SandHog ago

Speaking of collaboration have you heard this yet?

MadWorld ago

This song needs more exposure!! It is fucking amazing!!

SandHog ago

I fucking love voat. We need someone who's savy with video or animation to add another element to it!

MadWorld ago

The song deserves more exposure. Perhaps other Goats can pick up the work from there.

SandHog ago

Hopefully @RAW_UNCENSORED_FACTS or @Nadeshda will post it as a stand alone submission in v/whatever or something (hint hint). I'm not gonna do it because I didn't have any part in it and they deserve the credit. More people need to hear it though!

Nadeshda ago

A video would be nice, good idea...

SandHog ago

Yeah, I think so. Something like this would be awesome.

Nadeshda ago

That was a very good recording and the video was very well done, they sounded great!

wooo I laffed out loud at the 10 000 retards parts, just lol man.

I am glad you shared that with me... thx flan ;)

SandHog ago

That's one of my favorite things that came out of the meme war of 2016. It's really well done. Plus it's one of my favorite songs of all time alongside Mad World ;)

Nadeshda ago

Ahem, Clown world, member... hehe

SandHog ago

Kek. Sweet dreams :)

SandHog ago

My thumper is my most prized possession.

Shizy ago

It makes everything blue.

Damn democrats ruin everything!

srayzie ago

Get help you sick fuck!

Look guys. He doesn’t even want to change his ways.

@Shizy @think- @Vindicator @Lauraingalls @Bopper

think- ago

He needs to marry a good, Christian woman like @lauraingalls.

She can show him how to be a decent person, and a gentleman.

Maybe @Empress could help, too.

@kevdude @bopper @Shizy

Lauraingalls ago

I have no interest in converting a monster to the Christian Faith. I like GOOD MEN ONLY.

think- ago

I have no interest in converting a monster to the Christian Faith. I like GOOD MEN ONLY.

That's a pity, but I respect your choice, Laura. Maybe we can find him a good Christian woman on Reddit.

God bless.

@srayzie @Shizy @kevdude @SandHog @bopper

Lauraingalls ago

Not a PITY at all. Good women DESERVE GOOD MEN. That shouldn't be hard to understand.

think- ago

I think @kevdude was a good man, Laura. Before his addiction started, you know. As I said yesterday, he even read the Bible regularly when he still lived in his mum's basement.

Maybe he should move in with her again? Also, have you maybe been to Reddit, and can you recommend a good subverse over there, where he could find some decent people?

I feel Voat is full of sinners. Not a good environment for someone who needs to repent, and find the Lord again.

@srayzie @Shizy @SandHog @bopper

Lauraingalls ago

Never been to Reddit and that poor man is a mess from your description. Voat is full of some very bad sinners. Sorry I can't help more.

think- ago

Ok, thank you, Laura. Unfortunately, I have never been to Reddit either.

@srayzie @Shizy @SandHog @bopper @Crensch

Lauraingalls ago

YW. It might have been a better place THERE. I really had no idea what I was getting into when I signed up here. I had this naive idea it was going to be Q followers and MAYBE some jerks but there are a LOT of sick people here.

srayzie ago

I was just like you when I started Laura!

Lauraingalls ago

Yes, SAD.

think- ago

I think there are no Q subverses on Reddit anymore, Laura. Everybody moved here. I think you will get tougher over time, and get used to people here.

@srayzie @Shizy @SandHog @bopper @Crensch

Lauraingalls ago

Not so sure. I'm debating on staying or not. I like being around GOOD people. So I don't know. I don't HAVE to be here. I'm not really sure there is a reason to stay. I will have to think about it more. It has been MORE of a disappointment than a PLUS in my life.

SandHog ago

Reddit is full of nothing but communists and transgendered weirdos. All they want to do is talk about Marx and have cyber-sex with each other. It's disgusting!

think- ago

Marx? Isn't that a cat breed??

You mean Reddit is full of guys in skirts who talk about cats? o_O

@srayzie @Shizy @bopper @Lauraingalls @Crensch

SandHog ago

Maybe it is Manx. All I know is that they incessantly talk about whores and communism. I went there once and some Colored Person sent me the dirtiest picture I have ever seen and then asked me if I was "dtf", whatever that means.

srayzie ago

You’re thinking of manx silly lol

think- ago

There is no cat called Marx?! ;-P

@SandHog @Shizy @bopper @Crensch @Lauraingalls

srayzie ago

Maybe if the owner named him that 😁

srayzie ago

I think he should move back to his moms basement because she kept his ass in check!

think- ago

Exactly!! :-)

think- ago

@Crensch: please see parent.

think- ago

srayzie ago

I don’t blame you Laura. @Kevdude would taint you.

@think- @shizy @Vindicator @bopper

think- ago

@Crensch @SandHog: please see parent.

Lauraingalls ago

SAME THING. The word Nazi is short for Nationalsozialist (supporter of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) in the German language. This means "National Socialist German Workers' Party".

think- ago


srayzie ago

See guys? He admits it! Kevdude inhales the spice from the desert worms!

@LauraIngalls @Think- @Shizy @Vindicator @Crensch

bopper ago

Depends on the worm, brown with the little horns, yes, but the solid green ones it's just a placebo effect.

"Horns with brown, time to get down. Solid green, won't make you scream."

That's the maxim, like the coral snake, "poison lack," you get the picture.

think- ago

"Horns with brown, time to get down. Solid green, won't make you scream."

rolls on floor

@srayzie @Shizy

srayzie ago

Wow lol

srayzie ago

Oh no. You do it too. 😮

think- ago

Gosh, it seems to be an epidemic.

Suggestion: You might want to add some self-help info to the sidebar of v/GreatAwakening.

'How to get away from desert worm spice.'

Everybody talks about the opioid crisis, but nobody talks about desert worm spice. I guess the MSM cover it up.

Maybe Q could do a post about it? This would certainly lead to more awareness!!

@Shizy @bopper @Crensch @LauraIngalls @SandHog

SandHog ago

It's terrible. I tried it once at Burning Man back in the 1990s and started seeing Demons everywhere I looked. I took off running across the desert to try and get away from them but they kept chasing me and I blacked out. Later I woke up in the Care tent restrained to a gurney and clutching the remains of a snake. The people at the Care tent told me I was chewing on it when they found me and mumbling about jews and the Synagogue of Satan. My feet were all tore up because I lost my shoes somewhere along the way. That was the longest most awful weekend of my life. I even had to get shots because of the snake and I hate needles!

I've never touched the stuff since. I'm told if someone uses it enough they can catch glimpses of the future and people use it to wager on sporting events in order to feed their habit. I don't remember seeing into the future when I did it. I don't remember much of anything at all. All I did was lose my shoes, eat a snake and shit my pants. That was enough for me to never touch that stuff again. It was horrible and I still have nightmares about Demons chasing me across the desert and I can only run in slow-motion.

If @kevdude is a long-term heavy user he must be completely insane at this point. I bet it's turned his eyes completely orange by now. He does give good gambling tips though so I overlook a lot of his insanity. Thank god we have @srayzie to keep him in line or he would completely overwhelm this forum with his mad ramblings and prophecies.

srayzie ago

Wow thank you for this Sandhog.

See the above comment (parent) from Sandhog. It helps to understand why @Kevdude is so royally fucked in the head!

@Lauraingalls @Shizy @think- @Bopper

SandHog ago

Now you know why I call myself SandHog. It was the most horrifying thing that has ever happened to me.

srayzie ago

Poor Sandhog 😣

srayzie ago

I think it’s pretty rare. Most people choose other stimulants. @Kevdude is just WEIRD

Lauraingalls ago


think- ago

Lauraingalls ago

I think he is a CRAZY STALKER, on Drugs.

srayzie ago

Well Laura doesn’t like him!

think- ago

Hmm, too bad. Maybe he could invite her over to go to a bible group meeting together?

He just needs to keep trying!! Good luck, Kev!!

@kevdude @bopper @Crensch @LauraIngalls @Shizy

Lauraingalls ago

PLEASE, like I need a LUNATIC in my life.

Lauraingalls ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago


Lauraingalls ago

I seem to scare you people as much as Q does. Maybe you need to get off the DRUGS and BOOZE and get JOBS instead of being paid by SOROS.

srayzie ago

Triggly! Ask her from another sub 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻😘

Lauraingalls ago


srayzie ago

I already deleted it

Lauraingalls ago

Here I am at work, on Lunch, and check in, and see these INSANE DRUG ADDICTS NEVER QUIT.

srayzie ago

@Kevdude once told me that he’s into absinthe and that he inhales the spice from desert worms. Just ignore the sick fuck Laura.

argosciv ago

You're always able to make me laugh even at the worst times xD

Fuck ya.

srayzie ago

Thanks! <3

Shizy ago


think- ago

and that he inhales the spice from desert worms

Yes, I heard the rumours about inhaling spice from desert worms as well!!


@kevdude @bopper @Crensch

bopper ago

I don't do that crap, the Native Americans did that, just the thought is disgusting.

And it WILL kill brain cells I don't care what anybody says.

think- ago

And it WILL kill brain cells I don't care what anybody says.

Agree. It basically dissolves the brain in no time.

@srayzie @Shizy @kevdude @Crensch

srayzie ago

Maybe that’s why he is such an asshole @Bopper

think- ago

Pleeeaaase, @srayzie!! No bashing of your fellow Americans, ok?

This is Voat!!! We should all love and accept each other!!!

@bopper @kevdude @Shizy @Crensch @LauraIngalls

srayzie ago

I try @Think-

Sometimes the truth hurts but needs to be said!

think- ago

@srayzie, please make an appointment with your pastor asap.

@bopper @kevdude @Shizy @Crensch @LauraIngalls

Shizy ago

I heard @Srayzie was asked by her pastor not to return to church until she learns to dress in a more modest and respectful manner!

srayzie ago

@Kevdude spread that rumor when I revealed that he inhales the spice from desert worms! He was being a spiteful dick!

think- ago


srayzie ago

Maybe you should make an appointment with yours 🖕🏻

think- ago

He refuses to give me more appointments. He says talking to me five days a week is enough!!! :-P

@bopper @Shizy @kevdude @Crensch @LauraIngalls

srayzie ago

You need Q

think- ago

I doubt this will help. But I would even join the Qult if I can got a dinner date with Stephen Miller!! :-P

@bopper @kevdude @Shizy @Crensch @LauraIngalls

srayzie ago

Haha you think he’s hot?

think- ago

Haha you think he’s hot?

Oops....I thought you meant my pastor!!!

So please disregard my comment below...

(Note to self: stop replying to comments from your inbox.)

Ahem - regarding Stephen Miller - well....he is likeable I guess...

....but I also could make @EricKaliberhall jealous!!! He has a bromance with him!!! :-P

@bopper @Shizy @Crensch @LauraIngalls

srayzie ago

Lmao Eric!

think- ago

think- ago

He's one of those guys - but I won't tell you which one!!!

@bopper @Shizy @kevdude @Crensch @LauraIngalls

srayzie ago


think- ago

@EricKaliberhall:please see parent.

srayzie ago

You’ve got issues then girlfriend

think- ago

No, I don't have issues because my very private Bible studies with my cherished pastor keeps me from having issues!!

I don't understand why his wife said I should stop texting him though...

@bopper @kevdude @Shizy @Crensch @LauraIngalls

srayzie ago

Oh no ;)

think- ago


think- ago

Now doing a 101 Alinsky, huh? :-P

@bopper @kevdude @Shizy @Crensch @LauraIngalls

srayzie ago

Who? Jk 🙄

bopper ago

Okay, your words, not mine. I'm still into all the peace and love stuff that my generation is well-known for. I hate all the boomer hate on Voat, it's sick.

srayzie ago

Stay strong Bopper! Lord knows I try!

srayzie ago

I can’t get thru to him Think-! I never know if he’s back to drinking or if he keeps sneaking off to the desert. He wasn’t here much for weeks so I have my suspicions. I’m all for transparency. That’s why I’m just coming out with it.

think- ago

That's concerning. Forget the absinthe, we should focus on getting him away from the desert worm stuff.

Does anyone know a self-help group in his area?

@bopper @kevdude @Crensch @Shizy

srayzie ago

No clue!

think- ago

Somebody should call his pastor, and inform him.

Maybe he will stop if he goes to Church more often!

@bopper @kevdude @LauraIngalls @Shizy @Crensch

bopper ago

You can't help people who don't want help.

think- ago

Sadly, that's true, but I am sure @kevdude has signalled he wants help!!

It was hidden in the copypasta he posted earlier today. I think it was when he talked about being a Samurai!!

@srayzie @Shizy @Crensch @LauraIngalls

Shizy ago

I think all that samurai talk was @kevdude trying to come out as a homosexual.

Seems most samurai were actually gay:

srayzie ago

Smart thinking Shizy!

Shizy ago

And did you noticed I tried really hard not to call him a faggot? I'm trying this new thing where I respect people's feelings. Even faggots!

You're welcome @kevdude 🤣

think- ago

Glad that you agree that @kevdude used secret code when identifying as a Samurai. He might want to explain himself.

@srayzie @bopper @Crensch @LauraIngalls

Shizy ago

Yeah really, of all the types of warriors he could have referenced, he chooses the notoriously gay ones!

There are no coincidences!

@srayzie @bopper

srayzie ago

Maybe that’s why he has addiction issues.

Shizy ago

He's numbing the pain.

Both emotional and physical pain that comes from being a bottom!

srayzie ago

You’re probably right. What a shame. I think @Kevdude is avoiding us because he doesn’t want to admit that he’s got issues!

Lauraingalls ago

He needs help and so do a LOT of people here.

think- ago

Agree. Maybe we could organize a bible distribution program for the folks here.

I'm sure many people would be very grateful for having a bible.

@srayzie @kevdude @Shizy @Crensch @bopper

Lauraingalls ago

Many people HERE need a Bible.

think- ago

srayzie ago

I would send him one but he won’t give me his address. He’s afraid that I’ll show up and stage an Intervention.

think- ago

Hmm....maybe @LauraIngalls could try to get his address, and send him one.... I think he started to like her now!

@kevdude @bopper @Crensch @Shizy

Lauraingalls ago

PLEASE! Maybe the POLICE can get his address.

srayzie ago

He invited her to join a sub but then gets mad at her and tells her off 🙄

think- ago

Didn't he want to make her a honoray member of one of his subs? @kevdude?

@bopper @Shizy @Crensch @LauraIngalls

bopper ago

I think maybe he's also homosexual but I wouldn't say that publicly. I have to take anti-anxiety meds right now, I'll check with you all later.

@srayzie take care love

think- ago

@bopper, please take your meds, and come back later when you've had a rest! I think the meds will help you to understand that @kevdude is as straight as a man can be!

Love & Peace to y'all!!

@srayzie @Shizy @Crensch @LauraIngalls

srayzie ago

Don’t forget your breathing treatment Bopper. Watch your sugar. I know how you get when stressed.

What a mess @Think- @Shizy

think- ago

Never underestimate the effect of a good breathing exercise!! (NOT to be confused with inhaling, though...)

@bopper @kevdude @Shizy @Crensch @LauraIngalls

srayzie ago

It works great for anxiety!

think- ago

Well, yes, but I'm glad he has his meds too, since he seems to forget his breathing exercises to often!!

@bopper @Shizy @Kevdude @Crensch

srayzie ago

Yes but he takes A LOT OF MEDS

srayzie ago

He desperately needs to attend church!

think- ago

He desperately needs to attend church!

Definitely! At least twice a week, and we should look for a good bible group for him, too!!

@bopper @kevdude @Shizy @Crensch @LauraIngalls

Lauraingalls ago

He needs a BIBLE.

think- ago

I heard he had several, but left them behind when he moved out of his mum's basement.

@srayzie @kevdude @Shizy @bopper @Crensch

srayzie ago

That explains it!

think- ago

srayzie ago

That would be wonderful if we could find him support like that

bopper ago

Not sure where he's from but if it's like Arizona or something it's probably not gonna work.

think- ago

But we must do something to save him!! He's a fellow goat!!

@srayzie @kevdude @Shizy @Crensch

Lauraingalls ago

That WAS A THREAD, not just a comment. Glad it was deleted. THANKS.

srayzie ago

Yes I deleted the thread

srayzie ago

bopper ago

I think that Kevdude must be on Ketamine or some equivalent. If he has access to a veterinarian it would be easy to acquire such a substance.


srayzie ago

That makes sense too

Lauraingalls ago

The amount of incredibly sick people here must break a record. Not sure Q can fix all the sick people running around. Never ending supply of them. Kevdude needs a job and to stay off whatever drug he takes. I heard 2 people made up names like mine on here to fool people. SICK.

bopper ago

@srayzie knows more about Kevdude than me cause she's a mod (and trying her best to deal with all this crap). There's hope for that guy if he's not opposed to rehab, but I don't know exactly what substance he's abusing and I feel bad just even speculating about it but then why should I, Voat is for everybody. Just sayin.

Vindicator ago

Srayzie is great mod. :-)

My sides

srayzie ago

I try to talk him into staying away the desert.

bopper ago

Well I try to stay away from the hard stuff. Proud of you srayzie.

srayzie ago

Thanks Bopper!

srayzie ago

I remember that 😁

srayzie ago

I know. It’s a shame Laura. A shame!

clamhurt_legbeard ago


TurquoiseLover ago

How old are you? 2?

Rotteuxx ago

She probably hasn't has her bat mitzvah yet since she's working hard for shekels, so I say 11

RedPillRuthie ago

Are you trying to talk about Laura Ingraham? Laura Ingalls was in Little House on the Prairie. You're a jerk.

Lauraingalls ago

These people are SO SICK.

Murphman64 ago

Hahahahahahahahaha thanks for the cheer up. I needed that.

DamoclesofBenghazi ago


Gross I didn’t know! She looks nothing like hunched Joy Behar wringing her hands

zyklon_b ago

6 milliom

DamoclesofBenghazi ago

Would tap, gonna fap