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SandHog ago

Speaking of collaboration have you heard this yet?

MadWorld ago

This song needs more exposure!! It is fucking amazing!!

SandHog ago

I fucking love voat. We need someone who's savy with video or animation to add another element to it!

MadWorld ago

The song deserves more exposure. Perhaps other Goats can pick up the work from there.

SandHog ago

Hopefully @RAW_UNCENSORED_FACTS or @Nadeshda will post it as a stand alone submission in v/whatever or something (hint hint). I'm not gonna do it because I didn't have any part in it and they deserve the credit. More people need to hear it though!

Nadeshda ago

A video would be nice, good idea...

SandHog ago

Yeah, I think so. Something like this would be awesome.

Nadeshda ago

That was a very good recording and the video was very well done, they sounded great!

wooo I laffed out loud at the 10 000 retards parts, just lol man.

I am glad you shared that with me... thx flan ;)

SandHog ago

That's one of my favorite things that came out of the meme war of 2016. It's really well done. Plus it's one of my favorite songs of all time alongside Mad World ;)

Nadeshda ago

Ahem, Clown world, member... hehe

SandHog ago

Kek. Sweet dreams :)