sun haha

SandHog ago

I think your visual assessment is spot on. It sure sounds nice though. How does it play? I've never picked up a 7-string. I have enough problems with 6!

LegalPERSON ago

It plays great. I’ve never played a guitar that has the body attached all the way up to the 12th fret, so it’s a little strange playing solos, as I’m used to my thumb up on top of the neck. I’ve only had it a couple days so it’s getting more comfortable each time I pick it up. I still don’t use the 7th string very often, but it’s a cool way to change it up a little.

SandHog ago

Right on. I think a seventh string would just confuse me at this point. Maybe someday I'll get there though!

P4TR10TP1550NL1B5 ago

This is amazing. I'm just a listener, not a player. I clicked through a few of your other are a true talent. Keep it up!

LegalPERSON ago

Thanks for checking them out! I think people get too charged up with the political climate and general social nonsense, so I just like to make short videos showing off some of my amps and guitars. I love places that value free speech like Voat and Bitchute; but it’s also important to chill out and listen/play some music!

cynicaloldfart ago

Oh my, that is so tasty. What a great song, and you do it very well.

LegalPERSON ago

Thanks COF, I am way more comfortable playing a 6 string, so I was a bit hesitant as everything seemed out of place with the extra string, and add to that fanned frets and no fret markers. It’s a very cool guitar though and I’m really enjoying the sound of it.

Nadeshda ago

No fret markers? Swoosh that would send me spinning... nicely done!

LegalPERSON ago

Yeah it takes some getting used to for sure! A lot of playing is done on feel anyways, but you definitely get used to seeing those dots as a general reference. Add another string and make all the frets crooked and you get...well interesting jazz haha

Nadeshda ago

Interesting and lovely in your case!

cynicaloldfart ago

Are there any songs that a 7-string is more useful for? I would guess it will open up a new way to approach some tunes.

LegalPERSON ago

You can get really big chords with the extra string, you can probably play some great blues with it too now that I think about it. You can utilize the open E,A, and the 7th is tuned to B which makes a I-IV-V in E major, so you could probably solo without having to stay close to the bar chords when playing alone. It’s also good for low tuner metal. This one has a 27” scale length.

cynicaloldfart ago

I'll bet it will be a little stimulating to have a new "toy" to play with. Sounds damn good already.

TheBuddha ago

Heh... I'm thinking about doing some Reinhardt this coming week.

LegalPERSON ago

Do it! That man is an inspiration (not that it showed on this little comp haha)

TheBuddha ago

Damned right. He was awesome. I wrote about him a while back, actually.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I just got back from fishing, not much time this week to jam but I cranked this out the other day, I was hoping to have another one too but had no time.

This is One Cigarette Away by The Supersuckers.

crazy_eyes ago

I finally got around to listening to this. Thats fucking cool. I like the solo!

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Thanks, the solo is the only part I like, now that I can bend my hand I had to flash a bit lol, that's all finger picked too. Turned out cool I think.

I think it went on for one bar too many though, the ending feels wierd.

crazy_eyes ago

I like it all the way through!

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I think it's more the songs just to slow and that's why I don't like it, it's not really my style of song. it did feel good to sing and play though, I think I was actually on key for the most part.

crazy_eyes ago

Sounded to me like you were singing pretty passionaltely, like you meant it

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Lol I was focused, because I'm not as comfortable or familiar with it, I wanted to try a countryish song though. I'm not really familiar with country so I picked this song because I saw these guys open for pearl jam one time and remembered the singer did this song as their ender. seemed like it would be fun at the least.

Nadeshda ago

Ooooh sweet man, you jamming nicely dere dear Sir! Loving it, the key is good for you too.

You made me smile so much with this, it a lovely honest rendition, only just found it... what an awesome night!

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I don't like it except the guitar solo, but it as all I had.

Nadeshda ago

Of course you don’t like it, you are your worst enemy, I am the same but seriously I have minimal time to practice. I need to be more disciplined man... honestly it’s you and that’s what makes it cool! Remember that time you spoke to me about my submission and how I was being hard on myself, well erm.., yes you know what you said! ;p

I actually liked your voice and the rawness of it all, so there, deal with it! Lol...

TheBuddha ago

It's funny how it becomes almost like an addiction. We all (mostly) prepare our work before we share it and we all look forward to it.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

If it wasn't for guitar night honestly my guitar would be full of dust and my fingers full of rust. Guitar night is a very special thing.

Next week I want to do a punk song, punk rock is way more me, stuff like this is me pretending to be something else.

I'm going to try to pick a song and do an electric and an acoustic version, I have a couple in mind already.

Oh and that guitar solo was all me, the chord sheet just said "jam in Gm Pentatonic", so In said okie dokie and gaver shit.

LegalPERSON ago

If you’re taking punk rock requests, you should do a mustard covered rendition of Mable by Goldfinger. I love that song and album. Shit their latest album, The Knife, is incredible. They toured with Bad Religion and Nofx last year and it was the best punk show ever. I sang every word to every song for 3 damn hours haha

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Man I was just thinking about Mable earlier, next friday I'll have it done for sure, also thinking of No Cigar by millencollin or maybe Duckpond.

LegalPERSON ago

Oh man No Cigar would be great too. Man I gotta do a punk song next week I think. Maybe pennywise or Guttermouth...

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I would love to hear you do 123 slam.

LegalPERSON ago

Hell yeah! Love that song

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I met 2 of the guys in guttermouth before, I was seeing this chick and her dad was friends with the mad caddies(they are a wierd ska/circus music band) and the mad caddies and a couple guttermouth guys were at her house drinking, I don't remember which ones and my only concern that night was getting my dick wet. Even that got wierd quick and I noped the fuck outa there quick as I could.

crazy_eyes ago

Thanks for the laugh

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Midway through the sex the chick looks me in the eyes and says "pretend you're my brother"

I fucking met her through her brother. That's why I noped the fuck out real fucking quick.

crazy_eyes ago

Holy fucking wow

That would be an instant 'i got to get the fuck out of here' moment.

That's a new one. Im glad that happened to you and not me!

Mustard_of_puppets ago

words can't even describe how weird it was.

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah, man, I can't even imagine. That would fuck with my mind so bad

TheBuddha ago


A fun one might be Jane Says, by Jane's Addiction. It's not quite punk.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

That's a great idea, that tune never even crossed my mind, I can probably pull it off, the high voice to low voice change would be interesting.

TheBuddha ago

it isn't even difficult.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I checked it out just G and A over and over, I've had too much whisky and weed to read and sing the lyrics though, I'll try it tomorrow.

Oh and the solo in the song I did tonight was with my fingers, I don't really use picks with my acoustic.

TheBuddha ago

It'll vary on where you look. I find E A D, with a hammer-on, sounds the closest.

nigger_plz ago

This is Both Sides Now by Joni Mitchell. It's from the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band album called Will The Circle Be Unbroken. These hippies invited these rednecks to record their stuff. So all these old time, down home, true blue country and bluegrass stars got together and laid down some great music in 1972. This is Randy Scruggs arrangement. He's the son of the Flatt & Scruggs (Beverly Hillbilly theme)

It's a real pretty song. Reminds me of some merry melody coming from a music box or Ice Cream truck

Both Sides Now

Nadeshda ago

Absolutely beautiful and wonderful! Your timing, playing is really good! I love listening to music like this in the mornings, oh what a blessing desr Sir!

SandHog ago

That was really neat. It's a pretty little melody.

nigger_plz ago


crazy_eyes ago

I think that's the best I've ever heard you play, sounded great! Sweet song

nigger_plz ago

Thanks. I used a thumbpick and had about a 1/16" of nails, so that helped. The nails will soon be going away. I keep pushing them against things like tabletops, folding them back and forth. Eventually they're ready to rip off. I'll be back to playing flesh on strings soon.

TheBuddha ago

Clear matte nail polish.

crazy_eyes ago

You're welcome! Maybe you need to get some fake nails

TheBuddha ago

Also, I have no idea why you appear to look up to me as a guitarist.

You already have the skills and timing. You're also able to get a full-body sound - and you do so with some consistency. You don't need my help. You need to put your hours in.

Yes, the above is a compliment. You know damned wel that I'll tell it like it is.

You know what? Fuck it...

Next week I'm going to Django. I will, too. I want you to get your ego on and be prepared to "top" me. It's not to compete, it's to demonstrate a point. You're better than you think and better than you give yourself credit for. I truly enjoy your submissions.

nigger_plz ago

Thanks bud. I did a lot of strumming/singing stuff before because I had to keep it simple due to work. Before Appleworks and Word I would write the lyric chord stuff out. It was pitiful. Then I figured out Computer word processing and, holy fuck, it was great.

Started doing finger picking stuff a few years ago but I always messed with it here and there.

heygeorge ago


You’re my new favourite Voater, lol, and I have yet to listen to your track!

TheBuddha ago

It's obvious that you've been putting hours in. I can tell by your work.

Put more in and you'll get more out. You may feel like you're on a plateau, but putting hours in still works.

TheBuddha ago

Are you open to suggestions?

nigger_plz ago

Like tips? Sure.

TheBuddha ago

I remember!

I'd like to suggest you find something you feel is beyond your ability, give yourself a week to learn it, and share the results without regards to how well you think you did.

I'm gonna Django the thread up, hopefully. I'm going to have EH do the same thing, push beyond her limits.

TheBuddha ago

LOL I have forgotten what it was I was gonna say. :-/

crazy_eyes ago


TheBuddha ago

I finally remembered!

cynicaloldfart ago

If you're interested here's some background on the song.

nigger_plz ago

I liked Judy Collins hit better but now I don't know which version I like better. I also like Neil Diamond's. His is easier to sing along with for me.

cynicaloldfart ago

As much as I am a big Joni fan, I have to agree. Joni can get a little shrill and thin at times and Judy had a much warmer timbre on her version. But when it comes to songwriting, Joni's life has served her well for emotional depth to pull from. And while Neil did lean to a more easy-listening pop genre, he did have an amazing voice.

ilikeskittles ago

Tie? Are you drunk already?

TheBuddha ago

No, just human.

PuttsMum ago

It's the Buddha, I'd say yes :)

thewebofslime ago

From previous weeks: Blues AmCG

Slightly different approach: Arpeggiated F#

Slightly heavier approach: Fuzz in D:

Me and my cousin: Leg Up

Getting ready to put something together for next week? Maybe. Memo

crazy_eyes ago

Finally got the chance to listen to all of them, and I like them all! Thanks for sharing those with us. Keep on rocking!

Nadeshda ago

That was a wonderful share, a lot to work through but worth it. So soothing and a wonderful listen! So glad you shared it here with us, just perfect to wind down to that first track.

Now track two, sounds like a sound track of sorts, probably suit a game well! Yes, you are very versatile! I travelled galaxies on that track near the end, pretty cool.

Track 3 is super cool very nice! Woot dang that is such a nice sound going on there!

Track 4 is like indigenous sounding then rockin waw waw. I like the sound just before the 2 minute mark a lot.

The last track idea is very nice sounding and beautiful.

Thanks so much for sharing these cool pieces with us! You are a good player and I am super glad you are here!

thewebofslime ago

Thanks for getting through all those and for the feedback. I always like to try to mix it up. It is easy for me to get in a rut.

SandHog ago

Man I really liked that third track 'Friday001' is it ??

A little surreal but still kind of driving. Nice work, man.

thewebofslime ago

Thanks for listening. I think I might have to give that one another try to make a more polished product.

SandHog ago

I definitely think you should explore that one some more. It's really good. Just don't try to over-polish it. Reminds me a lot of my younger days getting high off my ass in the desert with my friends. It's just got that groove.

P4TR10TP1550NL1B5 ago

I really enjoyed the 3rd track, "Fuzz in D" if that's the correct name. It reminded me of the spiritual sound of Tool's version of Zeppelin's "No Quarter" Stimulating interesting and soothing! Thanks for sharing.

thewebofslime ago

Thanks. I definitely loved the track you are talking about, so I take that as a high compliment.

TheBuddha ago

Can you pick 1 and recommend it to me?

As thread host, I am unable to spend that much time. Other folks can, and will. But, I'd like to see what you favor most.

thewebofslime ago

In retrospect, it looks like I labeled some wrong. Oh well. Thanks for checkin it out.

thewebofslime ago

Me and my cousin: Leg Up

TheBuddha ago

Sounds like a hollow body. What kinda guitar is that? I suppose it could be effects.

thewebofslime ago

Just poor sound engineering due to one microphone.

billyvvinz ago

I love these threads. Thanks for putting yourselves out there.

TheBuddha ago

And we enjoy bringing them to you. We work hard to get stuff wrapped up and ready to share.

It means a lot that you like it, as that's absolutely one of the main reasons we do this.

As I like to say, "I don't need compliments. I know I'm good."

That is to say, I share for the sake of sharing and started this thread (almost two years ago) just so that it'd end up pretty much like this. It has turned into a great community of goats. I'm biased but I think this is the best thread on Voat!

billyvvinz ago

Are you planning something for next week? Can you share it with me?

I'm still at the like compliments stage, personally!

TheBuddha ago

I just concluded that I'll cover a master. I'm going to cover Django Reinhardt, assuming the student can keep up. She indicates she is willing to try.

And, I don't need compliments. I already know that I'm good. After five decades of diligent practice, I damned well better be good.

billyvvinz ago

I hear ya buddy. You've got me by 49 years. I'm probably showing my age admitting I have no idea who Reinhardt is, or at least I didn't until I looked him up just now.

TheBuddha ago

Django. He's one of the true masters and is compounded by his useless fingers. He was a beast.

mudshoe ago

Me and one of my boys warm up riff we made up long ago. It's just fun. Freshly recorded just for us.

crazy_eyes ago

This sounds like a good time. Nice jam! Thanks for sharing!

SandHog ago

Perfect porch song.

cynicaloldfart ago

I imagine walking down a country road on a lazy afternoon, fishing pole over my shoulder headed for the crick. Very nice groove.

nigger_plz ago

Ha ha you could also throw in the Andy Griffith Show whistle theme with that riff. They were made for each other.

mudshoe ago

We'll wave from the front porch as you go past and not even miss a beat.

TheBuddha ago

It has a nice blues feel. At the same time, it has a touch of something else - maybe carnival ride.

What instrument is you, and how long have you been playing?

mudshoe ago

I'm strumming behind his melody line. I've been a tinkerer for well decades now. I ain't serious enough to claim "player" status.

TheBuddha ago

Nice. Why not record and share it with us?

It's not a competition. It's me giving you a stage. That's how I view these threads.

Get up on the stage and make some noise so that we know where you are.

mudshoe ago

Ya we got more. Working the glitches out of Win10 for audio sampling is taking longer than expected though. Learning to track stuff in Audacity is fun too.

TheBuddha ago

i lo Audacity. What is giving you trouble?

mudshoe ago

Every 1:38 seconds it glitches. Something in win I can't find to shut off OR a really shitty SATA system maybe. So I can't even get a reliable click trk past 90 seconds. I'll figure it out. It's what I do.

TheBuddha ago

Is the computer lacking RAM?

mudshoe ago

I can download some, duh.

TheBuddha ago

LOL It may well be your buffer filling up. That's my initial first guess.

mudshoe ago

Yeah but I don't see that happening in RAM through perfmon but the HDD is being funky, and only on every second or third iteration (~180 and 270 seconds-ish). I supposedly have win running w/o disk cache (the beloved "page file") which is the buffer I think you're talking about. I ain't messing w/ it more tonite though. I'll be around.

TheBuddha ago

We will be here.

1234554321 ago

Song out of a few I did when I was playing with FL studio. Mostly electronic, this one uses guitar though.

SandHog ago

That was really good, man. Thanks for sharing!

PuttsMum ago

Wow, that was really great, thanks for sharing. I felt like it took me on a journey along the Oregon trail in the 1850's.

TheBuddha ago

Have you been making music for very long?

1234554321 ago

Played guitar on and off for 12 years. Used to make a ton of shitty electronic music on a pirated copy of FL studio in HS with my buddy. Did this little project a bit back cus I missed it. Stay too busy right now to do anything serious.

TheBuddha ago

I can't picture any situation where I'd not make music.

My hands and body literally feel different (out of sorts might be a good phrase) if I haven't done my daily practice. Over 50 years that I've been doing this.

What prevents you from playing right this minute?

1234554321 ago

I'm riding passenger in a truck back from a travel job, didn't bring the mandolin or harmonica haha. Love music, but always been a Jack of all trades type. I'll do a real project when I have the opportunity with some guys, but not something I'm chasing currently.

TheBuddha ago

You needn't invest a lifetime to just have fun and meet new people.

I'd not change it for the world. The guitar has opened so any doors (and gotten e so laid) that I'd not change it - even if I could.

1234554321 ago

No worries on that here, many things open many doors. Cheers friend!

GoatDay ago

Hello this is dog. What is tie

TheBuddha ago

It's a typo, obviously.

I_am_GOAT ago

I like to imagine we are all sitting around a fire. I raise my glass to you, goats.

TheBuddha ago

That was during the Great Voat Outage. We had our thread at

That thread was lost 'cause Putt makes bad backups. So, it remains a legendary thread. I shared some Rush that weekend. I did all the instruments, but never did do vocals.

Wanna hear?

heygeorge ago

Yes! Legendary thread!

TheBuddha ago

If you weren't there, you aren't one of the diehards.

justalittlecancer ago

obligatory nigger

heygeorge ago

Tonight, I will do a ‘suicide’ showing. Name it, and I will deliver a rendition or portion thereof.

I reserve the right to select if there are too many, and this is all contingent if I can figure out how to upload to instaudio or similar from my phone.

TheTrigger ago

Ass N Titties by DJ Assault

TheBuddha ago

Let's Go Fly a Kite, Mary Poppins.

PuttsMum ago

Mary had a little lamb?

gabara ago


TheBuddha ago

I do drugs! I make errors. I make more errors by 06:00 than you'll make all day!

gabara ago

I do drugs!

carry on wayward son

TheBuddha ago

I ain't needing your permission!

Actually, I'm remarkably sober today.

crazy_eyes ago

I have one more song to share with you all tonight. Well it's not really a song, just me jamming on guitar with some drum track playing. Anyways, this one is how the Opie is an Idiot song that I shared a month ago started out. But during the making of the song this part got dropped from the song. But I still like it, I dont know what to do with it now. Maybe I will make a different song using this part one day. Who knows. Whatever

nigger_plz ago

My ears jumped.

I like this and it also drives my batty because it's kinda sorta like some song back in the day and I can't place it.

crazy_eyes ago

Did your ears jump from the volume?

I dont know if its a song or not. A lot of times I come up with a riff and I think it's something from the past but I can never seem to figure out what it is

SandHog ago

Getting a little dirty! I dig it.

Nadeshda ago

I am getting post it notes from my kids with your name on it to vote for you :) They say you rock and you are the craziest person they know and they love your music!

crazy_eyes ago

Wow! That's amazing!

Thanks kids!

I don't know what else to say! Thats cool as can be!

TheBuddha ago



Opie is an idiot.
Opie is an alcoholic.

That's still my favorite of your work.

crazy_eyes ago


TheBuddha ago

Damned right!

The thread must be moving quickly, as I've not yet had time to view the full thread!

heygeorge ago

My wife popped up from sleeping to ask about that song. It’s really good!

crazy_eyes ago

Thats so awesome!

heygeorge ago

Allegedly, Rick Rubin used this as a technique to find the best songs a band was working on.

crazy_eyes ago

he uses your wife?

heygeorge ago

No, he does not. He naps or lies down and tries to nap. Once something is interesting enough to wake him up, he’s found something compelling.

crazy_eyes ago

That makes a lot more sense! Thanks

heygeorge ago

Yeah, I think it made almost that much sense before clarification. But perhaps you can’t see all that well right now! Lol, check out the new comments. I made some bitchin’ submissions! Why use my studio when I can be home with a beat acoustic trying not to wake anyone? Lol

ArielQflip ago

I play piano. Dam.

TheBuddha ago

We'd love to hear you play. It's not a competition or anything. We just share tracks we made and then talk 'bout 'em. That's pretty much all there is to it!

ArielQflip ago

If I only had a piano

TheBuddha ago

Is a pawn shop keyboard enough to get you started?

ArielQflip ago

Yes, but I'm so rusty. Classically trained.

TheBuddha ago

So, what stops you from playing right now?

heygeorge ago


ArielQflip ago

Yes, thinking about it!

SandHog ago

Do it!

ArielQflip ago

Got any manufacturers in mind?

PuttsMum ago

I think you're still allowed to contribute, mate. It's got strings :)

COF ago

Don't even need strings. We've had bagpipes, marimbas, vocals, etc so anything is welcome.

PuttsMum ago

This is one of the things I love about Voat, flexibility.

ArielQflip ago

I can sing. Need lyrics

PuttsMum ago

Pretend you're a songwriter and make some up?

TheTrigger ago

Do it up. I've uploaded piano tracks before and they were well received. I've been going on a bender listening to modern Dutch drum & bass, and decided to work a track up earlier, just for kicks. Now that's something I don't think the demographic on voat would be ready for. :p

ArielQflip ago

Don't have piano, but love singing. Karaoke is a thing for me

COF ago

Yes, please.

COF ago

You'll never know until you do it. You might be surprised what we find interesting.

TheTrigger ago

You're probably right. This track just-so-happened to be one of those one-out-ten songs that happened to work out flawlessly, with minimal effort. Seriously considering releasing it professionally, so won't upload it just yet for doxing reasons.

COF ago

Yep, I understand. You do need to protect your career and time invested in it. Maybe after it's released you can come back here and point us to it.

Nadeshda ago

Howdy wonderful people of the Voat Lands :D

So I had two hours and as always I am tooo ambitious! Thankfully I have taught my kids how to read and they could follow lyrics while I played the backing track on my laptop and somehow we managed to record all of us singing *The Other Side form the Film THE GREATEST SHOWMAN which is one of the the recent Musicals my kids rather enjoyed.

They did wonderfully, singing in parts, one take after they ran through the parts without music. At first some nerves were there but eventually they had a lot of fun and we were able to bring you this song.

The Other Side - The Greatest Showman

Thank you for listening!

crazy_eyes ago

That was so much fun! Those kids made my day

Nadeshda ago

Dude, you made their day!

crazy_eyes ago

Well then, I think it was mutual!!!

nigger_plz ago

Pretty cool. I liked the vocals at :25-:35, nice vibrato action.

Nadeshda ago

Thank you Sir? Not sure what happened there... glad you enjoyed it! I have not forgotten about the rose, just managed to get access to some tabs today, hoping to add some piano to at sone point... thank you...

SandHog ago

I think it's so cool you are getting your young'uns involved. They did a great job!

Nadeshda ago

They rawk and they loved it! Had to send them to bed, we will continue listening to others tomorrow as they really want to be a part of it all, bless their hearts... I love ‘em to bits and we have some great adventures together... biking tomorrow in the woods and definitely swimming this weekend too...

heygeorge ago

Of course I listened and enjoyed! Thanks, desh!

Nadeshda ago

Refresh I recorded and added the clown world song just now... blush and super thank you Mister George for listening!

heygeorge ago

I listen to the thread whenever I’ve the chance! I even submitted a pair of snippets this time.

I also wonder if @PuttsMum got that guitar fixed.

PuttsMum ago

Not fixed exactly, but playable and staying in tune so that's something I guess.

I'm off into the thread to find your snippets :)

Nadeshda ago

He has some nice snippets, lol...

PuttsMum ago

What a great effort from your family. So cool :)

Nadeshda ago

haha it was something and they wanted to be a part of it and somehow I had the patience and it worked... Thanks so much for listening!

COF ago

They totally rawked it! The young lady sounded every bit as good as some of the current female artists (of the few I'm aware of). Very good job, Naddettes.

Nadeshda ago

Lol I think that was my young song... lol Thank you so much for the kind words! I will break down who did what later as they are hovering around me.

cynicaloldfart ago

Ooooops, so sorry if I misidentified. I was thinking of the second voice in the track, starting at 1:01. Whomever it was didn't just sing the words, there was some emotion in the delivery. But they all did a superb job, I just noticed that part for some reason. Add in my faulty ears too, too many concrete basement jams.

Nadeshda ago

That is the girl, wow you have such a good ear, duh I knew it before I said this!

cynicaloldfart ago

Whew, glad I didn't cause any distress with the lads. They all are very good and I love hearing you all do these songs. Warms my heart knowing what a great mother you are and that they will have such sweet memories of their childhoods.

Nadeshda ago

Lol, rocking at the guitar thread... they really enjoyef tonight! Thanks so much for your kind words. It really means a lot to me...

TheBuddha ago

Awesome as always.

You're the only resident artist that regularly has kids in their recording.

Nadeshda ago

I try live life like a musical this is true! My kids say hi to you and thank you very much!

TheBuddha ago

"The hills are alive ..."

Nadeshda ago

with the sound of music!

TheBuddha ago

It'd be nice, methinks. Life should really be like a musical!

TheBuddha ago

This next one is for @cynicaloldfart.

This is one from the archives but not ever in the archives. I haven't shared this since back during the Vocaroo days.

Albeniz, Asturias/Leyenda, recorded circa 2016 - I think. I'm not actually 100% certain.

Either way, it's from my archive and not in the FNGT archive. It's one that's pretty difficult to play. I'm sure you can find people playing it on YouTube, if you want to see how complex it is. It's a very busy song.

nigger_plz ago

I remember this one. Nice to hear it again. Great piece, you smoke that strum/riff. Did it take you a long time to get that part?

Do you play Gavotte en Rondeau by Bach? I love that one. Real snappy piece of music. I hear it all the time from classical players. Here's one example

TheBuddha ago

Not too long, probably. I didn't learn that until later in life and I'd guess it took a month of practice.

I don't know that piece, but I can probably learn it.

Nadeshda ago

Wow I love this song!!! and you know it! Geez melting....

TheBuddha ago

It's a lovely song. I quite enjoy it, simply for the pace and attacks.

Vrblpollushin ago

That was beautiful @buddha. Thoroughly enjoyed. It doesn't really make a difference, but are you a trained musician? I love the classical stuff.

TheBuddha ago

Oh, yes. You don't really get to where I am without formal instruction and an ungodly amount of practice.

Over 50 years ago, I began to study. I'm a classical guitarist by training.

crazy_eyes ago

Beautifully played there Buddha man!

TheBuddha ago

Muchos gracias, mi hombre.

COF ago


I remembered it because of the obvious use in Spanish Caravan. I'm glad you posted it again, outstanding craftmanship. Would you say flamenco or classical is more difficult?

TheBuddha ago

I'd say they're both fairly equal - and I thought that one wasn't in the archives.

Well, fuck you then! I'm taking it back! ;-)

COF ago

Are these two different recordings? You are so good I can't tell any difference. And don't you dare take it back, it needs to heard.

TheBuddha ago

I think so. I'm not 100% confident. I may have also mucked with it back when it was freshly recorded. I have both "asturias" and "leyenda" on my drive - and I have the tab uploaded under the layenda name.

csuiter ago

Lets try this again .... A song I wrote called I'm Your Man

facepaint ago

Excellent beat. I love your voice.

The song is totally beta.

csuiter ago

Thank you facepaint

NancyNY2 ago

Sexy damn voice..

csuiter ago

Thank you NancyNY2

Vrblpollushin ago

I'd love to hear this with a blistering Roadhouse lead over it. Good job!

crazy_eyes ago

That one is awesome. You got lots of great songs in your repertoire

TheBuddha ago

Man, if we ever do a musical goat gathering, I want to play lead over that.

SandHog ago

I want to hear that!

TheBuddha ago

It'd be pretty fun, actually.

SandHog ago

I'm dying to know what you two would come up with given the chance.

TheBuddha ago

Something awesome, I presume.

COF ago

If @MrHarryReems ever gets enough down time, he needs to figure out a collaborative file transfer system. It's been talked about before but somebody said anybody could do it but nobody has.

TheBuddha ago

I can do that, easy enough. It's just finding both time and motivation to collaborate.

COF ago

I was just thinking if you all could do your session and then send it on to the next to add to in whatever time frame you want. Like an online recording session with each part done at different times. And if it is possible to do as true multitrack, EH can do her magic and master it at the end.

TheBuddha ago

I can set something up for that, but I'm not sure I have both time and motivation at the same time. In my head, it's very much different than a jam session that takes place in person.

cynicaloldfart ago

Oh for sure. Feeding off each other live makes for some great music. But you have to play the hand that's dealt, so this would be the next best thing.

TheBuddha ago

As tempting as it may seem, there are very few (no offense intended) guitar goats that I want to colab with. I'd like to take advantage of Reem's mixing and do a studio album. I'd like to colab in person with crazy. The new guy, I'd want to lay some speedy bluegrass down in front of it and with it. I'd also spend a week, maybe to, jamming with 'booger and @nadeshda. I'd love to see her pipes on the stage

crazy_eyes ago

well thanks! That would be a blast

TheBuddha ago

You survived work!

crazy_eyes ago

I did!

TheBuddha ago

Me too! Only my work was 'just' the thread. That kept me insanely busy for four hours. I actually asked @COF to take over for me so that I could go to bed.

I will NOT be here next Friday.

crazy_eyes ago

You have a show Friday?

TheBuddha ago

No, Saturday. We might head up early or we may have a long rehearsal here at my house on Friday.

So, I am not expecting to be here.

crazy_eyes ago

All right, well I expect to be here, but hell, I also expect to come home every day and that doesnt always happen ...

TheBuddha ago

It's not set in stone, but I figure we should plan on someone else opening it.

It's you or COF!

crazy_eyes ago

It doesn't matter to me, I'll do it, cof can do it, either way I'll be there

TheBuddha ago

I suspect I'll eventually be here, albeit late. We have a performance on Saturday and our current plan seems to be meet up here, rehearse, and then drive over on Saturday. The roadies can meet us there. It's going to be a packed house. I may end up getting a few hotel rooms in the village.

But, nothing is set in stone yet. Either way, plan on someone besides me opening the thread.

crazy_eyes ago

All right, I am available and willing

TheBuddha ago

Excellent. If you can't, I'm sure @cynicaloldfart will step up.

Nadeshda ago

I'd also spend a week, maybe to, jamming with 'booger and @nadeshda. I'd love to see her pipes on the stage

My pipes, me pipes are calling, from glen to glen and back again...

Lol, this would pretty much be the bestest several weeks ever!!!

Okay, let’s do this... :)

TheBuddha ago

I currently lack time. In fact, I'm going to sleep soon.

cynicaloldfart ago

That's absolutely the way to do it. Who knows what the future brings. Heck, I'd come and be a gofer and even clap and hoot after the songs.

TheBuddha ago

I'm maybe 20% of the way towards deciding to invite goats for week-long vacations.

I just really, really need to be aware of my public recognition. Yeah, I use a stage name. Yeah, many folks see right through that.

cynicaloldfart ago

Yes, you have invested a LOT in your current venture, and also in your community. But all the people you mentioned you know quite well, so maybe the risk would be minimal. It would be historic!

TheBuddha ago

All I can say is we will see. I do want to get to HI and do some recording.

csuiter ago

I would like that very much Buddha

TheBuddha ago

We'd have a good time. For that, I'd throw down something like a mix of bluegrass and "delta" blues. I suspect it'd fit wonderfully.

I envy your voice, I really do.

Also, I'm David.

crazy_eyes ago

We do one every Friday!

TheBuddha ago

I mean in person.

crazy_eyes ago

We'd blow the lid off the place!

TheBuddha ago

Damned right!

At the end, when the cops come, I'm gonna say fuck you and that I'm a rock star.

crazy_eyes ago

Well hell yeah!

TheBuddha ago

We might get a spot on COPS or that Live PD thing!

cynicaloldfart ago

Lol, last night I had LivePD playing while the thread was going. They had this young guy pulled over for speeding and I heard the cop telling him "You know what happens when you crash going 120? You wind up dead".

Of course I chuckled and thought "Checkmate, mf."

TheBuddha ago


Lies! You only hurt so much that you wish you were dead! You get bruising on 80% of your body, lacerations and contusions, a bunch of smaller broken bones, and a smashed femur! On top of that, the driver walks away on their own power!

crazy_eyes ago

Just like Verle LoL

TheBuddha ago

Damned right!

You missed a busy, busy thread. I gave up and went to bed at about midnight.

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah there's a lot to go through in here

TheBuddha ago

There's a bunch of music. I pulled some from the archives but it turns out they'd already made it into the archives. I'll have to clean up some space on that drive and organize stuff.

I wanna keep COF busy! I'm pretty sure I have stuff that hasn't ever been heard. I just need to organize my shit.

crazy_eyes ago

It might be easier to just record some more songs you play

TheBuddha ago

Don't tempt me! I gotta get those folders organized. They're on my NAS.

Maybe I can get EH to do it?

crazy_eyes ago

I think you said that maybe you could get EH to do it a month ago LoL

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, it's a fucking mess and not in just a single folder.

Someone needs to do it!

crazy_eyes ago

Good evening to all you tie wearing fools! This week I got a fresh new song for you all thats never been hears anywhere besides here at my house. I have this goof friend of mine that has these sayings that he says every single time we get drunk together. He's been saying these things for years. I always thought that some of his sayings would make good lyrics. So I took and wrote down as many as I could find and mashed them all together into a song. I'm going to have him sing it, but since I havent been home most of the week and havent seen him for a couple weeks now, you get me singing it tonight. He may want to change some words here or there when he hears it, or even add something to it, I don't know, he hasn't heard it yet. I think he's going to like it though. I will rerecord all of it at some point when I can get him to sing and add a bitching guitar solo. But for demo purposes this should work for now.

Let Your Freak Flag Fly

If you can't understand me I will include the lyrics

I want to go to a hill with all my friends and get drunk and then get high,

while a rock band blows our ear drums! i let my freak flag fly!

I got a ticket in my pocket and my black t shirt on

that says rock 'n' roll on it and i'm ready for fun

you cant put a price on comfort

if you got a chip and a chair

no you cant put a price on comfort

if as you got a chip and a chair

you're still in the game


are we still friends

can we talk in confidence

we got confirmation and a courtesy call

strategically planned

are you still my friend?

you and I never went to a gig on a hill together

im heading to the hill where the bands are gonna blow

im heading to the hill everybody's gonna go

im heading to the hill everyone is gonna go

we all know that the lead guitar man's gonna steal the show


i'll drink enough to keep the brewery working second shift

I'll drink enough to keep the brewery working third shift

when im done drinking i might need to have you give me a lift

you're never fully dressed till you're wearing a smile

never fully fully dressed till you're wearing a smile

Thanks for being my friend today

we're not deprived

it's been a minute since i been to a gig

it's been a minute since i been to a gig

i got happy feet, are you kidding me

no mistakes

If 1 is good 2 gotta be better

if 1 is good two has got to be better

put your work boots on,

that'll hurt ya

got to watch out for that love word

I want to go to a hill with all my friends and get drunk and then get high,

while a rock band blows our ear drums! i let my freak flag fly!

I got a ticket in my pocket and my black t shirt on

that says rock 'n' roll on it and i'm ready for fun

SandHog ago

Man what a fantastic idea for a song. I have a friend just like that lol. That was cool as hell.

crazy_eyes ago

Thanks! Its hilarious that you have a friend that does that! Do they share some sayings with my friend?

SandHog ago

No, there doesn't appear to be and overlap in sayings. Mostly it's just stuff he says when we play Texas Hold 'em.

"Nothing'll stop us now but beer and good sense"

"Push 'em in kids"

"Get'r done" (He really likes that one)

"It's hotter'n two rats fucking in a wool sock"

There's more but those are the ones that immediately spring to mind. Half the time I don't even think he knows he's saying them and he's just repeating them out of habit. It's pretty funny. I haven't seen him in a year or so now but he's the first person I thought of when I saw your post.

crazy_eyes ago

Thats so funny.

I dont think my friend actually knows he is saying those things repeatedly either, they come flying out of his mouth all the damn time.

Nadeshda ago

Oh good Lord that was so much fun, you have no idea my one kid is like Mister bean, the song started the shoulders started going up and down and crazy limbs flying every where doing pure craziness in dance. Seriously the other kids started rolling all over the floor, you know there is consequences to including kids listening to mooosic like this, lol...

The kids say; Very funny Crazy Eyes, that was hilarious and rocking. Write more songs! :D

This had a great rhythm and was sooo much fun!

crazy_eyes ago

It is a toe tapper!

I don't mean to corrupt your children!

Nadeshda ago

They love you now, lol!

crazy_eyes ago


csuiter ago

Great stuff crazy_eyes ... makes me wanna fly my freak flag .... it's been a while

crazy_eyes ago

Thanks csuiter! My buddy is the kind of guy who only drinks about twice a month, but when he does he goes all out and ends up drinking like 40 or 50 cans of beer!

csuiter ago

Mines Jim Beam ... once started ....old habits

crazy_eyes ago

So you can definitely relate!

COF ago

There's wisdom in some of those words to live by. Like the backing track, fits the words well.

crazy_eyes ago

Thanks COF! I made this one cause when I played the Opie is an Idiot song I made a month ago he said you better not make a song about me!

COF ago

That is exactly not the way to accomplish that task. That's like posting a "please upvote this" post. Whateva, I do what I want!

crazy_eyes ago

Hell yeah!

TheBuddha ago

I like it!

crazy_eyes ago

Thank you!

TheBuddha ago

I also kinda want to now meet said friend.

crazy_eyes ago

He's a character. He repeats all those lines so much that you kind of know him already

TheBuddha ago

Most of the people I choose to associate with are 'quite the character!'

Though I'd probably get tired of it always being the same sayings, over and over again. That might bug me after a few days.

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah, you can either be annoyed at the repeating saying or laugh at them. I laugh at them. I got to put are we still friends in the more often, cause he says one a lot.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah. That'd irk me after a while. It's kinda like my lawyer continually asking if I am okay and telling me how sorry he is.

My memory isn't that shitty. I don't need to hear it over and over again.

crazy_eyes ago

I know, apparently his memory is that shitty

TheBuddha ago


PuttsMum ago

*sits back with Jack and coke, headphones at the ready.

TheBuddha ago

The music is already flowing! Grab a track and give it a listen. Your peers make good music. I just get it started. They really make the thread what it is.

PuttsMum ago

The standard of the music in this thread always blows my mind. Voat sure has a lot of hidden musical talent waiting to be discovered.

TheBuddha ago

Most musicians will never be 'discovered.' It's hard to even earn a good wage with your musicianship. They call us starving artists for a reason.

PuttsMum ago

Yep that's the tragedy of it. Just know that ordinary people like me take great delight in listening to the stuff you all produce. The weekly thread always brightens my day - whichever day it is that I eventually stumble on it :)

I regret that my praise does not feed you guys and girls.

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure that there are some goats who'd be willing to accept donations. I'm not one of them.


I wonder...

I could screen and take donations on behalf of goats and then do some math to decide who gets what. I don't need the income, so I'd be well suited for dividing it up - I think.

At the same time, I'm not sure I'd like to accept the risk for potential drama. But... Yeah... It'd be great to be able to support your peer's work. Why do I suspect that'd end up with me doing the majority of donating?!?

I haven't checked v/all. Did @puttitout sticky the thread yet, or is he late again? ;-)

PuttsMum ago

It's a good idea but does have risks if the history of internet collectivism is anything to go by.

@PuttitOut hasn't stickied it yet, he's suffering from dysentery so has gone outside and may be some time (we have him self-fertilize the vegetable garden when he is ill like this. It makes him feel useful).

TheBuddha ago

He'll get around to it. It's also already busy as all hell.

PuttsMum ago

He's done it now. Must be feeling better.

TheBuddha ago

NIce! Thanks for checking. I've dozens of unread messages and only like 4 to 6 hours to get to 'em.

zyklon_b ago

wowser komrade. 19 mudaphawking 90

TheBuddha ago

That's about when Sweet Child O' Mine was released, as I recall.

I take it you listened to it?

zyklon_b ago

yes i was #5 or #6 to listen as was GG

TheBuddha ago

I'm glad you liked it. We had some time to really put that one together. It'd seem like a rush job, to some. But, we actually had quite a bit of practice time and a lot of our shared tracks are just stuff we put together in a few hours. I like to pressure EH into learning things quickly, as the pressure will do her good. This one was one where we had ample time.

zyklon_b ago

very smart to ensure her success. Shit you really are a good deed doer komrade. is an honor to know u bud

TheBuddha ago

I try to be. I try to make good choices. I try to do the right thing, even if nobody is watching.

zyklon_b ago

#me too.


TheBuddha ago

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I figured you would, but I never reveal the FNGT track until the thread opens.

zyklon_b ago

yeah i usually enjoy your taste in things

TheBuddha ago


zyklon_b ago

fade to black one of my faves

TheBuddha ago

I thought you'd like it. That's why I pinged you!

zyklon_b ago

are you gonna do drawgs today?

TheBuddha ago

Just my prescribed drugs and maybe a bit of weed later.

zyklon_b ago

me too plus some beer.

klonopin are very enjoyable but gotta get cleaned out so i pass piss test

TheBuddha ago

I'm still not drinking. I'm actually enjoying the break. I was getting too drunk and doing so too often. I'd started making bad choices. That was the warning and that was when it was time to stop for a while.

I wasn't maintaining. If I can't maintain, I can't do it.

zyklon_b ago

I agree and think is smart if you aint maintaining

TheBuddha ago

I wasn't. A few folks helped point this out to me and I made the decision to take a break. Even a couple of goats were a bit concerned, namely @nadeshda and @cynicaloldfart. Their comments were appreciated and made me do a bit of introspection, which is why I'm not drinking for a while. I have a pretty serious history with alcohol abuse, and I can't do that if I'm not going to maintain.

I fucking lost an entire day, for the most part. What if I'd driven and killed someone? What if I'd committed a major crime? When I woke up, I literally had no idea where I was, how I got there, or even where my car was. I can't be doing that shit. I have obligations and people that depend on me.

zyklon_b ago

at least you are not too burnt out to be self aware!!!

TheBuddha ago


I'll probably go back to my two drink maximum. That's find. I'll just make sure they're big drinks!

zyklon_b ago

try waiting till 1 pm is my trick.

TheBuddha ago

I usually don't drink until much later than that.

Meh... The break is good for me. I'm in the clear, without any withdrawal symptoms. That means it was caught in time. I don't even feel any pressing need to drink. I'm pretty content with taking a break

zyklon_b ago

I never get an urge to drink i just get bored

TheBuddha ago

I get urges, if I've been drinking regularly. I used to need to drink daily, else I'd be sick. I'd go to sleep with a drink on the nightstand and wake up by finishing the drink. I drank daily, as a functional alcoholic. I was actually able to maintain that quite well, but then I retired and it really got out of hand, along with copious amounts of drug use.

So, I have to play carefully.

zyklon_b ago

the 2 worst habits i have had to deal wth is methadone and xanax. i stay away from thos3

TheBuddha ago

Back in the 90s, they were handing xanax out like candy. I was dating crazy chicks and so I always had a ready supply. I'd drink and eat xanny bars - and not remember a damned thing. I woke up in the drunk tank, multiple times. Fortunately, no serious charges were ever filed.

I'm kinda retarded sometimes.

zyklon_b ago

all of my stabbings but 2 was on alcohol n xanax

TheBuddha ago

I've stabbed zero people, as far as I know!

zyklon_b ago

my psychiatrist seems to believe the stabbings aint my fault......

TheBuddha ago

LOL Well, you spun 'em a good yarn, I suspect. Either that or he's humoring you so that you don't come to his office at closing time and stab him!

zyklon_b ago

I aint spin em shit. i got isssues

TheBuddha ago

Also, you might have missed this one, from just back in January. The young ladies did an excellent job with their parts, so it made my job much easier.


TheBuddha ago

I'll agree with the issues part! ;-)

zyklon_b ago

i know

TheBuddha ago

Almost time for you to have your first beer!

I'm watching the opening race of the GT4 European season. It's looking like it's going to be a good season.

zyklon_b ago

i started at 10 this morning cause i had to make a delivery and if i got busted not wanting be in jail sober.

am home safe

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, jail sober sucks. I've spent a weekend, which is nothing compared to you.

I'm watching an older race and taking it easy today.

zyklon_b ago

i gor # # plus 100ct dillys

TheBuddha ago

Nice. I have a bunch of 'em still.

zyklon_b ago

#me too

TheBuddha ago

LOL Mine are legal! ;-)

zyklon_b ago

hahha wutz dat meen???

TheBuddha ago

It means I can crush one up and snort it right in front of a cop and there's not a fucking thing he can do about it.

zyklon_b ago

actually in a lot of districts its a crime. mis use

TheBuddha ago

I don't think it is here. I don't believe there's any law prohibiting it, or enforcing how I do my drugs.

Granted, I'd not snort it - that'd be wasteful!

zyklon_b ago

yup snorting is only gettin like 40% of good shit

TheBuddha ago

I like the warm feeling that I get about 30 minutes after eating it. That next half hour is pretty nice.


I miss the rig. My oxy and my dillies are water soluble. But, I've been takin' 'em the right way this whole time. I'm not gonna start that!

zyklon_b ago

ima bout to dose now

TheBuddha ago

Slacker! I ate my first one at 04:30ish. Then, I did two hours of PT and an hour of guitar practice.

I'm one of those assholes that wakes up early.

zyklon_b ago

yeah i aint getting up till 7 or 8 or later ever!!!!;)

TheBuddha ago

I sometimes wake everyone up for breakfast - but only if it's truly obnoxious, like after a night of heavy partying.

"Get up! I'm making breakfast and I'm only making it once."

I'm kinda an asshole sometimes.

zyklon_b ago

i get us up and take us to a new eatery /truvk stopi found that has the biggest and best breakfats i have ever eaten.

protip: westen omelet with bisquits n grazy n hashbrowns

TheBuddha ago

I miss truck stops. There's a fairly famous one here, but "here" is a long ways away. By 'here' I mean in Maine. It's actually way over near Newport, on the way to Bangor. It's called Dysart's. I'm positive you can look it up, if you're curious.

But, that's the closest. There used to be one in Farmington, but I think they're only now open on one morning per week and I don't know what morning that is. They were open 24/7, but stopped for some reason. I have no idea why, as they generally seemed pretty busy.

zyklon_b ago

i got several of em here just a few miniutes. maybe 10 minutes

TheBuddha ago

Not me. I don't even have a convenience store within 10 minutes. The village is about 24 miles away.

It's also where the grocery trucks turn around, meaning that there's not even much of a grocery store. They literally turn around, as it's the last destination on that route. They drop off and then head back to civilization.

It's a penalty for living so remotely, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I can't even get good Mexican food, Chinese food, or even pizza.

I'm mostly okay with it.

zyklon_b ago

see i live 20 seconds from the lake is reason i picked this area. plus being 96% white.

TheBuddha ago

If I respond honestly to that, it'll seem like bragging. :-/

Fuck it... We're buried in the guitar thread. Only one or two people (besides us) will see it. COF and crazy_eyes will see it, probably. They won't mind.

I own this:

Yup. All of it. It all belongs to me!

However... Maine law insists that I allow public access, due to the size. I'm okay with that - and would have done so anyhow. But, even though I own it, Maine insists I let the public use it. We have pretty good inland fisheries laws. I agree with their law and don't mind a bit.

cynicaloldfart ago

"And the fool on the hill
sees the world spinning round..."

TheBuddha ago

If nothing else, I've got a beautiful view from up here!

cynicaloldfart ago

Lol, see my profile. But I guess you also qualify.

TheBuddha ago

LOL I make some bad choices still. Shit, sometimes I'm straight retarded.

zyklon_b ago

WOW dude. ima camp out there sometime in summer?

TheBuddha ago

Go for it. Just take out everything you bring in and bury your poop. If you stop at the house first, I've got kayaks and a canoe you can borrow. You have to lug 'em in by hand or on an ATV. There's no road, just a trail.

zyklon_b ago

I am in market for atv but am probably going to wait till you are healed as would be retarded not to hang out while there..

that truck stop is really nice.. way cleaneer than here

TheBuddha ago

I don't go camping, as a general rule.

I don't really see a need to go. I already live in the woods and I have a house. I can't think of a good reason to go camping anymore.

zyklon_b ago

well we go to get away from wives and kids

TheBuddha ago

LOL The missus meanders off on her own. She's a true introvert and she's actually not here currently. She has her house in Augusta still, so she's down there for the duration. Amusingly, she's not quite getting away. J, the band member, is actually at the missus' house with her. J goes to school in Augusta.

So, that just leaves me with the eldest hoodlum, though her brother was here earlier. She pesters me, but it's usually because she wants to learn something. She also actually made our breakfast this morning. So, that was pretty helpful.

zyklon_b ago

GG cooks as many times a day as i tell her so thats good.

TheBuddha ago

The missus makes desserts and baked goods. I do the overwhelming majority of cooking. I enjoy it.

I'm watchin' a race. It's racing season and I spent like two years really neglecting my hobby. So, I'm getting back into it. I need a hobby, if I'm going to be working as hard as I'm going to.

zyklon_b ago

i aint ever working except yard work

TheBuddha ago

I like being a bit busy.

zyklon_b ago

Not busy is my thing

TheBuddha ago

I'd get bored. I don't like being bored.

zyklon_b ago

sobriety is not a burden a honky like me shoukd ever bear

TheBuddha ago

I'm very seldom completely sober. I mean, I'm chomping opiates right now.

zyklon_b ago

I am sober for 1st 10 minutes till i shit n brush my teeth. i wait till after i brush cause i am shaky and sometimes makes me vomit

TheBuddha ago

I have pills on my nightstand. I don't sleep long enough (normally) for my last dose to have worn off. I eat one before I'm even out of bed.

This race is awesome, by the way.

zyklon_b ago

which race?

TheBuddha ago

It's one of my favorite series. This is really, really similar to the kind of racing I do with the auto clubs - except most of our cars are older and we don't normally do driver changes. This is endurance sport car racing.

Give it a watch, if you want. You'll probably have questions - as it's unlikely you've seen any of this kind of racing before. If you have questions, I probably know the answer.


This is "Clown World," a Voat collaboration with @not_saying_a_thing, who wrote the refrain on which this is based. I never would've bothered with this shit if not for his post. He's a pretty cool guy, I heard a rumor that he's like six foot twenty and fuckin' kills folks for fun.

The song is a variation of Mad World. Here's a version by Gary Jules as accompaniment. If you want to earn your stars and stripes in the Great Meme Wars, sing, record, then upload this somewhere like Catbox. Hope you like it! If you don't, go fuck yourself. Heil Honkler. o/

So surrounded by these foreign faces

Other races, less white spaces

Diversity in all the workplaces

Going nowhere, foreign warfare

Too few fear them filling up our nations

TV stations push invasions

Your resistance is a racist statement

Face debasement, then replacement

And I find it kinda funny

I find it kinda sad

To think that my own mommy's

Now my fat transvestite dad

And the media is lying

That you're wicked in white skin

So I'm gazing out and sighing

At millions of Mexicans

It's a crazy circus

Clown world

Children born into a Third World future

Dying birth rates, dying birthdays

White girls trade 'em for work at computers

Just commuters, just consumers

Went to school to learn that I was evil

Gassed the masses, harassed lasses

Why's my teacher call these strangers peaceful

"Whites are fascists," passed my classes

And I find it kinda funny

I find it kinda sad

To think that my own mother's

Now my fat transvestite Dad

And the media is lying

That you're wicked in white skin

So I'm gazing out and sighing

At millions of Mexicans

It's a crazy circus

Clown world

Browning up your world

Clown world

ThoughtTheDragon ago


... And oddly absent: the appreciation from the greater Voat community.

csuiter ago

Absolutely OUTSTANDING !!! Nadeshda

srayzie ago

Damn! This really needs to be made into a song. This is deep. Great job guys. I’m very impressed.

@Crensch @Kevdude @Vindicator @Shizy @MolochHunter

Shizy ago

Love it!

nigger_plz ago

Well done you two. Was hoping you'd add vocals girl.
It's a ... clown world.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @SandHog.

Posted automatically (#33585) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SandHog ago

Brings a tear to my eye to hear some sweet voat collaboration efforts. This is great!

ArielQflip ago

WOW! That's the saddest ever. Get over that!

SandHog ago

Get over your identity and then get back to me.

ArielQflip ago

You bet don't you?

not_saying_a_thing ago

six foot twenty and fuckin' kills folks for fun

Rumor has it that I once held an opponent's wife's hand in a party. It's tosh, naturally. I do, however, have a pocket full of horses.

This is a fucking masterwork. Thank you for finishing it.

not_saying_a_thing ago

I'm duly impressed here.

Nadeshda ago

I will try hook up tonight and do this for you.

MadWorld ago

You are too fucking awesome!!! I shall control my emotion...

Nadeshda ago

Eesh now don’t go too far off the treadmill with that one...

srayzie ago

This was amazing!

crazy_eyes ago

I was thinking that you could do this great when i listened to the example song with the piano playing!

Nadeshda ago

I have just recorded it and transferring to mp3 as we speak :)

SandHog ago

I know it's been a while since I told you that you are amazing. I've been kinda busy lately but just wanted to remind you that you are amazing! :D

Nadeshda ago

No u! :D

blushes, smiles dude I am just a person on Voat and something, somewhere happened and it worked... hoorah!

Wow talk about busy any other night I would have missed this by more then a mile...

SandHog ago

It's so cool how it just came together out of the blue.

Nadeshda ago

Dude, it bamboozles me frankly, clearly this was meant to happen... praise the LORD...

SandHog ago

Amen :)


Good goat. Knock it out of the park, Nadeshda.

Nadeshda ago

Are you ready? Here we go Sir

Mad World Rendition by a goat on Voat:

@thebuddha @crazy_eyes @COF @expertshitposter @Rotteuxx

Who am I missing that would appreciate this?

LostandFound ago

Ah you fucking hero ! Bravo very well done !

Nadeshda ago

Thank you for listening Sir! Thanks to the guys who wrote lyrics and gave the opportunity, I am not a hero just an average being on Voat. Have a wonderful day!

ExpertShitposter ago

God damn!!!! Gj both you and @RAW_UNCENSORED_FACTS

Nadeshda ago

Thanks for listening ESP!


What a fucking masterpiece, put it in the Wordsmithsonian. My hat's off to you.

Nadeshda ago

geez flanks mister it was you guys that started it, thanks for putting it there and asking... much appreciated as it was awesomely written. If you guys want to do more stuff just let me know...


My comment with our lyrics is the top comment in this thread, so into the very top of it I edited your link next to a big bold caps line because you deserve more exposure than to be buried down here in a comment thread. You should post this as its own topic.

Nadeshda ago

Oh Sir I didn’t do it for exposure, I did it becase you asked and it was in my capabilities to do it tonight. I love that song btw... that certainly helped :)

PS: see what I said to @not_saying_a_thing here for context...


I believe you. I'll definitely remember your offer to record other stuff for me. You're the biggest thing on Voat right now, Nadeshda. The biggest. When I was a lad, the doctors always told me I'd have a big pianist. I didn't know what the hell they were on about, but it all makes sense now. Cheers!

crazy_eyes ago

Sweet! You really captured the mood of the song in that rendition. Great job!

TheBuddha ago

Everyone, I presume.

Nadeshda ago

okay you want me to put a special entry on the top right? Not hidden in a comment? I read yer mind sometimes.... ya know...

TheBuddha ago

But of course.

Nadeshda ago

Done :)

Nadeshda ago

^ @not_saying_a_thing @majb

Look above :)

majb ago

That was very well done. Thank you for that!!

not_saying_a_thing ago

Wow. Nicely fucking done right here. Hard to believe this went from some extremely tired shit posting to an actual thing that happened. Thank you for uploading this.

Nadeshda ago

It’s amazing what can happen when we stand together! I am as much stoked as you, any other night and this couldn’t happen, I have been struggling for years to get my recording stuff, months trying to figure it out, then it went into storage several months then I moved.

It’s been one helluva journey till now @thebuddha can confirm.

It was meant to happen tonight... or so I guess... :)

TheBuddha ago

It's a grand conflagration.

As I've oft said, I just put the thread here and show it can be done. You folks do the real work. I just throw hours at it.

Nadeshda ago


Now that’s a very interesting word to use, I would love for you to explain what that means to you, in your own words one day... hopefully soon.

TheBuddha ago

A giant fire that is threatening.

Nadeshda ago

Yikes... should I run for cover?

TheBuddha ago

Nah... It's too late. The thread has bloomed and you're stuck being a contributor now.

I read all the comments this morning. We're a damned mess!

Nadeshda ago

Yikes that bad? I haven’t made it through tge whole thread yet, not for lack of trying though. My goodness Sir it snowballed, what have we done, ahem, I mean you... ;)

Pancakes may save the day, yet again...

TheBuddha ago

I made more typos and bizarre comments than normal! The thread was also all over the place and it was insanely busy. We were at about 100 comments per hour. From now on, that metric is called CPH, just so you know.

That's insanely fast. 60 CPH is insanely fast.

It's a good thing, I guess.

Nadeshda ago

It was pretty darn crazy and fast paced last night. I step away for a couple of weeks and you created a beast if a thread! Wow man... hopefully I will talk to you soon, I cannot be here every Friday as I have some commitments to tend to at times but certainly when I can be here, I will help as much as I can. You kniw this... the typos, lol... I need no encouragement in this department as I am a natural! :) lol

TheBuddha ago

I should have ample free time this coming week. We should babble at one another.

Nadeshda ago

Awesome; remember Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and the Babel fish? Well, I will make sure to have the proper install then...

TheBuddha ago

I actually enjoyed the movie. It's a rare time when I enjoy the movie as much as I enjoyed the books.

Nadeshda ago

The book was one of my favorites growing up, think it’s possibly time to read again. Did you see the BBC series back in the day?

TheBuddha ago

No, I never did get around to watching the series - nor did I listen to the radio broadcasts.

I've never really been all that big on movies and television. I did read the entire HHGTTG book series, however.

Nadeshda ago

Yeah me too about reading the whole series though. I heard the series is pretty good as well as the audio, may look into that this and see if I can get hold of it for the kids. Hopefully they read the book first though, but they are a bit young still.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, but the books are excellent.

I'm gonna watch some live racing!

majb ago

I would love to hear a version of this with recorded vocals.

crazy_eyes ago

You can now

zyklon_b ago

@gothamgirl 1990 ♡♡♡♡♡♡

zyklon_b ago


PuttsMum ago

That's 0661 down here, buddy.

zyklon_b ago

kkkrikkkee m8. throw anuddah shrimp.on da barbee....


TheBuddha ago


zyklon_b ago

i was hypnotized for bout 5 minutes while listening n the attack dogs was too.

mooosique sooofz da savedhe beest mane!!!

TheBuddha ago

Glad ya liked it!

csuiter ago

Evening everyone this is a tv show on a local cable station I did last year ... I hope you like it ...

cynicaloldfart ago

Finally got the time to watch and pay attention, and boy was it worth it. Thank you for posting this! Putting yourself out there takes some guts and now I feel like I know you so much better. This may sound weird, but you remind me a lot of Joni Mitchell. Part of the reason for her success has been noted as her being one of the first singer/songwriters to drop pretenses and just sing about her life and how she feels. You're like that and it comes through so clear, as a real person having lived/living a real life. We are so blessed to have come here and share your talents with us and I know many are very grateful. I always look forward to hearing you. God bless you, sir.

csuiter ago

It is so rare when people get what I'm trying to do... What you wrote is perhaps one of the best comments someone has ever given me. Most of the songs I write come from personal experience ... with a little create licence added where appropriate. For the most part I try to keep it real, and I am the blessed one, I thank every single one of you for all of the kindness shown to me here. MANY blessings to you cynicaloldfart you have made my day. Carl

C_Corax ago

That some good stuff old man. I think you're gaining quite the fan club around these parts. Me being one of them.

csuiter ago

Thanks C_Corax most appreciated

SandHog ago

I really dig your singing. And the picking is mighty fine too!

csuiter ago

Thank you Sandhog

nigger_plz ago

Listened to the first one and it is great. Man you're really good. Pickin' and a grinnin'...Hee Haw. I loved that show.

csuiter ago

Thanks I very much appreciate the kind words

billyvvinz ago

Songs from the Hankytonk, looking forward to it. Hope I didn't butcher the title.

"This is the porch, you don't have to play anything you don't want to."

"Just have to retune!" Haha, love it.

You're really good at what you do, Mr. Suiter.

csuiter ago

You got the title perfect billyvvinz.. thanks for the kind words

crazy_eyes ago

Sound great!

csuiter ago

Thanks crazy_eyes

COF ago

Same here. Be sure and check back in tomorrow or Sunday to see the comments. It's rather hard to wait to hear it, I'm assured it is top quality.

nigger_plz ago

Are you no longer cynicaloldfart? Is it because everybody on Voat is that?

COF ago

Yes I am both. It was mentioned by some people who were too damned lazy to type 11 characters for pings, so I fired up this old account for them. But I quickly ran into limits and thresholds on voting and posting so I'm having to play Where's Waldo for a while so I can build up enough "my precious" points on this one. I check and use both as I remember to, I refuse to go gentle into that good night.

Now as I listen to that, I think I'm going to propose next week that some goat write a song with that. Would be interesting, I think.

csuiter ago

I will do that COF ... and in the future will limit to a single track ... Your comment is most appreciated

COF ago

I've sent several of my kids, and other users, a link to your soundcloud account. They're all very appreciative of your work and really enjoy them.

csuiter ago

I appreciate that COF ... thanks for the kind words and support it means a lot to me

COF ago

Oh no, post all you want. I enjoy vids even more than just static pics. I always look forward to hearing your work.

TheBuddha ago

It's too long for me to listen to while the thread is on-going, but I will listen to it tomorrow during the day! I'm sure it's a treat, as always.

I try to listen to every track, every week, and comment on them. As such, I can't spend 30 minutes on just one track. I'm positive that I'll enjoy it.

And, curiously, I've been on public access television many times, but never as a musician.

csuiter ago

Noted ... from now on I will keep it to one track ...

poptical-illusionist ago

Some of us just come here to check things out and have more time than The Buddha.

Oh, yeah guys my cell phone has been crazy for the last weeks, but I resolved the issue and will be back listening and commenting. Sorry, but my other device is the PC and doesn't lend itself to the portability I need. Also I use the PC for the Internet radio, so it won't play an additional sound source for me to listen on it.

TheBuddha ago

Oh, other folks will surely listen - so that's fine. I just won't have time until either late tonight or tomorrow. I can't devote that much time to a single track, because the thread gets pretty busy.

It's all good, though I do usually suggest folks limit themselves to two or three tracks per thread - but that's so they don't burn out or run out of stuff to share. You go right ahead and share what you want. We're not big on formal rules.

carlip ago

like a bow tie or what?

TheBuddha ago

Anything you want, I suppose.

TheBuddha ago

Good evening and welcome to another edition of our Friday Night Guitar Thread. Like normal, I'll go ahead and get you started.

This week, we're going to rock you like you've never been rocked before! This week, you get EH on rhythm, J on bass, and me playing the lead. We had time enough to put this together for you, as it was a fairly uneventful week.

Put your hands together for the Eldest Hoodlum and TheBuddha Band (With a Guest) as we share Guns N Roses' Sweet Child O' Mine!

This is my guitar student, in whom I am well pleased!

I'm not sure how late I can stay with you tonight, but you don't need me for anything. (J is not here and EH is sleepy, so we'll see how late we can stay.)

Rock on, goats. Rock on.

SandHog ago

Fantastic. Better be careful or you'll end up in more bands than you want to be in lol !

TheBuddha ago

Nah, I'm going back into retirement ASAP.

SandHog ago

Wait, I thought you were taking up a new career as a grease monkey?! Someone has to keep that car running.

TheBuddha ago

Nah, that's just a hobby.

billyvvinz ago

you guys need a drum track! sounds mint man.

TheBuddha ago

I had no time or motivation. I am well schooled in percussion.

If you enjoy that, I'll see if I can find another one.

billyvvinz ago

if my wife wasn't asleep i'd already be learning (and playing) that GnR song with your students. tomorrow!

TheBuddha ago

We'd love to hear you!

The thread is open all week, until next Friday. It slows down in a few hours - or maybe goes all the way until Sunday.

You now have zero excuses! ;-)

Nadeshda ago

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Excellent as per usual, the kids are grabbing the accoustic, rocking and dancing! Nicely done!

S my middle says: Pretty good and very impressed with your student. T my youngest says: Your student did a very good job. E my oldest says: @thebuddha you are a very good guitar teacher and I am really impressed with your student, please tell her that she plays very well!

They are all very impressed and all say that you are a very good teacher!

TheBuddha ago

"Thank you [real name]. It wasn't hard to play but it was a challenge to get the tone right."

She's getting better every day. In 10 years, she'll be pretty good - if she sticks with it.

Nadeshda ago

You are a darling young lady and I so very happy you are there!!! Oodles even, I hope you like hugs, I am a hugger!

TheBuddha ago

"Thank you, ma'am."

csuiter ago

That's pretty damned awesome ... Great playing

TheBuddha ago

"Thank you! Your voice reminds me of a guy my mom listens to."

(She means Randy Travis.)

At my end, I'm just glad you enjoyed it.

csuiter ago

I used to cover a bunch of Randy Travis music back in my band days. I'm envious of your lead playing, I've tried playing lead but it always comes off mechanical and boring

TheBuddha ago

Thanks. I've invested a lot of time.

Vrblpollushin ago

Fucking excellent! Time was nailed! Tone was nailed! Good jam!

TheBuddha ago

"Thank you. It gave me a reason to play my GLP." (That's my student/the eldest hoodlum.)

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Do you play?

Vrblpollushin ago

Yeah, I do. Just not so much anymore. Life hits you fast. I have 4 kids, And a fifth on the way. And I work alot. But I miss it every day.

TheBuddha ago

I've spent the past 50 years practicing diligently. I'm not good so much as I'm well practiced.

A rough guess would be that I've had a guitar in my hands for more than 55,000 hours.

It wasn't even my main job (usually)!

crazy_eyes ago

That sounds fucking great! I love the way you play slash's parts! EH was fucking rocking it tonight too! Fucking Awesome!

TheBuddha ago

"Thank you, crazy!"

I'm glad ya liked it. I enjoy ripping out a good GnR song now and then. I'm pretty sure you once accused me of having Slash chained up in my basement!

crazy_eyes ago

I most certainly did accuse you of that!

TheBuddha ago

I consider that a great compliment!

crazy_eyes ago

It was!

TheBuddha ago

I actually have a Slash hat. I bought it at a fair. I'm pretty sure I still have it. My hair isn't quite back to being long enough to look like him.

crazy_eyes ago

Cool. You should pull it out and put it on at the shows when you play GNR

TheBuddha ago

I used to do exactly that. That's why I bought it.

I have more clothing than anybody you know - including all the women you know. I have entire closets full of stage clothing that has been accumulated over a lifetime. It's seriously a huge collection. I have hundreds of outfits.

crazy_eyes ago

Do you change a lot during the shows?

TheBuddha ago

Yup. With the Slash hat I'd even say something like, "Hold on. I need to get costumed up and channel the master himself!"

I also do clothing changes after most sets. Bare minimum, I'm gonna change my shirt.

crazy_eyes ago


You're the consummate entertainer!

TheBuddha ago

I try to be. I'm told I have a commanding presence and that I usually the most interesting person in the room.

COF ago

You definitely earn an honorary top hat for that one. And the young ladies are as strong and tight as ever. I've heard a snippet of you doing Axel so you should do the vocal track on one of these GnR songs. Very nice work, all!

TheBuddha ago

Pfffttt... I play better than Slash! (Not really.)

EH: Thank you! It wasn't too hard. I just learned it this week.

J: Not here to comment. Strangely enough, I believe she's staying at the missus' house tonight. I'm sure she'd say thanks, however.

She's reaching the point where she's able to more rapidly learn stuff. She's been putting her hours in.